563 resultados para FREEPLAY NONLINEARITY
Time series are proficiently converted into graphs via the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm, which prompts interest in its capability for capturing the nature of different classes of series in a network context. We have recently shown [B. Luque et al., PLoS ONE 6, 9 (2011)] that dynamical systems can be studied from a novel perspective via the use of this method. Specifically, the period-doubling and band-splitting attractor cascades that characterize unimodal maps transform into families of graphs that turn out to be independent of map nonlinearity or other particulars. Here, we provide an in depth description of the HV treatment of the Feigenbaum scenario, together with analytical derivations that relate to the degree distributions, mean distances, clustering coefficients, etc., associated to the bifurcation cascades and their accumulation points. We describe how the resultant families of graphs can be framed into a renormalization group scheme in which fixed-point graphs reveal their scaling properties. These fixed points are then re-derived from an entropy optimization process defined for the graph sets, confirming a suggested connection between renormalization group and entropy optimization. Finally, we provide analytical and numerical results for the graph entropy and show that it emulates the Lyapunov exponent of the map independently of its sign.
The present article shows a procedure to predict the flutter speed based on real-time tuning of a quasi non-linear aeroelastic model. A two-dimensional non-linear (freeplay) aeroeslastic model is implemented inMatLab/Simulink with incompressible aerodynamic conditions. A comparison with real compressible conditions is provided. Once the numerical validation is accomplished, a parametric aeroelastic model is built in order to describe the proposed procedure and contribute to reduce the number of flight hours needed to expand the flutter envelope.
La Aeroelasticidad fue definida por Arthur Collar en 1947 como "el estudio de la interacción mutua entre fuerzas inerciales, elásticas y aerodinámicas actuando sobre elementos estructurales expuestos a una corriente de aire". Actualmente, esta definición se ha extendido hasta abarcar la influencia del control („Aeroservoelasticidad‟) e, incluso, de la temperatura („Aerotermoelasticidad‟). En el ámbito de la Ingeniería Aeronáutica, los fenómenos aeroelásticos, tanto estáticos (divergencia, inversión de mando) como dinámicos (flameo, bataneo) son bien conocidos desde los inicios de la Aviación. Las lecciones aprendidas a lo largo de la Historia Aeronáutica han permitido establecer criterios de diseño destinados a mitigar la probabilidad de sufrir fenómenos aeroelásticos adversos durante la vida operativa de una aeronave. Adicionalmente, el gran avance experimentado durante esta última década en el campo de la Aerodinámica Computacional y en la modelización aeroelástica ha permitido mejorar la fiabilidad en el cálculo de las condiciones de flameo de una aeronave en su fase de diseño. Sin embargo, aún hoy, los ensayos en vuelo siguen siendo necesarios para validar modelos aeroelásticos, verificar que la aeronave está libre de inestabilidades aeroelásticas y certificar sus distintas envolventes. En particular, durante el proceso de expansión de la envolvente de una aeronave en altitud/velocidad, se requiere predecir en tiempo real las condiciones de flameo y, en consecuencia, evitarlas. A tal efecto, en el ámbito de los ensayos en vuelo, se han desarrollado diversas metodologías que predicen, en tiempo real, las condiciones de flameo en función de condiciones de vuelo ya verificadas como libres de inestabilidades aeroelásticas. De entre todas ellas, aquella que relaciona el amortiguamiento y la velocidad con un parámetro específico definido como „Margen de Flameo‟ (Flutter Margin), permanece como la técnica más común para proceder con la expansión de Envolventes en altitud/velocidad. No obstante, a pesar de su popularidad y facilidad de aplicación, dicha técnica no es adecuada cuando en la aeronave a ensayar se hallan presentes no-linealidades mecánicas como, por ejemplo, holguras. En particular, en vuelos de ensayo dedicados específicamente a expandir la envolvente en altitud/velocidad, las condiciones de „Oscilaciones de Ciclo Límite‟ (Limit Cycle Oscillations, LCOs) no pueden ser diferenciadas de manera precisa de las condiciones de flameo, llevando a una determinación excesivamente conservativa de la misma. La presente Tesis desarrolla una metodología novedosa, basada en el concepto de „Margen de Flameo‟, que permite predecir en tiempo real las condiciones de „Ciclo Límite‟, siempre que existan, distinguiéndolas de las de flameo. En una primera parte, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura acerca de los diversos métodos de ensayo existentes para efectuar la expansión de la envolvente de una aeronave en altitud/velocidad, el efecto de las no-linealidades mecánicas en el comportamiento aeroelástico de dicha aeronave, así como una revisión de las Normas de Certificación civiles y militares respecto a este tema. En una segunda parte, se propone una metodología de expansión de envolvente en tiempo real, basada en el concepto de „Margen de Flameo‟, que tiene en cuenta la presencia de no-linealidades del tipo holgura en el sistema aeroelástico objeto de estudio. Adicionalmente, la metodología propuesta se valida contra un modelo aeroelástico bidimensional paramétrico e interactivo programado en Matlab. Para ello, se plantean las ecuaciones aeroelásticas no-estacionarias de un perfil bidimensional en la formulación espacio-estado y se incorpora la metodología anterior a través de un módulo de análisis de señal y otro módulo de predicción. En una tercera parte, se comparan las conclusiones obtenidas con las expuestas en la literatura actual y se aplica la metodología propuesta a resultados experimentales de ensayos en vuelo reales. En resumen, los principales resultados de esta Tesis son: 1. Resumen del estado del arte en los métodos de ensayo aplicados a la expansión de envolvente en altitud/velocidad y la influencia de no-linealidades mecánicas en la determinación de la misma. 