862 resultados para Event calculus


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Which event study methods are best in non-U.S. multi-country samples? Nonparametric tests, especially the rank and generalized sign, are better specified and more powerful than common parametric tests, especially in multi-day windows. The generalized sign test is the best statistic but must be applied to buy-and-hold abnormal returns for correct specification. Market-adjusted and market-model methods with local market indexes, without conversion to a common currency, work well. The results are robust to limiting the samples to situations expected to be problematic for test specification or power. Applying the tests that perform best in simulation to merger announcements produces reasonable results.


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The application of Concurrency Theory to Systems Biology is in its earliest stage of progress. The metaphor of cells as computing systems by Regev and Shapiro opened the employment of concurrent languages for the modelling of biological systems. Their peculiar characteristics led to the design of many bio-inspired formalisms which achieve higher faithfulness and specificity. In this thesis we present pi@, an extremely simple and conservative extension of the pi-calculus representing a keystone in this respect, thanks to its expressiveness capabilities. The pi@ calculus is obtained by the addition of polyadic synchronisation and priority to the pi-calculus, in order to achieve compartment semantics and atomicity of complex operations respectively. In its direct application to biological modelling, the stochastic variant of the calculus, Spi@, is shown able to model consistently several phenomena such as formation of molecular complexes, hierarchical subdivision of the system into compartments, inter-compartment reactions, dynamic reorganisation of compartment structure consistent with volume variation. The pivotal role of pi@ is evidenced by its capability of encoding in a compositional way several bio-inspired formalisms, so that it represents the optimal core of a framework for the analysis and implementation of bio-inspired languages. In this respect, the encodings of BioAmbients, Brane Calculi and a variant of P Systems in pi@ are formalised. The conciseness of their translation in pi@ allows their indirect comparison by means of their encodings. Furthermore it provides a ready-to-run implementation of minimal effort whose correctness is granted by the correctness of the respective encoding functions. Further important results of general validity are stated on the expressive power of priority. Several impossibility results are described, which clearly state the superior expressiveness of prioritised languages and the problems arising in the attempt of providing their parallel implementation. To this aim, a new setting in distributed computing (the last man standing problem) is singled out and exploited to prove the impossibility of providing a purely parallel implementation of priority by means of point-to-point or broadcast communication.


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The surface electrocardiogram (ECG) is an established diagnostic tool for the detection of abnormalities in the electrical activity of the heart. The interest of the ECG, however, extends beyond the diagnostic purpose. In recent years, studies in cognitive psychophysiology have related heart rate variability (HRV) to memory performance and mental workload. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the variability of surface ECG derived rhythms, at two different time scales: the discrete-event time scale, typical of beat-related features (Objective I), and the “continuous” time scale of separated sources in the ECG (Objective II), in selected scenarios relevant to psychophysiological and clinical research, respectively. Objective I) Joint time-frequency and non-linear analysis of HRV was carried out, with the goal of assessing psychophysiological workload (PPW) in response to working memory engaging tasks. Results from fourteen healthy young subjects suggest the potential use of the proposed indices in discriminating PPW levels in response to varying memory-search task difficulty. Objective II) A novel source-cancellation method based on morphology clustering was proposed for the estimation of the atrial wavefront in atrial fibrillation (AF) from body surface potential maps. Strong direct correlation between spectral concentration (SC) of atrial wavefront and temporal variability of the spectral distribution was shown in persistent AF patients, suggesting that with higher SC, shorter observation time is required to collect spectral distribution, from which the fibrillatory rate is estimated. This could be time and cost effective in clinical decision-making. The results held for reduced leads sets, suggesting that a simplified setup could also be considered, further reducing the costs. In designing the methods of this thesis, an online signal processing approach was kept, with the goal of contributing to real-world applicability. An algorithm for automatic assessment of ambulatory ECG quality, and an automatic ECG delineation algorithm were designed and validated.


