950 resultados para Forest Seed. Sabiá species. Germination. Electric conductivity. Potassium leaching. Physiological quality


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The present PhD work aims the research and development of materials that exhibit multiferroic properties, in particular having a significant interaction between ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity; either directly within an intrinsic single phase or by combining extrinsic materials, achieving the coupling of properties through mechanic phenomena of the respective magnetostriction and piezoelectricity. These hybrid properties will allow the cross modification of magnetic and electric polarization states by the application of cross external magnetic and/or electric fields, giving way to a vast area for scientific investigation and potential technological applications in a new generation of electronic devices, such as computer memories, signal processing, transducers, sensors, etc. Initial experimental work consisted in chemical synthesis of nano powders oxides by urea pyrolysis method: A series of ceramic bulk composites with potential multiferroic properties comprised: of LuMnO3 with La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and BaTiO3 with La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and a series based on the intrinsic multiferroic LuMn1-zO3 phase modified with of Manganese vacancies. The acquisition of a new magnetron RF sputtering deposition system, in the Physics Department of Aveiro University, contributed to the proposal of an analogous experimental study in multiferroic thin films and multilayer samples. Besides the operational debut of this equipment several technical upgrades were completed like: the design and construction of the heater electrical contacts; specific shutters and supports for the magnetrons and for the substrate holder and; the addition of mass flow controllers, which allowed the introduction of N2 or O2 active atmosphere in the chamber; and the addition of a second RF generator, enabling co-deposition of different targets. Base study of the deposition conditions and resulting thin films characteristics in different substrates was made from an extensive list of targets. Particular attention was given to thin film deposition of magnetic phases La1-xSrxMnO3, La1-xBaxMnO3 and Ni2+x-yMn1-xGa1+y alloy, from the respective targets: La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and NiGa with NiMn. Main structural characterization of samples was performed by conventional and high resolution X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); chemical composition was determined by Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS); magnetization measurements recur to a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) prototype; and surface probing (SPM) using Magnetic-Force (MFM) and Piezo-Response (PFM) Microscopy. Results clearly show that the composite bulk samples (LuM+LSM and BTO+LBM) feat the intended quality objectives in terms of phase composition and purity, having spurious contents below 0.5 %. SEM images confirm compact grain packaging and size distribution around the 50 nm scale. Electric conductivity, magnetization intensity and magneto impedance spreading response are coherent with the relative amount of magnetic phase in the sample. The existence of coupling between the functional phases is confirmed by the Magnetoelectric effect measurements of the sample “78%LuM+22%LSM” reaching 300% of electric response for 1 T at 100 kHz; while in the “78%BTO+22%LBM” sample the structural transitions of the magnetic phase at ~350 K result in a inversion of ME coefficient the behavior. A functional Magneto-Resistance measurement system was assembled from the concept stage until the, development and operational status; it enabled to test samples from 77 to 350 K, under an applied magnetic field up to 1 Tesla with 360º horizontal rotation; this system was also designed to measure Hall effect and has the potential to be further upgraded. Under collaboration protocols established with national and international institutions, complementary courses and sample characterization studies were performed using Magneto-Resistance (MR), Magneto-Impedance (MZ) and Magneto-Electric (ME) measurements; Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS); SQUID and VSM magnetization; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS); Scan Probe Microscopy (SPM) with Band Excitation Probe Spectroscopy (BEPS); Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Perturbed Angular Correlations (PAC). Additional collaboration in research projects outside the scope of multiferroic materials provided further experience in sample preparation and characterization techniques, namely VSM and XPS measurements were performed in cubane molecular complex compounds and enable to identify the oxidation state of the integrating cluster of Ru ions; also, XRD and EDS/SEM analysis of the acquired targets and substrates implied the devolution of some items not in conformity with the specifications. Direct cooperation with parallel research projects regarding multiferroic materials, enable the assess to supplementary samples, namely a preliminary series of nanopowder Y1-x-yCaxØyMn1O3 and of Eu0.8Y0.2MnO3, a series of micropowder composites of LuMnO3 with La0.625Sr0.375MnO3 and of BaTiO3 with hexagonal ferrites; mono and polycrystalline samples of Pr1-xCaxMnO3, La1-xSrxMnO3 and La1-xCaxMnO3.