2. Revisión de la normas de Certificación Civiles y las normas Militares en relación a la verificación aeroelástica de aeronaves y los límites permitidos en presencia de no-linealidades. 3. Desarrollo de una metodología de expansión de envolvente basada en el Margen de Flameo. 4. Validación de la metodología anterior contra un modelo aeroelástico bidimensional paramétrico e interactivo programado en Matlab/Simulink. 5. Análisis de los resultados obtenidos y comparación con resultados experimentales. ABSTRACT Aeroelasticity was defined by Arthur Collar in 1947 as “the study of the mutual interaction among inertia, elastic and aerodynamic forces when acting on structural elements surrounded by airflow”. Today, this definition has been updated to take into account the Controls („Aeroservoelasticity‟) and even the temperature („Aerothermoelasticity‟). Within the Aeronautical Engineering, aeroelastic phenomena, either static (divergence, aileron reversal) or dynamic (flutter, buzz), are well known since the early beginning of the Aviation. Lessons learned along the History of the Aeronautics have provided several design criteria in order to mitigate the probability of encountering adverse aeroelastic phenomena along the operational life of an aircraft. Additionally, last decade improvements experienced by the Computational Aerodynamics and aeroelastic modelization have refined the flutter onset speed calculations during the design phase of an aircraft. However, still today, flight test remains as a key tool to validate aeroelastic models, to verify flutter-free conditions and to certify the different envelopes of an aircraft. Specifically, during the envelope expansion in altitude/speed, real time prediction of flutter conditions is required in order to avoid them in flight. In that sense, within the flight test community, several methodologies have been developed to predict in real time flutter conditions based on free-flutter flight conditions. Among them, the damping versus velocity technique combined with a Flutter Margin implementation remains as the most common technique used to proceed with the envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed. However, although its popularity and „easy to implement‟ characteristics, several shortcomings can adversely affect to the identification of unstable conditions when mechanical non-linearties, as freeplay, are present. Specially, during test flights devoted to envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed, Limits Cycle Oscillations (LCOs) conditions can not be accurately distinguished from those of flutter and, in consequence, it leads to an excessively conservative envelope determination. The present Thesis develops a new methodology, based on the Flutter Margin concept, that enables in real time the prediction of the „Limit Cycle‟ conditions, whenever they exist, without degrading the capability of predicting the flutter onset speed. The first part of this Thesis presents a review of the state of the art regarding the test methods available to proceed with the envelope expansion of an aircraft in altitude/airspeed and the effect of mechanical non-linearities on the aeroelastic behavior. Also, both civil and military regulations are reviewed with respect aeroelastic investigation of air vehicles. The second part of this Thesis proposes a new methodology to perform envelope expansion in real time based on the Flutter Margin concept when non-linearities, as freeplay, are present. Additionally, this methodology is validated against a Matlab/Slimulink bidimensional aeroelastic model. This model, parametric and interactive, is formulated within the state-space field and it implements the proposed methodology through two main real time modules: A signal processing module and a prediction module. The third part of this Thesis compares the final conclusions derived from the proposed methodology with those stated by the flight test community and experimental results. In summary, the main results provided by this Thesis are: 1. State of the Art review of the test methods applied to envelope expansion in altitude/airspeed and the influence of mechanical non-linearities in its identification. 2. Review of the main civil and military regulations regarding the aeroelastic verification of air vehicles and the limits set when non-linearities are present. 3. Development of a methodology for envelope expansion based on the Flutter Margin concept. 4. A Matlab/Simulink 2D-[aeroelastic model], parametric and interactive, used as a tool to validate the proposed methodology. 5. Conclusions driven from the present Thesis and comparison with experimental results.
