548 resultados para Galaxy
L'oggetto di studio di questa tesi e' l'analisi degli ammassi di galassie (galaxy clusters) e delle loro proprieta', attraverso un introduttiva analisi morfologica e dinamica, considerazioni sulle proprieta' termiche (con caratteristiche collegate direttamente dalla temperatura), ed infine l'ispezione dei meccanismi che generano le emissioni non termiche e le loro sorgenti. Cercheremo delle relazioni fra le une e le altre. In particolare studieremo specifiche conformazioni del mezzo intergalattico (ICM, intracluster medium) all'interno degli ammassi, quali Aloni, Relitti e Mini Aloni, attraverso le radiazioni che essi sprigionano nella banda dei raggi X e onde radio. Le prime osservazioni sugli ammassi di galassie sono state effettuate gia' alla fine del '700 da Charles Messier, che, al fine di esaminare il cielo alla ricerca di comete, forni un catalogo di 110 oggetti cosmici che, pur apparendo nebulosi per via della limitatezza di risoluzione dei telescopi di allora, non erano sicuramente comete. Fra questi oggetti vi erano anche ammassi di galassie. I primi studi approfonditi si ebbero soltanto con il rapido incremento tecnologico del XX secolo che permise di capire che quelle formazioni confuse altro non erano che agglomerati di galassie. Telescopi piu' grandi, e poi interferometri, radiotelescopi osservazioni agli X hanno sostanzialmente aperto il mondo dell'astrofisica. In particolare Abell stabili' nel primo dopoguerra il primo catalogo di ammassi su determinazione morfologica. Altri astronomi ampliarono poi i parametri di classificazione basandosi su caratteristiche ottiche e meccaniche. Le analisi piu' recenti infine basano le loro conclusioni sullo studio delle bande non ottiche dello spettro, principalmente i raggi X e onde Radio.
The way mass is distributed in galaxies plays a major role in shaping their evolution across cosmic time. The galaxy's total mass is usually determined by tracing the motion of stars in its potential, which can be probed observationally by measuring stellar spectra at different distances from the galactic centre, whose kinematics is used to constrain dynamical models. A class of such models, commonly used to accurately determine the distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies, is that of equilibrium models. In this Thesis, a novel approach to the design of equilibrium dynamical models, in which the distribution function is an analytic function of the action integrals, is presented. Axisymmetric and rotating models are used to explain observations of a sample of nearby early-type galaxies in the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Photometric and spectroscopic data for round and flattened galaxies are well fitted by the models, which are then used to get the galaxies' total mass distribution and orbital anisotropy. The time evolution of massive early-type galaxies is also investigated with numerical models. Their structural properties (mass, size, velocity dispersion) are observed to evolve, on average, with redshift. In particular, they appear to be significantly more compact at higher redshift, at fixed stellar mass, so it is interesting to investigate what drives such evolution. This Thesis focuses on the role played by dark-matter haloes: their mass-size and mass-velocity dispersion correlations evolve similarly to the analogous correlations of ellipticals; at fixed halo mass, the haloes are more compact at higher redshift, similarly to massive galaxies; a simple model, in which all the galaxy's size and velocity-dispersion evolution is due to the cosmological evolution of the underlying halo population, reproduces the observed size and velocity-dispersion of massive compact early-type galaxies up to redshift of about 2.
The kinematics is a fundamental tool to infer the dynamical structure of galaxies and to understand their formation and evolution. Spectroscopic observations of gas emission lines are often used to derive rotation curves and velocity dispersions. It is however difficult to disentangle these two quantities in low spatial-resolution data because of beam smearing. In this thesis, we present 3D-Barolo, a new software to derive the gas kinematics of disk galaxies from emission-line data-cubes. The code builds tilted-ring models in the 3D observational space and compares them with the actual data-cubes. 3D-Barolo works with data at a wide range of spatial resolutions without being affected by instrumental biases. We use 3D-Barolo to derive rotation curves and velocity dispersions of several galaxies in both the local and the high-redshift Universe. We run our code on HI observations of nearby galaxies and we compare our results with 2D traditional approaches. We show that a 3D approach to the derivation of the gas kinematics has to be preferred to a 2D approach whenever a galaxy is resolved with less than about 20 elements across the disk. We moreover analyze a sample of galaxies at z~1, observed in the H-alpha line with the KMOS/VLT spectrograph. Our 3D modeling reveals that the kinematics of these high-z systems is comparable to that of local disk galaxies, with steeply-rising rotation curves followed by a flat part and H-alpha velocity dispersions of 15-40 km/s over the whole disks. This evidence suggests that disk galaxies were already fully settled about 7-8 billion years ago. In summary, 3D-Barolo is a powerful and robust tool to separate physical and instrumental effects and to derive a reliable kinematics. The analysis of large samples of galaxies at different redshifts with 3D-Barolo will provide new insights on how galaxies assemble and evolve throughout cosmic time.
