407 resultados para Frustration


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This qualitative study examines five young Afro-Franco Caribbean males in the Diaspora and their experiences with systems of technology as a tool of oppression and liberation. The study utilized interpretive biography and participatory video research to examine the issues of identity, power/control, surveillance technology, love and freedom. The study made use of a number of data collection methods including interviews, round table discussions, and personal narratives. A hermeneutic theoretical framework is employed to develop an objective view of the problems facing Afro-Franco Caribbean males in the schools and community. The purpose of the study is to provide an environment and new media technology that Afro-Franco Caribbean males can use to engage and discuss their views on issues mentioned above and to ultimately develop a video project to share with the community. Moreover, the study sought to examine an epistemological approach (Creolization) that young black males, particularly Afro-Franco-Caribbean males, might use to communicate, document, and share their everyday experiences in the Diaspora. The findings in the study reveal that the participants are experiencing: (a) a lack of community involvement in the urban space they currently reside, (b) frustration with the perspective of their home country, Haiti, that is commonly shown in mainstream media, and (c) ridicule, shame, and violence in the spaces (school and community) that should be safe. The study provides the community (both local and scholarly) with an opportunity to hear the voices and concerns of youth in the urban space. In addition the study suggests a need for schools to create a critical pedagogical curriculum in which power can be democratically shared.


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We theoretically explore atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) subject to position-dependent spin-orbit coupling (SOC). This SOC can be produced by cyclically laser coupling four internal atomic ground (or metastable) states in an environment where the detuning from resonance depends on position. The resulting spin-orbit coupled BEC (SOBEC) phase separates into domains, each of which contain density modulations-stripes-aligned either along the x or y direction. In each domain, the stripe orientation is determined by the sign of the local detuning. When these stripes have mismatched spatial periods along domain boundaries, non-trivial topological spin textures form at the interface, including skyrmions-like spin vortices and anti-vortices. In contrast to vortices present in conventional rotating BECs, these spin-vortices are stable topological defects that are not present in the corresponding homogenous stripe-phase SOBECs.


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We construct parent Hamiltonians involving only local 2-body interactions for a broad class of projected entangled pair states (PEPS). Making use of perturbation gadget techniques, we define a perturbative Hamiltonian acting on the virtual PEPS space with a finite order low energy effective Hamiltonian that is a gapped, frustration-free parent Hamiltonian for an encoded version of a desired PEPS. For topologically ordered PEPS, the ground space of the low energy effective Hamiltonian is shown to be in the same phase as the desired state to all orders of perturbation theory. An encoded parent Hamiltonian for the double semion string net ground state is explicitly constructed as a concrete example.


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Résumé : Introduction : Au Québec, jusqu’à l’âge de 21 ans, les enfants et adolescents ayant une déficience intellectuelle (DI) profonde ont des services de pédiatrie adaptés et l’opportunité de fréquenter des écoles spécialisées publiques. Toutefois, au-delà de cet âge, l’accès à ces services spécialisés est plus limité : le financement pour la fréquentation scolaire cesse et les jeunes adultes transfèrent des services de santé pédiatriques vers le secteur adulte. Malgré la mise en place de solutions visant à faciliter cette transition, des difficultés tendent à persister, une situation pouvant avoir des effets négatifs considérables au niveau de la personne ayant un handicap et de sa famille. Cependant, peu d’études se sont intéressées aux facteurs qui influencent le vécu de la transition vers la vie adulte des familles de jeunes personnes présentant une DI profonde, rendant difficile l’adaptation des programmes déjà existants de planification de la transition à la réalité de ces familles. Objectif : Ce projet vise à décrire les besoins des personnes présentant une DI profonde et de leur famille lors de la transition vers la vie adulte, en décrivant le vécu des parents lors de cette période et les facteurs qui l’influencent, ainsi qu’en explorant les pistes de solution à mettre en place. Méthodologie : Afin de réaliser cette étude qualitative, un devis descriptif interprétatif a été choisi. Deux entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles ont été réalisées auprès de quatorze parents, la deuxième entrevue permettant de valider et d’approfondir les résultats à l’aide d’un résumé de la première rencontre. Résultats : Plusieurs facteurs multisystémiques de l’ordre du soutien matériel, informatif, cognitif et affectif semblent influencer la transition vers la vie adulte. Ces différents facteurs contribuent au vécu particulièrement difficile des familles, qui vivent beaucoup d’anxiété et de frustration face au peu de soutien qui leur est offert. Plusieurs idées intéressantes ont été proposées par les parents pour répondre à ce manque de soutien, autant au plan du partage des connaissances, de l’amélioration de la collaboration inter-établissement que du soutien psychologique. Conclusion : Cette étude souligne l’importance d’impliquer l’ensemble des acteurs œuvrant auprès du jeune adulte et de sa famille dans la planification de la transition. La compréhension de la réalité des personnes avec une DI profonde et de leur famille devrait permettre de développer des interventions concrètes leur étant destinées dans de futurs projets.