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A ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde é uma ilha de origem vulcânica, constituída basicamente por lavas e piroclastos, localizada no Oceano Atlântico ao lado da costa ocidental de África. A ilha é caracterizada por três unidades hidrogeológicas, sendo estas a Formação de Base (semi-confinada), a Formação Intermédia (freática) e a Formação Recente (freática), que apresentam características geológicas e comportamentos hidráulicos que as diferenciam, recebendo recarga directa e/ ou diferida por infiltração das águas de chuva e descarregam ao mar, na rede hidrográfica ou, ainda, em outros níveis aquíferos subjacentes, desde que induzidos por gradientes hidráulicos favoráveis. O clima de Santiago é árido a semi-árido, com precipitações muito escassas e irregulares, condicionadas na sua distribuição pela altitude, ventos e orientação das vertentes, dando por vezes origem a períodos de seca prolongados. Em anos de ‘boa’ chuva, as precipitações propiciam a existência temporária de recursos hídricos superficiais e a recarga dos recursos de água subterrânea. Foi realizado um estudo hidrogeoquímico detalhado da ilha que incluiu a recolha de amostras em 133 pontos de água, entre furos, poços e nascentes. A composição química das águas analisadas na ilha de Santiago apresenta significativas variações em função da geologia e do tempo de residência. Na ausência de episódios de contaminação, as águas subterrâneas têm uma composição do tipo bicarbonatada-sódica (HCO3-Na) nas zonas mais altas da ilha, onde afloram as formações da Unidade Aquífera Intermédia. Nas zonas mais próximas da costa ocorrem águas de composição cloretada-magnesiana (Cl-Mg) ou cloretada-sódica (Cl-Na). Estas últimas predominam nas partes terminais das ribeiras, onde afloram materiais de elevada permeabilidade, e o excesso de bombagem para irrigação tem conduzido a um avanço da cunha de intrusão marinha. A ocorrência da fácies Cl-Na é neste caso o resultado de processos de intercâmbio catiónico que ocorrem durante o processo de intrusão e é concordante com os elevados teores de cloretos e de condutividade eléctrica observados. Os resultados das análises de isótopos estáveis de oxigénio-18 e deutério, realizadas em amostras recolhidas a distintas altitudes, revelam um gradiente negativo com a altitude, que já tinha sido verificado em outras ilhas com declives acentuados, permitindo assim determinar altitudes de recarga de água subterrânea. Os estudos hidrogeoquímicos até agora realizados permitiram caracterizar os principais níveis aquíferos da ilha de Santiago, colocando em evidência a limitada recarga do aquífero e o risco de gradual degradação dos recursos de água subterrânea por fenómenos de intrusão salina e contaminação agrícola. Estes resultados revelam a importância da gestão integrada da qualidade e quantidade dos parcos recursos de água subterrânea na ilha de Santiago.


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Cephalopods are utilized as an important food item in various countries because of its delicacy as raw consumed food. Mainly sepia and loligo are consumed raw by Japanese and Russians. The freshness of the products is very important when the product is consumed raw. The major species that dominate our squid catch are Loligo duvaucelii and Doryteuthis sibogae. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of both the species. The needle squid (Doryteuthis sibogae ) contributes about 35% of the total squid landing. Due to the fast deterioration , a major portion of the needle squid, which is caught during the first few hauls, is thrown back to sea. The catch in the last hauls only are taken to the landing centers. At present the needle squid is processed as blanched rings and the desired quality is not obtained if it is processed as whole, whole cleaned or as tubes. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the biochemical characteristics in both the species of squid in relation to their quality and, the process control measures to be adopted. The effect of various treatments on their quality and the changes in proteolytic and lysosomal enzymes under various processing conditions are also studied in detail.Thus this study can provide the seafood industry with relevant suggestions and solutions for effective utilization of both the species of squid with emphasis on needle squid.


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We show how macroscopic manifestations of P (and T) symmetry breaking can arise in a simple system subject to Aharonov-Bohm interactions. Specifically, we study the conductivity of a gas of charged particles moving through a dilute array of flux tubes. The interaction of the electrons with the flux tubes is taken to be of a purely Aharonov-Bohm type. We find that the system exhibits a nonzero transverse conductivity, i.e., a spontaneous Hall effect. This is in contrast to the fact that the cross sections for both scattering and bremsstrahlung (soft-photon emission) of a single electron from a flux tube are invariant under reflections. We argue that the asymmetry in the conductivity coefficients arises from many-body effects. On the other hand, the transverse conductivity has the same dependence on universal constants that appears in the quantum Hall effect, a result that we relate to the validity of the mean-field approximation.