In this paper, we study a system of partial differential equations describing the evolution of a population under chemotactic effects with non-local reaction terms. We consider an external application of chemoattractant in the system and study the cases of one and two populations in competition. By introducing global competitive/cooperative factors in terms of the total mass of the populations, weobtain, forarangeofparameters, thatanysolutionwithpositive and bounded initial data converges to a spatially homogeneous state with positive components. The proofs rely on the maximum principle for spatially homogeneous sub- and super-solutions.
We investigate the dynamics of localized solutions of the relativistic cold-fluid plasma model in the small but finite amplitude limit, for slightly overcritical plasma density. Adopting a multiple scale analysis, we derive a perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equation that describes the evolution of the envelope of circularly polarized electromagnetic field. Retaining terms up to fifth order in the small perturbation parameter, we derive a self-consistent framework for the description of the plasma response in the presence of localized electromagnetic field. The formalism is applied to standing electromagnetic soliton interactions and the results are validated by simulations of the full cold-fluid model. To lowest order, a cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a focusing nonlinearity is recovered. Classical quasiparticle theory is used to obtain analytical estimates for the collision time and minimum distance of approach between solitons. For larger soliton amplitudes the inclusion of the fifth-order terms is essential for a qualitatively correct description of soliton interactions. The defocusing quintic nonlinearity leads to inelastic soliton collisions, while bound states of solitons do not persist under perturbations in the initial phase or amplitude
Esta tesis establece los fundamentos teóricos y diseña una colección abierta de clases C++ denominada VBF (Vector Boolean Functions) para analizar funciones booleanas vectoriales (funciones que asocian un vector booleano a otro vector booleano) desde una perspectiva criptográfica. Esta nueva implementación emplea la librería NTL de Victor Shoup, incorporando nuevos módulos que complementan a las funciones de NTL, adecuándolas para el análisis criptográfico. La clase fundamental que representa una función booleana vectorial se puede inicializar de manera muy flexible mediante diferentes estructuras de datas tales como la Tabla de verdad, la Representación de traza y la Forma algebraica normal entre otras. De esta manera VBF permite evaluar los criterios criptográficos más relevantes de los algoritmos de cifra en bloque y de stream, así como funciones hash: por ejemplo, proporciona la no-linealidad, la distancia lineal, el grado algebraico, las estructuras lineales, la distribución de frecuencias de los valores absolutos del espectro Walsh o del espectro de autocorrelación, entre otros criterios. Adicionalmente, VBF puede llevar a cabo operaciones entre funciones booleanas vectoriales tales como la comprobación de igualdad, la composición, la inversión, la suma, la suma directa, el bricklayering (aplicación paralela de funciones booleanas vectoriales como la empleada en el algoritmo de cifra Rijndael), y la adición de funciones coordenada. La tesis también muestra el empleo de la librería VBF en dos aplicaciones prácticas. Por un lado, se han analizado las características más relevantes de los sistemas de cifra en bloque. Por otro lado, combinando VBF con algoritmos de optimización, se han diseñado funciones booleanas cuyas propiedades criptográficas son las mejores conocidas hasta la fecha. ABSTRACT This thesis develops the theoretical foundations and designs an open collection of C++ classes, called VBF, designed for analyzing vector Boolean functions (functions that map a Boolean vector to another Boolean vector) from a cryptographic perspective. This new implementation uses the NTL library from Victor Shoup, adding new modules which complement the existing ones making VBF better suited for cryptography. The fundamental class representing a vector Boolean function can be initialized in a flexible way via several alternative types of data structures such as Truth Table, Trace Representation, Algebraic Normal Form (ANF) among others. This way, VBF allows the evaluation of the most relevant cryptographic criteria for block and stream ciphers as well as for hash functions: for instance, it provides the nonlinearity, the linearity distance, the algebraic degree, the linear structures, the frequency distribution of the absolute values of the Walsh Spectrum or the Autocorrelation Spectrum, among others. In addition, VBF can perform operations such as equality testing, composition, inversion, sum, direct sum, bricklayering (parallel application of vector Boolean functions as employed in Rijndael cipher), and adding coordinate functions of two vector Boolean functions. This thesis also illustrates the use of VBF in two practical applications. On the one hand, the most relevant properties of the existing block ciphers have been analysed. On the other hand, by combining VBF with optimization algorithms, new Boolean functions have been designed which have the best known cryptographic properties up-to-date.
