889 resultados para Geographical distribution pattern


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Parmi les lignées des Caesalpinioideae (dans la famille des Leguminosae), l’un des groupes importants au sein duquel les relations phylogénétiques demeurent nébuleuses est le « groupe Caesalpinia », un clade de plus de 205 espèces, réparties présentement entre 14 à 21 genres. La complexité taxonomique du groupe Caesalpinia provient du fait qu’on n’arrive pas à résoudre les questions de délimitations génériques de Caesalpinia sensu lato (s.l.), un regroupement de 150 espèces qui sont provisoirement classées en huit genres. Afin d’arriver à une classification générique stable, des analyses phylogénétiques de cinq loci chloroplastiques et de la région nucléaire ITS ont été effectuées sur une matrice comportant un échantillonnage taxonomique du groupe sans précédent (~84% des espèces du groupe) et couvrant la quasi-totalité de la variation morphologique et géographique du groupe Caesalpinia. Ces analyses ont permis de déterminer que plusieurs genres du groupe Caesalpinia, tels que présentement définis, sont polyphylétiques ou paraphylétiques. Nous considérons que 26 clades bien résolus représentent des genres, et une nouvelle classification générique du groupe Caesalpinia est proposée : elle inclut une clé des genres, une description des 26 genres et des espèces acceptées au sein de ces groupes. Cette nouvelle classification maintient l’inclusion de douze genres (Balsamocarpon, Cordeauxia, Guilandina, Haematoxylum, Hoffmanseggia, Lophocarpinia, Mezoneuron, Pomaria, Pterolobium, Stenodrepanum, Stuhlmannia, Zuccagnia) et en abolit deux (Stahlia et Poincianella). Elle propose aussi de réinstaurer deux genres (Biancaea et Denisophytum), de reconnaître cinq nouveaux genres (Arquita, Gelrebia, Hererolandia, Hultholia et Paubrasilia), et d’amender la description de sept genres (Caesalpinia, Cenostigma, Coulteria, Erythrostemon, Libidibia, Moullava, Tara). Les résultats indiquent qu’il y aurait possiblement aussi une 27e lignée qui correspondrait au genre Ticanto, mais un échantillonage taxonomique plus important serait nécéssaire pour éclaircir ce problème. Les espèces du groupe Caesalpinia ont une répartition pantropicale qui correspond presque parfaitement aux aires du biome succulent, mais se retrouvent aussi dans les déserts, les prairies, les savanes et les forêts tropicales humides. À l’échelle planétaire, le biome succulent consiste en une série d’habitats arides ou semi-arides hautement fragmentés et caractérisés par l’absence de feu, et abrite souvent des espèces végétales grasses, comme les Cactacées dans les néo-tropiques et les Euphorbiacées en Afrique. L’histoire biogéographique du groupe Caesalpinia a été reconstruite afin de mieux comprendre l’évolution de la flore au sein de ce biome succulent. Ce portrait biogéographique a été obtenu grâce à des analyses de datations moléculaires et des changements de taux de diversification, à une reconstruction des aires ancestrales utilisant le modèle de dispersion-extinction-cladogenèse, et à la reconstruction de l’évolution des biomes et du port des plantes sur la phylogénie du groupe Caesalpinia. Ces analyses démontrent que les disjonctions trans-continentales entre espèces sœurs qui appartiennent au même biome sont plus fréquentes que le nombre total de changements de biomes à travers la phylogénie, suggérant qu’il y a une forte conservation de niches, et qu’il est plus facile de bouger que de changer et d’évoluer au sein d’un biome différent. Par ailleurs, contrairement à nos hypothèses initiales, aucun changement de taux de diversification n’est détecté dans la phylogénie, même lorsque les espèces évoluent dans des biomes différents ou qu’il y a changement de port de la plante, et qu’elle se transforme, par exemple, en liane ou herbacée. Nous suggérons que même lorsqu’ils habitent des biomes très différents, tels que les savanes ou les forêts tropicales humides, les membres du groupe Caesalpinia se retrouvent néanmoins dans des conditions écologiques locales qui rappellent celles du biome succulent. Finalement, bien que la diversité des espèces du biome succulent ne se compare pas à celle retrouvée dans les forêts tropicales humides, ce milieu se distingue par un haut taux d’espèces endémiques, réparties dans des aires disjointes. Cette diversité spécifique est probablement sous-estimée et mérite d’être évaluée attentivement, comme en témoigne la découverte de plusieurs nouvelles espèces d’arbres et arbustes de légumineuses dans la dernière décennie. Le dernier objectif de cette thèse consiste à examiner les limites au niveau spécifique du complexe C. trichocarpa, un arbuste des Andes ayant une population disjointe au Pérou qui représente potentiellement une nouvelle espèce. Des analyses morphologiques et moléculaires sur les populations présentes à travers les Andes permettent de conclure que les populations au Pérou représentent une nouvelle espèce, qui est génétiquement distincte et comporte des caractéristiques morphologiques subtiles permettant de la distinguer des populations retrouvées en Argentine et en Bolivie. Nous décrivons cette nouvelle espèce, Arquita grandiflora, dans le cadre d’une révision taxonomique du genre Arquita, un clade de cinq espèces retrouvées exclusivement dans les vallées andines.


