865 resultados para Feedstock Microstructure
This investigation presents a comprehensive characterization of magnetic and transport properties of an interesting superconducting wire, Nb-Ti -Ta, obtained through the solid-state diffusion between Nb-12 at.% Ta alloy and pure Ti. The physical properties obtained from magnetic and transport measurements related to the microstructure unambiguously confirmed a previous proposition that the superconducting currents flow in the center of the diffusion layer, which has a steep composition variation. The determination of the critical field also confirmed that the flux line core size is not constant, and in addition it was possible to determine that, in the center of the layer, the flux line core is smaller than at the borders. A possible core shape design is proposed. Among the wires studied, the one that presented the best critical current density was achieved for a diffusion layer with a composition of about Nb-32% Ti-10% Ta, obtained with a heat treatment at 700 degrees C during 120 h, in agreement with previous studies. It was determined that this wire has the higher upper critical field, indicating that the optimization of the superconducting behavior is related to an intrinsic property of the ternary alloy.
Biodiesel is an important new alternative fuel. The feedstock used and the process employed determines whether it fulfills the required specifications. In this work, an identification method is proposed using an electronic nose (e-nose). Four samples of biodiesel from different sources and one of petrodiesel were analyzed and well-recognized by the e-nose. Both pure biodiesel and B20 blends were studied. Furthermore, an innovative semiquantitative method is proposed on the basis of the smellprints correlated by a feed-forward artificial neural network. The results have demonstrated that the e-nose can be used to identify the biodiesel source and as a preliminary quantitative assay in place of expensive equipment.
Yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia (Y-TZP) ceramics were sintered by liquid phase sintering at low temperatures using bioglass as sintering additive. ZrO2-bioglass ceramics were prepared by mixing a ZrO2 stabilized with 3 Mol%Y2O3 and different amounts of bioglass based on 3CaO center dot P2O5-MgO-SiO2 system. Mixtures were compacted by uniaxial cold pressing and sintered in air, at 1200 and 1300 degrees C for 120 min. The influence of the bioglass content on the densification, tetragonal phase stability, bending strength, hardness and fracture toughness was investigated. The ceramics sintered at 1300 degrees C and prepared by addition of 3% of bioglass, exhibited the highest strength of 435 MPa, hardness of 1170 HV and fracture toughness of 6.3 MPa m(1/2). These results are related to the low monoclinic phase content, high relative density and the presence of the thermal residual stress generated between the ZrO2-matrix and bioglass grain boundary, contributing to the activation of the toughening mechanisms. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Production, microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti-10Mo-xNb alloys
Beta titanium (Ti) alloys are one of the most promising groups of Ti alloys for biomedical applications. This work presents the production, microstructural characterization, and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti-10Mo-xNb (x = 0, 3, 6, 9, 20, and 30) alloys. They were produced via arc melting and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The density of each alloy was measured by the Archimedes method and the mechanical characterization was carried out by using the Vickers microhardness test and Young`s modulus measurements. The results show a near beta microstructure for niobium (Nb) contents lower or equal to 9 wt% while beta single-phase microstructure was obtained for higher Nb additions. The microhardness values decreased with the increase of Nb content in the alloys. The elastic modulus values of Ti-10Mo-3Nb and Ti-10Mo-20Nb alloys were lower than those of cp Ti and Ti-6Al-4V.
The discovery of superconductivity at 39 K in MgB(2) has been catching the attention of scientists due to the possibility of applying the material in magnets and electronic devices operating with cryocoolers (temperatures around 20 K). In the present work, a methodology to optimize the critical current densities of this material is described. MgB(2) bulk samples were prepared and analyzed with the addition of other diborides with the same C32 hexagonal structure as MgB(2) (TaB(2), ZrB(2), VB(2), and AlB(2)) and with simultaneous addition of SiC. Microstructural characterization, performed using SEM+EDS and XRD, was extremely important to determine the distribution and compositional characterization of the superconducting phase. Magnetic superconducting characterization using SQUID was performed to determine the best material addition. As a result we could analyze the behavior of each addition on the current transport capacity, including an analysis of the magnetic flux pinning mechanisms.
