439 resultados para Fístula biliar
The present study evaluated the liver with homogeneous parenchyma in dogs, with diffuse reduced echogenicity (G1), increased echogenicity (G2) and normal echogenicity (G3) by ultrasound examination associating the findings on animal profile, liver size and hematology and biochemistry results. Blood samples obtained by cephalic or jugular venipunture were submitted for hemogram and ALT, ALP, total proteins, albumin, globulin, urea and creatinine analysis. Among the 30 dogs in G1, 30 (100%) presented portal venous and gall bladder wall clarity, 23 (76.67%) presented normal liver size and edges, 15 (50%) were from 1 to 6 years old and 8 (26.67%) belonged to the lhasa apso breed. No predispositions were found according to gender, as well as no significant alterations in biochemical and hematological exams were observed in G1. The most prevalent disease found in this group was gastroenteritis (43.33%). Among the 30 dogs in G2, 27 (90%) presented hepatomegaly and rounded hepatic edges, 18 (60%) were over 9 years old, 16 (53.33%) were female and 9 (30%) belonged to the poodle breed. The laboratorial findings related to this group were increased ALT and ALP serum activity, decreased levels of total protein, albumin, globulin, erythrocytes and hematocrit, as well as leukocytosis with neutrophilia and a left shift, eosinopenia, lymphopenia and monocytosis. The most prevalent diseases found in this group were metabolic disorders (54%), such as diabetes mellitus and hyperadrenocorticism, and chronic hepatopathies (17%) due to prolonged and continuous use of corticoid and anticonvulsive drugs. Among the 30 dogs in the control group (G3), normal liver size and edges were presented in 22 (73.33%). In this group, no alterations were seen in laboratorial exams.
Cholangiohepatitis is a common hepatic disorder in cats that is second only to hepatic lipidosis in frequency. The cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis complex is known as the diseases that involve the biliar tract inflammation and may extend to the liver. The classification of the cholangiohepatitis is still controversial, in this present study the following classification was used: Acute Cholangiohepatitis, Chronic Cholangiohepatitis, Lymphocitic Cholangitis. The cholangiohepatitis may be associated with pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, this association is known as feline triaditis. The diagnosis is based on the clinical signs, alterations in laboratory exams and ultrasonography alterations, but the definitive diagnosis is only possible through liver biopsy. The treatment for each type of cholangiohepatitis differs, hence the importance of the right diagnosis. This study aimed to do a review over the ethiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment for this disease
Equine neonatal isoerythrolysis is a neonatal foals’ illness. Results from the incompatibility of blood type between the foal and the mare and mediated by maternal antibody absorbed by the colostrum against foal’s red blood cells. Characterized by a type ll hypersensitivity reaction, where the exhibition of the organism to a strange antigen, that it takes the sensitization of the lymphocytes B that after the removal of the antigens by the reticule-endothelial system the production of immunoglobulin is decreased, with the formation of cellular immunological will cause the occurrence of the illness in foal of sensitized mares. The most important clinical signs are severe anemia and jaundice, and this illness should be differentiated of other as: hemolysis induced by bacterial toxins, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, disseminated intravascular coagulation and incompatibility in blood transfusions. Like the sensitization happens during the previous incompatible foal’s birth, most cases occur in foals of multiparous mares. However during the first pregnancy the mare can generate a foal with neonatal 7 isoerythrolysis if she have developed placental anomaly in the beginning of the pregnancy which blood cells in her circulation
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The follow up after endodontic treatment is the most effective tool for evaluating the quality of treatments performed, as well as, it lets to examine the procedures used at different stages of endodontic therapy. Clinical and radiographic findings must be taken into consideration to determine the percentage of endodontic success. Clinical findings include: absence of pain or positive examinations for percussion and palpation, swelling, tooth mobility and fistula. Regarding the radiographic findings it is possible to report absence of periapical radiolucent areas suggestive of periapical lesions and presence of bone cortical. Thus the aim of this study was to perform a bibliographic revision and a discussion about the factors of endodontic treatment follow up.
A displasia cemento-óssea é o tipo mais comum dentre as lesões fibro-ósseas, podendo apresentar-se de 3 maneiras: periapical, focal e florida. Paciente parda, de 53 anos, compareceu com queixa de “secreção na gengiva” e histórico de exodontia na região há 8 meses. À inspeção apresentou uma leve tumefação na região vestibular posterior esquerda da mandíbula e uma pequena fístula drenando pus. Realizou-se uma radiografia panorâmica, que revelou uma lesão de radiopacidade mista na região de molares inferiores direitos, medindo 2 cm de diâmetro; outra lesão radiopaca na região de pré-molares esquerdos, de 6mm de diâmetro - ambas bem delimitadas; e outra área radiolúcida com radiopacidade central, com halo radiopaco na região infectada, medindo 1,5 cm de diâmetro. O diagnóstico presuntivo foi de displasia cemento-óssea infectada, cisto periapical infectado associado à displasia e osteomielite. Após antibioticoterapia, realizou-se biópsia e curetagem da área. Microscopicamente apresentou áreas de tecido cemento-ósseo em forma trabecular e no local onde deveria haver tecido fibroso, presença de biofilme bacteriano, conteúdo hemorrágico e restos necróticos. No tecido de granulação removido observou-se intenso infiltrado inflamatório e áreas de calcificação cementóide. As características microscópicas juntamente com os achados clínicos e radiográficos levaram ao diagnóstico de osteomielite aguda supurativa secundária a lesão fibro-óssea, sugestiva de displasia cemento-óssea florida.