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Ce mémoire propose une analyse de l’expansion internationale de la China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) et des impacts de cette expansion sur la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, l’approvisionnement énergétique d’un pays est jugé sécuritaire lorsqu’une quantité suffisante de ressources nécessaires pour combler sa demande en énergie sont présentes, disponibles et accessibles et que son approvisionnement en services énergétiques demeure fiable et abordable. La recherche comporte quatre volets. Le premier volet porte sur les étapes de la restructuration de l’industrie pétrolière chinoise depuis 1949. Celle-ci est analysée au travers des changements dans les modes de gestion des compagnies pétrolières nationales et dans leurs relations avec le gouvernement chinois. Le deuxième volet traite de la diversification et des nouvelles spécialisations de CNPC. Ces aspects sont étudiés dans le cadre d’une analyse du pourcentage de ses actifs dans chaque segment industriel (aval, intermédiaire et amont) obtenus grâce à ses rapports annuels. Le troisième volet aborde la répartition géographique des activités de la compagnie que l’on étudie à l’aide d’une analyse approfondie de près de 150 investissements, acquisitions et contrats réalisés à l’étranger entre 1992 et 2014. Le quatrième volet aborde les impacts des investissements à l’étranger de la compagnie sur la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. Ces impacts sont mesurés par l’entremise d’une analyse des flux pétroliers internationaux vers la Chine que l’on compare à la production de CNPC par pays. Ce mémoire permet de déterminer que l’expansion internationale de CNPC sert d’abord et avant tout les intérêts économiques de la compagnie. Ce sont surtout ses investissements dans la construction d’infrastructures de transport (oléoducs, gazoducs ainsi que les usines et terminaux de liquéfaction de gaz naturel liquéfié) qui apportent des bénéfices directs à la sécurité énergétique de la Chine. La contribution des investissements dans les autres secteurs est beaucoup moins systématique et dépend largement de la période au cours de laquelle ils ont été effectués.


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The present study focuses on the biochemical aspects of six islands belonging to Lakshadweep Archipelago – namely Kavaratti, Kadamath, Kiltan, Androth, Agathy and Minicoy. Lakshadweep, which is an area biologically significant due to isolation from the major coastline, remains as one of the least studied areas in Indian Ocean. The work, processed out the distributional pattern of trace metals among the biotic (corols, sea weeds and sea grass) and abiotic component (sediments) of ecosystem. An effort is made to picturise the spatial distribution pattern of different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the various sedimentary environments of the study area. Studies on the biogeochemical and nutrient aspects of the concerned study area scanty. In Lakshadweep, the local life is very dependent on reefs and its resources. The important stress which produce a threatening effort on the existence for coral reefs are anthropogenic-namely-organic and inorganic pollution from sewage, agricultural and industrial waters, sediment damage from excessive land cleaning, and over exploitation particularly through destructive fishing methods. In addition these one other more localized or less service anthropogenic stress: pollution by oil and other hydrocarbons, complex organic molecular and heavy metal pollution, and destructive engineering practices.


