958 resultados para Equação de Euler
第一章 引论
1.1 计算流体力学及其特征
1.2 计算流体力学的发展
1.3 本书的目的和内容
第二章 流体力学方程及模型方程
2.1 流体力学基本方程
2.2 模型方程及其数学性质
2.3 双曲型方程组的初边值问题
2.4 Riemann间断解
第三章 偏微分方程的数值解法
3.1 有限差分法
3.2 偏微分方程的全离散
3.3 有限体积法
3.4 有限元方法
3.5 谱方法
第四章 高精度有限差分法及数值解的行为分析
4.1 模型方程及半离散化方程
4.2 高精度差分逼近式
4.3 数值解的精度及分辨率分析
4.4 数值解中的耗散效应与色散效应
4.5 数值解的群速度
4.6 数值解行为的进一步分析
4.7 时间离散的色散与耗散效应
第五章 代数方程的求解
5.1 Gauss消去法
5.2 标量追赶法
5.3 矩阵追赶法及LU分解法
5.4 迭代法求解代数方程
5.5 交替方向追赶法
5.6 非线性方程的求解
5.7 时间关系法及局部时间步长法
第六章 可压缩流体力学方程组的离散
6.1 一维流体力学方程及Jacobian系数矩阵的分裂
6.2 一维Euler方程的离散
6.3 Godunov间断分解法
6.4 Roe格式与Roe分解
6.5 多维问题的差分逼近
6.6 粘性项的差分逼近
7.1 数值解中的非物理振荡
7.2 一阶TVD格式
7.3 二阶TVD格式
7.4 TVD格式在流体力学中的应用
7.5 MUSCL格式
7.6 其他类型的高分辨率格式
第八章 不可压Navier-Stokes方程的差分逼近
8.1 控制方程
8.2 求解定常N-S方程的人工压缩性方法
8.3 非定常原始变量N-S方程的求解
8.4 涡量-流函数法
第九章 网格技术
9.1 网格生成技术
9.2 非结构网格
9.3 基于非等距网格的有限差分法
der="0" alt="" hspace="8" width="300" height="400" align="left" />《理性力学基础》为《中国科学院研究生教学丛书》之一。
第一章 绪论
1·1 理性力学目的和意义
1·2 理性力学的特点与体系
1·3 理性力学的方法
1·4 符号
第二章 变形几何学和运动学
2·1 直角坐标系的张量
2·2 物体的构形与运动
2·3 变形梯度
2·4 应变度量和面元、体元变形
2·5 应变率
第三章 基本定律与场方程
3·1 质量守恒定律
3·2 应力原理与动量守恒定律
3·3 能量守恒定律和熵定律
3·4 功共轭与应力度量
3·5 场方程
3·6 随体坐标系
第四章 本构方程的一般原理
4·1 时空系的变换
4·2 基本定律的客观性
4·3 本构方程的一般原理
第五章 简单物质
5·1 张量函数
5·2 张量函数表示定理
5·3 简单物质的本构方程
5·4 本构方程的简化形式
5·5 各向同性物质
5·6 简单固体
5·7 简单流体和流晶
5·8 内部约束
5·9 特殊类型物质
5·10 衰退记忆
第六章 弹性物质
6·1 弹性物质的本构方程
6·2 物质对称性
6·3 各向同性弹性固体
6·4 超弹性物质
6·5 各向同性超弹性物质
6·6 主轴表示
6·7 储能函数表示式
6·8 二次弹性
6·9 均匀变形场
6·10 储能函数的实验确定
第七章 弹性体有限变形边值问题
7·1 边值问题的提法
7·2 若干典型问题
7·3 平面应变问题
7·4 不可压缩各向同性弹性体
第八章 简单流体
8·1 直线流动
8·2 曲线流动
8·3 伸长历史恒定运动
8·4 定常测黏流动
8·5 Poiseuille流动
8·6 Couette流动
8·7 圆锥-平板流动
8·8 端部正应力效应
8·9 Stokes流体测黏流动
8·10 定常拉伸流动
第九章 黏弹性物质
9·1 线性黏弹性理论
9·2 非线性黏弹性固体
9·3 本构泛函展开
9·4 非线性黏弹性流体
第十章 弹塑性物质
10·1 微小变形塑性理论
10·2 张量的时间导数
10·3 有限塑性变形的本构方程
10·4 塑性大变形基本方程
10·5 Drucker公设与有限塑性变形
第十一章 晶体塑性理论
11·1 晶体塑性变形运动学
11·2 硬化规律
11·3 硬化系数表示式
11·4 晶体塑性本构关系
11·5 滑移剪切率γ(α)的存在性与惟一性
11·6 率相关流动规律
第十二章 缺陷连续统的线性理论
12·1 张量场的微分运算
12·2 协调条件
12·3 缺陷的几何意义
12·4 位错弹性理论
12·5 位错塑性理论
12·6 一般缺陷塑性理论
12·7 晶体塑性位错理论
12·8 Nye张量及缺陷塑性理论小结
12·9 位错塑性理论二维公式及算例
第十三章 非黎曼几何及流形简介
13·1 Euler空间张量场的绝对微分
13·2 曲率张量
13·3 线性空间
13·4 仿射联络空间
13·5 非完整变换
13·6 拓扑空间
13·7 微分流形
第十四章 缺陷连续统的非线性理论
14·1 非Niemann物质流形的构造
14·2 缺陷的几何意义
14·3 缺陷连续统的弹性理论
14·4 缺陷连续统的塑性理论
14·5 晶体塑性位错理论
第十五章 理性力学若干应用
15·1 有限变形的精确描述
15·2 曲线坐标的相应公式
15·3 本构方程的客观性原理
15·4 物质对称性
15·5 主轴法
15·6 客观应力率
附录 曲线坐标
1 基向量与度量张量
2 逆变导数
3 应力张
4 运动方程