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Little is known about the bacterial ecology of evaporative salt-mining sites (salterns) of which Teguidda-n-Tessoumt at the fringe of the West-African Saharan desert in Niger is a spectacular example with its many-centuries-old and very colorful evaporation ponds. During the different enrichment steps of the salt produced as a widely traded feed supplement for cattle, animal manure is added to the crude brine, which is then desiccated and repeatedly crystallized. This study describes the dominant Bacteria and Archaea communites in the brine from the evaporation ponds and the soil from the mine, which were determined by PCR-DGGE of 16S rDNA. Correspondence analysis of the DGGE-community fingerprints revealed a change in community structure of the brine samples during the sequential evaporation steps which was, however, unaffected by the brine's pH and electric conductivity (EC). The Archaea community was dominated by a phylogenetically diverse group of methanogens, while the Bacteria community was dominated by gamma proteobacteria. Microorganisms contained in the purified salt product have the potential to be broadly disseminated and are fed to livestock across the region. In this manner, the salt mines represent an intriguing example of long-term human activity that has contributed to the continual selection, cultivation, and dissemination of cosmopolitan microorganisms.


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Vor dem Hintergund der Integration des wissensbasierten Managementsystems Precision Farming in den Ökologischen Landbau wurde die Umsetzung bestehender sowie neu zu entwickelnder Strategien evaluiert und diskutiert. Mit Blick auf eine im Precision Farming maßgebende kosteneffiziente Ertragserfassung der im Ökologischen Landbau flächenrelevanten Leguminosen-Grasgemenge wurden in zwei weiteren Beiträgen die Schätzgüten von Ultraschall- und Spektralsensorik in singulärer und kombinierter Anwendung analysiert. Das Ziel des Precision Farming, ein angepasstes Management bezogen auf die flächeninterne Variabilität der Standorte umzusetzen, und damit einer Reduzierung von Betriebsmitteln, Energie, Arbeit und Umwelteffekten bei gleichzeitiger Effektivitätssteigerung und einer ökonomischen Optimierung zu erreichen, deckt sich mit wesentlichen Bestrebungen im Ökogischen Landbau. Es sind vorrangig Maßnahmen zur Erfassung der Variabilität von Standortfaktoren wie Geländerelief, Bodenbeprobung und scheinbare elektrische Leitfähigkeit sowie der Ertragserfassung über Mähdrescher, die direkt im Ökologischen Landbau Anwendung finden können. Dagegen sind dynamisch angepasste Applikationen zur Düngung, im Pflanzenschutz und zur Beseitigung von Unkräutern aufgrund komplexer Interaktionen und eines eher passiven Charakters dieser Maßnahmen im Ökologischen Landbau nur bei Veränderung der Applikationsmodelle und unter Einbindung weiterer dynamischer Daten umsetzbar. Beispiele hiefür sind einzubeziehende Mineralisierungsprozesse im Boden und organischem Dünger bei der Düngemengenberechnung, schwer ortsspezifisch zuzuordnende präventive Maßnamen im Pflanzenschutz sowie Einflüsse auf bodenmikrobiologische Prozesse bei Hack- oder Striegelgängen. Die indirekten Regulationsmechanismen des Ökologischen Landbaus begrenzen daher die bisher eher auf eine direkte Wirkung ausgelegten dynamisch angepassten Applikationen des konventionellen Precision Farming. Ergänzend sind innovative neue Strategien denkbar, von denen die qualitätsbezogene Ernte, der Einsatz hochsensibler Sensoren zur Früherkennung von Pflanzenkrankheiten oder die gezielte teilflächen- und naturschutzorientierte Bewirtschaftung exemplarisch in der Arbeit vorgestellt werden. Für die häufig große Flächenanteile umfassenden Leguminosen-Grasgemenge wurden für eine kostengünstige und flexibel einsetzbare Ertragserfassung die Ultraschalldistanzmessung zur Charakterisierung der Bestandeshöhe sowie verschiedene spektrale Vegetationsindices als Schätzindikatoren analysiert. Die Vegetationsindices wurden aus hyperspektralen Daten nach publizierten Gleichungen errechnet sowie als „Normalized Difference Spectral Index“ (NDSI) stufenweise aus allen möglichen Wellenlängenkombinationen ermittelt. Die Analyse erfolgte für Ultraschall und Vegetationsindices in alleiniger und in kombinierter Anwendung, um mögliche kompensatorische Effekte zu nutzen. In alleiniger Anwendung erreichte die Ultraschallbestandeshöhe durchweg bessere Schätzgüten, als alle einzelnen Vegetationsindices. Bei den letztgenannten erreichten insbesondere auf Wasserabsorptionsbanden basierende Vegetationsindices eine höhere Schätzgenauigkeit als traditionelle Rot/Infrarot-Indices. Die Kombination beider Sensorda-ten ließ eine weitere Steigerung der Schätzgüte erkennen, insbesondere bei bestandesspezifischer Kalibration. Hierbei kompensieren die Vegetationsindices Fehlschätzungen der Höhenmessung bei diskontinuierlichen Bestandesdichtenänderungen entlang des Höhengradienten, wie sie beim Ährenschieben oder durch einzelne hochwachsende Arten verursacht werden. Die Kombination der Ultraschallbestandeshöhe mit Vegetationsindices weist das Potential zur Entwicklung kostengünstiger Ertragssensoren für Leguminosen-Grasgemenge auf. Weitere Untersuchungen mit hyperspektralen Vegetationsindices anderer Berechnungstrukturen sowie die Einbindung von mehr als zwei Wellenlängen sind hinsichtlich der Entwicklung höherer Schätzgüten notwendig. Ebenso gilt es, Kalibrierungen und Validationen der Sensorkombination im artenreichen Grasland durchzuführen. Die Ertragserfassung in den Leguminosen-Grasgemengen stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erstellung einer Ertragshistorie in den vielfältigen Fruchtfolgen des Ökologischen Landbaus dar und ermöglicht eine verbesserte Einschätzung von Produktionspotenzialen und Defizitarealen für ein standortangepasstes Management.


