932 resultados para European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)
We present here the principal results of four concurrent hospital utilization reviews conducted in Switzerland in 1990 and 1991, based on an adapted Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol. The studies were performed on all the hospital days from a sample of patients admitted over a 6 month period. The level of inappropriate use ranged between 8 and 15% in terms of days and was consistently higher in medicine than in surgery. In comparison with other published studies, the low proportion of observed inappropriate days is probably due, at least partly, to differences in study design.
Natural killer (NK) cell function is negatively regulated by inhibitory receptors interacting with major histocompatibility complex class I molecules expressed on target cells. Here we show that the inhibitory Ly49A NK cell receptor not only binds to its H-2D(d) ligand expressed on potential target cells (in trans) but also is constitutively associated with H-2D(d) in cis (on the same cell). Cis association and trans interaction occur through the same binding site. Consequently, cis association restricts the number of Ly49A receptors available for binding of H-2D(d) on target cells and reduces NK cell inhibition through Ly49A. By lowering the threshold at which NK cell activation exceeds NK cell inhibition, cis interaction allows optimal discrimination of normal and abnormal host cells.
Special investigation of Iowa Association of Skills USA-VICA, for the period September 1, 2001 through September 30, 2008
P130 A HIGH-RESOLUTION 2D/3D SEISMIC STUDY OF A THRUST FAULT ZONE IN LAKE GENEVA SWITZERLAND M. SCHEIDHAUER M. BERES D. DUPUY and F. MARILLIER Institute of Geophysics University of Lausanne 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Summary A high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection survey has been conducted in Lake Geneva near the city of Lausanne Switzerland where the faulted molasse basement (Tertiary sandstones) is overlain by complex Quaternary sedimentary structures. Using a single 48-channel streamer an area of 1200 m x 600 m was surveyed in 10 days. With a 5-m shot spacing and a receiver spacing of 2.5 m in the inline direction and 7.5 m in the crossline direction, a 12-fold data coverage was achieved. A maximum penetration depth of ~150 m was achieved with a 15 cu. in. water gun operated at 140 bars. The multi-channel data allow the determination of an accurate velocity field for 3D processing, and they show particularly clean images of the fault zone and the overlying sediments in horizontal and vertical sections. In order to compare different sources, inline 55 was repeated with a 30/30 and a 15/15 cu. in. double-chamber air gun (Mini GI) operated at 100 and 80 bars, respectively. A maximum penetration depth of ~450 m was achieved with this source.
Toperform a meta-analysis of FDG-PET performances in the diagnosis of largevessels vasculitis (Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) associated or not withPolymyalgia Rheumatica(PMR), Takayasu). Materials and methods : The MEDLINE,Cochrane Library, Embase were searched for relevant original articlesdescribing FDG-PET for vasculitis assessment, using MesH terms ("GiantCell Arteritis or Vasculitis" AND "PET"). Criteria for inclusionwere:(1)FDG-PET for diagnosis of vasculitis(2)American College of Rheumatologycriteria as reference standard(3)control group. After data extraction, analyseswere performed using a random-effects model. Results : Of 184 citations(database search and references screening),70 articles were reviewed of which12 eligible studies were extracted (sensitivity range from 32% to 97%). 7studies fulfilled all inclusion criteria. Owing to overlapping population, 1study was excluded. Statistical heterogeneity justified the random-effectsmodel. Pooled 6 studies analysis(116 vasculitis,224 controls) showed a 81%sensitivity (95%CI:70-89%);a 89% specificity (95%CI:77-95%);a 85%PPV(95%CI:63-95%); a 90% NPV(95%CI:79-95%);a 7.1 positive LR(95%CI:3.4-14.9); a0.2 negative LR(95%CI:0.14-0.35) and 90.1 DOR(95%CI: 18.6-437). Conclusion :FDG-PET has good diagnostic performances in the detection of large vesselsvasculitis. Its promising role could be extended to follow up patients undertreatment, but further studies are needed to confirm this possibility.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Pazopanib has demonstrated clinical benefit in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and is generally well tolerated. However, transaminase elevations have commonly been observed. This 2-stage study sought to identify genetic determinants of alanine transaminase (ALT) elevations in pazopanib-treated white patients with RCC.¦METHODS: Data from two separate clinical studies were used to examine the association of genetic polymorphisms with maximum on-treatment ALT levels.