599 resultados para Fiber Bragg Gratings


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En muchas áreas de la ingeniería, la integridad y confiabilidad de las estructuras son aspectos de extrema importancia. Estos son controlados mediante el adecuado conocimiento de danos existentes. Típicamente, alcanzar el nivel de conocimiento necesario que permita caracterizar la integridad estructural implica el uso de técnicas de ensayos no destructivos. Estas técnicas son a menudo costosas y consumen mucho tiempo. En la actualidad, muchas industrias buscan incrementar la confiabilidad de las estructuras que emplean. Mediante el uso de técnicas de última tecnología es posible monitorizar las estructuras y en algunos casos, es factible detectar daños incipientes que pueden desencadenar en fallos catastróficos. Desafortunadamente, a medida que la complejidad de las estructuras, los componentes y sistemas incrementa, el riesgo de la aparición de daños y fallas también incrementa. Al mismo tiempo, la detección de dichas fallas y defectos se torna más compleja. En años recientes, la industria aeroespacial ha realizado grandes esfuerzos para integrar los sensores dentro de las estructuras, además de desarrollar algoritmos que permitan determinar la integridad estructural en tiempo real. Esta filosofía ha sido llamada “Structural Health Monitoring” (o “Monitorización de Salud Estructural” en español) y este tipo de estructuras han recibido el nombre de “Smart Structures” (o “Estructuras Inteligentes” en español). Este nuevo tipo de estructuras integran materiales, sensores, actuadores y algoritmos para detectar, cuantificar y localizar daños dentro de ellas mismas. Una novedosa metodología para detección de daños en estructuras se propone en este trabajo. La metodología está basada en mediciones de deformación y consiste en desarrollar técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones en el campo de deformaciones. Estas últimas, basadas en PCA (Análisis de Componentes Principales) y otras técnicas de reducción dimensional. Se propone el uso de Redes de difracción de Bragg y medidas distribuidas como sensores de deformación. La metodología se validó mediante pruebas a escala de laboratorio y pruebas a escala real con estructuras complejas. Los efectos de las condiciones de carga variables fueron estudiados y diversos experimentos fueron realizados para condiciones de carga estáticas y dinámicas, demostrando que la metodología es robusta ante condiciones de carga desconocidas. ABSTRACT In many engineering fields, the integrity and reliability of the structures are extremely important aspects. They are controlled by the adequate knowledge of existing damages. Typically, achieving the level of knowledge necessary to characterize the structural integrity involves the usage of nondestructive testing techniques. These are often expensive and time consuming. Nowadays, many industries look to increase the reliability of the structures used. By using leading edge techniques it is possible to monitoring these structures and in some cases, detect incipient damage that could trigger catastrophic failures. Unfortunately, as the complexity of the structures, components and systems increases, the risk of damages and failures also increases. At the same time, the detection of such failures and defects becomes more difficult. In recent years, the aerospace industry has done great efforts to integrate the sensors within the structures and, to develop algorithms for determining the structural integrity in real time. The ‘philosophy’ has being called “Structural Health Monitoring” and these structures have been called “smart structures”. These new types of structures integrate materials, sensors, actuators and algorithms to detect, quantify and locate damage within itself. A novel methodology for damage detection in structures is proposed. The methodology is based on strain measurements and consists in the development of strain field pattern recognition techniques. The aforementioned are based on PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and other dimensional reduction techniques. The use of fiber Bragg gratings and distributed sensing as strain sensors is proposed. The methodology have been validated by using laboratory scale tests and real scale tests with complex structures. The effects of the variable load conditions were studied and several experiments were performed for static and dynamic load conditions, demonstrating that the methodology is robust under unknown load conditions.


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We demonstrate a novel dual-wavelength erbium-fiber laser that uses a single nonlinear-optical loop mirror modulator to simultaneously modelock two cavities with chirped fiber Bragg gratings as end mirrors. We show that this configuration produces synchronized soliton pulse trains with an ultra-low RMS inter-pulse-stream timing jitter of 620 fs enabling application to multiwavelength systems at data rates in excess of 130 Gb/s.


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A self-reference fiber Michelson interferometer measurement system, which employs fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as in-fiber reflective mirrors and interleaves together two fiber Michelson interferometers that share the common-interferometric-optical path, is presented. One of the fiber interferometers is used to stabilise the system by the use of an electronic feedback loop to compensate the influences resulting from the environmental disturbances, while the other one is used to perform the measurement task. The influences resulting from the environmental disturbances have been eliminated by the compensating action of the electronic feedback loop, this makes the system suitable for on-line precision measurement. By means of the homodyne phase-tracking technique, the linearity of the measurement results of displacement measurements has been very high.


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We present experimental demonstration of a 200-km-long, dual-wavelength Raman laser utilizing two slightly different-wavelength fiber Bragg gratings, one on each side of the fiber span. The obtained results clearly prove the generation of two independent Raman lasers with a distributed “random” Rayleigh scattering mirror forming a cavity together with each of the individual fiber Bragg grating reflectors.


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We consider the random input problem for a nonlinear system modeled by the integrable one-dimensional self-focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). We concentrate on the properties obtained from the direct scattering problem associated with the NLSE. We discuss some general issues regarding soliton creation from random input. We also study the averaged spectral density of random quasilinear waves generated in the NLSE channel for two models of the disordered input field profile. The first model is symmetric complex Gaussian white noise and the second one is a real dichotomous (telegraph) process. For the former model, the closed-form expression for the averaged spectral density is obtained, while for the dichotomous real input we present the small noise perturbative expansion for the same quantity. In the case of the dichotomous input, we also obtain the distribution of minimal pulse width required for a soliton generation. The obtained results can be applied to a multitude of problems including random nonlinear Fraunhoffer diffraction, transmission properties of randomly apodized long period Fiber Bragg gratings, and the propagation of incoherent pulses in optical fibers.


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In this letter, we analyze and develop the required basis for a precise grating design in a scheme based on two oppositely chirped fiber Bragg gratings, and apply it in several examples which are numerically simulated. We obtain the interesting result that the broader bandwidth of the reshaped pulse, the shorter gratings required.


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We have studied Co60 gamma-irradiation effect on the characteristics of Type IA fiber Bragg gratings. A record Bragg peak shift of 190 pm was observed for a grating written in Fibercore PS-1250/1500 photosensitive fiber at a radiation dose of 116 kGy. Type IA and Type I gratings show different kinetics under radiation and during post-radiation annealing, which can be used for the design of a grating based dosimetry system.


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We have studied Co60 ionizing radiation effect on the characteristics of Type IA fiber Bragg gratings. A record Bragg peak shift of 190 pm was observed for a grating written in Fibercore PS-1250/1500 photosensitive fiber at a radiation dose of 116 kGy. Type IA and Type I gratings show different kinetics under radiation and during post-radiation annealing, which can be used for the design of a grating based dosimetry system.


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A real-time three-dimensional (3D) object sensing and reconstruction scheme is presented that can be applied on any arbitrary corporeal shape. Operation is demonstrated on several calibrated objects. The system uses curvature sensors based upon in-line fiber Bragg gratings encapsulated in a low-temperature curing synthetic silicone. New methods to quantitatively evaluate the performance of a 3D object-sensing scheme are developed and appraised. It is shown that the sensing scheme yields a volumetric error of 1% to 9%, depending on the object.


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We present recent results on experimental micro-fabrication and numerical modeling of advanced photonic devices by means of direct writing by femtosecond laser. Transverse inscription geometry was routinely used to inscribe and modify photonic devices based on waveguiding structures. Typically, standard commercially available fibers were used as a template with a pre-fabricated waveguide. Using a direct, point-by-point inscription by infrared femtosecond laser, a range of fiber-based photonic devices was fabricated including Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Long Period Gratings (LPG). Waveguides with a core of a couple of microns, periodic structures, and couplers have been also fabricated in planar geometry using the same method.


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We present recent results on experimental micro-fabrication and numerical modeling of advanced photonic devices by means of direct writing by femtosecond laser. Transverse inscription geometry was routinely used to inscribe and modify photonic devices based on waveguiding structures. Typically, standard commercially available fibers were used as a template with a pre-fabricated waveguide. Using a direct, point-by-point inscription by infrared femtosecond laser, a range of fiber-based photonic devices was fabricated including Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Long Period Gratings (LPG). Waveguides with a core of a couple of microns, periodic structures, and couplers have been also fabricated in planar geometry using the same method.


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We demonstrate a novel dual-wavelength erbium-fiber laser that uses a single nonlinear-optical loop mirror modulator to simultaneously modelock two cavities with chirped fiber Bragg gratings as end mirrors. We show that this configuration produces synchronized soliton pulse trains with an ultra-low RMS inter-pulse-stream timing jitter of 620 fs enabling application to multiwavelength systems at data rates in excess of 130 Gb/s. © 1995 IEEE


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We have studied Co60 gamma-irradiation effect on the characteristics of Type IA fiber Bragg gratings. A record Bragg peak shift of 190 pm was observed for a grating written in Fibercore PS-1250/1500 photosensitive fiber at a radiation dose of 116 kGy. Type IA and Type I gratings show different kinetics under radiation and during post-radiation annealing, which can be used for the design of a grating based dosimetry system.


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We have studied Co60 ionizing radiation effect on the characteristics of Type IA fiber Bragg gratings. A record Bragg peak shift of 190 pm was observed for a grating written in Fibercore PS-1250/1500 photosensitive fiber at a radiation dose of 116 kGy. Type IA and Type I gratings show different kinetics under radiation and during post-radiation annealing, which can be used for the design of a grating based dosimetry system.