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Among shrubland- and young forest-nesting bird species in North America, Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) are one of the most rapidly declining partly because of limited nesting habitat. Creation and management of high quality vegetation communities used for nesting are needed to reduce declines. Thus, we examined whether common characteristics could be managed across much of the Golden-winged Warbler’s breeding range to increase daily survival rate (DSR) of nests. We monitored 388 nests on 62 sites throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia. We evaluated competing DSR models in spatial-temporal (dominant vegetation type, population segment, state, and year), intraseasonal (nest stage and time-within-season), and vegetation model suites. The best-supported DSR models among the three model suites suggested potential associations between daily survival rate of nests and state, time-within-season, percent grass and Rubus cover within 1 m of the nest, and distance to later successional forest edge. Overall, grass cover (negative association with DSR above 50%) and Rubus cover (DSR lowest at about 30%) within 1 m of the nest and distance to later successional forest edge (negative association with DSR) may represent common management targets across our states for increasing Golden-winged Warbler DSR, particularly in the Appalachian Mountains population segment. Context-specific adjustments to management strategies, such as in wetlands or areas of overlap with Blue-winged Warblers (Vermivora cyanoptera), may be necessary to increase DSR for Golden-winged Warblers.


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Protein tyrosine phosphorylation in angiosperms has been implicated in various physiological processes, including seed development and germination. In conifers, the role of tyrosine phosphorylation and the mechanisms of its regulation are yet to be investigated. In this study, we examined the profile of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in Scots pine seeds at different stages of germination. We detected extensive protein tyrosine phosphorylation in extracts from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) dormant seeds. In addition, the pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation was found to change significantly during seed germination, especially at earlier stages of post-imbibition which coincides with the initiation of cell division, and during the period of intensive elongation of hypocotyls. To better understand the molecular mechanisms of phosphotyrosine signaling, we employed affinity purification and mass spectrometry for the identification of pTyr-binding proteins from the extracts of Scots pine seedlings. Using this approach, we purified two proteins of 10 and 43 kDa, which interacted specifically with pTyr-Sepharose and were identified by mass spectrometry as P. sylvestris defensin 1 (PsDef1) and aldose 1-epimerase (EC:, respectively. Additionally, we demonstrated that both endogenous and recombinant PsDef1 specifically interact with pTyr-Sepharose, but not Tyr-beads. As the affinity purification approach did not reveal the presence of proteins with known pTyr binding domains (SH2, PTB and C2), we suggest that plants may have evolved a different mode of pTyr recognition, which yet remains to be uncovered.