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A vida social de um indivíduo dependente do álcool é na maioria das vezes um factor de risco para continuar ou aumentar o consumo excessivo de bebidas alcoólicas. Um dos grandes fracassos do alcoólico é não cumprir adequadamente um papel social desejado, o que resulta em prejuízos para si mesmo e para os outros. O indivíduo que abusa no consumo, depressa perde a sua reputação junto de colegas, amigos e familiares, o que o deixa mais intolerante à frustração e aumenta o consumo. A mentira toma-se então sua aliada, pois através dela ele vai reduzindo a ansiedade causada pelo fracasso na vida social e que os outros teimam em deixar bem nítido. Identificar os problemas sociais dos quais o indivíduo padece, é fundamental para planear melhor uma estratégia de intervenção, quer seja ela de prevenção, de psicoterapia ou de reabilitação. Os programas de tratamento habitualmente propostos para a abordagem dos problemas derivados do consumo de álcool centram a sua atenção, quase exclusivamente, no comportamento aditivo como guia orientador da intervenção e como indicador objectivo do êxito do próprio programa Mas na maioria dos casos o comportamento aditivo é sim a manifestação mais objectiva de um profundo desajuste entre o sujeito consigo mesmo e com o seu meio ambiente. É por isso, objectivo dos processos de recuperação oferecer-lhe a possibilidade de recuperar a crença na palavra ou aprender o seu valor como meio de comunicação fundamental entre os homens. Para além de possibilitar aos sujeitos dependentes de álcool este valor, importa também incutir nos sujeitos o valor positivo de viver com limites; pois são especialistas em tentar sabotar a acção dos técnicos e em descobrir as suas debilidades para as utilizarem em seu interesse. Importa por isso, que aprendam o valor das leis e a utilidade, para todos, de cumpri-las (Kalina, 2001). Assim, o treino de habilidades sociais constitui uma parte importante dos tratamentos para os sujeitos com problemas de abuso de álcool e drogas. Foi nesse sentido que nos propusemos a identificar o nível de habilidades sociais em pessoas dependentes de álcool. O estudo que desenvolvemos é de carácter exploratório/descritivo, para o qual optámos por utilizar uma metodologia quantitativa. A amostra foi constituída por 229 indivíduos, do sexo masculino, dependentes de álcool, em instituições nacionais de referência na área da alcoologia O instrumento de recolha de dados é constituído por um Questionário de dados sócio demográficos, uma Escala de Habilidades Sociais e uma Escala de Auto-apreciação Pessoal. Constatamos que a amostra constituída por indivíduos dependentes de álcool apresenta uma pontuação média na Escala de Habilidades Sociais de 89.96, equivalente ao percentil 55 na tabela de parametrização de Gismero (2002). Este valor é claramente inferior ao conseguido por qualquer uma das outras amostras analisadas, seja a do estudo preliminar, seja a do estudo comparativo, constituída por indivíduos da população em geral e que conseguiram um percentil 70. ABSTRACT; The social life of a person dependent on alcohol is, most of the time, a risk factor to continue or increase the alcohol excessive consumption. One of the alcoholic failures is the fact that he is unable to perform an adequate social role, to the detriment of himself and others. A person, who abuses alcohol consumption, soon loses his reputation next to his colleagues, friends and relatives, which makes him intolerant of frustration and increases the alcohol consumption. To lie becomes his best ally, because it helps him to reduce the anxiety caused by the failure of his social life, what is promptly pointed out by others. To identify the individual social problems is essential to plan the best intervention strategy. This can be of prevention, psychotherapy or rehabilitation. The treatment programmers, usually proposed to deal with the problems caused by alcohol consumption, focus almost exclusively on the addictive behaviour, as a guide line for the intervention and as an objective indicator of the success of the programme itself. But, in most cases, the addictive behaviour is an objective manifestation of a deep break off of the individual with himself and with his environment. That is why the aim of the recuperation process is to offer the individual the possibility to recover their belief on the word or to learn its value as an essential means of communication for men. Besides getting the message trough, it is also important to make the individuals aware of the positive value of living within limits. These individuals are specialists on trying to sabotage the technicians’ actions, discovering their weaknesses so they can use them on their own behalf. That is why it is so important that they learn the value of rules and the importance of accomplishing them (Kalina, 2001). Therefore, the training of the social skills is an important part of the treatment of individuals with problems of alcohol or dugs addiction. So, we committed ourselves to identifying the level of social skills on people who have an alcohol addiction. The study we developed is exploratory/ descriptive and we chose to use a quantitative methodology. The sample was of 229 male alcohol dependent individuals, staying in national institutes of reference in the area of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. The means to collect data were a social demographic data questionnaire, a scale of social skills and a scale of personal self- assessment. We realized that the sample of alcohol dependent individuals presents an average score in social skills of 89.96, equivalent to a percentile of 55 in the parameterization of Gismero (2002). This is clearly a lower value than the one obtained by any other sample we analyzed, whether in the preliminary study or in the comparative study, constituted by individuals of the common population that achieved a percentile of 70.


