941 resultados para Environmental Practices
This paper reports on measurements of crack growth by environmental assisted fracture (EAF) for 4340 steel in water and in air at various relative humidities. Of most interest is the observation of slow crack propagation in dry air. Fractographic analysis leads to the strong suggestion that this slow crack propagation is due to hydrogen cracking caused by internal hydrogen in solid solution inside the sample material.
Background. Several medical devices used during hemodynamic procedures, particularly angiographic diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheters, are manufactured for single use only. However, reprocessing and reuse of these devices has been reported, to determine the frequency of reuse and reprocessing of single-use medical devices used during hemodynamic procedures in Brazil and to evaluate how reprocessing is performed. Design. National survey, conducted from December 1999 to July 2001. Methods. Most of the institutions affiliated with the Brazilian Society of Hemodynamic and Interventional Cardiology were surveyed by use of a questionnaire sent in the mail. Results. The questionnaire response rate was 50% (119 of 240 institutions). Of the 119 institutions that responded, 116 (97%) reported reuse of single-use devices used during hemodynamic procedures, and only 26 (22%) reported use of a standardized reprocessing protocol. Cleaning, flushing, rinsing, drying, sterilizing and packaging methods varied greatly and were mostly inadequate. Criteria for discarding reused devices varied widely. Of the 119 institutions that responded, 80 (67%) reported having a surveillance system for adverse events associated with the reuse of medical devices, although most of these institutions did not routinely review the data, and only 38 (32%) described a training program for the personnel who reprocessed single-use devices. Conclusions. The reuse of single-use devices used during hemodynamic procedures was very frequent in hospitals in Brazil. Basic guidance on how to reuse and reprocess single-use medical devices is urgently needed, because, despite the lack of studies to support reusing and reprocessing single-use medical devices, such devices are necessary in limited-resource areas in which these practices are current.
Background Sexual contact may be the means by which head and neck cancer patients are exposed to human papillomavirus (HPV). Methods We undertook a pooled analysis of four population-based and four hospital-based case-control studies from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium, with participants from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, India, Italy, Spain, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia and the USA. The study included 5642 head and neck cancer cases and 6069 controls. We calculated odds ratios (ORs) of associations between cancer and specific sexual behaviours, including practice of oral sex, number of lifetime sexual partners and oral sex partners, age at sexual debut, a history of same-sex contact and a history of oral-anal contact. Findings were stratified by sex and disease subsite. Results Cancer of the oropharynx was associated with having a history of six or more lifetime sexual partners [OR = 1.25, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01, 1.54] and four or more lifetime oral sex partners (OR = 2.25, 95% CI 1.42, 3.58). Cancer of the tonsil was associated with four or more lifetime oral sex partners (OR = 3.36, 95 % CI 1.32, 8.53), and, among men, with ever having oral sex (OR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.09, 2.33) and with an earlier age at sexual debut (OR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.37, 5.05). Cancer of the base of the tongue was associated with ever having oral sex among women (OR = 4.32, 95% CI 1.06, 17.6), having two sexual partners in comparison with only one (OR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.19, 3.46) and, among men, with a history of same-sex sexual contact (OR = 8.89, 95% CI 2.14, 36.8). Conclusions Sexual behaviours are associated with cancer risk at the head and neck cancer subsites that have previously been associated with HPV infection.
Concepts and determination of reference values for human biomonitoring of environmental contaminants
Human biomonitoring (HBM) of environmental contaminants plays an important role in estimating exposure and evaluating risk, and thus it has been increasingly applied in the environmental field. The results of HBM must be compared with reference values ( RV). The term ""reference values"" has always been related to the interpretation of clinical laboratory tests. For physicians, RV indicate ""normal values"" or ""limits of normal""; in turn, toxicologists prefer the terms ""background values"" or ""baseline values"" to refer to the presence of contaminants in biological fluids. This discrepancy leads to the discussion concerning which should be the population selected to determine RV. Whereas clinical chemistry employs an altered health state as the main exclusion criterion to select a reference population ( that is, a ""healthy"" population would be selected), in environmental toxicology the exclusion criterion is the abnormal exposure to xenobiotics. Therefore, the choice of population to determine RV is based on the very purpose of the RV to be determined. The present paper discusses the concepts and methodology used to determine RV for biomarkers of chemical environmental contaminants.
