972 resultados para Errore ionosferico GPS
Background. Antibiotics are over-prescribed for respiratory tract infections in Australia. Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical predictors of GPs' prescribing of antibiotics. Methods. We used Clinical Judgment Analysis to study the responses of GPs to hypothetical paper-based vignettes of a 20-year-old with a respiratory tract infection. The nature of four symptoms and signs (colour of nasal mucous discharge; soreness of the throat; presence of fever; and whether any cough was productive of sputum) was varied and their effect on prescribing measured using logistic regression. Results. Twenty GPs participated. The nature of each symptom and sign significantly predicted prescribing of an antibiotic. Cough productive of yellow sputum; presence of sore throat; fever; and coloured nasal mucus increased the probability of an antibiotic being prescribed. Conclusions. GPs are influenced by clinical signs and symptoms to use antibiotics for respiratory infections for which there is poor evidence of efficacy from the literature.
In the digital age the internet and the ICT devices changed our daily life and routines. It means we couldn't live without these services and devices anywhere (work, home, holiday, etc.). It can be experienced in the tourism sector; digital contents become key tools in the tourism of the 21st century; they will be able to adapt the traditional tourist guide methodology to the applications running on novel digital devices. Tourists belong to a new generation, an "ICT generation" using innovative tools, a new info-media to communicate. A possible direction for tourism development is to use modern ICT systems and devices. Besides participating in classical tours guided by travel guides, there is a new opportunity for individual tourists to enjoy high quality ICT based guided walks prepared on the knowledge of travel guides. The main idea of the GUIDE@HAND service is to use reusable, and create new tourism contents for an advanced mobile device, in order to give a contemporary answer to traditional systems of tourism information, by developing new tourism services based on digital contents for innovative mobile applications. The service is based on a new concept of enhancing territorial heritage and values, through knowledge, innovation, languages and multilingual solutions going along with new tourists‟ “sensitiveness”.
This paper details work carried out to verify the dimensional measurement performance of the Indoor GPS (iGPS) system; a network of Rotary-Laser Automatic Theodolites (R-LATs). Initially tests were carried out to determine the angular uncertainties on an individual R-LAT transmitter-receiver pair. A method is presented of determining the uncertainty of dimensional measurement for a three dimensional coordinate measurement machine. An experimental procedure was developed to compare three dimensional coordinate measurements with calibrated reference points. The reference standard used to calibrate these reference points was a fringe counting interferometer with the multilateration technique employed to establish three dimensional coordinates. This is an extension of the established technique of comparing measured lengths with calibrated lengths. The method was found to be practical and able to establish that the expanded uncertainty of the basic iGPS system was approximately 1 mm at a 95% confidence level. Further tests carried out on a highly optimized version of the iGPS system have shown that the coordinate uncertainty can be reduced to 0.25 mm at a 95% confidence level.
One of the greatest concerns related to the popularity of GPS-enabled devices and applications is the increasing availability of the personal location information generated by them and shared with application and service providers. Moreover, people tend to have regular routines and be characterized by a set of “significant places”, thus making it possible to identify a user from his/her mobility data. In this paper we present a series of techniques for identifying individuals from their GPS movements. More specifically, we study the uniqueness of GPS information for three popular datasets, and we provide a detailed analysis of the discriminatory power of speed, direction and distance of travel. Most importantly, we present a simple yet effective technique for the identification of users from location information that are not included in the original dataset used for training, thus raising important privacy concerns for the management of location datasets.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the implementation of the National Health Service (NHS) Health Check programme in one area of England from the perspective of general practitioners (GPs). DESIGN: A qualitative exploratory study was conducted with GPs and other healthcare professionals involved in delivering the NHS Health Check and with patients. This paper reports the experience of GPs and focuses on the management of the Heath Check programme in primary care. SETTING: Primary care surgeries in the Heart of Birmingham region (now under the auspices of the Birmingham Cross City Clinical Commissioning Group) were invited to take part in the larger scale evaluation. This study focuses on a subset of those surgeries whose GPs were willing to participate. PARTICIPANTS: 9 GPs from different practices volunteered. GPs served an ethnically diverse region with areas of socioeconomic deprivation. Ethnicities of participant GPs included South Asian, South Asian British, white, black British and Chinese. METHODS: Individual semistructured interviews were conducted with GPs face to face or via telephone. Thematic analysis was used to analyse verbatim transcripts. RESULTS: Themes were generated which represent GPs' experiences of managing the NHS Health Check: primary care as a commercial enterprise; 'buy in' to concordance in preventive healthcare; following protocol and support provision. These themes represent the key issues raised by GPs. They reveal variability in the implementation of NHS Health Checks. GPs also need support in allocating resources to the Health Check including training on how to conduct checks in a concordant (or collaborative) way. CONCLUSIONS: The variability observed in this small-scale evaluation corroborates existing findings suggesting a need for more standardisation. Further large-scale research is needed to determine how that could be achieved. Work needs to be done to further develop a concordant approach to lifestyle advice which involves tailored individual goal setting rather than a paternalistic advice-giving model.