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This qualitative study was aimed at investigating foreign language teachers’ attitudes toward use of information and communication technology (ICT) in their instruction. The insight was gained through the reported experience of ICT implementation by teachers, in what way and for which purpose they refer to use of technology, what kind of support and training they are provided with, and what beliefs they express about the influence of ICT implementation. This case study took place in one of the training schools in Finland. Five teachers participated in semi-structured interviews through a face-to-face approach. The findings demonstrated positive attitudes of teachers toward integration of ICT. The teachers shared their opinions about positive influence that ICT implementation has on both teaching and learning processes. However, they also pointed out the negative sides of ICT use: distraction of the students from usage of technology and technical problems causing frustration to the teachers. In addition, the responses revealed that the teachers are provided with adequate training aimed at enhancing their qualification which is provided with well-timed technology support and colleagues’ collaboration facilitating an efficient and smooth pace of the teaching process. According to the teachers’ opinions ICT integration in education appeared to have changed the role of the teacher. Due to different alterations in the field of ICT development teachers are required to upgrade their skills. The paper concludes with the limitations of the study and the recommendations for conducting further research.


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Entrepreneurship is having the courage to transform an idea in reality and with it achieve personal, nancial and recognition satisfaction. The psychological ability to handle failure has proven essential in success. We analysed the importance of idiosyncratic psychological aspects in the success of entrepreneurs through an observational study accompanying 20 entrepreneurs from the idea presentation phase to company incorporation. During the observation period 4 distinct psychological phases of the entrepreneurs were observed, being it possible to describe them as follows: absorption of information and knowledge; application of the gathered knowledge to their speci c cases; frustration generated by criticism, namely from investors who didn’t recognise the value of their projects; realism and implementation of the project. Having passed more than 6 months after the analysis period, one can verify that the entrepreneurs who have travelled the 4 phases are today developing their projects being that the remaining ones are in a similar situation as at the end of the initial two months. Conclusion: The ability to cope with frustration and rejection is a determinant factor in the success of the entrepreneur. The ability to learn from rejection, more than resilience help the entrepreneur to proceed.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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This qualitative study was aimed at investigating foreign language teachers’ attitudes toward use of information and communication technology (ICT) in their instruction. The insight was gained through the reported experience of ICT implementation by teachers, in what way and for which purpose they refer to use of technology, what kind of support and training they are provided with, and what beliefs they express about the influence of ICT implementation. This case study took place in one of the training schools in Finland. Five teachers participated in semi-structured interviews through a face-to-face approach. The findings demonstrated positive attitudes of teachers toward integration of ICT. The teachers shared their opinions about positive influence that ICT implementation has on both teaching and learning processes. However, they also pointed out the negative sides of ICT use: distraction of the students from usage of technology and technical problems causing frustration to the teachers. In addition, the responses revealed that the teachers are provided with adequate training aimed at enhancing their qualification which is provided with well-timed technology support and colleagues’ collaboration facilitating an efficient and smooth pace of the teaching process. According to the teachers’ opinions ICT integration in education appeared to have changed the role of the teacher. Due to different alterations in the field of ICT development teachers are required to upgrade their skills. The paper concludes with the limitations of the study and the recommendations for conducting further research.