Little is known about the effect of clinical characteristics, parental psychopathology, family functioning, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) followed up in a naturalistic setting. Data from cultures outside the United States are extremely scarce. This is a longitudinal study using a nonrandom assignment, quasi-experimental design. One hundred twenty-five children with ADHD were treated with methylphenidate according to standard clinical procedures, and followed up for 6 months. The severity of ADHD symptoms was assessed by the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham rating scale. In the final multivariate model, ADHD combined subtype (P < 0.001) and comorbidity with oppositional defiant disorder (P = 0.03) were both predictors of a worse clinical response. In addition, the levels of maternal ADHD symptoms were also associated with worse prognosis (P < 0.001). In the context of several adverse psychosocial factors assessed, only undesired pregnancy was associated with poorer response to methylphenidate in the final comprehensive-model (P = 0.02). Our study provides evidence for the involvement of clinical characteristics, maternal psychopathology, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate. Clinicians may consider adjuvant strategies when negative predictors are present to increase the chances of success with methylphenidate treatment.
Millions of people worldwide are affected by anthropogenic air pollution derived from the combustion of fossil fuels. In this work, we tested the effects of fetal, lactation and post-weaning ambient air pollution exposure on total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations and on a downstream pathway element, the plasma cysteine (Cys) concentration. Two similar exposure chambers (polluted and filtered chamber) were located near an area with heavy traffic in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and male Swiss mice were housed there from the pre-natal period until 3 months of age. Groups during fetal, lactation and adult periods of exposure were apportioned, and tHcy and Cys plasma concentrations were assessed when the animals were 3 months old. In our study, both the tHcy and Cys concentrations were decreased in groups that spent their final stage of life in polluted chambers, suggesting recent alterations in tHcy and Cys concentrations due to air pollution exposure. The possible relationship of these data with cardiovascular dysfunction is still a matter of controversy in animals; nevertheless, epigenetic mechanisms emerge as a possible issue to consider in the investigation of the link between air pollution and Hcy measurement. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Kishi D; Videira RLR Description of Nosocomial Infection Prevention Practices by Anesthesiologists in a University Hospital. Background and objectives: Anesthesiologists play an important role in the prevention of nosocomial infections. In anesthetic practice, physiologic barriers are routinely breached, allowing patient contamination with microorganisms and the consequent development of infection. The lack of adhesion to recommended practices can facilitate transmission of microorganisms. It is important to describe prophylactic practices of anesthesia-related nosocomial infections performed by anesthesiologists. Methods: Structured questionnaires were distributed to be answered voluntarily and anonymously by anesthesiologists. Results: Among 112 anesthesiologists, 75% answered the questionnaire. Surgical mask is used by 95.2% of anesthesiologists, 96.3% wear gloves frequently, 98.9% wear sterile gloves for neuraxial block, 91.3% use sterile technique for central venous puncture, 95.1% wash their hands between cases, 91.6% try to maintain the endotracheal tube sterile, 96.3% discard the prefilled propofol syringe at the end of each anesthesia, 30% clean the vials before using it in the neuraxial blocks, and 19.8% clean the vials before intravenous use. Conclusions: Respondents showed good adhesion to practices of nosocomial infection prophylaxis and to improve them educational multidisciplinary campaigns are necessary.
Wastewater control at storage terminals of liquid chemical products in bulk is very difficult because of the variety of products handled in the facilities generating effluents of variable composition. The main objective of this work was to verify if the Vibrio fischeri acute toxicity test could be routinely included in the wastewater management of those facilities along with physical and chemical analysis in order to evaluate and improve the quality of the generated effluents. The study was performed in two phases before and after the implementation of better operational practices/treatment technologies. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and toxicity of treated effluents did not correlate showing that effluents with low COD contain toxic substances and non-biodegradable organic matter, which may be not degraded when discharged into the aquatic environment. Segregation of influents or pre-treatment based on toxicity results and biodegradability index were implemented in the facilities generating significant improvements in the quality of final effluents with reduction of Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and toxicity. The integration of physical and chemical analysis with the V.fischeri toxicity test turned out to be an excellent tool for wastewater management in chemical terminals allowing rapid decision making for pollution control and prevention measures. Reuse of rain water was also proposed and when implemented by the facilities resulted in economical and environmental benefits. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Relocating school structures and practices? The Japanese Language Supplementary School of Queensland