996 resultados para Gaudet, Marguerite Elie, 1758-1794
Insects manifest effective immune responses that include both cellular and humoral components. Morphological and quantitative aspects of cellular and Immoral cooperation during nodule formation in Chrysomya megacephala hemolymph against Saccharomyces cerevisae yeast cells were demonstrated for the first time. The analyses were performed in non-injected larvae (NIL), saline-injected larvae (SIL) and yeast-injected larvae (YIL). The hemolymph of injected groups was collected 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 12, 24, 36, or 48-h post-injection. Morphological aspects of YIL nodulation were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Quantitative analyses consisted of total (THC) and differential hemocyte counts (DHC) in all the groups and total yeast count (TYC) in YIL, which were performed in an improved Neubauer chamber. Nodule formation was initiated at approximately 2-h post-injection. Twelve hours after the injection, TEM revealed the presence of an amorphous membrane, at the same time that circulating hemocyte number decreased significantly contrasting the increase of yeast number. Our results showed the ability of C megacephala hemolymph to perform humoral encapsulation when hemocyte population is insufficient to eliminate the microorganisms, warranting consideration in future investigations on the relative roles played by cellular and humoral elements of innate immunity of this calliphorid. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the present study, the ovaries of 15 healthy bitches divided into three groups according to age were analysed by histology and morphometry: group 1 (1-3 years), group 2 (> 3-5 years) and group 3 (> 5-7 years). After ovariosalpingohysterectomy, the ovaries were fixed, routinely processed for embedding in paraffin and stained with haematoxylin-eosin. The following morphometric parameters were analysed: maximum and minimum diameter (mu m), perimeter (mu m), area (mu m(2)) and roundness of the cytoplasm and nucleus of oocytes from different types of follicles. Significant differences in the cytoplasmic and nuclear parameters of follicular oocytes between the experimental groups were determined by ANOVA and the Tukey test (5%). For the biotechnology of reproduction, the present results showed that in vitro maturation yielded the best performance for oocytes from primordial follicles in group 3 females and for oocytes embedded in secondary and tertiary follicles in group 2 females. In addition, the present findings will help in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases affecting bitches, and will especially contribute to a better understanding of these cells by researchers in the field of histology and canine reproduction.
This work aimed to evaluate the gastrointestinal helminthfauna composition of six-banded armadillos from the Brazilian semi-arid region. Gastrointestinal contents of six road-killed adult animals from Patos County, Paraiba State, were analyzed. Six species of nematodes, comprising five genera and four families, were recovered from the analyzed animals. New morphological data on Trichohelix tuberculata is given, along with a new taxonomical proposal for Hadrostrongylus ransomi (Travassos, 1935) n. comb. This is the first record for parasitic helminths in this host from the Brazilian semi-arid.
The lacewings (Ceraeochrysa cincta) are important predators found associated to many pests in several agroecosystems. Eggs of Sitotroga cerealella and Anagasta kuehniella are used traditionally for massal rearing of these predators. Other foods can be used in substitution to the traditional ones, but little is known about the biology of lacewings and other alternative foods. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the effect of different diets on the post-embryonic development of C. cincta in laboratory. After been individualized in glass tubes, each larva was fed with S. cereallella and Diatraea saccharallis. It was evaluated the larvae duration, weight and viability in each instar, the duration, weight and viability of the pupa and pre-pupa stages and the duration of the post-embryonic period. It was adopted a completely randomized design with ten replications per treatment, each consisting of five eggs or larvae of C. cincta. Larvae were weighed 48 hours after hatching and 48 hours after each molt, and pre-pupae and pupae, 48 hours after starting these stages. There was no effect of the kind of food provided on the parameters evaluated. Therefore, D. saccharallis eggs can be used to feed C. cincta.
Samples of the anterior and posterior regions of the masseter and temporal muscles and of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle of 4 adult male tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were removed and stained with HE and submitted to the m-ATPase reaction (with alkaline and acid preincubation) and to the NADH-TR and SDH reactions. The results of the histoenzymologic reactions were similar, except for acid reversal which did not occur in fibers of the fast glycolytic (FG) type in the mandibular locomotor muscles. FG fibers had a larger area and were more frequent in all regions studied. No significant differences in frequency or area of each fiber type were detected, considering the anterior and posterior regions of the masseter and temporal muscles. The frequency of fibers of the fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG) and slow oxidative (SO) types and of FOG area differed significantly between the anterior belly of the digastric muscle and the mandibular locomotor muscle. The predominance of fast twitch (FG and FOG) fibers and the multipenniform and bipenniform internal architecture of the masseter and temporal muscles, respectively, are characteristics that permit the powerful bite typical of tufted capuchin monkeys.
