980 resultados para Frequency domain decomposition (FDD)


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PURPOSE. To investigate objectively and noninvasively the role of cognitive demand on autonomic control of systemic cardiovascular and ocular accommodative responses in emmetropes and myopes of late-onset. METHODS. Sixteen subjects (10 men, 6 women) aged between 18 and 34 years (mean ± SD: 22.6 ± 4.4 years), eight emmetropes (EMMs; mean spherical equivalent [MSE] refractive error ± SD: 0.05 ± 0.24 D) and eight with late-onset myopia (LOMs; MSE ± SD: -3.66 ± 2.31 D) participated in the study. Subjects viewed stationary numerical digits monocularly within a Badal optical system (at both 0.0 and -3.0 D) while performing a two-alternative, forced-choice paradigm that matched cognitive loading across subjects. Five individually matched cognitive levels of increasing difficulty were used in random order for each subject. Five 20-second, continuous-objective recordings of the accommodative response measured with an open-view infrared autorefractor were obtained for each cognitive level, whereas simultaneous measurement of heart rate was continuously recorded with a finger-mounted piezoelectric pulse transducer for 5 minutes. Fast Fourier transformation of cardiovascular function allowed the relative power of the autonomic components to be assessed in the frequency domain, whereas heart period gave an indication of the time-domain response. RESULTS. Increasing the cognitive demand led to a significant reduction in the accommodative response in all subjects (0.0 D: by -0.35 ± 0.33 D; -3.0 D: by -0.31 ± 0.40 D, P < 0.001). The greater lag of LOMs compared with EMMs was not significant (P = 0.07) at both distance (0.38 ± 0.35 D) and near (0.14 ± 0.42 D). Mean heart period reduced with increasing levels of workload (P < 0.0005). LOMs exhibited a relative elevation in sympathetic system activity compared to EMMs. Within refractive groups, however, accommodative shifts with increasing cognition correlated with parasympathetic activity (r = 0.99, P < 0.001), more than with sympathetic activity (r = 0.62, P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. In an equivalent workload paradigm, increasing cognitive demand caused a reduction in accommodative response that was attributable principally to a concurrent reduction in the relative power of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The disparity in accommodative response between EMMs and LOMs, however, appears to be augmented by changes in the sympathetic nervous component of the systemic ANS. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the hypothesis that objective measures of open- and closed-loop ocular accommodation are related to systemic cardiovascular function, and ipso facto autonomic nervous system activity. METHODS: Sixty subjects (29 male; 31 female) varying in age from 18 to 33 years (average: 20.3 +/- 2.9 years) with a range of refractive errors [mean spherical equivalent (MSE): -7.12 to +1.82 D] participated in the study. Five 20-s continuous objective recordings of the accommodative response, measured with an open-view IR autorefractor (Shin-Nippon SRW-5000), were obtained for a variety of open- and closed-loop accommodative demands while simultaneous continuous measurement of heart rate was recorded with a finger-mounted piezo-electric pulse transducer for 5 min. Fast Fourier Transformation of cardiovascular function allowed the absolute and relative power of the autonomic components to be assessed in the frequency-domain, whereas heart period gave an indication of the time-domain response. RESULTS: Increasing closed-loop accommodative demand led to a concurrent increase in heart rate of approximately 2 beats/min for a 4.0 D increase in accommodative demand. The increase was attributable to a reduction in the absolute (p < 0.05) and normalised (p < 0.001) input of the systemic parasympathetic nervous system, and was unaffected by refractive group. The interaction with refractive group failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: For sustained accommodation effort, the data demonstrate covariation between the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems which implies that a near visual task can significantly influence cardiovascular behaviour. Accommodative effort alone, however, is not a sufficient stimulus to induce autonomic differences between refractive groups. The data suggest that both the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems are predominantly attributable to changes in the systemic parasympathetic nervous system.


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Image segmentation is one of the most computationally intensive operations in image processing and computer vision. This is because a large volume of data is involved and many different features have to be extracted from the image data. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of practical issues related to the implementation of several classes of image segmentation algorithms on parallel architectures. The Transputer is used as the basic building block of hardware architectures and Occam is used as the programming language. The segmentation methods chosen for implementation are convolution, for edge-based segmentation; the Split and Merge algorithm for segmenting non-textured regions; and the Granlund method for segmentation of textured images. Three different convolution methods have been implemented. The direct method of convolution, carried out in the spatial domain, uses the array architecture. The other two methods, based on convolution in the frequency domain, require the use of the two-dimensional Fourier transform. Parallel implementations of two different Fast Fourier Transform algorithms have been developed, incorporating original solutions. For the Row-Column method the array architecture has been adopted, and for the Vector-Radix method, the pyramid architecture. The texture segmentation algorithm, for which a system-level design is given, demonstrates a further application of the Vector-Radix Fourier transform. A novel concurrent version of the quad-tree based Split and Merge algorithm has been implemented on the pyramid architecture. The performance of the developed parallel implementations is analysed. Many of the obtained speed-up and efficiency measures show values close to their respective theoretical maxima. Where appropriate comparisons are drawn between different implementations. The thesis concludes with comments on general issues related to the use of the Transputer system as a development tool for image processing applications; and on the issues related to the engineering of concurrent image processing applications.


