964 resultados para Etica cristiana-Trabajos anteriores a 1800
Some have entertained the belief that early modern Gaelic society conferred substantial rights on women. This could hardly be farther from the truth. In aristocratic Gaelic circles women were used ruthlessly as pawns in political alliances and other manoeuvres. The status of women at the lower levels of society also seems to have been low relative to men. While patriarchal relationships persisted after the Plantation of Ulster, they took new forms. Some women actually benefited in terms of property rights relative to men. Economic change in the eighteenth century, in particular the development of proto-industry, opened up opportunities for poorer women but it is notable that women did not feature at all in the public political sphere before 1800
Can the lessons of the past help us to prevent another banking collapse in the future? This is the first book to tell the story of the rise and fall of British banking stability in the past two centuries, and it sheds new light on why banking systems crash and the factors underpinning banking stability. John Turner shows that there were only two major banking crises in Britain during this time: the crisis of 1825–6 and the Great Crash of 2007–8. Although there were episodic bouts of instability in the interim, the banking system was crisis-free. Why was the British banking system stable for such a long time and why did the British banking system implode in 2008? In answering these questions, the book explores the long-run evolution of bank regulation, the role of the Bank of England, bank rescues and the need to hold shareholders to account.
This article examines Presbyterian interpretations in Scotland and Ireland of the Scottish Reformations of 1560 and 1638–43. It begins with a discussion of the work of two important Presbyterian historians of the early nineteenth century, the Scotsman, Thomas McCrie, and the Irishman, James Seaton Reid. In their various publications, both laid the template for the nineteenth-century Presbyterian understanding of the Scottish Reformations by emphasizing the historical links between the Scottish and Irish churches in the early-modern period and their common theology and commitment to civil and religious liberty against the ecclesiastical and political tyranny of the Stuarts. The article also examines the commemorations of the National Covenant in 1838, the Solemn League and Covenant in 1843, and the Scottish Reformation in 1860. By doing so, it uncovers important religious and ideological linkages across the North Channel, including Presbyterian evangelicalism, missionary activity, church–state relationships, religious reform and revival, and anti-Catholicism
The collection of the data for this volume formed part of the work of the European Science Foundation project on Writing National Histories. I was a member of the Research Team (1) which produced the volume. I also wrote two contributions for the Atlas. I collected the data and wrote the section on academic historians in Ireland. I also wrote a synthesis of the data on academic women historians in Europe, 1815-2005.
La iniciativa del Encuenlro "Búsqueda de Espacios para la Vida" surge en el contexto de la vociferada globalización, que no es otra cosa que la homogenización cultural e ideológica, de acuerdo a un único patrón de referencia: el capitalismo neoliberal. Este capitalismo excluyente, idolátrico y salvaje, pretende imponer una forma de vida a su imágen y semejanza, sin tomar en cuenta que Abia Yala es un continente ricamente pluricultural y plurinacional. Francis Fukuyama, anunció el fin de la historia, con la desaparición de las contradicciones ideológicas que caracterizó la guerra fría: socialismo y capitalismo, este y oeste. El pensamiento neoliberal se fortaleció con los postulados de Karl Popper sobre la desaparición de las utoplas, es decir, de los sueños y las esperanzas. En tanto esa sensación caracteriza la neo-modernidad, desde lo profundo de la historia de los pueblos de Abia yala surgen contingentes, multitudes de organizaciones de indígenas y negros haciendo prevalecer sus esperanzas y utopías. En el fragor de los levantamientos de indígenas, de negros y de campesinos del Ecuador se percibe con gran nitidez la certeza de construir el "chaupi tutapi Pacarimun", el"amanecer en la mitad de la noche'. Las luchas de los pueblos de Chiapas y HaitÍ son hermosas lecciones de culturas de esperanza y obstinación por construir nuevas espacios de vida acordes con sus dernandas y propuestas histórico- culturales.
Este folleto recoge los materiales que han salido de los grupos y de los plenarios de la Segunda Consulta Ecuménica "Aporte de los pueblos indígenas de América Latina a la Teología Cristiana", celebrada en Quito, entre los días 30 de junio y 6 de julio de 1986. No se trata de un texto oficial, elaborado por la totalidad de la asamblea.