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Web is constantly evolving, thanks to the 2.0 transition, HTML5 new features and the coming of cloud-computing, the gap between Web and traditional desktop applications is tailing off. Web-apps are more and more widespread and bring several benefits compared to traditional ones. On the other hand reference technologies, JavaScript primarly, are not keeping pace, so a paradim shift is taking place in Web programming, and so many new languages and technologies are coming out. First objective of this thesis is to survey the reference and state-of-art technologies for client-side Web programming focusing in particular on what concerns concurrency and asynchronous programming. Taking into account the problems that affect existing technologies, we finally design simpAL-web, an innovative approach to tackle Web-apps development, based on the Agent-oriented programming abstraction and the simpAL language. == Versione in italiano: Il Web è in continua evoluzione, grazie alla transizione verso il 2.0, alle nuove funzionalità introdotte con HTML5 ed all’avvento del cloud-computing, il divario tra le applicazioni Web e quelle desktop tradizionali va assottigliandosi. Le Web-apps sono sempre più diffuse e presentano diversi vantaggi rispetto a quelle tradizionali. D’altra parte le tecnologie di riferimento, JavaScript in primis, non stanno tenendo il passo, motivo per cui la programmazione Web sta andando incontro ad un cambio di paradigma e nuovi linguaggi e tecnologie stanno spuntando sempre più numerosi. Primo obiettivo di questa tesi è di passare al vaglio le tecnologie di riferimento ed allo stato dell’arte per quel che riguarda la programmmazione Web client-side, porgendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti inerenti la concorrenza e la programmazione asincrona. Considerando i principali problemi di cui soffrono le attuali tecnologie passeremo infine alla progettazione di simpAL-web, un approccio innovativo con cui affrontare lo sviluppo di Web-apps basato sulla programmazione orientata agli Agenti e sul linguaggio simpAL.


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The main goal of this thesis is to facilitate the process of industrial automated systems development applying formal methods to ensure the reliability of systems. A new formulation of distributed diagnosability problem in terms of Discrete Event Systems theory and automata framework is presented, which is then used to enforce the desired property of the system, rather then just verifying it. This approach tackles the state explosion problem with modeling patterns and new algorithms, aimed for verification of diagnosability property in the context of the distributed diagnosability problem. The concepts are validated with a newly developed software tool.


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Il progetto Eye-Trauma si colloca all'interno dello sviluppo di un simulatore chirurgico per traumi alla zona oculare, sviluppato in collaborazione con Simulation Group in Boston, Harvard Medical School e Massachusetts General Hospital. Il simulatore presenta un busto in silicone fornito di moduli intercambiabili della zona oculare, per simulare diversi tipi di trauma. L'utilizzatore è chiamato ad eseguire la procedura medica di saturazione tramite degli strumenti chirurgici su cui sono installati dei sensori di forza e di apertura. I dati collezionati vengono utilizzati all'interno del software per il riconoscimento dei gesti e il controllo real-time della performance. L'algoritmo di gesture recognition, da me sviluppato, si basa sul concetto di macchine a stati; la transizione tra gli stati avviene in base agli eventi rilevati dal simulatore.