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The trend in modal extraction algorithms is to use all the available frequency response functions data to obtain a global estimate of the natural frequencies, damping ratio and mode shapes. Improvements in transducer and signal processing technology allow the simultaneous measurement of many hundreds of channels of response data. The quantity of data available and the complexity of the extraction algorithms make considerable demands on the available computer power and require a powerful computer or dedicated workstation to perform satisfactorily. An alternative to waiting for faster sequential processors is to implement the algorithm in parallel, for example on a network of Transputers. Parallel architectures are a cost effective means of increasing computational power, and a larger number of response channels would simply require more processors. This thesis considers how two typical modal extraction algorithms, the Rational Fraction Polynomial method and the Ibrahim Time Domain method, may be implemented on a network of transputers. The Rational Fraction Polynomial Method is a well known and robust frequency domain 'curve fitting' algorithm. The Ibrahim Time Domain method is an efficient algorithm that 'curve fits' in the time domain. This thesis reviews the algorithms, considers the problems involved in a parallel implementation, and shows how they were implemented on a real Transputer network.


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It is desirable that energy performance improvement is not realized at the expense of other network performance parameters. This paper investigates the trade off between energy efficiency, spectral efficiency and user QoS performance for a multi-cell multi-user radio access network. Specifically, the energy consumption ratio (ECR) and the spectral efficiency of several common frequency domain packet schedulers in a cellular E-UTRAN downlink are compared for both the SISO transmission mode and the 2x2 Alamouti Space Frequency Block Code (SFBC) MIMO transmission mode. It is well known that the 2x2 SFBC MIMO transmission mode is more spectrally efficient compared to the SISO transmission mode, however, the relationship between energy efficiency and spectral efficiency is undecided. It is shown that, for the E-UTRAN downlink with fixed transmission power, spectral efficiency improvement results into energy efficiency improvement. The effect of SFBC MIMO versus SISO on the user QoS performance is also studied. © 2011 IEEE.


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In traditional communication systems the transmission medium is considered as a given characteristic of the channel, which does not depend on the properties of the transmitter and the receiver. Recent experimental demonstrations of the feasibility of extending the laser cavity over the whole communication link connecting the two parties, forming an ultra-long fiber laser (UFL), have raised groundbreaking possibilities in communication and particularly in secure communications. Here, a 500 km long secure key distribution link based on Raman gain UFL is demonstrated. An error-free distribution of a random key with an average rate of 100 bps between the users is demonstrated and the key is shown to be unrecoverable to an eavesdropper employing either time or frequency domain passive attacks. In traditional communication systems the transmission medium is considered as a given characteristic of the channel, which does not depend on the properties of the transmitter and the receiver. Recent demonstrations of the feasibility of extending the laser cavity over the whole communication link connecting the two parties, forming an ultra-long fiber laser (UFL), have raised groundbreaking possibilities in communication. Here, a 500 km long secure key distribution link based on Raman gain UFL is demonstrated. © 2014 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate the seamless integration of full duplex system frequency division duplex (FDD) long-term evolution (LTE) technology with radio over fiber (RoF) for eNodeB (eNB) coverage extension. LTE is composed of quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), 16-quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM) and 64-QAM, modulated onto orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and single-carrier-frequency division multiplexing for downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) transmissions, respectively. The RoF system is composed of dedicated directly modulated lasers for DL and UL with dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) for instantaneous connections and for Rayleigh backscattering and nonlinear interference mitigation. DL and UL signals have varying carrier frequencies and are categorized as broad frequency spacing (BFS), intermediate frequency spacing (IFS), and narrow frequency spacing (NFS). The adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) for DL and UL with 64-QAM are similar for all frequency spacings while cross talk is observed for NFS. For the best case scenario for DL and UL transmissions we achieve error vector magnitude (EVM) values of ~2.30%, ~2.33%, and ~2.39% for QPSK, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM, respectively, while for the worst case scenario with a NFS EVM is increased by 0.40% for all schemes. © 2009-2012 OSA.


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A tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) was integrated as the dispersive element in a high performance biomedical imaging system. The spectrum emitted by the 23 mm long active region of the fiber is projected through custom designed optics consisting of a cylindrical lens for vertical beam collimation and successively by an achromatic doublet onto a linear detector array. High resolution tomograms of biomedical samples were successfully acquired by the frequency domain OCT-system. Tomograms of ophthalmic and dermal samples obtained by the frequency domain OCT-system were obtained achieving 2.84 μm axial and 10.2 μm lateral resolution. The miniaturization reduces costs and has the potential to further extend the field of application for OCT-systems in biology, medicine and technology. © 2014 SPIE.