In this Thesis, we study the accretion of mass and angular momentum onto the disc of spiral galaxies from a global and a local perspective and comparing theory predictions with several observational data. First, we propose a method to measure the specific mass and radial growth rates of stellar discs, based on their star formation rate density profiles and we apply it to a sample of nearby spiral galaxies. We find a positive radial growth rate for almost all galaxies in our sample. Our galaxies grow in size, on average, at one third of the rate at which they grow in mass. Our results are in agreement with theoretical expectations if known scaling relations of disc galaxies are not evolving with time. We also propose a novel method to reconstruct accretion profiles and the local angular momentum of the accreting material from the observed structural and chemical properties of spiral galaxies. Applied to the Milky Way and to one external galaxy, our analysis indicates that accretion occurs at relatively large radii and has a local deficit of angular momentum with respect to the disc. Finally, we show how structure and kinematics of hot gaseous coronae, which are believed to be the source of mass and angular momentum of massive spiral galaxies, can be reconstructed from their angular momentum and entropy distributions. We find that isothermal models with cosmologically motivated angular momentum distributions are compatible with several independent observational constraints. We also consider more complex baroclinic equilibria: we describe a new parametrization for these states, a new self-similar family of solution and a method for reconstructing structure and kinematics from the joint angular momentum/entropy distribution.
Trotz zahlreicher Hinweise auf die Existenz von Dunkler Materie, konnten entsprechende Teilchen bisher nicht nachgewiesen werden. Eine große Anzahl an Experimenten wird durchgeführt, um die Eigenschaften möglicher Kandidatenteilchen zu untersuchen. Eine Strategie ist die Suche nach einem Neutrinosignal aus den Annihilationen von schwach wechselwirkenden massiven Teilchen (WIMPs) in Regionen mit hoher Dichte von Dunkler Materie. Mögliche Zielobjekte dieser Suchen sind die Erde, die Sonne, das Zentrum und der Halo der Milchstraße sowie entfernte Objekte, die einen hohen Anteil Dunkler Materie aufweisen.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die erste Suche nach einem Neutrinosignal von Zwerggalaxien, größeren Galaxien und Galaxienhaufen beschrieben. Da kein Signal nachgewiesen wurde, konnten obere Grenzen auf den Annihilationsquerschnitt von WIMPs gesetzt werden. Die stärksten Grenzen wurden aus der Beobachtung des Virgo-Haufens unter der Annahme einer großen Signalverstärkung durch Unterstrukturen in der Dichteverteilung abgeleitet. Für WIMP-Massen oberhalb von einigen TeV ist das Ergebnis vergleichbar mit Grenzen, die aus der Suche mit Gammateleskopen abgeleitet wurden. Für den direkten Annihilationskanal in zwei Neutrinos konnte der Wirkungsquerschnitt stärker eingeschränkt werden, als in bisherigen Analysen.