¦RESULTS: Of 6852 polymorphisms in 282 candidate genes examined in an exploratory dataset of 115 patients, 92 polymorphisms in 40 genes were significantly associated with ALT elevation (p<0.01). Two markers (rs2858996 and rs707889) in the HFE gene, which are not yet known to be associated with hemochromatosis, showed evidence for replication. Because of multiple comparisons, there was a 12% likelihood the replication occurred by chance. These two markers demonstrated strong linkage disequilibrium (r(2)=0.99). In the combined dataset, median (25-75th percentile) maximum ALT values were 1.2 (0.7-1.9), 1.1 (0.8-2.5), and 5.4 (1.9-7.6)×ULN for rs2858996 GG (n=148), GT (n=82), and TT (n=1 2) genotypes, respectively. All 12 TT patients had a maximum ALT>ULN, and 8 (67%) had ALT≥3×ULN. The odds ratio (95% CI) for ALT≥3×ULN for TT genotype was 39.7 (2.2-703.7) compared with other genotypes. As a predictor of ALT≥3×ULN, the TT genotype had a negative predictive value of 0.83 and positive predictive value of 0.67. No TT patients developed liver failure.¦CONCLUSIONS: The rs2858996/rs707889 polymorphisms in the HFE gene may be associated with reversible ALT elevation in pazo-panib-treated patients with RCC.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has become an established imaging modality which provides often unique information on a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) training curriculum reflects the emerging role of CMR by recommending that all trainees obtain a minimum level of training in CMR and by defining criteria for subspecialty training in CMR. 1 The wider use of CMR requires the definition of standards for data acquisition, reporting, and training in CMR across Europe. At the same time, training and accreditation in all cardiac imaging methods should be harmonized and integrated to promote the training of cardiac imaging specialists. The recommendations presented in this document are intended to inform the discussion about standards for accreditation and certification in CMR in Europe and the discussion on integrated imaging training. At present, the recommendations in this position statement are not to be interpreted as guidelines. Until such guidelines are available and nationally ratified, physicians will be able to train and practice CMR according to current national regulations.
Qualsevol professió té, o hauria de tenir, un codi de regles ètiques que els seus membres normalment respecten i que fan servir com a guia en el cas que hagin de prendre decisions moralment difícils. Durant la reunió celebrada el novembre de 1998 a Lisboa, les associacions membres de l'ECIA van acordar adoptar un codi ètic que fos vàlid per als professionals de tots els països de la Unió Europea. Aquest codi no pot ser més que un enunciat de principis generals i deixa en mans de cada associació la facultat de desenvolupar-lo per tal que respongui a necessitats especials o nacionals. Un primer projecte fou presentat i discutit a la reunió de l'ECIA de març de 1999. La present revisió incorpora les modificacions proposades aleshores, elements provinents de codis d'altres organitzacions que foren presentats en la reunió a la consideració de l'autor, així com alguns aclariments.
OBJECTIVES: To review and update the evidence on predictors of poor outcome (death, persistent vegetative state or severe neurological disability) in adult comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, to identify knowledge gaps and to suggest a reliable prognostication strategy. METHODS: GRADE-based systematic review followed by expert consensus achieved using Web-based Delphi methodology, conference calls and face-to-face meetings. Predictors based on clinical examination, electrophysiology, biomarkers and imaging were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from a total of 73 studies was reviewed. The quality of evidence was low or very low for almost all studies. In patients who are comatose with absent or extensor motor response at ≥72 h from arrest, either treated or not treated with controlled temperature, bilateral absence of either pupillary and corneal reflexes or N20 wave of short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials were identified as the most robust predictors. Early status myoclonus, elevated values of neuron-specific enolase at 48-72 h from arrest, unreactive malignant EEG patterns after rewarming, and presence of diffuse signs of postanoxic injury on either computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging were identified as useful but less robust predictors. Prolonged observation and repeated assessments should be considered when results of initial assessment are inconclusive. Although no specific combination of predictors is sufficiently supported by available evidence, a multimodal prognostication approach is recommended in all patients.
