930 resultados para Energy economic impact
The Central Park Lake Watershed Assessment and Management Plan identified four categories where improvements are needed to remove the 23 acre lake from the impaired waters list. These include the wastewater system, runoff from surrounding lands, in-lake nutrient re-suspension and runoff from hard surfaces within the park. The lake is currently impaired for bacteria, algae and pH. Through outcomes of the Watershed Assessment and Management Plan, this proposal includes for abandonment and reclamation of the single cell wastewater lagoon site, replacement with three conventional septic systems and construction of two wetlands. One of the wetlands is located on the same site as the reclaimed lagoon and the other is located to intercept sediment and trap nutrients transported by tile lines. The prescribed wastewater system improvements are based on assessment by grab samples test by the State Hygienic Lab, development of a Preliminary Engineering Report, soil analysis and communication with IDNR wastewater officials. The two wetland sites were assessed by officials from IDALS and the Jones County SWCD. This project is part of $1.7 million lake restoration effort to reclaim the 47 year old lake. The lake has a positive economic impact of more than $7.6 million annually and supports an average annual visitation of 58,145, according to the Iowa Lakes Valuation Project, conducted by Iowa State University.
Lower limb chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is one of the most common diseases in western world adults with considerable socio-economic impact. Varicose veins of the legs are caused by a number of factors. Current data suggest that both lifestyle and environmental factors play a role in varicose vein occurrence. Nevertheless, environmental factors seem to play greater role than previously thought. This was also observed in a Swiss survey of 1099 participants carried out during summer 2008 in 40 different Swiss pharmacies.
From the point of view of local development cultural tourism events represent an opportunity since they are distributed homogeneously by the Catalan territory and are experiencing a vertiginous growth as a way to differentiate the existing supply. In our study a sample of 264 telephone surveys made to organizers of events in Catalonia has been compiled, with the purpose of characterizing the existing supply, thematic typologies, management models, commercialization inputs and economic impact. The results allow us to characterize events from the point of view of their tourist potential. Finally some recommendations are set out to develop future tourism policies based on events according to product differentiation, seasonality, competitiveness and creativity.
Inguinal hernias are frequent and have an enormous socio-economic impact. Surgical treatment is indicated in most of the patients to relieve symptoms and to prevent complications. Modem treatment should focus on low complication and recurrence rates, short recovery times, and--last but not least acceptable costs. Inguinal hernia repair can be carried out by an open or minimal invasive approach. Surgery is traditionally performed under general anesthesia, but local or locoregional anesthesia are other feasible options. Nowadays, inguinal hernia surgery can easily performed as an outpatient procedure. However, stringent selection criteria, an optimized infrastructure and a close and standardized follow-up are mandatory prerequisites in order to obtain excellent results under secure conditions.
