542 resultados para Gage immobilier, faillite


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This paper describes a strain gauge-based sensor used for measuring finger force. The theory, design, and sensor construction details are presented. It was constructed using metallic strain gauges and a carefully designed structure which has a protection de-vice that impedes the sensor damage when forces higher than 100 N are applied. Its dimensions are suitable for measuring thumb force, but the same design can be used for constructing smaller sensors for other fingers. It is rugged, presents linear response, good repeatability, resolution of 0.3 N, low hysteresis, and sensitivity of 0.12 V/N. It can be useful in rehabilitation engineering, biomechanics, robotics, and medicine.


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Aerodynamic balances are employed in wind tunnels to estimate the forces and moments acting on the model under test. This paper proposes a methodology for the assessment of uncertainty in the calibration of an internal multi-component aerodynamic balance. In order to obtain a suitable model to provide aerodynamic loads from the balance sensor responses, a calibration is performed prior to the tests by applying known weights to the balance. A multivariate polynomial fitting by the least squares method is used to interpolate the calibration data points. The uncertainties of both the applied loads and the readings of the sensors are considered in the regression. The data reduction includes the estimation of the calibration coefficients, the predicted values of the load components and their corresponding uncertainties, as well as the goodness of fit.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal propor um nodo (ou nó) sensor sem fio para ser utilizado em redes de sensores sem fio, em sistemas de aquisição de dados de extensômetros. O sistema de aquisição para os extensômetros é baseado na ponte de Wheatstone e de modo a permitir várias configurações de extensômetros. O processamento e a comunicação sem fio é realizada pelo ATmega128RFA1, composto por um microcontrolador e um transceiver Rádio-Frequência com o padrão Zigbee. O nodo foi projetado para garantir confiabilidade na aquisição de dados e ser totalmente controlado remotamente. Entre os parâmetros controláveis estão: o ganho do sinal e a taxa de amostragem. Além disso, o nodo possui recursos para efetuar o equilíbrio da ponte de Wheatstone automaticamente. A escolha de seus componentes, baseou-se em critérios relacionados ao consumo de energia do mesmo e ao custo. Foi concebida uma placa de circuito impresso (PCI) para o nodo, e sobre ela foram realizadas estimativas sobre o consumo de energia e valor agregado do protótipo, com o objetivo de analisar a sua viabilidade. Além do projeto do nodo sensor, o trabalho apresenta a proposta de integração do mesmo em uma rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF), incluindo a sugestão do hardware complementar e desenvolvimentos dos softwares. Para os testes do nodo sensor, foi construido experimentalmente um transdutor de força.


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As fibras ópticas são utilizadas em diferentes áreas e nas mais variadas aplicações. Na Engenharia Civil começaram a ser utilizadas no monitoramento de estruturas como alternativa de substituição dos tradicionais sensores elétricos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a aplicação e viabilidade dos sensores a base de fibra óptica no monitoramento de grandes estruturas da engenharia civil. Para avaliação dos resultados, foram realizados três diferentes tipos de testes experimentais onde corpos-de-prova foram instrumentados com extensômetros elétricos e ópticos. O primeiro tipo de teste correspondeu a ensaios de tração simples em barras de aço com carregamento monotônico até o rompimento de barras de aço. No segundo tipo de teste foi estudada a automação de um medidor triortogonal de junta que é um instrumento tipicamente utilizado para a instrumentação de barragens de concreto. Finalmente o último tipo de testes foi constituído por ensaios de cilindros de concreto à compressão para a determinação do módulo de elasticidade. Com relação à utilização dos sensores ópticos, durante a realização dos testes surgiram muitos problemas relacionados com a unidade óptica de aquisição de dados sendo necessária a utilização de três diferentes modelos de unidade de aquisição para a conclusão dos testes. No que se refere à exatidão dos resultados, observou-se que os resultados apresentados pelos sensores ópticos foram compatíveis com os resultados dos sensores elétricos. Entretanto, quando os sensores ópticos foram solicitados por grandes deformações implicaram em perda de sinal devido à interrupção do fluxo de luz, inabilitando o sensor para leituras.