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O presente trabalho aborda as dificuldades sentidas pelos profissionais de saúde perante os doentes em fase terminal. É importante percebermos como é que os profissionais de saúde se preparam psicologicamente para tratar dos pacientes com o profissionalismo que lhes é pedido. O trabalho recai, na tentativa de verificar, a forma como conseguem “escapar” a esta ligação directa com a morte. Participaram neste estudo do tipo exploratório, 4 enfermeiras e 1 médica da Unidade da Dor do Hospital Garcia de Orta, que através de entrevistas semi-directivas, descreviam as suas experiências. Abordámos o percurso profissional, as dificuldades no dia-a-dia, as situações mais gratificantes, a função da equipa e o processo de luto. Nos resultados obtidos, utilizámos como método a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados destacaram a identificação, como a maior dificuldade, lembrando desta forma que os profissionais de saúde, também sofrem com a perda dos doentes, como se de alguém próximo se tratasse, complicando a relação profissional e levando a que normalmente se usem mecanismos do evitamento. Concluímos que é indispensável o apoio da equipa multidisciplinar, de forma a acolher todos os acontecimentos que provocam desconforto e angústia em relação à morte, por mais mecanismos utilizados é impossível dissociar a relação profissional da pessoal.


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There are a host of complex and interlinked psychological, social and biological factors involved in the development of problem gambling (PG). While existing research, which is predominantly cross-sectional, shows that emerging adulthood is a critical period for PG, the early risk factors for PG are currently unknown. Here, we recruited a sample of 156 early adolescents with no history of PG (mean age 12.6 years) and longitudinally followed them up into late adolescence (mean age 18.9 years) to investigate the role of sex, risk-taking behaviour and changes in temperament and psychiatric symptoms in the evolution of risky gambling behaviour. There were sex-independent effects of temperament and risk-taking behaviour, with greater developmental increases in temperamental frustration (i.e. negative affectivity), greater developmental decreases in temperamental attention (i.e. effortful control) and greater involvement in risky behaviours, such as alcohol use, predicting greater likelihood of being in the risky gambling group. In addition, there were sex-dependent effects whereby higher levels of baseline aggression in females and lower levels of the same in males were more predictive of risky gambling. These findings highlight how sex-dependent and independent factors across the early- to mid-adolescent period influence the occurrence of gambling later in life.


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Few studies have directly examined whether cognitive control can moderate the influence of temperamental positive and negative affective traits on adolescent risk-taking behavior. Using a combined multimethod, latent variable approach to the assessment of adolescent risk-taking behavior and cognitive control, this study examined whether cognitive control moderates the influence of temperamental surgency and frustration on risk-taking behavior in a sample of 177 adolescents (Mage = 16.12 years, SD = 0.69). As predicted, there was a significant interaction between cognitive control and frustration, but not between cognitive control and surgency, in predicting risk-taking behavior. These findings have important implications and suggest that the determinants of adolescent risk taking depend on the valence of the affective motivation for risk-taking behavior.


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BACKGROUND: The majority of in-hospital deaths of children occur in paediatric and neonatal intensive care units. For nurses working in these settings, this can be a source of significant anxiety, discomfort and sense of failure.

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to explore how NICU/PICU nurses care for families before and after death; to explore the nurses' perspectives on their preparedness/ability to provide family care; and to determine the emotional content of language used by nurse participants.

METHODS: Focus group and individual interviews were conducted with 22 registered nurses from neonatal and paediatric intensive care units of two major metropolitan hospitals in Australia. All data were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were then analysed thematically and using Linguistic Inquiry to examine emotional content.

RESULTS: Four core themes were identified: preparing for death; communication challenges; the nurse-family relationship and resilience of nurses. Findings suggested that continuing to provide aggressive treatment to a dying child/infant whilst simultaneously caring for the family caused discomfort and frustration for nurses. Nurses sometimes delayed death to allow families to prepare, as evidenced in the Linguistic Inquiry analysis, which enabled differentiation between types of emotional talk such as anger talk, anxiety talk and sadness talk. PICU nurses had significantly more anxiety talk (p=0.018) than NICU nurses.