The parasitism of the two giant anteaters adults (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), one male and one female, infected naturally with Eimeria escomeli, E. tamanduae e E. marajoensis was related in the present research. In E. escomeli oocysts were 23.9 +/- 1.89 by 19.7 +/- 1.60 microm and its sporocysts were 11.47 +/- 1.25 by 6.48 +/- 0.80 microm. In E. tamanduae oocysts were 23.52 +/- 0.95 by 20.59 +/- 0.92 microm and its sporocysts were 12.19 +/- 0.65 by 7.15 +/- 0.55 microm. In E. marajoensis oocysts were 13.5 +/- 1.7 by 13.1 +/- 1.8 microm and its sporocysts were 7.4 +/- 0.58 by 5.4 +/- 0.8 microm. Eimeria escomeli was described before parasitizing giants anteater from Bolivia, and it was point out as the first time in Brazil. The presence of E. tamanduae and E. marajoensis parasitizing giant anteaters indicate the possibility of having co-infection of them among animals of the family Myrmecophagidae.
The phylogenetic proximity of primates to humans, along with their behavioral, biochemical, and anatomical similarities, make such animals more interesting experimental models for biomedical researches, as compared to classical laboratory animals. Another aspect that has called the attention of researchers is the differentiated quadrupedalism present in some primates. The tufted capuchin monkey uses the ground and tree branches as its support for locomotion, showing various postures while performing this task. On the basis of this information, we have decided to study the rectus abdominis muscle of the tufted capuchin monkey, with the following goals: the frequency and area of fiber types; its possible compartmentalization; and identify if this muscle is better adapted to phasic or postural activities. To do this, samples were removed from 4 regions of the rectus abdominis muscle of 6 adult male tufted capuchin monkeys, and were submitted to reaction with m-ATPase, (with alkaline and acid pre-incubation), NADH, and H.E.. Results showed: a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) for both frequency and area, between fiber types FG and FOG and FG and SO, but did not show a statistically significant difference between fibers FOG and SO, in all studied regions; similarity in frequency and area of a same fiber type (FG, FOG, and SO) among the studied regions. Based on these data, it was concluded that: the rectus abdominis muscle of the tufted capuchin monkey does not show fiber compartmentalization, since the distribution and size patterns of the different fiber types are similar in the studied regions; there is a predominance of fast twitch fibers (FG + FOG) over slow twitch fibers (SO), for frequency and area, which characterizes the muscle as being more dedicated to phasic than to postural activities. © 2006 Sociedad Chilena de Anatom.
The frequency and the morphology of the abductor cruris caudalis muscle were studied in 58 adult unknown breed cats. The sample included 36 females and 22 males. After the dissection, were found a frequency for the presence of the same muscle of 98.3%. The abductor cruris caudalis muscle appears symmetrically in 35 females (97.2%) and 22 males (100.0%). When present, it were originated on the transversal process of the 1st vertebrae caudales, in the glutea region, below the gluteus superficialis muscle, throughing almost all the thigh under biceps femoris muscle, where it make a parallel relation with the sciatic nerve, receiving nervous ramifications of the same in 78.3% of the cases. The medium found for the width and thickness of his muscle venter was respectively of 2.03 mm and 0.35 mm. Its insertion occurs on the biceps femoris muscles approximate to the fascia cruris, where both finish fusing theirselves.
Fibrin glue has been researched as an alternative method for tissue synthesis and is known for its capability to promote hemostasis at the application site, good approximation of wound edges and fast healing. The current study consisted in the application of fibrin glue derived from snake venom as treatment for experimental corneal ulcers. Twenty-one dogs had their corneas experimentally prepared through lamellar keratectomy (of standardized diameter and depth). Animals were divided into seven groups of three animals each. Six experimental groups were periodically evaluated and collection was carried out on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15 th, 30th and 60th post-operative days, whereas one control group was evaluated throughout the experiment. Analyses consisted in the clinical evolution and in the histopathological study of all operated on eyes. Results indicated that fibrin glue was efficient in repairing keratectomy wounds in dogs and contributed to an earlier healing phenomenon, avoiding edema formation and keeping corneal clearness. The use of fibrin glue derived from snake venom showed to be easy to apply, feasible with animal models and of low cost, avoiding the lesion progress and allowing fast and appropriate corneal healing.