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O mieloma múltiplo (MM) é uma neoplasia maligna secundária à expansão clonal de células plasmáticas caracterizada pela presença de imunoglobulina monoclonal no sangue e/ou na urina, lesões líticas ósseas e infiltração de plasmócitos monoclonais na medula óssea. A caracterização dos mecanismos responsáveis pela expansão das células tumorais do MM é difícil e envolve uma série de alterações genéticas e mudanças no microambiente da medula óssea, favorecendo o crescimento do tumor e a falha do sistema imune em reconhecê-lo. O MM é uma doença incurável, sendo a sobrevida mediana dos pacientes em torno de 3-5 anos. Terapias atuais como quimioterapia e transplante autólogo de células-tronco podem induzir remissão da doença, mas a recaída e a morte são inevitáveis. Os antígenos específicos câncer/testículo (CTs) foram originalmente descritos em pacientes com melanoma e são assim denominados, pois suas proteínas foram identificadas em espermatogônias, células conhecidas por não expressarem antígenos de histocompatibilidade (HLA), o que as impossibilita de desencadear uma resposta imune específica. Esses antígenos foram identificados posteriormente em vários tipos de tumores humanos, como melanoma, carcinoma pulmonar, câncer renal, entre outros. Até o momento, existem poucas informações a respeito de sua importância como fatores de prognóstico clínico ou relacionado à proliferação aberrante das células plasmáticas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o nível de expressão gênica dos antígenos câncer/testículo MAGEC1(CT7), MAGEA3/6, LAGE-1, NY-ESO-1 e GAGE em amostras de aspirado de medula óssea total de pacientes com mieloma múltiplo. A análise de expressão por RT-PCR dos 5 CTs de interesse, realizada em 21 amostras de medula total de pacientes com MM, demonstrou as seguintes freqüências: CT7 (42,9%), LAGE-1 (23,8%)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The present work aims to study the possible causes of cracks founded and recovered in translation cars of ore Forklift / ore Reclaimer. To identify the possible causes of cracks observed on the equipment it was used a static approach analysis, using a finite element method as an analysis tool, using a specific structural analysis program. After making the model, a strain gage measurement was necessary because there may be significant amounts of masses of non-structural components that were not modeled and were not available in the drawings, as well as fouling ore. With the calibrated model it was processed analyses with the load cases of dead load, product, wind and excavation. After the processing, it was observed that none of these load cases resulted in values that caused the crack, so another three hypotheses were tested: depression and misalignment, jacking and translation of only three cars. Of these three hypotheses it was observed that the jacking coud be the cause of the cracks, because the distribution of stress. Due to the miss of parameters, like the height utilized in this process, it was not possible to affirm the real stress level


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Many recent survival studies propose modeling data with a cure fraction, i.e., data in which part of the population is not susceptible to the event of interest. This event may occur more than once for the same individual (recurrent event). We then have a scenario of recurrent event data in the presence of a cure fraction, which may appear in various areas such as oncology, finance, industries, among others. This paper proposes a multiple time scale survival model to analyze recurrent events using a cure fraction. The objective is analyzing the efficiency of certain interventions so that the studied event will not happen again in terms of covariates and censoring. All estimates were obtained using a sampling-based approach, which allows information to be input beforehand with lower computational effort. Simulations were done based on a clinical scenario in order to observe some frequentist properties of the estimation procedure in the presence of small and moderate sample sizes. An application of a well-known set of real mammary tumor data is provided.