CONCLUSION: This study provided rich insights into the experiences of nurses who are caring for dying children including the nurses' need to balance the often aggressive treatments with preparation of the family for the possibility of their child's death. There is some room for improvement in nurses' provision of anticipatory guidance, which encompasses effective and open communication, focussed on preparing families for the child's death.


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I min uppsats har jag genom en öppen och ostrukturerad intervju ämnat beskriva en persons erfarenheter och livsberättelser som utvisningsdömd och frihetsberövad asylsökande. Även fast hela personens liv omfattas i intervjun, har ett särskilt fokus legat på teman som berör personens bakgrund, hans resa från hemlandet, tiden i förvar samt hans nuvarande livssituation. I författandet av uppsatsen har jag använt mig av en narrativ metod med en livsberättelseansats, där de teoretiska och begreppsliga utgångpunkterna har varit: Anthony Giddens teorier kring modernitet och självidentitet. Erving Goffmans teorier kring stigma, social identitet och totala institutioner. Guy Standings och Isabell Loreys prekariatteorier. Uppsatsens resultat visar bland annat på att förvarstiden är psykiskt påfrestande vilket i informantens fall tydligast manifesterar sig genom en ständigt närvarande tristess. En tristess framkallad av identiskt utformade dagar innehållandes oföränderliga fysiska miljöer. Vad gäller tillvaron som asylsökande så präglas den första tiden av lättnad som sedan successivt övergår i känslor av frustration och väntan. En väntan och frustration som bottnar i ett liv av innehållslöshet, stagnation och nervositet. Resultatet visar även på att informanten upplever en viss misstro gentemot myndigheterna då han i kontakten med dessa ibland upplevt sig bli orättvist beskylld som kriminell eller som en lögnaktig snyltgäst. Under den period informantenen levde som illegal invandrare i Sverige upplevde han att han höll på att tappa kontrollen över sitt liv. Detta då för att han varken hade rättsliga möjligheter att stanna kvar i Sverige, samtidigt som resan tillbaka till hemlandet skulle innebära en potentiellt livshotande situation. Tillvaron som illegal invandrare innebar en känsla av att livet stannat upp och lagts på is, vilket kan liknas med en typ av existentiellt limbotillstånd. Förutom den bristande tillgången till fri rörlighet och resurser förspilldes även värdefull levnadstid som informanten upplever sig ha kunnat förvalta på ett mer konstruktivt sätt.


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This paper reports on the Transition: Improved Literacy Outcomes Research Study established by the Department of Education and Training (DET). The purpose of the study was to identify the most useful and usable data for educators to access in order to ensure that student literacy learning is maximised during the transition from Primary to Secondary school.1. The research followed a mixed-methods approach, combining a statistically defensible sample of schools selected to represent school types (primary, secondary, combined), locations (rural, regional, urban) and all regions with a survey and follow- up interviews.2. The results are presented as a mixture of statistics, case studies and discussion. The case studies were developed from both survey data and interview data.3. Leaders and teachers overwhelmingly valued teacher judgement (through AusVELS) as the most useful data in understanding students’ strengths and weaknesses, followed by On-Demand testing.4. NAPLAN results were frequently transferred between schools, but were found to be less useful than other data by teachers.5. School leaders and teachers are currently using data for ability streaming, or for tailoring curriculum for individual student needs. A number of schools use the Literacy data for achieving a balance of student abilities within classes.6. Support for access to, and use of, data is mainly manual, with some use of spreadsheets.7. As the number of feeder Primary schools to a single Secondary school increases, data management becomes a much larger burden on the Secondary staff concerned.8. In Secondary schools, there was a clear demand for Literacy data, but these data were not always those that were being provided by their feeder Priamary schools. This mis-match appears to lead to some frustration among Literacy transition staff at both levels of schooling.9. A gap that needs filling is around the nature of the pedagogies at the two school levels. Not knowing, or misunderstanding, the approaches and needs of each level of schooling leads to the passing on of irrelevant Literacy data in some instances.10. The need for a common template for transition data was expressed by many Transition staff, both Primary and Secondary. In some instances the secondary school had set up a local template for this11. It would be advantageous for data to be directly up-loaded or transferred into a system via electronic tools already in use, such as an Excel spreadsheet.12. We would recommend that the capacity to provide some visualisation of data, and the compilation of internal Literacy data such as teacher judgements and AusVELS levels, or additional testing carried out by the school.13. Student background data was seen by many Secondary transition staff as being equally as valuable as more formal Literacy data for determining student needs.