I Nuclei Galattici Attivi (AGN) sono sorgenti luminose e compatte alimentate dall'accrescimento di materia sul buco nero supermassiccio al centro di una galassia. Una frazione di AGN, detta "radio-loud", emette fortemente nel radio grazie a getti relativistici accelerati dal buco nero. I Misaligned AGN (MAGN) sono sorgenti radio-loud il cui getto non è allineato con la nostra linea di vista (radiogalassie e SSRQ). La grande maggioranza delle sorgenti extragalattiche osservate in banda gamma sono blazar, mentre, in particolare in banda TeV, abbiamo solo 4 MAGN osservati. Lo scopo di questa tesi è valutare l'impatto del Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), il nuovo strumento TeV, sugli studi di MAGN. Dopo aver studiato le proprietà dei 4 MAGN TeV usando dati MeV-GeV dal telescopio Fermi e dati TeV dalla letteratura, abbiamo assunto come candidati TeV i MAGN osservati da Fermi. Abbiamo quindi simulato 50 ore di osservazioni CTA per ogni sorgente e calcolato la loro significatività. Assumendo una estrapolazione diretta dello spettro Fermi, prevediamo la scoperta di 9 nuovi MAGN TeV con il CTA, tutte sorgenti locali di tipo FR I. Applicando un cutoff esponenziale a 100 GeV, come forma spettrale più realistica secondo i dati osservativi, prevediamo la scoperta di 2-3 nuovi MAGN TeV. Per quanto riguarda l'analisi spettrale con il CTA, secondo i nostri studi sarà possibile ottenere uno spettro per 5 nuove sorgenti con tempi osservativi dell'ordine di 250 ore. In entrambi i casi, i candidati migliori risultano essere sempre sorgenti locali (z<0.1) e con spettro Fermi piatto (Gamma<2.2). La migliore strategia osservativa per ottenere questi risultati non corrisponde con i piani attuali per il CTA che prevedono una survey non puntata, in quanto queste sorgenti sono deboli, e necessitano di lunghe osservazioni puntate per essere rilevate (almeno 50 ore per studi di flusso integrato e 250 per studi spettrali).
Nella presente tesi, di argomento astrofisico, sono esaminati gli ammassi di galassie (galaxy clusters), ovvero gli oggetti virializzati più grandi dell’Universo. Attraverso una introduttiva analisi morfologica vengono descritte le proprietà di luminosità in banda X e radio dovute alle galassie che li compongono ed al caldo gas intergalattico (ICM IntraCluster Medium) tra queste interposto. In particolare è presa in esame l’emissione radio diffusa di natura non termica di sottostrutture del gas, note con il nome di Aloni, relitti e mini-aloni. Nei capitoli II e III l’attenzione si concentra sul non facile problema della determinazione della massa di un ammasso, proprietà che costituisce il principale oggetto di studio del presente lavoro, passando in rassegna e descrivendo i metodi più utilizzati: analisi dinamica delle galassie (equazione di Jeans ed equazione del viriale), osservazioni in banda X dell’ICM, weak lensing (WL), strong lensing (SL) ed infine WL e SL accoppiati. Una analisi critica ed un confronto tra questi metodi è sviluppata nel capitolo IV, prendendo in considerazione l’ammasso RCS2327. Il conclusivo capitolo V racchiude e collega gli argomenti delle sezioni precedenti cercando una possibile correlazione tra le proprietà emissive non termiche (in banda radio) e le masse di un campione di 28 ammassi, determinate mediante tecnica di weak lensing e strong lensing accoppiate.
In this thesis the results of the multifrequency VLBA observations of the GPS 1944+5448 and the HFP J0111+3906 are presented. They are compact objects smaller than about 100 pc, completely embedded in the host galaxy. The availability of multi-epoch VLBI observations spanning more than 10 years, allowed us to compute the hot spot advance speed in order to obtain the kinematic age of both sources. Both radio sources are young, in agreement with the idea that they are in an early evolutionary stage. The spectral analysis of each source component, such as the lobes, the hot spots, the core and the jets, making a comparison with the theoretical ones is described. In addition the physical parameters derived from VLBA images as the magnetic field, the luminosity, the energy and the ambient medium density of both sources are discussed.