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Rare earth elements have occupied an important role in marine geochemical research, particularly as used in the format of REE abundance patterns to describe the geochemical pathways in marine sedimentation and authigenesis. This study concentrates on the distribution pattern of Rare earth elements in the sediments, behavior of Eu and Ce with respect to their occurrence in multiple oxidation states. It also concentrate the depth wise variation of sediment REEs from near shore areas (30m) to deeper depths 200m) in the Arabian Sea. It includes the downcore variation of REEs and other trace elements in the sediment cores and a comparison between the REE distributions of Arabian Sea sediment with the sediments of Andaman Sea. The study gives a general introduction regarding the importance of RRE studies, its occurrence and abundance, electronic configuration, lanthanide contraction, oxidations states and REE supply to the ocean, seawater and sediments.


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In the present investigation, an attempt is made to study late Quaternary foraminiferal and pteropod records of the shelf of northern Kerala and to evaluate their potentiality in paleocenographic and paleoclimatic reconstruction. The study gives details of sediment cores, general characteristics of foraminifera and pteropod species recorded from the examined samples and their systematic classification, spatial distribution of Recent foraminifera and pteropods and their response to varying bathymetry, nature of substrate, organic matter content in sediment and hydrography across the shelf. An attempt is also made to establish an integrated chronostratigraphy for the examined core sections. An effort is also made to identify microfaunal criteria useful in biostratigraphic division in shallow marine core sections. An attempt is made to infer various factors responsible for the change in microfaunal assemblage. Reconstruction of sea level changes during the last 36,000 years was attempted based on the pteropod record. The study reveals a bathymetric control on benthic/planktic (BF/PF) foraminiferal and pteropods/planktic foraminiferal (Pt/PF) abundance ratio. Bathymetric distribution pattern of BF/PF ratio is opposite to the (Pt/PF) ratio with decreasing trend of former from the shore across the shelf. Quantitative benthic foraminiferal record in the surficial sediments reveals a positive correlation between the diversity and bathymetry. R-mode cluster analysis performed on 30n significant Recent benthic foraminiferal, determines three major assemblage.


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The present study of the parasitic copepods gives the taxonomic description of thirty one species of parasites collected from various elasmobranch fishes of Kerala coast. Copepods parasitic on fishes include three sub orders, viz. poecilostomatoida, cyclopoida and siphonostomatoida. Parasitic copepods of elasmobranch fishes for the present study were collected from different fish landing centres of Kerala and by undertaking regular fishing trips. The collected parasites are identified to the species level and described. It is found that out of thirty one species, fifteen are new to science. They belong to the genera viz. Nothobomolochus Vervoot, 1962, Caligus Muller, 1785, Alebion, Kroyer, 1863, Gloipotes Steenstrup and Lutken, 1861, Pandarus Leach,1819, Perissopus Steenstrup and Lutken, 1861, Echthrogaleus Steenstrup and Lutken, 1861 and Kroyeria van Beneden, 1853. Fifteen new host records were reported. Two genera viz. Echthrogaleus and Entepherus were reported for first time from Indian waters. A new genus called Penicillus was erected. The general observations made during this study revealed certain interesting aspects of host-parasite relationship, host specificity, site specificity, adaptive modifications and geographical distribution.


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The present study was undsrtaken.with the objectives to assess the distribution and density of population of benthic animals with special reference to macrofauna from the south west coast of India from ' Malippursa 1 in the north to Alleppey in the south, to evaluate significant difference, if any, in the number and distribution of animals in th md bank regions and other intermittent stations, to examine the influence of bottom stability on the distribution of fauna, to observe the effect of the environmental parameters on the distribution pattern of nacrofauna, and to evaluate the nature and depthpwise distribution of the benthic fishery. The region selected for the investigation is one of the nest important fishing grounds in India for bottom fishing especially for prawns, covering a distance of about 60 kns in length.total number of thirty stations in five transects at right angles to the coast, each consisting of six stations were surveyed. The six stations in a transect were at depths of 5 m, 10m, 20:, 30:, 35m and 45m respectively formation of the Iudbanke, popularly known as 'Ghaknra' in the local language, is a peculiar phenomenon along the ooaet of Kerala and provides a good fishing ground.quantitative distribution of the mecrofauna chewed that the maximum number of organism was near the 35 n contour line in the first three profiles whereas in the fourth and fifth profiles it was at 20 n and 30 m depth respectively. The density of the fauna wee comparatively poor in shallow water etatione at depths 5-‘IO M.was a general decline in the numerical abundance and biomass of the bottom fauna in all the stations during the monsoon period. There has been very little yearly change in the composition of the fauna during the two years‘ study.