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New results for attenuation and damping of electromagnetic fields in rigid conducting media are derived under the conjugate influence of inertia due to charge carriers and displacement current. Inertial effects are described by a relaxation time for the current density in the realm of an extended Ohm`s law. The classical notions of poor and good conductors are rediscussed on the basis of an effective electric conductivity, depending on both wave frequency and relaxation time. It is found that the attenuation for good conductors at high frequencies depends solely on the relaxation time. This means that the penetration depth saturates to a minimum value at sufficiently high frequencies. It is also shown that the actions of inertia and displacement current on damping of magnetic fields are opposite to each other. That could explain why the classical decay time of magnetic fields scales approximately as the diffusion time. At very small length scales, the decay time could be given either by the relaxation time or by a fraction of the diffusion time, depending on whether inertia or displacement current, respectively, would prevail on magnetic diffusion.


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Most amphibian species have biphasic life histories and undergo an ontogenetic shift from aquatic to terrestrial habitats. In deforested landscapes, streams and forest fragments are frequently disjunct, jeopardizing the life cycle of forest-associated amphibians with aquatic larvae. We tested the impact of habitat split-defined as human-induced disconnection between habitats used by different life-history stages of a species-on four forest-associated amphibian species in a severely fragmented landscape of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We surveyed amphibians in forest fragments with and without streams (referred to as wet and dry fragments, respectively), including the adjacent grass-field matrix. Our comparison of capture rates in dry fragments and nearby streams in the matrix allowed us to evaluate the number of individuals that engaged in high-risk migrations through nonforested habitats. Adult amphibians moved from dry fragments to matrix streams at the beginning of the rainy season, reproduced, and returned at the end of the breeding period. Juveniles of the year moved to dry fragments along with adults. These risky reproductive migrations through nonforested habitats that expose individuals to dehydration, predation, and other hazards may cause population declines in dry fragments. Indeed, capture rates were significantly lower in dry fragments compared with wet fragments. Declining amphibians would strongly benefit from investments in the conservation and restoration of riparian vegetation and corridors linking breeding and nonbreeding areas.


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One of the main consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation is the increase in patch isolation and the consequent decrease in landscape connectivity. In this context, species persistence depends on their responses to this new landscape configuration, particularly on their capacity to move through the interhabitat matrix. Here, we aimed first to determine gap-crossing probabilities related to different gap widths for two forest birds (Thamnophilus caerulescens, Thamnophilidae, and Basileuterus culicivorus, Parulidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. These values were defined with a playback technique and then used in analyses based on graph theory to determine functional connections among forest patches. Both species were capable of crossing forest gaps between patches, and these movements were related to gap width. The probability of crossing 40 m gaps was 50% for both species. This probability falls to 10% when the gaps are 60 m (for B. culicivorus) or 80 m (for T caerulescens). Actually, birds responded to stimulation about two times more distant inside forest trials (control) than in gap-crossing trials. Models that included gap-crossing capacity improved the explanatory power of species abundance variation in comparison to strictly structural models based merely on patch area and distance measurements. These results highlighted that even very simple functional connectivity measurements related to gap-crossing capacity can improve the understanding of the effect of habitat fragmentation on bird occurrence and abundance.