In questa tesi di laurea triennale vengono esposte le conoscenze fondamentali che descrivono gli ammassi di galassie. I galaxy clusters sono strutture gravitazionalmente legate composte di galassie, gas denominato ICM (Intra Cluster Medium) e materia oscura. Queste 3 diverse componenti sono responsabili rispettivamente del 5%, 15% e 80% circa della massa totale dell’ammasso; per la maggior parte degli ammassi la massa totale è 10^{14-15} masse solari. Nella prima parte della tesi si illustrano brevemente queste 3 componenti e le si inquadrano nelle diverse classificazioni morfologiche degli ammassi. Nella seconda parte ho passato in rassegna alcune delle funzioni più importanti per descrivere un ammasso di galassie. Nella terza ed ultima parte sono esposti i principali meccanismi grazie ai quali conosciamo gli ammassi di galassie.
The width of the 21 cm line (HI) emitted by spiral galaxies depends on the physical processes that release energy in the Interstellar Medium (ISM). This quantity is called velocity dispersion (σ) and it is proportional first of all to the thermal kinetic energy of the gas. The accepted theoretical picture predicts that the neutral hydrogen component (HI) exists in the ISM in two stable phases: a cold one (CNM, with σ~0.8 km/s) and a warm one (WNM, with σ~8 km/s). However, this is called into question by the observation that the HI gas has usually larger velocity dispersions. This suggests the presence of turbulence in the ISM, although the energy sources remain unknown. In this thesis we want to shed new light on this topic. We have studied the HI line emission of two nearby galaxies: NGC6946 and M101. For the latter we used new deep observations obtained with the Westerbork radio interferometer. Through a gaussian fitting procedure, we produced dispersion maps of the two galaxies. For both of them, we compared the σ values measured in the spiral arms with those in the interarms. In NGC6946 we found that, in both arms and interarms, σ grows with the column density, while we obtained the opposite for M 101. Using a statistical analysis we did not find a significant difference between arm and interarm dispersion distributions. Producing star formation rate density maps (SFRD) of the galaxies, we studied their global and local relations with the HI kinetic energy, as inferred from the measured dispersions. For NGC6946 we obtained a good log-log correlation, in agreement with a simple model of supernova feedback driven turbulence. This shows that in this galaxy turbulent motions are mainly induced by the stellar activity. For M 101 we did not find an analogous correlation, since the gas kinetic energy appears constant with the SFRD. We think that this may indicate that in this galaxy turbulence is driven also by accretion of extragalactic material.
Extended cluster radio galaxies show different morphologies com- pared to those found isolated in the field. Indeed, symmetric double radio galaxies are only a small percentage of the total content of ra- dio loud cluster galaxies, which show mainly tailed morphologies (e.g. O’Dea & Owen, 1985). Moreover, cluster mergers can deeply affect the statistical properties of their radio activity. In order to better understand the morphological and radio activity differences of the radio galaxies in major mergeing and non/tidal-merging clusters, we performed a multifrequency study of extended radio galax- ies inside two cluster complexes, A3528 and A3558. They belong to the innermost region of the Shapley Concentration, the most massive con- centration of galaxy clusters (termed supercluster) in the local Universe, at average redshift z ≈ 0.043. We analysed low frequency radio data performed at 235 and 610 MHz with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and we combined them with proprietary and literature observations, in order to have a wide frequency range (150 MHz to 8.4 GHz) to perform the spectral analysis. The low frequency images allowed us to carry out a detailed study of the radio tails and diffuse emission found in some cases. The results in the radio band were also qualitatively compared with the X-ray information coming from XMM-Newton observations, in order to test the interaction between radio galaxies and cluster weather. We found that the brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in the A3528 cluster complex are powerful and present substantial emission from old relativistic plasma characterized by a steep spectrum (α > 2). In the light of observational pieces of evidence, we suggest they are possible re-started radio galaxies. On the other hand, the tailed radio galaxies trace the host galaxy motion with respect to the ICM, and our find- ings is consistent with the dynamical interpretation of a tidal interaction (Gastaldello et al. 2003). On the contrary, the BCGs in the A3558 clus- ter complex are either quiet or very faint radio galaxies, supporting the hypothesis that clusters mergers quench the radio emission from AGN.