Esta tesis recoje un trabajo experimental centrado en profundizar sobre el conocimiento de los bloques detectores monolíticos como alternativa a los detectores segmentados para tomografía por emisión de positrones (Positron Emission Tomography, PET). El trabajo llevado a cabo incluye el desarrollo, la caracterización, la puesta a punto y la evaluación de prototipos demostradores PET utilizando bloques monolíticos de ortosilicato de lutecio ytrio dopado con cerio (Cerium-Doped Lutetium Yttrium Orthosilicate, LYSO:Ce) usando sensores compatibles con altos campos magnéticos, tanto fotodiodos de avalancha (Avalanche Photodiodes, APDs) como fotomultiplicadores de silicio (Silicon Photomultipliers, SiPMs). Los prototipos implementados con APDs se construyeron para estudiar la viabilidad de un prototipo PET de alta sensibilidad previamente simulado, denominado BrainPET. En esta memoria se describe y caracteriza la electrónica frontal integrada utilizada en estos prototipos junto con la electrónica de lectura desarrollada específicamente para los mismos. Se muestran los montajes experimentales para la obtención de las imágenes tomográficas PET y para el entrenamiento de los algoritmos de red neuronal utilizados para la estimación de las posiciones de incidencia de los fotones γ sobre la superficie de los bloques monolíticos. Con el prototipo BrainPET se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios de resolución energética (13 % FWHM), precisión espacial de los bloques monolíticos (~ 2 mm FWHM) y resolución espacial de la imagen PET de 1,5 - 1,7 mm FWHM. Además se demostró una capacidad resolutiva en la imagen PET de ~ 2 mm al adquirir simultáneamente imágenes de fuentes radiactivas separadas a distancias conocidas. Sin embargo, con este prototipo se detectaron también dos limitaciones importantes. En primer lugar, se constató una falta de flexibilidad a la hora de trabajar con un circuito integrado de aplicación específica (Application Specific Integrated Circuit, ASIC) cuyo diseño electrónico no era propio sino comercial, unido al elevado coste que requieren las modificaciones del diseño de un ASIC con tales características. Por otra parte, la caracterización final de la electrónica integrada del BrainPET mostró una resolución temporal con amplio margen de mejora (~ 13 ns FWHM). Tomando en cuenta estas limitaciones obtenidas con los prototipos BrainPET, junto con la evolución tecnológica hacia matrices de SiPM, el conocimiento adquirido con los bloques monolíticos se trasladó a la nueva tecnología de sensores disponible, los SiPMs. A su vez se inició una nueva estrategia para la electrónica frontal, con el ASIC FlexToT, un ASIC de diseño propio basado en un esquema de medida del tiempo sobre umbral (Time over Threshold, ToT), en donde la duración del pulso de salida es proporcional a la energía depositada. Una de las características más interesantes de este esquema es la posibilidad de manejar directamente señales de pulsos digitales, en lugar de procesar la amplitud de las señales analógicas. Con esta arquitectura electrónica se sustituyen los conversores analógicos digitales (Analog to Digital Converter, ADCs) por conversores de tiempo digitales (Time to Digital Converter, TDCs), pudiendo implementar éstos de forma sencilla en matrices de puertas programmable ‘in situ’ (Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA), reduciendo con ello el consumo y la complejidad del diseño. Se construyó un nuevo prototipo demostrador FlexToT para validar dicho ASIC para bloques monolíticos o segmentados. Se ha llevado a cabo el diseño y caracterización de la electrónica frontal necesaria para la lectura del ASIC FlexToT, evaluando su linealidad y rango dinámico, el comportamiento frente a ruido así como la no linealidad diferencial obtenida con los TDCs implementados en la FPGA. Además, la electrónica presentada en este trabajo es capaz de trabajar con altas tasas de actividad y de discriminar diferentes centelleadores para aplicaciones phoswich. El ASIC FlexToT proporciona una excelente resolución temporal en coincidencia para los eventos correspondientes con el fotopico de 511 keV (128 ps FWHM), solventando las limitaciones de resolución temporal del prototipo BrainPET. Por otra parte, la resolución energética con bloques monolíticos leidos por ASICs FlexToT proporciona una resolución energética de 15,4 % FWHM a 511 keV. Finalmente, se obtuvieron buenos resultados en la calidad de la imagen PET y en la capacidad resolutiva del demostrador FlexToT, proporcionando resoluciones espaciales en el centro del FoV en torno a 1,4 mm FWHM. ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the development of experimental activities used to deepen the knowledge of monolithic detector blocks as an alternative to segmented detectors for Positron Emission Tomography (PET). It includes the development, characterization, setting up, running and evaluation of PET demonstrator prototypes with monolithic detector blocks of Cerium-doped Lutetium Yttrium Orthosilicate (LYSO:Ce) using magnetically compatible sensors such as Avalanche Photodiodes (APDs) and Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). The prototypes implemented with APDs were constructed to validate the viability of a high-sensitivity PET prototype that had previously been simulated, denominated BrainPET. This work describes and characterizes the integrated front-end electronics used in these prototypes, as well as the electronic readout system developed especially for them. It shows the experimental set-ups to obtain the tomographic PET images and to train neural networks algorithms used for position estimation of photons impinging on the surface of monolithic blocks. Using the BrainPET prototype, satisfactory energy resolution (13 % FWHM), spatial precision of monolithic blocks (~ 2 mm FWHM) and spatial resolution of the PET image (1.5 – 1.7 mm FWHM) in the center of the Field of View (FoV) were obtained. Moreover, we proved the imaging capabilities of this demonstrator with extended sources, considering the acquisition of two simultaneous sources of 1 mm diameter placed at known distances. However, some important limitations were also detected with the BrainPET prototype. In the first place, it was confirmed that there was a lack of flexibility working with an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) whose electronic design was not own but commercial, along with the high cost required to modify an ASIC design with such features. Furthermore, the final characterization of the BrainPET ASIC showed a timing resolution with room for improvement (~ 13 ns FWHM). Taking into consideration the limitations obtained with the BrainPET prototype, along with the technological evolution in magnetically compatible devices, the knowledge acquired with the monolithic blocks were transferred to the new technology available, the SiPMs. Moreover, we opted for a new strategy in the front-end electronics, the FlexToT ASIC, an own design ASIC based on a Time over Threshold (ToT) scheme. One of the most interesting features underlying a ToT architecture is the encoding of the analog input signal amplitude information into the duration of the output signals, delivering directly digital pulses. The electronic architecture helps substitute the Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) for Time to Digital Converters (TDCs), and they are easily implemented in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA), reducing the consumption and the complexity of the design. A new prototype demonstrator based on SiPMs was implemented to validate the FlexToT ASIC for monolithic or segmented blocks. The design and characterization of the necessary front-end electronic to read-out the signals from the ASIC was carried out by evaluating its linearity and dynamic range, its performance with an external noise signal, as well as the differential nonlinearity obtained with the TDCs implemented in the FPGA. Furthermore, the electronic presented in this work is capable of working at high count rates and discriminates different phoswich scintillators. The FlexToT ASIC provides an excellent coincidence time resolution for events that correspond to 511 keV photopeak (128 ps FWHM), resolving the limitations of the poor timing resolution of the BrainPET prototype. Furthermore, the energy resolution with monolithic blocks read by FlexToT ASICs provides an energy resolution of 15.4 % FWHM at 511 keV. Finally, good results were obtained in the quality of the PET image and the resolving power of the FlexToT demonstrator, providing spatial resolutions in the centre of the FoV at about 1.4 mm FWHM.