Introduction: Intoxications with colchicine usually occur by ingestion of meadow saffron leaves (Colchicum autumnale) which are mistakenly collected for alimentary purposes instead of the leaves of crow garlic (Allium ursinum). Colchicine, the main alkaloid of Colchicum autumnale, is present in all parts of the plant. We report a rarer source of mistake, i.e. between the flowers of Colchicum autumnale and Crocus sativus. The similarity in this case is limited to the appearance of the flowers, but Colchicum autumnale, which is also flowering in autumn, lacks the crimson stigma from which the saffron spice is derived from Crocus sativus. Case report: A 47-year-old woman collected the stamens of a flower resembling Crocus sativus for use as saffron. Her knowledge about Crocus sativus was limited to having seen this plant previously at a museum of saffron (Mund, Switzerland). She prepared a meal with rice using three pinches of ''saffron'' for ten tablespoons of rice. She and her 8-year-old child, both ate the usual amount of rice (6 and 2 tablespoons, respectively). The 2 brothers (4- and 9-years-old) only ate 3 teaspoons of rice each. A slightly bitter taste and the absence of a yellow colouration were peculiar. Three to four hours after the meal, the mother developed nausea and contacted the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre, suspecting a plant misidentification. All family members were referred to the regional university hospital for administration of oral activated charcoal. No other symptoms were reported, notably no symptoms in the 8-year-old boy and his brothers. Colchicine serum concentration (blood sample obtained 15 hours after ingestion) measured by HPLC-mass spectrometry was 0.36 mg/L for the mother, and 0.13 mg/L for the 8-year-old child, respectively (therapeutic levels: 0.30-2.5 mg/L). Conclusion: This report demonstrates that a significant amount of colchicine may be absorbed even after ingestion of very small quantities of Colchicum autumnale, which in this case was confused with Crocus sativus. Serum colchicine concentrations in the sub-/therapeutic range can be quantified by HPLC-mass spectrometry, which allows a very sensitive and specific detection of this alkaloid in blood and urine.
Caveolins are a crucial component of caveolae but have also been localized to the Golgi complex, and, under some experimental conditions, to lipid bodies (LBs). The physiological relevance and dynamics of LB association remain unclear. We now show that endogenous caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 redistribute to LBs in lipid loaded A431 and FRT cells. Association with LBs is regulated and reversible; removal of fatty acids causes caveolin to rapidly leave the lipid body. We also show by subcellular fractionation, light and electron microscopy that during the first hours of liver regeneration, caveolins show a dramatic redistribution from the cell surface to the newly formed LBs. At later stages of the regeneration process (when LBs are still abundant), the levels of caveolins in LBs decrease dramatically. As a model system to study association of caveolins with LBs we have used brefeldin A (BFA). BFA causes rapid redistribution of endogenous caveolins to LBs and this association was reversed upon BFA washout. Finally, we have used a dominant negative LB-associated caveolin mutant (cavDGV) to study LB formation and to examine its effect on LB function. We now show that the cavDGV mutant inhibits microtubule-dependent LB motility and blocks the reversal of lipid accumulation in LBs.
El Aymara es un pueblo andino milenario dedicado al pastoreo y a la agricultura, que tiene su origen alrededor del lagoTiticaca, comprendiendo lo que en la actualidad es parte de Bolivia y Perú, norte de Chile y norte de Argentina. Todo lorelevante al orden Aymara se vincula con sus creencias que se manifiestan en ritos y ceremonias. En el mundo andino, elconcepto de salud no se restringe sólo al bienestar físico y psíquico, sino que incluye el equilibrio y bienestar social y económico de la persona, su relación armoniosa en su familia y comunidad, con sus difuntos, sus espíritus protectores, la Madre Tierra y en su convivencia correcta y afectuosa con lachacra y el ganado, con la casa y la naturaleza. En este artículo se revisan algunos aspectos del pensamiento Aymara, sucosmovisión, ética y praxis. Se comenta como la salud, la enfermedad y los procedimientos terapéuticos están mediatizados por la cultura. Se expone como ejemplo el "ProyectoDe Salud Intercultural Desde Una Maternidad" en un hospital de Chile, donde mujeres Aymaras tienen derecho a un parto integrador.
El Aymara es un pueblo andino milenario dedicado al pastoreo y a la agricultura, que tiene su origen alrededor del lagoTiticaca, comprendiendo lo que en la actualidad es parte de Bolivia y Perú, norte de Chile y norte de Argentina. Todo lorelevante al orden Aymara se vincula con sus creencias que se manifiestan en ritos y ceremonias. En el mundo andino, elconcepto de salud no se restringe sólo al bienestar físico y psíquico, sino que incluye el equilibrio y bienestar social y económico de la persona, su relación armoniosa en su familia y comunidad, con sus difuntos, sus espíritus protectores, la Madre Tierra y en su convivencia correcta y afectuosa con lachacra y el ganado, con la casa y la naturaleza. En este artículo se revisan algunos aspectos del pensamiento Aymara, sucosmovisión, ética y praxis. Se comenta como la salud, la enfermedad y los procedimientos terapéuticos están mediatizados por la cultura. Se expone como ejemplo el "ProyectoDe Salud Intercultural Desde Una Maternidad" en un hospital de Chile, donde mujeres Aymaras tienen derecho a un parto integrador.