Composition and orientation effects on the final recrystallization texture of three coarse-grained Nb-containing AISI 430 ferritic stainless steels (FSSs) were investigated. Hot-bands of steels containing distinct amounts of niobium, carbon and nitrogen were annealed at 1250 degrees C for 2h to promote grain growth. In particular, the amounts of Nb in solid solution vary from one grade to another. For purposes of comparison, the texture evolution of a hot-band sheet annealed at 1030 degrees C for 1 min (finer grain structure) was also investigated. Subsequently, the four sheets were cold rolled up to 80% reduction and then annealed at 800 degrees C for 15 min. Texture was determined using X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Noticeable differences regarding the final recrystallization texture and microstructure were observed in the four investigated grades. Results suggest that distinct nucleation mechanisms take place within these large grains leading to the development of different final recrystallization textures. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since the discovery of Nb(3)Sn superconductors many efforts have been expended to improve the transport properties in these materials. In this work, the heat treatment profiles for Nb(3)Sn superconductor wires with Cu(Sn) artificial pinning centers (APCs) with nanometric-scale sizes were analyzed in an attempt to improve the critical current densities and upper critical magnetic field. The methodology to optimize the heat treatment profiles in respect to the diffusion, reaction and formation of the superconducting phases is described. Microstructural characterization, transport and magnetic measurements were performed in an attempt to relate the microstructure to the pinning mechanisms acting in the samples. It was concluded that the maximum current densities occur due to normal phases (APCs) that act as the main pinning centers in the global behavior of the Nb(3)Sn superconducting wire. The APC technique was shown to be very powerful because it permitted mixing of the pinning mechanism. This achievement was not possible in other studies in Nb(3)Sn wires reported up to now.
A niobium single crystal was subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at room temperature after orienting the crystal such that [1 -1 -1] ayen ND, [0 1 -1] ayen ED, and [-2 -1 -1] ayen TD. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to characterize the microstructures both on the transverse and the longitudinal sections of the deformed sample. After one pass of ECAP the single crystal exhibits a group of homogeneously distributed large misorientation sheets and a well formed cell structure in the matrix. The traces of the large misorientation sheets match very well with the most favorably oriented slip plane and one of the slip directions is macroscopically aligned with the simple shear plane. The lattice rotation during deformation was quantitatively estimated through comparison of the orientations parallel to three macroscopic axes before and after deformation. An effort has been made to link the microstructure with the initial crystal orientation. Collinear slip systems are believed to be activated during deformation. The full constraints Taylor model was used to simulate the orientation evolution during ECAP. The result matched only partially with the experimental observation.
A set of stacked ribbon samples with the compositions Fe(85)Ga(15), Fe(78)Ni(7)Ga(15) and Fe(78)Co(7)Ga(15) were prepared. XRD on these ribbons show that the binary Fe(85)Ga(15) ribbon exhibits the disordered A2 structure where as the addition of Co and Ni leads to the appearance of an additional ordered DO(3) structure. A comparison of the ratio of the XRD-line intensities gave strong evidence of a (100) texture perpendicular to the ribbon surface. The optical studied microstructure supports these results because it shows a columnar grain growth parallel to the solidification direction-which is parallel to ribbon thickness. The highest magnetostriction was found for Fe(78)Ni(7)Ga(15) (370 ppm), while the Fe(78)Co(7)Ga(15) a smaller magnetostriction of 270 ppm was found. The enhancement of the magnetostriction is attributed to the (100) texture in these ribbons. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The development of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconductors is of great interest for the applied superconductivity area. These intermetallics composites are obtained normally by heat treatment reactions at high temperature. Processes that allow formation of the superconducting phases at lower temperatures (<1000 degrees C), particularly for Nb(3)Al, are of great interest. The present work studies phase formation and stability of Nb(3)Al and Nb(3)Sn superconducting phases using mechanical alloying (high energy ball milling). Our main objective was to form composites near stoichiometry, which could be transformed into the superconducting phases using low-temperature heat treatments. High purity Nb-Sn and Nb-Al powders were mixed to generate the required superconducting phases (Nb-25at.%Sn and Nb-25at.