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This paper describes a method of signal preprocessing under active monitoring. Suppose we want to solve the inverse problem of getting the response of a medium to one powerful signal, which is equivalent to obtaining the transmission function of the medium, but do not have an opportunity to conduct such an experiment (it might be too expensive or harmful for the environment). Practically the problem can be reduced to obtaining the transmission function of the medium. In this case we can conduct a series of experiments of relatively low power and superpose the response signals. However, this method is conjugated with considerable loss of information (especially in the high frequency domain) due to fluctuations of the phase, the frequency and the starting time of each individual experiment. The preprocessing technique presented in this paper allows us to substantially restore the response of the medium and consequently to find a better estimate for the transmission function. This technique is based on expanding the initial signal into the system of orthogonal functions.


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The aim of this study is to accurately distinguish Parkinson's disease (PD) participants from healthy controls using self-administered tests of gait and postural sway. Using consumer-grade smartphones with in-built accelerometers, we objectively measure and quantify key movement severity symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Specifically, we record tri-axial accelerations, and extract a range of different features based on the time and frequency-domain properties of the acceleration time series. The features quantify key characteristics of the acceleration time series, and enhance the underlying differences in the gait and postural sway accelerations between PD participants and controls. Using a random forest classifier, we demonstrate an average sensitivity of 98.5% and average specificity of 97.5% in discriminating PD participants from controls. © 2014 IEEE.


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Unwanted spike noise in a digital signal is a common problem in digital filtering. However, sometimes the spikes are wanted and other, superimposed, signals are unwanted, and linear, time invariant (LTI) filtering is ineffective because the spikes are wideband - overlapping with independent noise in the frequency domain. So, no LTI filter can separate them, necessitating nonlinear filtering. However, there are applications in which the noise includes drift or smooth signals for which LTI filters are ideal. We describe a nonlinear filter formulated as the solution to an elastic net regularization problem, which attenuates band-limited signals and independent noise, while enhancing superimposed spikes. Making use of known analytic solutions a novel, approximate path-following algorithm is given that provides a good, filtered output with reduced computational effort by comparison to standard convex optimization methods. Accurate performance is shown on real, noisy electrophysiological recordings of neural spikes.


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A compact, fiber-based spectrometer for biomedical application utilizing a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) as integrated dispersive element is demonstrated. Based on a 45° UV-written PS750 TFBG a refractive spectrometer with 2.06 radiant/μm dispersion and a numerical aperture of 0.1 was set up and tested as integrated detector for an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. Featuring a 23 mm long active region at the fiber the spectrum is projected via a cylindrical lens for vertical beam collimation and focused by an achromatic doublet onto the detector array. Covering 740 nm to 860 nm the spectrometer was optically connected to a broadband white light interferometer and a wide field scan head and electronically to an acquisition and control computer. Tomograms of ophthalmic and dermal samples obtained by the frequency domain OCT-system were obtained achieving 2.84 μm axial and 7.6 μm lateral resolution. © 2014 SPIE.


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We propose and demonstrate a microfiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (MFPI) fabricated by taper-drawing microfiber at the center of a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The MFPI employing the two separated sections of FBG as reflectors and a length of microfiber as its cavity is derived. Theoretic study shows that the reflection spectrum of such MFPI is consisted of two parts-interference fringes induced by multi-beam interference and reflection spectrum envelope induced by FBGs. Temperature affects both interference fringes and reflection wavelength of FBGs while ambient refractive index (RI) only influences the interference fringes, i.e., MFPI has different response to temperature and RI. Therefore, MFPI for simultaneous sensing of RI and temperature is experimentally demonstrated by tracking a reflection peak of interference fringes and the Bragg wavelength of the FBGs, which are respectively assisted by frequency domain processing and Gaussian fitting of the optical spectrum. Consequently, wavelength measurement resolution of 0.5 pm is realized. © 1983-2012 IEEE.


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We investigated 50 young patients with a diagnosis of Rolandic Epilepsy (RE) for the presence of abnormalities in autonomic tone compared with 50 young patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy with absences and 50 typically developing children of comparable age. We analyzed time domain (N-N interval, pNN50) and frequency domain (High Frequency (HF), Low Frequency (LF) and LF/HF ratio) indices from ten-minute resting EKG activity. Patients with RE showed significantly higher HF and lower LF power and lower LF/HF ratio than controls, independent of the epilepsy group, and did not show significant differences in any other autonomic index with respect to the two control groups. In RE, we found a negative relationship between both seizure load and frequency of sleep interictal EEG abnormalities with parasympathetic drive levels. These changes might be the expression of adaptive mechanisms to prevent the excessive sympathetic drive seen in patients with refractory epilepsies. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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We propose a Wiener-Hammerstein (W-H) channel estimation algorithm for Long-Term Evolution (LTE) systems. The LTE standard provides known data as pilot symbols and exploits them through coherent detection to improve system performance. These drivers are placed in a hybrid way to cover up both time and frequency domain. Our aim is to adapt the W-H equalizer (W-H/E) to LTE standard for compensation of both linear and nonlinear effects induced by power amplifiers and multipath channels. We evaluate the performance of the W-H/E for a Downlink LTE system in terms of BLER, EVM and Throughput versus SNR. Afterwards, we compare the results with a traditional Least-Mean Square (LMS) equalizer. It is shown that W-H/E can significantly reduce both linear and nonlinear distortions compared to LMS and improve LTE Downlink system performance.