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This thesis entitled ecology of chaetognaths in the indian EEZ.The present study, in general, deals with the distribution pattern of mesozooplankton biomass and abundance with special reference to the detailed ecology of the important carnivorous planktonic group, the chaetognath, in the two major ocean basins of the Indian EEZ, the Arabian Sea (AS) and the Bay of Bengal (BoB). Prior to the International Indian Ocean expedition (IIOE, 1960 – 1965), cmprehensive studies on chaetognath in the Indian waters were very limited and was confined mostly to some coastal and oceanic regions. The study revealed a profound influence of different physical process on the abundance of chaetognath community. The significant influence exerted by different physico-chemical factors on the vertical distribution of chaetognath species was also evident. Prior to this study, only very little information was available on the ecology and distribution pattern chaetognaths in both the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal in relation to various mesoscale processes and physicochemical .variables. This study, emphasizing the short term and long term influences of different meso-scale and basin scale physical events on the ecology of this important plankton group provides the baseline data for extensive ecological research on any major mesozooplankton group in this tropical low latitude region.


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This thesis entitled Systematics,life history traits ,abundance and stock assessment of cobia rachycentron canadum (linnaeus ,1766) occurring in indian waters with special reference to the northwest coast of india.Cobia, Rachycentron canadum is a fast growing pelagic fish belonging to the monotypic family Rachycentridae. They show worldwide distribution in tropical and sub tropical waters. Cobia is exploited commercially in various countries like Taiwan, Pakistan, India, United State of America, Australia, Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Recreational fishery of Cobia exists in different parts of the world. In India Cobia is caught as bycatch of trawlers, gillnet and hook and line fishery.This study also focuses on to bring out the distribution pattern and also to assess the biomass and estimate sustainable yield of Cobia inhabiting in Indian EEZ. In addition to above, present study standardised live collection methods and also reviewed culture prospects.Results of osteological study and morphological studies indicate its close resemblance to Remora and support the view that Cobia was evolved from Dolphin fishes and remoras followed it. Study also confirmed that Cobia does not have any relative or similar species and is a monotypic species belonging to the family Rachycentridae. Re description of the species was done based on the characters identified. In this study, feeding intensity was also assessed following methods like Gastrosomatic index, Mean index of feeding intensity and Index of fullness. Sex wise, month wise and length group wise fluctuations in the feeding intensity also were studied. Cobia actively fed during post monsoon period. In general, adult fed actively than the juveniles. Trophic level value estimated (4.36) indicates that Cobia occupy top level position in the food chain.


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The thesis is a study undertaken to understand the distribution pattern of Q nega in Cochin waters for better exploitation of the resource and to learn the biological aspects of the animal which has a direct bearing on its utilization for producing different products .The study also presents a thorough knowledge on the size groups available during different seasons for judicious exploitation and utilization of the resource and the changes in the biochemical composition of Q nega during different seasons so as to utilize it properly for producing suitable products throughout the year. The thesis also tests the suitability of the material for producing different products and to test the acceptability of the same for human consumption. The study also aims to show that Squilla can be utilized for the production of industrial products like chitin and chitosan.


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The present study of the parasitic copepods gives an account of the taxonomic description of seventy seven species of parasites collected from the food fishes of the Kerala coast. Out of the seventy seven species described, fourteen are new to science, two new records for the Indian waters and ten new host records. The males of Parapetalus longipinnatus Rangnekar and Lerna~thropus indicus Pillai were collected and described for the first time. The parasites described belong to the suborders Cyclopoida, Caligoida and Lernaeopodoida. The available description of many species of this locality is reviewed and supplemented with the help of the present detailed study. The general observations made during this study reveale certain interesting aspects of the host parasite relationship, host specificity, adaptive modification and geographical distribution. A brief discussion of these observations made is also presented.