To identify the relationship between GPS scintillation in Natal-RN (Brazil) and geomagnetic disturbances of any intensities and variations, this work made analysis of the ionospheric behavior and magnetic indexes (Dst , AE and Bz of the interplanetary magnetic field) concerning to different periods of the solar cycle between 2000 and 2014. Part of the data of this research originated at the UFRN observatory, from a GEC Plessey board connected to an ANP -C 114 antenna, modified by Cornell University’s Space group Plasma Physics in order to operate the ScintMon, a GPS monitoring program. This study, therefore, found several cases of inhibited scintillations after the main phase of magnetic storms, a fact that, along with others, corroborated with categorization of Aarons (1991) and models of disturbed dynamo (according to Bonelli, 2008) and over-shielding penetration, defended by Kelley et al. (1979) and Abdu (2011) [4]. In addition to these findings, different morphologies were noted in such disruptions in the GPS signal in accordance with previous magnetic activities. It also found a moderate relationship (R2 = 0.52) between the Dst rate (concerning to specific time) and the average of S4 through a polynomial function. This finding therefore, corroborating Ilma et al. (2012) [17], is an important evidence that the scintillation GPS are not directly controlled by magnetic induction of storms. Completing this work, this relation did show itself as a way of partial predicting of scintillations.
O NAVSTAR/GPS (NAVigation System with Timing And Ranging/Global Po- sitioning System), mais conhecido por GPS, _e um sistema de navegacão baseado em sat_elites desenvolvido pelo departamento de defesa norte-americano em meados de 1970. Criado inicialmente para fins militares, o GPS foi adaptado para o uso civil. Para fazer a localização, o receptor precisa fazer a aquisição de sinais dos satélites visíveis. Essa etapa é de extrema importância, pois é responsável pela detecção dos satélites visíveis, calculando suas respectivas frequências e fases iniciais. Esse processo pode demandar bastante tempo de processamento e precisa ser implementado de forma eficiente. Várias técnicas são utilizadas atualmente, mas a maioria delas colocam em conflito questões de projeto tais como, complexidade computacional, tempo de aquisição e recursos computacionais. Objetivando equilibrar essas questões, foi desenvolvido um método que reduz a complexidade do processo de aquisição utilizando algumas estratégias, a saber, redução do efeito doppler, amostras e tamanho do sinal utilizados, além do paralelismo. Essa estratégia é dividida em dois passos, um grosseiro em todo o espaço de busca e um fino apenas na região identificada previamente pela primeira etapa. Devido a busca grosseira, o limiar do algoritmo convencional não era mais aceitável. Nesse sentido, um novo limiar foi estabelecido baseado na variância dos picos de correlação. Inicialmente, é feita uma busca com pouca precisão comparando a variância dos cinco maiores picos de correlação encontrados. Caso a variância ultrapasse um certo limiar, a região de maior pico torna-se candidata à detecção. Por fim, essa região passa por um refinamento para se ter a certeza de detecção. Os resultados mostram que houve uma redução significativa na complexidade e no tempo de execução, sem que tenha sido necessário utilizar algoritmos muito complexos.
Underwater photo-transect surveys were conducted on September 23-27, 2007 at different sections of the reef flat, reef crest and reef slope in Heron Reef. This survey was done by swimming along pre-defined transect sites and taking a picture of the bottom substrate parallel to the bottom at constant vertical distance (30cm) every two to three metres. A total of 3,586 benthic photos were taken. A floating GPS setup connected to the swimmer/diver by a line enabled recording of coordinates of transect surveys. Approximation of the coordinates for each benthic photo was based on the photo timestamp and GPS coordinate time stamp, using GPS Photo Link Software. Coordinates of each photo were interpolated by finding the the gps coordinates that were logged at a set time before and after the photo was captured. The output of this process was an ArcMap point shapefile, a Google Earth KML file and a thumbnail of each benthic photo taken. The data in the ArcMap shapefile and in the Google Earth KML file consisted of the approximated coordinate of each benthic photo taken during the survey. Using the GPS Photo Link extension within the ArcMap environment, opening the ArcMap shapefile will enable thumbnail to be displayed on the associated benthic cover photo whenever hovering with the mouse over a point on the transect. By downloading the GPSPhotoLink software from the www.geospatialexperts.com, and installing it as a trial version the ArcMap exstension will be installed in the ArcMap environment.
GPs' implicit prioritization through clinical choices – evidence from three national health services
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for valuable comments and inputs from participants at a series of seminars and conferences as well as to our three anonymous referees.