877 resultados para Engineering, Electronics and Electrical|Artificial Intelligence
The argument that this paper sets out to critique is that in order to promote professionalism in Engineering Education and Practice, graduate level engineering programmes need to introduce the concepts of reflection and reflexivity into the curriculum right from the onset. By focusing upon the delivery of a newly developed „Work Based‟ Master’s level programme in Professional Engineering, this paper provides an overview of the first part of an empirical study which sets out to investigate the challenges associated with embedding reflection and reflexivity into Engineering Education. The paper concludes by noting that whilst student engineers may struggle with the concepts of reflection and reflexivity, with support and encouragement such difficulties can be overcome. Moreover, by encouraging students to reflect upon their Professional Practice, the programme not only enables students to consider how they may apply what they have learnt to their Professional Practice, but also encourages them to think about how they can link their experiences as Professional Engineers to what and how they learn both whilst on the programme but also as lifelong learners.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
1. nowhere landscape, for clarinets, trombones, percussion, violins, and electronics
nowhere landscape is an eighty-minute work for nine performers, composed of acoustic and electronic sounds. Its fifteen movements invoke a variety of listening strategies, using slow change, stasis, layering, coincidence, and silence to draw attention to the sonic effects of the environment—inside the concert hall as well as the world outside of it. The work incorporates a unique stage set-up: the audience sits in close proximity to the instruments, facing in one of four different directions, while the musicians play from a number of constantly-shifting locations, including in front of, next to, and behind the audience.
Much of nowhere landscape’s material is derived from a collection of field recordings
made by the composer during a road trip from Springfield, MA to Douglas, WY along US- 20, a cross-country route made effectively obsolete by the completion of I-90 in the mid- 20th century. In an homage to artist Ed Ruscha’s 1963 book Twentysix Gasoline Stations, the composer made twenty-six recordings at gas stations along US-20. Many of the movements of nowhere landscape examine the musical potential of these captured soundscapes: familiar and anonymous, yet filled with poignancy and poetic possibility.
2. “The Map and the Territory: Documenting David Dunn’s Sky Drift”
In 1977, David Dunn recruited twenty-six musicians to play his work Sky Drift in the
Anza-Borrego Desert in Southern California. This outdoor performance was documented with photos and recorded with four stationary microphones to tape. A year later, Dunn presented the work in New York City as a “performance/documentation,” playing back the audio recording and projecting slides. In this paper I examine the consequences of this kind of act: what does it mean for a recording of an outdoor work to be shared at an indoor concert event? Can such a complex and interactive experience be successfully flattened into some kind of re-playable documentation? What can a recording capture and what must it exclude?
This paper engages with these questions as they relate to David Dunn’s Sky Drift and to similar works by Karlheinz Stockhausen and John Luther Adams. These case-studies demonstrate different solutions to the difficulty of documenting outdoor performances. Because this music is often heard from a variety of equally-valid perspectives—and because any single microphone only captures sound from one of these perspectives—the physical set-up of these kind of pieces complicate what it means to even “hear the music” at all. To this end, I discuss issues around the “work itself” and “aura” as well as “transparency” and “liveness” in recorded sound, bringing in thoughts and ideas from Walter Benjamin, Howard Becker, Joshua Glasgow, and others. In addition, the artist Robert Irwin and the composer Barry Truax have written about the conceptual distinctions between “the work” and “not- the-work”; these distinctions are complicated by documentation and recording. Without the context, the being-there, the music is stripped of much of its ability to communicate meaning.
Background: Healthcare worldwide needs translation of basic ideas from engineering into the clinic. Consequently, there is increasing demand for graduates equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply interdisciplinary medicine/engineering approaches to the development of novel solutions for healthcare. The literature provides little guidance regarding barriers to, and facilitators of, effective interdisciplinary learning for engineering and medical students in a team-based project context. Methods: A quantitative survey was distributed to engineering and medical students and staff in two universities, one in Ireland and one in Belgium, to chart knowledge and practice in interdisciplinary learning and teaching, and of the teaching of innovation. Results: We report important differences for staff and students between the disciplines regarding attitudes towards, and perceptions of, the relevance of interdisciplinary learning opportunities, and the role of creativity and innovation. There was agreement across groups concerning preferred learning, instructional styles, and module content. Medical students showed greater resistance to the use of structured creativity tools and interdisciplinary teams. Conclusions: The results of this international survey will help to define the optimal learning conditions under which undergraduate engineering and medicine students can learn to consider the diverse factors which determine the success or failure of a healthcare engineering solution.
The electrical and photoconductive features of as-grown microwave-plasma-assisted chemical-vapour deposition (MPCVD) diamond films are studied in correlation with magnetic results obtained from electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Also, the morphology is analysed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) showing [111] crystals with a good uniformity of the deposit. The photoresponse as well the current-voltage features observed show an efficient photogeneration of carriers while the optoelectronic characteristics of the metal-diamond junction have an ideality factor of 1.6 together with a rectification ratio of about 10(4) at +/-2.5 V. The nature of the mechanisms responsible for the conduction is discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
The electrical and photoconductive features of as-grown microwave-plasma-assisted chemical-vapour deposition (MPCVD) diamond films are studied in correlation with magnetic results obtained from electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Also, the morphology is analysed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) showing [111] crystals with a good uniformity of the deposit. The photoresponse as well the current-voltage features observed show an efficient photogeneration of carriers while the optoelectronic characteristics of the metal-diamond junction have an ideality factor of 1.6 together with a rectification ratio of about 10(4) at +/-2.5 V. The nature of the mechanisms responsible for the conduction is discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
This work is going to show the activities performed in the frame of my PhD studies at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini, at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”. The main topic of this dissertation will be the study of organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures and materials for advanced applications in different fields of materials technology and development such as theranostics, organic electronics and additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. This work is therefore divided into three chapters, that recall the fundamentals of each subject and to recap the state-of-the-art of scientific research around each topic. In each chapter, the published works and preliminary results obtained during my PhD career will be discussed in detail.
In this thesis we discuss in what ways computational logic (CL) and data science (DS) can jointly contribute to the management of knowledge within the scope of modern and future artificial intelligence (AI), and how technically-sound software technologies can be realised along the path. An agent-oriented mindset permeates the whole discussion, by stressing pivotal role of autonomous agents in exploiting both means to reach higher degrees of intelligence. Accordingly, the goals of this thesis are manifold. First, we elicit the analogies and differences among CL and DS, hence looking for possible synergies and complementarities along 4 major knowledge-related dimensions, namely representation, acquisition (a.k.a. learning), inference (a.k.a. reasoning), and explanation. In this regard, we propose a conceptual framework through which bridges these disciplines can be described and designed. We then survey the current state of the art of AI technologies, w.r.t. their capability to support bridging CL and DS in practice. After detecting lacks and opportunities, we propose the notion of logic ecosystem as the new conceptual, architectural, and technological solution supporting the incremental integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI. Finally, we discuss how our notion of logic ecosys- tem can be reified into actual software technology and extended towards many DS-related directions.
This manuscript represents an overview on the studies I was involved in during my PhD at the Industrial Chemistry Department “Toso Montanari”, in the ASOM (Advanced Smart Organic Materials) research group under the supervision of Prof. Letizia Sambri and Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini. Those research have been focused on the development of organic materials for advanced applications in different fields, among which organic electronics, additive manufacturing (3D Printing) and biomedical applications can be underlined.