Temporal patterning of biological variables, in the form of oscillations and rhythms on many time scales, is ubiquitous. Altering the temporal pattern of an input variable greatly affects the output of many biological processes. We develop here a conceptual framework for a quantitative understanding of such pattern dependence, focusing particularly on nonlinear, saturable, time-dependent processes that abound in biophysics, biochemistry, and physiology. We show theoretically that pattern dependence is governed by the nonlinearity of the input–output transformation as well as its time constant. As a result, only patterns on certain time scales permit the expression of pattern dependence, and processes with different time constants can respond preferentially to different patterns. This has implications for temporal coding and decoding, and allows differential control of processes through pattern. We show how pattern dependence can be quantitatively predicted using only information from steady, unpatterned input. To apply our ideas, we analyze, in an experimental example, how muscle contraction depends on the pattern of motorneuron firing.
Dispersive wave turbulence is studied numerically for a class of one-dimensional nonlinear wave equations. Both deterministic and random (white noise in time) forcings are studied. Four distinct stable spectra are observed—the direct and inverse cascades of weak turbulence (WT) theory, thermal equilibrium, and a fourth spectrum (MMT; Majda, McLaughlin, Tabak). Each spectrum can describe long-time behavior, and each can be only metastable (with quite diverse lifetimes)—depending on details of nonlinearity, forcing, and dissipation. Cases of a long-live MMT transient state dcaying to a state with WT spectra, and vice-versa, are displayed. In the case of freely decaying turbulence, without forcing, both cascades of weak turbulence are observed. These WT states constitute the clearest and most striking numerical observations of WT spectra to date—over four decades of energy, and three decades of spatial, scales. Numerical experiments that study details of the composition, coexistence, and transition between spectra are then discussed, including: (i) for deterministic forcing, sharp distinctions between focusing and defocusing nonlinearities, including the role of long wavelength instabilities, localized coherent structures, and chaotic behavior; (ii) the role of energy growth in time to monitor the selection of MMT or WT spectra; (iii) a second manifestation of the MMT spectrum as it describes a self-similar evolution of the wave, without temporal averaging; (iv) coherent structures and the evolution of the direct and inverse cascades; and (v) nonlocality (in k-space) in the transferral process.
The propagation of inhomogeneous, weakly nonlinear waves is considered in a cochlear model having two degrees of freedom that represent the transverse motions of the tectorial and basilar membranes within the organ of Corti. It is assumed that nonlinearity arises from the saturation of outer hair cell active force generation. I use multiple scale asymptotics and treat nonlinearity as a correction to a linear hydroelastic wave. The resulting theory is used to explain experimentally observed features of the response of the cochlear partition to a pure tone, including: the amplification of the response in a healthy cochlea vs a dead one; the less than linear growth rate of the response to increasing sound pressure level; and the amount of distortion to be expected at high and low frequencies at basal and apical locations, respectively. I also show that the outer hair cell nonlinearity generates retrograde waves.
Graphs of second harmonic generation coefficients and electro-optic coefficients (measured by ellipsometry, attenuated total reflection, and two-slit interference modulation) as a function of chromophore number density (chromophore loading) are experimentally observed to exhibit maxima for polymers containing chromophores characterized by large dipole moments and polarizabilities. Modified London theory is used to demonstrated that this behavior can be attributed to the competition of chromophore-applied electric field and chromophore–chromophore electrostatic interactions. The comparison of theoretical and experimental data explains why the promise of exceptional macroscopic second-order optical nonlinearity predicted for organic materials has not been realized and suggests routes for circumventing current limitations to large optical nonlinearity. The results also suggest extensions of measurement and theoretical methods to achieve an improved understanding of intermolecular interactions in condensed phase materials including materials prepared by sequential synthesis and block copolymer methods.