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Immuntherapien stellen basierend auf gut charakterisierten, tumorspezifischen Antigenen ein vielversprechendes Konzept in der Tumor-Therapie dar. Für das kutane T-Zell Lymphom (CTCL) sind bislang nur wenige tumorassoziierte Antigene bekannt. In dieser Arbeit konnten ein mögliches Onkogen (PAR-3ta), ein weiteres, putativ Virus-induziertes Antigen (se57-1), neue Antigene und ihre Splicing-Varianten (se70-2, cTAGE-1/2, cTAGE-5), sowie lymphozytenspezifische Differenzierungsantigene (se20-10-Familie) für das CTCL gefunden werden. Auf Grund des Cancer-Testis spezifischen Expressionsprofils kommen die Antigene cTAGE-1 (46% CTCL-Expression), cTAGE-1B (31%) und cTAGE-5A (44%) für eine CTCL-Immuntherapie in Frage. Einige bekannte, spezifische Tumorantigene konnten auch im CTCL nachgewiesen werden: MAGE-A9 (21%), GAGE 3-7b (46%) und MUC-1 (44%). Die Immunogenität konnte mittels der SEREX-Technologie durch reaktive Antikörper gegen rekombinantes MAGE-A9 in 22% der getesteten CTCL-Seren, gegen GAGE in 16% und gegen cTAGE-5A in 15% bewiesen werden. Die cTAGE-mRNAs bilden eine neue Cancer-Testis Antigenfamilie. Die Multigenfamilie ist durch Retrotransposition eines aktiven Gens (cTAGE-5) entstanden, wobei 7 aktive, transkribierte und 7 nicht transkribierte Pseudogene unterschieden werden müssen. Die aktiven Gene cTAGE-1, cTAGE-1B und cTAGE-5A werden tumorspezifisch aus den Chromosomen 18p11.2 und 14 gespliced. Die Testis-CTCL spezifischen mRNAs können häufig auch in anderen Tumoren gefunden werden. Die Antigene cTAGE-1, cTAGE-5, MAGE-A9 und GAGE 3-7b gehören zu den ersten spezifischen Zielstrukturen des CTCLs, die somit für mögliche Immuntherapien in Betracht kommen.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Sierra Leone has undergone a decade of civil war from 1991 to 2001. From this period few data on immunization coverage are available, and conflict-related delays in immunization according to the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) schedule have not been investigated. We aimed to study delays in childhood immunization in the context of civil war in a Sierra Leonean community. METHODS: We conducted an immunization survey in Kissy Mess-Mess in the Greater Freetown area in 1998/99 using a two-stage sampling method. Based on immunization cards and verbal history we collected data on immunization for tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and measles by age group (0-8/9-11/12-23/24-35 months). We studied differences between age groups and explored temporal associations with war-related hostilities taking place in the community. RESULTS: We included 286 children who received 1690 vaccine doses; card retention was 87%. In 243 children (85%, 95% confidence interval (CI): 80-89%) immunization was up-to-date. In 161 of these children (56%, 95%CI: 50-62%) full age-appropriate immunization was achieved; in 82 (29%, 95%CI: 24-34%) immunization was not appropriate for age. In the remaining 43 children immunization was partial in 37 (13%, 95%CI: 9-17) and absent in 6 (2%, 95%CI: 1-5). Immunization status varied across age groups. In children aged 9-11 months the proportion with age-inappropriate (delayed) immunization was higher than in other age groups suggesting an association with war-related hostilities in the community. CONCLUSION: Only about half of children under three years received full age-appropriate immunization. In children born during a period of increased hostilities, immunization was mostly inappropriate for age, but recommended immunizations were not completely abandoned. Missing or delayed immunization represents an additional threat to the health of children living in conflict areas.


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A Hall thruster, an E × B device used for in-space propulsion, utilizes an axial electric field to electrostatically accelerate plasma propellant from the spacecraft. The axial electric field is created by positively biasing the anode so that the positivelycharged ions may be accelerated (repelled) from the thruster, which produces thrust. However, plasma electrons are much smaller than ions and may be accelerated much more quickly toward the anode; if electrons were not impeded, a "short circuit" due to the electron flow would eliminate the thrust mechanism. Therefore, a magnetic field serves to "magnetize" plasma electrons internal to the thruster and confines them in gyro-orbits within the discharge channel. Without outside factors electrons would be confined indefinitely; however, electron-neutral collisions provide a mechanism to free electrons from their orbits allowing electrons to cross the magnetic field toward the anode, where this process is described by classical transport theory. To make matters worse, cross-field electron transport has been observed to be 100-1000 times that predicted by classical collisional theory, providing an efficiency loss mechanism and an obstacle for modeling and simulations in Hall thrusters. The main difficulty in studying electron transport in Hall thrusters is the coupling that exists between the plasma and the fields, where the plasma creates and yet is influenced by the electric field. A device has been constructed at MTU’s Isp Lab, the Hall Electron Mobility Gage, which was designed specifically to study electron transport in E × B devices, where the coupling between the plasma and electric field was virtually eliminated. In this device the two most cited contributors to electron transport in Hall thrusters, fluctuation-induced transport, and wall effects, were absent. Removing the dielectric walls and plasma fluctuations, while maintaining the field environment in vacuum, has allowed the study of electron dynamics in Hall thruster fields where the electrons behave as test particles in prescribed fields, greatly simplifying the environment. Therefore, it was possible to observe any effects on transport not linked to the cited mechanisms, and it was possible to observe trends of the enhanced mobility with control parameters of electric and magnetic fields and neutral density– parameters that are not independently variable in a Hall thruster. The result of the investigation was the observation of electron transport that was ~ 20-100 times the classical prediction. The cross-field electron transport in the Mobility Gage was generally lower than that found in a Hall thruster so these findings do not negate the possibility of fluctuations and/or wall collisions contributing to transport in a Hall thruster. However, this research led to the observation of enhanced cross-field transport that had not been previously isolated in Hall thruster fields, which is not reliant on momentum-transfer collisions, wall collisions or fluctuations.