Biotekniikkaa pidetään yhtenä lupaavimmista nykyään tunnetuista teknologioista. Biotekniikan alalta erityisesti uusien lääkeaineiden kehittely on saavuttanut huomiota julkisuudessa. Biotekniikkaa lääkeaineiden kehittämiseen soveltavien yritysten määrä on kasvanut nopeasti viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana, mutta tämänhetkiset tulokset osoittavat, että yritykset voisivat hyötyä riskien hallintaan ja kaupallistamiseen liittyvien prosessien kehittämisestä. Tutkielma keskittyy biolääkkeiden kaupallistamiseen, erityisesti suomalaisten uusien biolääkeyritysten kannalta. Tutkielma jakaantuu kahteen osaan: ensimmäinen osa tutkii kaupallistamista käsitteenä ja biolääkeliiketoiminnan erityispiirteitä. Toinen osa keskittyy kaupallistamisen empiiriseen tutkimukseen, joka kattaa viisi suomalaista uutta biolääkeyritystä. Empiirisen osan tavoitteena oli tunnistaa ne keinot, jotka auttavat menestyksekkään kaupallistamisprosessin luomisessa tuotekehitysvaiheen läpäisseelle lääkeaineelle. Saavutetut tulokset voidaan tiivistää neljän kriittisen menestystekijän ympärille, jotka ovat 1) tuote, 2) viestintä, 3) uskottavuus ja 4) yhteistyökumppanin valinta. Ensimmäinen menestystekijä on ainutlaatuinen biolääke, joka parantaa kansantaloudellisesti merkittäviä tauteja. Toisen menestystekijän avulla yritys viestittää uudesta ainutlaatuisesta tuotteestaan mahdollisille yhteistyökumppaneilleen. Kolmas menestystekijä kohdistuu yrityksen uskottavuuteen uutena korkean teknologian biolääkeaineiden kehittäjänä. Uskottavuustekijä on erityisen tärkeä suhteiden luomisessa kansainvälisiin lääkeyrityksiin. Neljäs tekijä keskittyy yhteistyökumppanin valintaan, joka alan erityisluonteesta johtuen on tärkeä uudelle biolääkeyritykselle. Viimeiseksi havaittiin, että uusi biolääkeyritys virtuaalisen rakenteensa vuoksi tarvitsee hyvät johdon suhdemarkkinointikyvyt.
Työn tavoitteena oli Imatra Steel Oy Ab:n jatkojalostusosaston lämpökäsittelylaitosten energiatalouden parantaminen. Työssä etsittiin lämpökäsittelylaitoksen energiatalouteen haitallisesti vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja pyrittiin löytämään ratkaisuja energiatalouden parantamiseksi.Työtä varten on kerätty tietoa kirjallisista lähteistä, Imatra Steel Oy Ab:n henkilökunnalta, insinööritoimistoilta, lämpökäsittelyuunien valmistajilta ja muilta asiantuntijoilta, jotka ovat olleet tekemisissä lämpökäsittelylaitosten, lämpökäsittelyuunien tai niihin läheisesti liittyvien energiataloudellisien tekijöiden parissa.Imatra Steel Oy Ab:n lämpökäsittelylaitosten suurimmat energiankuluttajat ovat lämpökäsittelyuunit, jotka ovat rakennettu pääosin vuosina 1965 ja 1971, jolloin energiankulutukseen ja sen aiheuttamiin kustannuksiin ei tarvinnut kiinnittää samalla tavoin huomiota kuin nykyisin. Työssä keskitytäänkin pääasiassa uunien energiatalouteen.Lämpökäsittelylaitosten energiatalouden parantamisessa on ensin keskityttävä primäärienergiana käytettävän maakaasun kulutuksen vähentämiseen, jonka jälkeen voidaan keskittyä uuneista syntyvän hukkalämmön hyödyntämiseen. Jotta lämpökäsittelyuunit saataisiin toimimaan energiataloudellisesti tehokkaasti ja nykyisessä markkinatilanteessa kilpailukykyisesti, pitäisi uuneille laatia oma kehitysohjelma. Uunien energiatalouden seuranta ja kehittäminen edellyttää nykyisten jatkuvatoimisesti mitattavien prosessitietojen ja erillisillä mittauksilla kerättävän tiedon nykyistä tehokkaampaa hyödyntämistä sekä uusien ennen mittaamattomien prosessiparametrien hyödyntämistä. Tulevaisuudessa toteutettava prosessitietojen keräysjärjestelmä antaakin aivan uusia mahdollisuuksia uunien kehittämiseen ja seurantaan.