现代大型飞机采用的大展弦比超临界机翼设计技术使得机翼的静气动弹性效应明显,静气动弹性变形对飞机气动性能和操纵面控制效率的影响成为先进大型飞机设计必须面对的重要技术问题。需要采用多专业、多学科综合研究的手段,建立一套系统的、工程实用的气动/结构耦合弹性机翼分析和设计技术,为大型民用飞机设计服务。传统的动气动弹性数值模拟程序由于数值方法上的特点,并不适用于静气动弹性数值模拟,有必要发展独立的静气动弹性数值模程序,弥补风洞实验技术的不足,为大型飞机的静气动弹性设计提供技术参考。 作者采用基于柔度矩阵方法的结构静力学方程,分别与基于结构网格的Navier-Stokes方程和基于非结构网格的Euler方程相耦合,发展了基于非结构气动网格和结构气动网格的静气动弹性数值分析程序。编制了统一的数据接口技术,使其可更换不同的流体力学求解器与结构静力学模型耦合,为采用不同求解器进行静气动弹性数值模拟对比奠定了基础。 使用作者独立开发出的静气动弹性数值分析程序,分别对某型号飞翼和翼身组合体进行了静气动弹性数值模拟,比较了基于不同类型气动网格结果的异同,分析了静气动弹性效应对翼身组合体造成的升力导数下降和控制面效率降低的影响,并对其中包含的物理机理进行了探讨。 作者在静气动弹性数值模拟程序的基础上,进一步发展了基于遗传算法与响应面法结合的飞行器型架外形设计优化方法,在优化过程中,以已有的静气动弹性数据建立响应面模型替代传统的调用Euler/N-S方程静气动弹性计算,大大减小了优化的运算时间,使静气动弹性优化设计成为可能。并对NACA0012翼型和某飞翼进行了型架外形优化,并得到了良好的结果,验证了作者发展的考虑静气动弹性效应影响的飞行器型架外形优化程序。
The beam lattice-type models, such as the Euler-Bernoulli (or Timoshenko) beam lattice and the generalized beam (GB) lattice, have been proved very effective in simulating failure processes in concrete and rock due to its simplicity and easy implementation. However, these existing lattice models only take into account tensile failures, so it may be not applicable to simulation of failure behaviors under compressive states. The main aim in this paper is to incorporate Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, which is widely used in many kinds of materials, into the GB lattice procedure. The improved GB lattice procedure has the capability of modeling both element failures and contact/separation of cracked elements. The numerical examples show its effectiveness in simulating compressive failures. Furthermore, the influences of lateral confinement, friction angle, stiffness of loading platen, inclusion of aggregates on failure processes are respectively analyzed in detail.
Self-organized generation of transverse waves associated with the transverse wave instabilities at a diverging cylindrical detonation front was numerically studied by solving two-dimensional Euler equations implemented with an improved two-step chemical kinetic model. After solution validation, four mechanisms of the transverse wave generation were identified from numerical simulations, and referred to as the concave front focusing, the kinked front evolution, the wrinkled front evolution and the transverse wave merging, respectively. The propagation of the cylindrical detonation is maintained by the growth of the transverse waves that match the rate of increase in surface area of the detonation front to asymptotically approach a constant average number of transverse waves per unit length along the circumference of the detonation front. This cell bifurcation phenomenon of cellular detonations is discussed in detail to gain better understanding on detonation physics.