This work is focused on axions and axion like particles (ALPs) and their possible relation with the 3.55 keV photon line detected, in recent years, from galaxy clusters and other astrophysical objects. We focus on axions that come from string compactification and we study the vacuum structure of the resulting low energy 4D N=1 supergravity effective field theory. We then provide a model which might explain the 3.55 keV line through the following processes. A 7.1 keV dark matter axion decays in two light axions, which, in turn, are transformed into photons thanks to the Primakoff effect and the existence of a kinetic mixing between two U(1)s gauge symmetries belonging respectively to the hidden and the visible sector. We present two models, the first one gives an outcome inconsistent with experimental data, while the second can yield the desired result.
Gli ammassi di galassie (galaxy clusters) sono aggregati di galassie legate dalla forza di attrazione gravitazionale. Essi sono le più grandi strutture virializzate dell’Universo e la loro luminosità è dovuta alle galassie che li compongono e al cosiddetto intracluster medium (ICM), gas intergalattico in grado di raggiungere temperature di milioni di gradi. L’ICM è caratterizzato da emissioni sia di tipo termico che non termico, rispettivamente nella banda X e nella banda Radio, dovute soprattutto al meccanismo di bremsstrahlung termica e all’emissione di sincrotrone. Lo studio delle radiazioni emesse da questo gas primordiale ha permesso di studiare alcuni processi caratteristici nella dinamica degli ammassi di galassie, come i fenomeni di merger e cooling flow , e di ottenere quindi una maggiore comprensione della formazione ed evoluzione degli ammassi. Essendo le più grandi strutture dell’Universo che abbiano raggiunto l’equilibrio viriale, il loro studio risulta infatti molto importante, in quanto fornisce un valido strumento per la formulazione di un Modello Cosmologico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi consiste in particolare nell'analisi di Aloni e Relitti radio, con maggiore approfondimento sui primi, e sulla ricerca di una correlazione della potenza Radio dei clusters sia con la loro luminosità nella banda X, che con la loro dimensione spaziale. La raccolta e l’elaborazione dei dati è stata svolta presso l’osservatorio di radioastronomia (ORA) situato nel CNR di Bologna.
Nearly 500 brown dwarfs have been discovered in recent years. The majority of these brown dwarfs exist in the solar neighborhood, yet determining their fundamental properties (mass, age, temperature & metallicity) has proved to be quite difficult, with current estimates relying heavily on theoretical models. Binary brown dwarfs provide a unique opportunity to empirically determine fundamental properties, which can then be used to test model predictions. In addition, the observed binary fractions, separations, mass ratios, & orbital eccentricities can provide insight into the formation mechanism of these low-mass objects. I will review the results of various brown dwarf multiplicity studies, and will discuss what we have learned about the formation and evolution of brown dwarfs by examining their binary properties as a function of age and mass.
We have discovered using Pan-STARRS1 an extremely red late-L dwarf, which has (J - K)(MKO) = 2.78 and (J - K) (2MASS) = 2.84, making it the reddest known field dwarf and second only to 2MASS J1207-39b among substellar companions. Near-IR spectroscopy shows a spectral type of L7 +/- 1 and reveals a triangular H-band continuum and weak alkali (K I and Na I) lines, hallmarks of low surface gravity. Near-IR astrometry from the Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program gives a distance of 24.6 +/- 1.4 pc and indicates a much fainter J-band absolute magnitude than field L dwarfs. The position and kinematics of PSO J318.5-22 point to membership in the beta Pic moving group. Evolutionary models give a temperature of 1160(-40)(+30) K and a mass of 6.5(-1.0)(+1.3) M-Jup, making PSO J318.5-22 one of the lowest mass free-floating objects in the solar neighborhood. This object adds to the growing list of low-gravity field L dwarfs and is the first to be strongly deficient in methane relative to its estimated temperature. Comparing their spectra suggests that young L dwarfs with similar ages and temperatures can have different spectral signatures of youth. For the two objects with well constrained ages (PSO J318.5-22 and 2MASS J0355+11), we find their temperatures are approximate to 400 K cooler than field objects of similar spectral type but their luminosities are similar, i.e., these young L dwarfs are very red and unusually cool but not "underluminous." Altogether, PSO J318.5-22 is the first free-floating object with the colors, magnitudes, spectrum, luminosity, and mass that overlap the young dusty planets around HR 8799 and 2MASS J1207-39