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The ternary phase diagram for the orange essential oil (OEO)/sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT)/water system was constructed at 25 degrees C. It indicates a large single phase region, comprising an isotropic water-in-oil (W/O) microemulsion (ME) phase (L(2)), a liquid crystal (LC) (lamellar or hexagonal) and a large unstable emulsion phase that separates in two phases of normal and reverse micelles (L(1) and L(2)). In this communication the properties of the ME are investigated by viscosity, electric conductivity and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) indicating that the isotropic ME phase exhibits different behaviors depending on composition. At low water content low viscous ""dry"" surfactant structures are formed, whereas at higher water content higher viscous water droplets are formed. The experimental data allow the determination of the transition from ""dry"" to the water droplet structures within the L(2) phase. SAXS analyses have also been performed for selected LC samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As frondes de Rumohra adiantiformis (G.Forest.) Ching, conhecida como “leatherleaf”, “seven-weeks-fern” ou samambaia-preta, são usadas mundialmente em arranjos florais. Na África do Sul e Brasil o comércio da espécie é baseado no extrativismo. No Brasil a coleta é realizada em áreas de Mata Atlântica, sendo que 50% da produção provém das áreas de capoeira das encostas da Serra Geral no Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Atualmente, cerca de 2.000 famílias de agricultores familiares vivem nestas áreas, tendo no extrativismo sua principal fonte de renda. No entanto no RS a coleta, o comércio e o transporte de plantas ornamentais nativas são proibidos, já que nesta zona de transição da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica (Maquiné, RS) há grandes restrições quanto à exploração dos recursos naturais. O êxodo rural e o próprio extrativismo estabelecido a partir da década de 70, permitiram a regeneração da Floresta Ombrófila Densa. Como a espécie é característica de estágios sucessionais iniciais, a regeneração florestal está levando à diminuição dos estoques naturais. Este trabalho se propôs a identificar alternativas econômicas para diversificação da economia de famílias de extrativistas, no intuito de minimizar a tensão associada à diminuição dos estoques naturais de samambaia-preta, às dificuldades no manejo da terra e à legislação ambiental. Junto à comunidade extrativista do distrito de Solidão (Maquiné) foram coletados dados etnobiológicos sobre plantas medicinais e plantas relacionadas ao artesanato. As principais espécies identificadas foram: Bambusa tuldoides (taquareira, colmo), Clytostoma sciuripabulum (cipó-branco, caule), Cyperus prolixus (tiririca, partes aéreas), Musa acuminata (bananeira, palha), Scirpus californicus (junco, partes aéreas), Typha dominguensis (taboa, partes aéreas), sendo que Macfadyena dentata (cipó-unha-de-gato, caule), Roupala brasiliensis (carvalho-brasileiro, folhas) e Tillandsia usneoides (barbade- pau, planta inteira) são as espécies prioritárias para a avaliação da sustentabilidade do extrativismo. Os dados etnobiológicos e ecológicos mostram que é possível estabelecer o manejo sustentável da R. adiantiformis. Os maiores entraves para o estabelecimento do manejo sustentado para as espécies identificadas incluem: a) estabelecer as bases de manejo sustentável destas espécies; b) compatibilizar esta atividade extrativista com o atual Código Florestal Estadual. Plantas medicinais não parecem ser uma alternativa viável a curto prazo, enquanto o artesanato requer a adequação da atividade artesanal no meio rural com os direitos à aposentadoria rural.


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Effects of a Cordia salicifolia (porangaba) extract on the labeling of blood cells (BCs) with technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) and on the morphology of red BCs were evaluated. Labeling of cellular and molecular structures with (99m)Tc depends on a reducing agent. Some physical characteristics, as visible absorbance spectrum, electric conductivity, and refractive index of this porangaba extract, were also determined. Blood samples from Wistar rats were incubated with porangaba extract or with 0.9% NaCl (control). Labeling of blood constituents with (99m)Tc was performed. Plasma (P) and BCs, both soluble (SF-P and SF-BC) and insoluble (IF-P and IF-BC) fractions, were separated. The radioactivity in each fraction was counted, and the percentage of radioactivity incorporated (%ATI) was calculated. Blood smears were prepared, fixed, and stained, and the morphology of the red BCs was evaluated. Data showed an absorbance peak at 480 nm and electric conductibility and refractive index concentration-dependent. Porangaba extract decreased significantly (P < .05) the BC, IF-P, and IF-BC %ATI, and no modifications were verified on the shape of red BCs. Analysis of the results reveals that some physical parameters could be useful to aid in characterizing the extract studied. Moreover, it is possible that chemical compounds of this extract could have chelating/redox actions or be capable of binding to plasma and/or cellular proteins


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Investigou-se a relação entre as características da água e a infestação de protozoários parasitos, Icthyophthirius multifiliis e Trichodina sp., em peixe espada, Xiphophorus helleri e em plati, Xiphophorus maculatus, coletados em uma piscicultura de peixes ornamentais no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os peixes foram coletados mensalmente, durante um ano, dos viveiros e das caixas de estocagem. A prevalência da infestação nos peixes das caixas e dos viveiros foram, respectivamente, 34,2% e 22,5% para I. multifiliis e 13% e 54% para Trichodina sp. A elevada condutividade elétrica e o pH da água reduziram a infestação por I. multifiliis. A baixa concentração de oxigênio resultou em aumento na infestação por Trichodina sp. O uso do sal, para aumentar a condutividade elétrica da água, consistiu em um método de controle de I. multifiliis. A redução do oxigênio dissolvido e a adição de fertilizante orgânico favoreceram a reprodução de Trichodina sp.