696 resultados para Franciscus Georgius Venetus
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From ortho-phenylenemagnesium (1), 9-phenyl-9-germa-10-silatriptycene (5) was prepared via a simple one pot procedure. The previously prepared 9-methyl-10-phenyl-9,10-digermatriptycene (4) and 5 are the first germanium-containing 9,10-dimetallatriptycenes to be structurally characterised. The availability of these structural data allows a comparative discussion of 9,10-dimetallatriptycenes of Group 14.
A presente dissertação investiga a relação empírica entre a crise financeira de 2007-2009, a crise da dívida soberana de 2010-2012 e a recente desaceleração dos mercados de capitais nos mercados emergentes. A exposição dos mercados emergentes à crise nos desenvolvidos é quantificada através de um modelo de interdependência de factores. Os resultados mostram que estes sofreram, de facto, um choque provocado por ambas as crises. No entanto, este foi um choque de curta duração enquanto os mercados desenvolvidos ainda lutavam com as consequências resultantes das sucessivas crises financeiras. A análise do modelo mostra ainda que após a crise da divida soberana, enquanto os mercados desenvolvidos iniciam a sua recuperação, os emergentes desaceleram o seu crescimento. De forma a completar a análise do modelo foi efectuado um estudo sobre a influência dos fluxos de capitais entre os mercados emergentes e desenvolvidos na direcção do seu crescimento, revelando que existe uma relação entre estes dois eventos.
Incluye Bibliografía
In this action research study, where the subjects were my 6th grade mathematics students, I investigated the impact of direct vocabulary instruction on their communication and achievement. I strategically implemented the addition of vocabulary study into each lesson over a four-month time period. The students practiced using vocabulary in verbal discussions, review activities, and in mathematical problem explanations. I discovered that a majority of students improved their overall understanding of mathematical concepts based on an analysis of the data I collected. I also found that in general, students felt that knowing the definition of mathematical words was important and that it increased their achievement when they understood the words. In addition, students were more exact in their communication after receiving vocabulary instruction. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to implement vocabulary into daily lessons and keep vocabulary and communication as a focus of my 6th grade mathematics class.
The assaying of gold and silver cyanide solutions is by no means new. The first method of analysis which is given in the literature is an evaporation method by S. B. Christy in 1896. However, the fire assaying of gold and silver dates further back than this. There is a method of fire assaying for gold and silver given in literature as early as 1556 in Georgius, Agricola’s De Re Metallica book.
Der Vortrag soll eine Zusammenschau und teilweise Neugewichtung der zahlreichen Einzelthemen bieten, die in der umfangreichen Literatur (samt noch unveröffentlichten Kongress-Beiträgen) zur Frage erarbeitet wurden, welche venezianischen Voraussetzungen im Werk des zum Verherrlicher seiner zweiten Heimat – Roms – gewordenen 'architectus venetus' – wie er sich zeitlebens nannte – wirksam blieben. Es geht dabei um Biographisches, Künstlerisches und Geistesgeschichtliches, um Techniken, Gattungen und Motive, um Methoden, Sichtweisen und bildliche Vorstellungen; nebst Lehre und Einflüssen älterer und zeitgenössischer venezianischer Kunst werden parallele Verläufe in den beiden Städten, Annäherungen und neuerliche Entfernung des Künstlers im Verhältnis zum Erbe Venedigs diskutiert. Einzelpunkte betreffen seine Ausbildung, den Leitbegriff der 'magnificenza', klassische und antiklassische Elemente seiner Kunst, das Kompositionsprinzip des Kandelabers etc.
Heidelberg, Univ., Diss., 1782
Mainz, Univ., Diss., 1764
Marburg, Univ., Diss., 1744
Jena, Univ., Diss., 1740
Leipzig, Univ., Diss., 1696
Jena, Univ., Diss., 1875