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As a result of the issues of care and conservation and sustainable utilisation, the proper management of mangrove forests have become more pressing than ever. Much recent ecological and toxicological debate has been centered around the question of validity of making predictions about the future of mangrove ecosystemas a result of the newly evolved environmental policy. Though muchinformation exist on the biodiversity, floristic composition and characteristics, geographical distribution and uses of mangroves, systematic documentation of the various sedimentological and geochemical phenomena in relation to the mangrove flora are scarce. Hazardous, persistent, man-made chemicals and waste produces are entering the mangrove ecosystem at from the adjacent watersheds which strengthened alarming rates the indispensible need for further researches on the environmental behaviours, fate and the effect of such products. Studies on the effect of heavy metals, pesticides and the other toxic signals through bioassay and toxicity tests on mangrove species as well as in sediments definitely will furnish ample clues to establish the actual operative mechanisms of these environments. A thorough review of literature made in this angle reveals that some attempts have already been initiated the world over the record the physico-chemical characteristics of major abiotic components such as sediments and water of many mangrove ecosystem, however, adequate information is lacking in the Indian Environmental Science scenario. The present investigation is an attempt to record the sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of sediments as well as the heavy metal enrichment in the various species ofmangrove flora of three important mangrove ecosystems of Kerala, located at Veli (SouthKerala), Kochi (Central Kerala) and Kannur (North Kerala). The results of the above investigation have been analysed statistically, discussed based on the available literature and presented in this thesis under seven chapters


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The composition and variability of heterotrophic bacteria along the shelf sediments of south west coast of India and its relationship with the sediment biogeochemistry was investigated. The bacterial abundance ranged from 1.12 x 103 – 1.88 x 106 CFU g-1 dry wt. of sediment. The population showed significant positive correlation with silt (r = 0.529, p< 0.05), organic carbon (OC) (r = 0.679, p< 0.05), total nitrogen (TN) (r = 0.638, p< 0.05), total protein (TPRT) (r = 0.615, p< 0.05) and total carbohydrate (TCHO) (r = 0.675, p< 0.05) and significant negative correlation with sand (r = -0.488, p< 0.05). Community was mainly composed of Bacillus, Alteromonas, Vibrio, Coryneforms, Micrococcus, Planococcus, Staphylococcus, Moraxella, Alcaligenes, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium and Aeromonas. BIOENV analysis explained the best possible environmental parameters i.e., carbohydrate, total nitrogen, temperature, pH and sand at 50m depth and organic matter, BPC, protein, lipid and temperature at 200m depth controlling the distribution pattern of heterotrophic bacterial population in shelf sediments. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the environmental variables showed that the first and second principal component accounted for 65% and 30.6% of the data variance respectively. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed a strong correspondence between bacterial distribution and environmental variables in the study area. Moreover, non-metric MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) analysis demarcated the northern and southern latitudes of the study area based on the bioavailable organic matter


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Concentration levels of Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb and Cu in relation to those of the nutrients - total phosphates, exchangeable nitrates, total organic carbon, etc. have been investigated in the sediments of Nagapattinam beach after the 2004 tsunami. The maximum values in the study area were 3204, 75, 71, 57 and 18.5 ug g-l for Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb and Cu respectively; Cd was below detectable level. All the trace elements were relatively high in the near-shore sediments and the distribution pattern of the metals in the study area was in the order: Cr > Ni > Zn > Pb > Cu. The present study shows that the tsunami has brought the clayey sediments from the sea-bottom that were settled for years together in inland areas as well as from the offshore sediments. The event has changed the chemical composition of the beach sediments and is threatening fishing grounds even in trace concentrations


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Information on the distribution of dissolved Folin phenol active substances (FPAS) such as tannin and lignin in the seawater along the west coast of India is provided. Notable amounts of FPAS (surface concentrations: 80 f.1gll to 147 f.1gll and bottom concentrations: 80 f.1gll to 116 f.1gll) were detected in the seawater along the coast. The distribution pattern brings about a general depth-wise decrease. A seaward decrease was observed in the southern stations whereas reverse was the case in northern stations. A significant negative correlation was observed between FPAS concentration and dissolved oxygen in sub-surface samples. The appreciable amounts of FPAS detected in the coastal waters indicate the presence of organic matter principally originating from terrestrial (upland and coastal marsh) ecosystems in the marine environment. In this context, they may be used as tracers to determine the fate of coastalborn dissolved organic matter in the ocean and to determine directly the relationship between allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter