394 resultados para Fenomenologia
This essay seeks to expose Husserl’s defensive attitude towards what he calls “the mistaken views” found in the new ways of conducting phenomenology, in the Epilogue to his Ideas. While the polemic side of Husserl’s project, basically but tacitly against Heidegger, is underlined, it is also sustained that this auto-interpretive piece is a fundamental key within Husserl’s corpus in that it defines the direction of the phenomenological project. At the centre of the controversy are the answer to the objections of intellectualism and solipsism, and the disavowal of all forms of anthropologism in the conception of subjectivity.
Brasília constitui-se de duas vertentes de significado. A primeira, a mostra como cidade moderna e planejada; a segunda, mística, compõe o imaginário de Terra Prometida, destinada a ser o berço da Nova Era. Brasília foi analisada a partir do segundo ponto de vista, dando relevância ao seu valor simbólico. Para tanto, o trabalho utilizou-se da base fenomenológica da Geografia: a Geografia Cultural Humanística. Conceitos como o de Paisagem Cultural, Experiências Íntimas com o Lugar e Espaços Míticos deram base para a análise. Fez-se revisão bibliográfica do tema e realizaram-se entrevistas com místicos, historiadores e membros de instituições religiosas que, de alguma forma, se inserem no imaginário da capital. Brasília, como Terra Prometida, é cidade única e aqui se estudaram os aspectos simbólicos com olhar geográfico, em que as relações do homem com o espaço estão envoltas em intersubjetividade e desconsiderá-las em tal análise seria limitar as formas de compreensão do lugar. Concluiu-se que Brasília não pode ser completamente compreendida sem analisá-la como resultante de um imaginário, constituído por aspectos míticos e místicos e demonstrou-se que os símbolos caracterizam a cidade e dão origem a uma paisagem geográfica singular.
This article approaches the image of the house and its possible nuances of habitation by Bachelard phenomenology, figured in Patativa do Assaré’s poetry, a poet from Ceara who brings in his literary writing the popular backcountry culture. Stresses the importance of the sertão as a dream place for the lyrical subject represented in the poems and the security that the space offers to the voices that enunciate. In this space, the traumas are revived and reinterpreted from a movement of atmospheric production of meaning, which means that the locus enunciated by the memory raises, itself and from itself, a framed effect sense of the subject who comforts and enables the dream.
Considering this thematic dossier, which aims to establish an overview of theoretical and methodological studies of various theories of discourse, we present in this paper the main theoretical foundations of tensive semiotics. Current development of French semiotics, such theoretical approach, developed mostly by the French semiotician Claude Zilberberg, it can be characterized by, in general, grant privileged place for the continuity and affection in discourse. Semiotics, discipline whose object of study is the meaning, has an interdisciplinary basis making it one of the most advanced theories of text/discourse presently. One of the subjects that drew to configure itself as a discipline was phenomenology, which has been rescued in recent decades by semiotic studies. This phenomenological turn, into which fits the tensive semiotics, implies a change in which the sensitive aspect of meaning overlaps the intelligible. Thus, this paper presents firstly the relationship between semiotics and phenomenology, highlighting the Merleau-Ponty’s concept of the presence field. Secondly, it addresses the question of continuity and affection in theory and, finally, presents its main theoretical and methodological foundations, whose most important analytical tool is the tensive space, a result of the intensity axis projection (sensible) on the axis of extent (intelligible). Therefore, the tensive semiotics, which has is in France and Brazil its prominent poles of development, progressively emerges as a solid theoretical perspective to analyze textual and discursive phenomena, characterized by instability, affection, by chance, in short, by event.