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Data sets describing the state of the earth's atmosphere are of great importance in the atmospheric sciences. Over the last decades, the quality and sheer amount of the available data increased significantly, resulting in a rising demand for new tools capable of handling and analysing these large, multidimensional sets of atmospheric data. The interdisciplinary work presented in this thesis covers the development and the application of practical software tools and efficient algorithms from the field of computer science, aiming at the goal of enabling atmospheric scientists to analyse and to gain new insights from these large data sets. For this purpose, our tools combine novel techniques with well-established methods from different areas such as scientific visualization and data segmentation. In this thesis, three practical tools are presented. Two of these tools are software systems (Insight and IWAL) for different types of processing and interactive visualization of data, the third tool is an efficient algorithm for data segmentation implemented as part of Insight.Insight is a toolkit for the interactive, three-dimensional visualization and processing of large sets of atmospheric data, originally developed as a testing environment for the novel segmentation algorithm. It provides a dynamic system for combining at runtime data from different sources, a variety of different data processing algorithms, and several visualization techniques. Its modular architecture and flexible scripting support led to additional applications of the software, from which two examples are presented: the usage of Insight as a WMS (web map service) server, and the automatic production of a sequence of images for the visualization of cyclone simulations. The core application of Insight is the provision of the novel segmentation algorithm for the efficient detection and tracking of 3D features in large sets of atmospheric data, as well as for the precise localization of the occurring genesis, lysis, merging and splitting events. Data segmentation usually leads to a significant reduction of the size of the considered data. This enables a practical visualization of the data, statistical analyses of the features and their events, and the manual or automatic detection of interesting situations for subsequent detailed investigation. The concepts of the novel algorithm, its technical realization, and several extensions for avoiding under- and over-segmentation are discussed. As example applications, this thesis covers the setup and the results of the segmentation of upper-tropospheric jet streams and cyclones as full 3D objects. Finally, IWAL is presented, which is a web application for providing an easy interactive access to meteorological data visualizations, primarily aimed at students. As a web application, the needs to retrieve all input data sets and to install and handle complex visualization tools on a local machine are avoided. The main challenge in the provision of customizable visualizations to large numbers of simultaneous users was to find an acceptable trade-off between the available visualization options and the performance of the application. Besides the implementational details, benchmarks and the results of a user survey are presented.


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In this thesis, the main Executive Control theories are exposed. Methods typical of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience are introduced and the role of behavioural tasks involving conflict resolution in the response elaboration, after the presentation of a stimulus to the subject, are highlighted. In particular, the Eriksen Flanker Task and its variants are discussed. Behavioural data, from scientific literature, are illustrated in terms of response times and error rates. During experimental behavioural tasks, EEG is registered simultaneously. Thanks to this, event related potential, related with the current task, can be studied. Different theories regarding relevant event related potential in this field - such as N2, fERN (feedback Error Related Negativity) and ERN (Error Related Negativity) – are introduced. The aim of this thesis is to understand and simulate processes regarding Executive Control, including performance improvement, error detection mechanisms, post error adjustments and the role of selective attention, with the help of an original neural network model. The network described here has been built with the purpose to simulate behavioural results of a four choice Eriksen Flanker Task. Model results show that the neural network can simulate response times, error rates and event related potentials quite well. Finally, results are compared with behavioural data and discussed in light of the mentioned Executive Control theories. Future perspective for this new model are outlined.


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Quando si parla di architetture di controllo in ambito Web, il Modello ad Eventi è indubbiamente quello più diffuso e adottato. L’asincronicità e l’elevata interazione con l’utente sono caratteristiche tipiche delle Web Applications, ed un architettura ad eventi, grazie all’adozione del suo tipico ciclo di controllo chiamato Event Loop, fornisce un'astrazione semplice ma sufficientemente espressiva per soddisfare tali requisiti. La crescita di Internet e delle tecnologie ad esso associate, assieme alle recenti conquiste in ambito di CPU multi-core, ha fornito terreno fertile per lo sviluppo di Web Applications sempre più complesse. Questo aumento di complessità ha portato però alla luce alcuni limiti del modello ad eventi, ancora oggi non del tutto risolti. Con questo lavoro si intende proporre un differente approccio a questa tipologia di problemi, che superi i limiti riscontrati nel modello ad eventi proponendo un architettura diversa, nata in ambito di IA ma che sta guadagno popolarità anche nel general-purpose: il Modello ad Agenti. Le architetture ad agenti adottano un ciclo di controllo simile all’Event Loop del modello ad eventi, ma con alcune profonde differenze: il Control Loop. Lo scopo di questa tesi sarà dunque approfondire le due tipologie di architetture evidenziandone le differenze, mostrando cosa significa affrontare un progetto e lo sviluppo di una Web Applications avendo tecnologie diverse con differenti cicli di controllo, mettendo in luce pregi e difetti dei due approcci.


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In this thesis we present techniques that can be used to speed up the calculation of perturbative matrix elements for observables with many legs ($n = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ldots$). We investigate several ways to achieve this, including the use of Monte Carlo methods, the leading-color approximation, numerically less precise but faster operations, and SSE-vectorization. An important idea is the use of enquote{random polarizations} for which we derive subtraction terms for the real corrections in next-to-leading order calculations. We present the effectiveness of all these methods in the context of electron-positron scattering to $n$ jets, $n$ ranging from two to seven.