Use of ring in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is still a matter of controversy among bariatric surgeons. There is no consensus on its impact in relation to weight loss and weight maintenance in the long term. AIM: To evaluate the influence of the ring on the evolution of body weight over four years after bariatric surgery. METHODS: Retrospective analyzis of 143 women who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass paired on the use or not use of Silastic® ring. Follow-up time was 48 months. Inclusion criteria were age over 18 years, primary bariatric operation and regular attendance at the clinic during the period of interest for research. The technique kept small gastric reservoir estimated in a volume of 30 ml. The food limb had in average 150 cm and the bile one 40 cm from the duodenojejunal angle. The group "ring" used Silastic® device with length of 6.5 cm, placed 2 cm from gastrojejunal anastomosis. The ring was closed for five polypropylene surgical thread sutures. In the morning after surgery the patients received isotonic fluids; on the second day salty liquid diet and were discharged on the third day. Semisolid diet started from the 20th day and solid on the 30th, with daily tablet of polivitamins. RESULTS: The weight loss was larger on the ring than without ring groups in all periods, respectively 10% and only 5% in the third postoperative year. The proportion of not having reached the 50% excess weight loss expectative was significantly higher in the group without ring than in the group with the ring (31% and 8% respectively in the fourth year). There was no difference between groups in delayed recovery of weight lost with the operation. CONCLUSIONS: The results were favorable to use the ring exclusively when it is analyzed only the weight loss.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Crohn’s disease is a chronic infl ammatory bowel disease with segmental transmural infl ammation, which complicate with formation of fi stulas and abscesses. The hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is characterized by recurrent abscesses, with a predilection for areas rich in apocrine glands such as the axillary, inguinal and perineal. The differential diagnosis between these diseases is diffi cult and may compromise treatment. Report case: C.R.M.A., 40 year-old, female, white, ileal and colonic Crohn’s disease complicated with perianal and rectovaginal fi stula for 12 years, treated with biological therapy since May 2010. In Sep/2010 presented with an abscess in the buttock D with purulent discharge refractory to the use of ciprofl oxacin and metronidazole. USG: collection of 30 cm3 in buttock D. The diagnosis was HS and the patient underwent extensive surgical removal of the affected areas (10 x 2 cm) with healing by secondary intention. Skin graft performed unsuccessfully in Dec/2010. The patient returned in jan/2011 with a new fi stula at the site of resection, consistent with Crohn’s disease. In fev/2011 underwent drainage of abscesses and placement of setons in perianal fi stulas. Currently in therapy with good biological evolution of fi stulas. The prevalence of HS varies from 0.3 to 4% of the population in general. The axilla is the region most affected and perianal lesions are associated with greater weakness. There are published reports of association between HS and Crohn’s disease sporadically and further studies are needed to assess a common pathogenesis. The differential diagnosis should be performed in all cases planning immediate treatment, avoiding complications and worsening of the patient’s quality of life.
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
This research aimed to describe the macroscopic and microscopic liver of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, Teleost freshwater Family Characidae, of great economic interest for the Amazon basin. We used six juveniles aged between six month and one year, from the small holding Esteio, Alta Floresta/MT, that develops mainly fish farming. The body was photographed in situ, described macroscopically, and fragments were removed and processed by routine histological techniques through paraffin embedding and HE staining. The liver, located ventrally to the swim bladder and craniodorsally to the stomach, is brownish red and consisted of three lobes, the right lateral, the left lateral and the ventral lobe. Microscopically, the parenchyma consists of hepatocytes varying from irregular rounded hexagonal to round forms with a large and central nucleus, and arranged in linear strings limited by sinusoids and radiating to central veins, but with absence of liver lobules. The central veins are distributed throughout the parenchyma, while the portal space consists in most cases only of a hepatic vein and bile duct; elsewhere exist artery and duct. Formation of portal triads was not founde. Melano macrophages were frequently seen dispersed throughout the central parenchyma. The morphofunctional study of the digestive system of fishes of the Amazon basin is important to obtain knowledge about their weight gain, large scale production for human consumption and preservation of the species, and has also its importance for being used as bioindicators today.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os principais aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, diagnósticos e do tratamento de crianças com pancreatite aguda. FONTES DOS DADOS: Realizada revisão sistemática das bases de dados MEDLINE e SciELO nos últimos 5 anos sobre pancreatite aguda em crianças, bem como consultadas referências relevantes dos textos obtidos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Os casos de pancreatite aguda em crianças recebem crescente atenção nos últimos anos, sendo verificado um aumento na incidência da doença em diversos estudos. As principais etiologias em crianças envolvem doença biliar, pancreatite secundária a medicamentos, pancreatite hereditária recorrente e trauma, sendo até 30% dos casos sem etiologia definida. O diagnóstico baseia-se na combinação de aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais com elevação das enzimas acinares e testes radiológicos. Tratamento de suporte inicial, com reposição volêmica adequada e correção dos distúrbios metabólicos, além de terapêutica nutricional específica, são os pontos fundamentais no manejo dos quadros agudos. Complicações a longo prazo são incomuns, e as taxas de mortalidade, inferiores às da população adulta. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico precoce e o manejo apropriado podem contribuir para a melhor evolução da criança com pancreatite e prevenir as complicações imediatas e tardias relacionadas à doença. Mais estudos são necessários para melhor elucidar aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico clínico e radiológico da pancreatite em crianças, bem como aspectos da terapêutica nutricional nessa faixa etária.