We measured the regions in isoluminant color space over which observers perceive red, yellow, green, and blue and examined the extent to which the colors vary in perceived amount within these regions. We compared color scaling of various isoluminant stimuli by using large spots, which activate all cone types, to that with tiny spots in the central foveola, where S cones, and thus S opponent (So) cell activity, are largely or entirely absent. The addition of So input to that from the L and M opponent cells changes the chromatic appearance of all colors, affecting each primary color in different chromatic regions in the directions and by the amount predicted by our color model. Shifts from white to the various chromatic stimuli we used produced sinusoidal variations in cone activation as a function of color angle for each cone type and in the responses of lateral geniculate cells. However, psychophysical color-scaling functions for 2° spots were nonsinusoidal, being much more peaked. The color-scaling functions are well fit by sine waves raised to exponents between 1 and 3. The same is true for the color responses of a large subpopulation of striate cortex cells. The narrow color tuning, the discrepancies between the spectral loci of the peaks of the color-scaling curves and those of lateral geniculate cells, and the changes in color appearance produced by eliminating So input provide evidence for a cortical processing stage at which the color axes are rotated by a combination of the outputs of So cells with those of L and M opponent cells in the manner that we postulated earlier. There seems to be an expansive response nonlinearity at this stage.
This paper is devoted to the quantization of the degree of nonlinearity of the relationship between two biological variables when one of the variables is a complex nonstationary oscillatory signal. An example of the situation is the indicial responses of pulmonary blood pressure (P) to step changes of oxygen tension (ΔpO2) in the breathing gas. For a step change of ΔpO2 beginning at time t1, the pulmonary blood pressure is a nonlinear function of time and ΔpO2, which can be written as P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). An effective method does not exist to examine the nonlinear function P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). A systematic approach is proposed here. The definitions of mean trends and oscillations about the means are the keys. With these keys a practical method of calculation is devised. We fit the mean trends of blood pressure with analytic functions of time, whose nonlinearity with respect to the oxygen level is clarified here. The associated oscillations about the mean can be transformed into Hilbert spectrum. An integration of the square of the Hilbert spectrum over frequency yields a measure of oscillatory energy, which is also a function of time, whose mean trends can be expressed by analytic functions. The degree of nonlinearity of the oscillatory energy with respect to the oxygen level also is clarified here. Theoretical extension of the experimental nonlinear indicial functions to arbitrary history of hypoxia is proposed. Application of the results to tissue remodeling and tissue engineering of blood vessels is discussed.
Amplification of auditory stimuli by hair cells augments the sensitivity of the vertebrate inner ear. Cell-body contractions of outer hair cells are thought to mediate amplification in the mammalian cochlea. In vertebrates that lack these cells, and perhaps in mammals as well, active movements of hair bundles may underlie amplification. We have evaluated a mathematical model in which amplification stems from the activity of mechanoelectrical-transduction channels. The intracellular binding of Ca2+ to channels is posited to promote their closure, which increases the tension in gating springs and exerts a negative force on the hair bundle. By enhancing bundle motion, this force partially compensates for viscous damping by cochlear fluids. Linear stability analysis of a six-state kinetic model reveals Hopf bifurcations for parameter values in the physiological range. These bifurcations signal conditions under which the system’s behavior changes from a damped oscillatory response to spontaneous limit-cycle oscillation. By varying the number of stereocilia in a bundle and the rate constant for Ca2+ binding, we calculate bifurcation frequencies spanning the observed range of auditory sensitivity for a representative receptor organ, the chicken’s cochlea. Simulations using prebifurcation parameter values demonstrate frequency-selective amplification with a striking compressive nonlinearity. Because transduction channels occur universally in hair cells, this active-channel model describes a mechanism of auditory amplification potentially applicable across species and hair-cell types.
Across the boreal forest of North America, lynx populations undergo 10-year cycles. Analysis of 21 time series from 1821 to the present demonstrates that these fluctuations are generated by nonlinear processes with regulatory delays. Trophic interactions between lynx and hares cause delayed density-dependent regulation of lynx population growth. The nonlinearity, in contrast, appears to arise from phase dependencies in hunting success by lynx through the cycle. Using a combined approach of empirical, statistical, and mathematical modeling, we highlight how shifts in trophic interactions between the lynx and the hare generate the nonlinear process primarily by shifting functional response curves during the increase and the decrease phases.