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Die Quantenchromodynamik ist die zugrundeliegende Theorie der starken Wechselwirkung und kann in zwei Bereiche aufgeteilt werden. Harte Streuprozesse, wie zum Beispiel die Zwei-Jet-Produktion bei hohen invarianten Massen, können störungstheoretisch behandelt und berechnet werden. Bei Streuprozessen mit niedrigen Impulsüberträgen hingegen ist die Störungstheorie nicht mehr anwendbar und phänemenologische Modelle werden für Vorhersagen benutzt. Das ATLAS Experiment am Large Hadron Collider am CERN ermöglicht es, QCD Prozesse bei hohen sowie niedrigen Impulsüberträgen zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Analysen vorgestellt, die jeweils ihren Schwerpunkt auf einen der beiden Regime der QCD legen:rnDie Messung von Ereignisformvariablen bei inelastischen Proton--Proton Ereignissen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von $sqrt{s} = unit{7}{TeV}$ misst den transversalen Energiefluss in hadronischen Ereignissen. rnDie Messung des zweifachdifferentiellen Zwei-Jet-Wirkungsquerschnittes als Funktion der invarianten Masse sowie der Rapiditätsdifferenz der beiden Jets mit den höchsten Transversalimpulsen kann genutzt werden um Theorievorhersagen zu überprüfen. Proton--Proton Kollisionen bei $sqrt{s} = unit{8}{TeV}$, welche während der Datennahme im Jahr 2012 aufgezeichnet wurden, entsprechend einer integrierten Luminosität von $unit{20.3}{fb^{-1}}$, wurden analysiert.rn


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In questa tesi si descrive il lambda calcolo finito, un'istanza del lambda calcolo con tipi finiti. Si studia la metateoria e la complessità della riduzione.


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La tesi si concentra sull’infrastruttura di coordinazione TuCSoN on Android, realizzando il refactoring del servizio di geolocalizzazione platform-independent (lato infrastruttura) e platform-dependent (lato mobile device), nonché l’integrazione del modello event-driven con la proprietà di situatedness.


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Psychological distress, particularly anxiety and depression, has been associated with a prothrombotic state. However, the relationship between psychosocial factors and endogenous anticoagulants protein S (PS) and protein C (PC) has not previously been investigated. We explored the association between psychological distress, PS, and PC in patients with an objectively diagnosed venous thromboembolic event (VTE).


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Cardiovascular event rates have been shown to increase substantially with the number of symptomatic disease locations. We sought to assess the risk profile, management and subsequent event rates of polyvascular disease patients. Consecutive outpatients were assessed for atherosclerotic risk factors and medications in the REACH Registry. A total of 19,117 symptomatic patients in Europe completed a 2-year follow-up: 77.2% with single arterial bed disease (coronary artery or cerebrovascular or peripheral arterial disease) and 22.8% with polyvascular disease (>/= 1 disease location). Polyvascular disease patients were older (68.5 +/- 9.4 vs 66.3 +/- 9.9 years, p < 0.0001), more often current or former smokers (64.9% vs 58.7%, p < 0.0001), and more often suffered from hypertension (59.5% vs 46.6%, p < 0.0001) and diabetes (34.5% vs 25.9%, p < 0.0001) than single arterial bed disease patients. Despite more intense medical therapy, risk factors (smoking, hypertension, low fasting glucose, and low fasting total cholesterol) were less often controlled in polyvascular disease patients. This was associated with substantially more events over 2 years compared with single arterial bed disease patients (cMACCE [cardiovascular death/non-fatal stroke/non-fatal MI] odds ratio, 1.63 [95% CI, 1.45-1.83], p < 0.0001). In conclusion, polyvascular disease patients have more cardiovascular risk factors, and the prognosis for these patients is significantly worse than for patients with single arterial bed disease. This suggests a need to improve detection and consequent medical treatment of polyvascular disease.