A new structure of solution elements and conservation elements based on rectangular mesh was pro- posed and an improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme with sec- ond-order accuracy was constructed. Furthermore, the application of improved CE/SE scheme was extended to detonation simulation. Three models were used for chemical reaction in gaseous detonation. And a two-fluid model was used for two-phase (gas–droplet) detonation. Shock reflections were simu- lated by the improved CE/SE scheme and the numerical results were compared with those obtained by other different numerical schemes. Gaseous and gas–droplet planar detonations were simulated and the numerical results were carefully compared with the experimental data and theoretical results based on C–J theory. Mach reflection of a cellular detonation was also simulated, and the numerical cellular pat- terns were compared with experimental ones. Comparisons show that the improved CE/SE scheme is clear in physical concept, easy to be implemented and high accurate for above-mentioned problems.
对基于结构网格的Euler方程及N-S方程求解器和基于非结构网格的Euler方程求解器,采用结构模态分析方法和柔度矩阵方法,对无人机大展弦比机翼在Ma=0.6,α=2°,飞行高度20 km的巡航状态下的静气动弹性特性进行了数值模拟.验证了两种求解器对静气动弹性模拟的准确性.同时,对模态分析方法和柔度矩阵方法进行了对比研究,发现柔度矩阵方法更适用于静气动弹性数值模拟.另外,对应用物面法向偏转方法替代网格变形技术模拟静气动弹性进行了研究,计算表明物面法向偏转方法可以大大提高静气动弹性计算效率和克服机翼结构变形过大时动网格技术无法处理的不足.
Hydrocyclones are widely used in industry, of which the geometrical design using CFD techniques is gaining more popularity in recent years. In this study, the Euler-Euler approach and the Reynolds stress model are applied to simulate the liquid-solid flowfield in a hydrocyclone. The methodology is validated by a good agreement between experimental data and numerical results. Within the research range, the simulation indicates that the liquid-solid separation mainly occurs in the conical segment, and increasing conical height or decreasing cylindrical height helps to improve the grade efficiencies of solid particles. Based on these results, two of the same hydrocyclones are designed and installed in series to establish a liquid-solid separation system. Many experiments are then conducted under different conditions, in which the effects of the water cut and the second hydrocyclone on the separation are investigated. The results also confirm that smaller solid particles are more susceptible to the inlet conditions, and the second hydrocyclone plays a more important role as the water cut reduces.
A model equation for water waves has been suggested by Whitham to study, qualitatively at least, the different kinds of breaking. This is an integro-differential equation which combines a typical nonlinear convection term with an integral for the dispersive effects and is of independent mathematical interest. For an approximate kernel of the form e^(-b|x|) it is shown first that solitary waves have a maximum height with sharp crests and secondly that waves which are sufficiently asymmetric break into "bores." The second part applies to a wide class of bounded kernels, but the kernel giving the correct dispersion effects of water waves has a square root singularity and the present argument does not go through. Nevertheless the possibility of the two kinds of breaking in such integro-differential equations is demonstrated.
Difficulties arise in finding variational principles for continuum mechanics problems in the Eulerian (field) description. The reason is found to be that continuum equations in the original field variables lack a mathematical "self-adjointness" property which is necessary for Euler equations. This is a feature of the Eulerian description and occurs in non-dissipative problems which have variational principles for their Lagrangian description. To overcome this difficulty a "potential representation" approach is used which consists of transforming to new (Eulerian) variables whose equations are self-adjoint. The transformations to the velocity potential or stream function in fluids or the scaler and vector potentials in electromagnetism often lead to variational principles in this way. As yet no general procedure is available for finding suitable transformations. Existing variational principles for the inviscid fluid equations in the Eulerian description are reviewed and some ideas on the form of the appropriate transformations and Lagrangians for fluid problems are obtained. These ideas are developed in a series of examples which include finding variational principles for Rossby waves and for the internal waves of a stratified fluid.
The Heisenberg-Euler correction due to photon-photon scattering, a still unverified quantum electrodynamics effect, on electromagnetic wave interaction inside a plasma channel is investigated theoretically. From a signal laser beam in the relativistic overdense plasma channel, photon-photon scattering can produce a detectable output beam of different frequency and polarization. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.