%Al) in an argon atmosphere glove-box. After milling in a Fritsch mill, the samples were compressed in a hydraulic uniaxial press and encapsulated in evacuated quartz tubes for heat treatment. The compressed and heat treated samples were characterized using X-ray diffractometry. Microstructure and chemical analysis were accomplished using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrometry. Nb(3)Al XRD peaks were observed after the sintering at 800 degrees C for the sample milled for 30 h. Nb(3)Sn XRD peaks could be observed even before the heat treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work the Mn(5)Si(3) and Mn(5)SiB(2) phases were produced via arc melting and heat treatment at 1000 degrees C for 50 h under argon. A detailed microstructure characterization indicated the formation of single-phase Mn(5)Si(3) and near single-phase Mn(5)SiB(2) microstructures. The magnetic behavior of the Mn(5)Si(3) phase was investigated and the results are in agreement with previous data from the literature, which indicates the existence of two anti-ferromagnetic structures for temperatures below 98 K. The Mn(5)SiB(2) phase shows a ferromagnetic behavior presenting a saturation magnetization M(s) of about 5.35 x 10(5) A/m (0.67 T) at room temperature and an estimated Curie temperature between 470 and 490 K. In addition, AC susceptibility data indicates no evidence of any other magnetic ordering in 4-300 K temperature range. The magnetization values are smaller than that calculated using the magnetic moment from previous literature NMR results. This result suggests a probable ferrimagnetic arrangement of the Mn moments. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Fe(100-x)Ti(x) alloys (x = 10, 15, 20) were studied with respect to their microstructure and magnetostriction. Depending on heat treatment temperature and composition, the sample retained either the alpha-phase (A2 structure) or the alpha-phase plus the TiFe(2) Laves phase (C14 structure). The saturation magnetostriction measured at 238K is negative, about -11 ppm. However, for fields up to 0.4 T the magnetostriction is barely zero, a very interesting result. High values of magnetostriction are of interest for applications mainly in sensors and actuators, but zero magnetostriction is also a remarkable property, desirable for many applications such as electric transformers and fluxgate sensor cores. Therefore, the Fe(100-x)Ti(x) (x < 20 at%) are an attractive option to be considered for these applications.
MgB(2) is considered to be an important conductor for applications. Optimizing flux pinning in these conductors can improve their critical currents. Doping can influence flux pinning efficiency and grain connectivity, and also affect the resistivity, upper critical field and critical temperature. This study was designed to attempt the doping of MgB(2) on the Mg sites with metal-diborides using high-energy ball milling. MgB(2) samples were prepared by milling pre-reacted MgB(2) and TaB(2) powders using a Spex 8000M mill with WC jars and balls in a nitrogen-filled glove box. The mixing concentration in (Mg(1-x)Ta(x))B(2) was up to x = 0.10. Samples were removed from the WC jars after milling times up to 4000 minutes and formed into pellets using cold isostatic pressing. The pellets were heat treated in a hot isostatic press (HIP) at 1000 degrees C under a pressure of 30 kpsi for 24 hours. The influence that milling time and TaB(2) addition had on the microstructure and the resulting superconducting properties of TaB(2)-added MgB(2) is discussed. Improvement J(c) of at high magnetic fields and of pinning could be obtained in milled samples with added TaB(2) The sample with added 5at.% TaB(2) and milled for 300 minutes showed values of J(c) similar to 7 x 10(5) A/cm(2) and F(p) similar to 14 GN/m(3) at 2T, 4.2 K. The milled and TaB(2)-mixed samples showed higher values of mu(0)H(irr) than the unmilled-unmixed sample.
Zirconium oxide inclusion in Bi2212 superconducting tapes and bulks was studied as possible artificial pinning centers (APC). In order to analyze the zirconium oxide APC addition in Bi2212 samples, magnetization measurements were performed in bulks and transport properties measurements were performed on tapes. In magnetization measurements, the critical current densities are proportional to the width of the magnetization loop at each applied magnetic field. Addition of ZrO(2) in Bi2212 superconductors broadened the magnetization loop and enhanced the critical current densities at 4.2 K in bulks, as a clear indication that ZrO(2) addition improved the pinning and acted as APCs. In contrast, the transport critical current densities decreased in tapes.
Longitudinal and transverse magnetostriction measurements were performed on polycrystalline Fe(100-x)Ti(x) alloys, for a large Ti concentration range, from x = 8.8 to 34.7 at.%. Our results showed that substituting Fe by Ti does not significantly enhance the magnetostriction. For all Ti concentrations in the magnetically saturated state, the longitudinal magnetostriction values vary from -2 x 10(-6) to 6 x 10(-6). On the other hand, Fe(100-x)Ti(x) alloys exhibit a large forced volume magnetostriction, which increases with increasing Ti-concentration. The magnetostriction behavior could be explained considering investigations of the hyteresis loops and the microstructure.