Economic impacts from floods have been increasing over recent decades, a fact often attributed to a changing climate. On the other hand, there is now a significant body of scientific scholarship all pointing towards increasing concentrations and values of assets as the principle cause of the increasing cost of natural disasters. This holds true for a variety of perils and across different jurisdictions. With this in mind, this paper examines the time history of insured losses from floods in Spain between 1971 and 2008. It as- sesses whether any discernible residual signal remains after adjusting the data for the increase in the number and value of insured assets over this period of time. Data on insured losses from floods were sourced from Consorcio de Com- pensacíon de Seguros (CCS). Although a public institution, CCS compensates homeowners for the damage produced by floods, and thus plays a role similar to that of a private insurance company. Insured losses were adjusted using two proxy measures: first, changes in the total amount of annual surcharges (premiums) paid by customers to CCS, and secondly, changes in the total value of dwellings per year. The adjusted data reveals no significant trend over the period 1971-2008 and serves again to confirm that at this juncture, societal in- fluences remain the prime factors driving insured and economic losses from natural disasters.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of progressive degenerative dementia and it has a high socio-economic impact in Western countries, therefore is one of the most active research areas today. Its diagnosis is sometimes made by excluding other dementias, and definitive confirmation must be done trough a post-mortem study of the brain tissue of the patient. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to improvement of early diagnosis of AD and its degree of severity, from an automatic analysis performed by non-invasive intelligent methods. The methods selected in this case are Automatic Spontaneous Speech Analysis (ASSA) and Emotional Temperature (ET), that have the great advantage of being non invasive, low cost and without any side effects.
Devolution of political power is constantly on the political agenda in both Italy and Spain. Fiscal policy in these countries has granted specific privileges to some regions. Valle d’Aosta/Vallée d’Aoste,(VdA) and País Vasco-Euskadi (PV) have an extensive say over spending decisions, and receive nearly all regional tax revenues. Although both VdA and PV are among the richest regions in each country, both are net beneficiaries of the fiscal equalisation system. This preferential treatment is the outcome of a fiscal system with limits on taxing power and debt issuance, and is meant as a compensation for the lack of autonomy. It so prevents calls for more fiscal autonomy, or even outright secession. The economic effects of this asymmetric federalism are negative Although partial equalisation reduces excessive redistribution built in the fiscal equalisation system, more autonomy could pay off with more efficient government. Asymmetric federalism moreover creates a political impasse in the negotiation of a more efficient tax system and financing arrangement.
CONTEXT: A vaccination against herpes zoster and its complication is available in France since June 2015. Its exact benefit for public health is still controversial and its level of protection is not optimal. All those reasons seem to suggest a low acceptation rate from general practitioners. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness, the safety, and the cost/benefit ratio of the vaccination against herpes zoster in people aged 50 year or over. DOCUMENTARY SOURCE: Systematic review in Medline and PubMed with research by key words: "herpes zoster vaccine", "zoster vaccine" and "post herpetic neuralgia vaccine". SELECTION OF STUDIES: Randomized and observational studies published in English and French language have been selected by two readers. RESULTS: On 1886 articles identified, 62 studies were included in this systematic review of which 21 randomized trials, 21 observational studies, and 17 medico-economic studies concerned the unadjuvanted vaccine. Considered studies showed an effectiveness of 50% against herpes zoster and 60% on post-herpetic neuralgia incidence of the unadjuvanted vaccine. Five randomized controlled studies were identified for the adjuvanted vaccine. The overall effectiveness of this vaccine was > 90% whatever the age of subjects including those over age 70 and 80. The medico-economic studies conducted in many countries have shown that vaccine policies were beneficial in individuals aged 60 years or over. LIMITATION OF THE WORK: Most of data of effectiveness, and tolerance result from 2 large controlled studies only (SPS and ZEST) for the unadjuvanted vaccine and only one for the adjuvanted vaccine. CONCLUSION: Despite controversy and few uncertainties, the vaccine significantly reduces herpes zoster and its complication incidence. In terms of public health objectives, it reduces the burden of the disease and has a positive medico-economic impact. Preliminary data concerning the adjuvanted vaccine, whilst very promising, are still too limited. Up to now, no group of people with particularly high risk of herpes zoster-related complication who will beneficiate the most of the vaccination has been identified yet and only an age criteria has been considered for the recommendation.
Among all activities related to the management of science and technology in Brazil, program monitoring and evaluation is certainly one of the less developed and most needed. There are no universal methodologies that can be applied. In essence programs can be evaluated by relating their achievements to pre-established goals. A second strategy is to compare programs similar in nature, utilizing as reference common indicators. Finally programs can be evaluated by their socio-economic impact comparing investments to outcomes. All strategies mentioned require appropriate program design monitoring and expert independent evaluation. In Brazil as in many other countries including developed ones this activity is complicated by the fact that programs vary widely in their scope and goals. In Brazil program designs often do not specify clearly their purposes and output indicators, many are not monitored properly which makes evaluation difficult. Consequently science and technology programs are difficult to be compared to each other, and even evaluated on the basis of pre-established goals. In PADCT monitoring and evaluation proved to be the most challenging activities. Two lessons however were learnt. One is that the process of monitoring and evaluation has to be continuously exposed to criticism to be perfected; and the second is that the evaluation process must not be exhausted shortly after investments since translation of scientific knowledge into industrial applications may prove to be a lengthy process. In this exercise we certainly do not pretend to evaluate the QEQ subprogram but to organize some of the information produced by different sources related to this subject, including the PADCT administration. We use somewhat each strategy described: compare the outputs of the QEQ to predetermined proposed goals (particularly in PADCT II), compare the QEQ to other PADCT subprograms, and specify some outputs in terms of technological and industrial applications. Finally, we utilize this opportunity to discuss science and technology M&E in general and the complexity of developing this area in Brazil.
El actual incremento de medusas en las costas mediterráneas, percibido como un factor negativo en la calidad de las playas, supone un factor reductor de la demanda turística en las ubicaciones costeras, sobre todo en aquellas más afectadas por éstas proliferaciones. Debido a que la época de mayor presencia de fitoplacton disponible (principal fuente de alimento de las medusas), relacionada a la alta incidencia lumínica, coincide con la temporada alta de turismo en el verano; las notificaciones de incidencias por picaduras de medusa en esta época son frecuentes. Ejemplo de ello, es el caso de Denia (Alicante, España) donde, desde 2008, se ha detectado un considerable aumento de incidencias sanitarias a causa de picaduras de medusa, paralela a la aparición de la especie invasora de cubomedusa Carybdea marsupialis (Bordehore et al, 2011). En este estudio se ha realizado una valoración económica de la playa como un bien ambiental recreativo, mediante encuestas semi-estructuradas elaboradas por Paulo Nunes (CIESM), aplicadas a una muestra inicial de 300 individuos; y evaluado cual sería el impacto social y económico en la valoración ambiental de Denia, si las proliferaciones de medusa no se estabilizaran. Se ha estimado el valor económico del impacto sicial causado por las bioinvasiones marinas en las playas recreacionistas según Nunes and Van den Bergh (2004) y Nunes and Markandya (2008); el método que también ha sido aplicado en el mismo estudio aplicado en Israel (B. Galil, J. Gowdy and P. Nunes 2012) y en Cataluña (2013, Paulo Nunes, M. Loureiro, L. Piñol, S. Sastre, L. Voltaire). En ambos casos los resultados en el impacto económico son considerables pero menores a los esperados, al igual que en los resultados obtenidos en Denia (Alicante).
The fiscal policy rule implicit in the Stability and Growth Pact, has been rationalised as a way to ensure that national fiscal policies remain sustainable within the EU, thereby endorsing the independence of the ECB. We empirically examine the sustainability of European fiscal policies over the period 1970-2001. The intertemporal government budget constraint provides a test based on the cointegration relation between government revenues, expenditures and interest payments. Sustainability is analysed at both the national level and for a European panel. Results show that European fiscal policy has been sustainable overall, yet national experiences differ considerably.
I reconsider the short-term effects of fiscal policy when both government spending and taxes are allowed to respond to the level of public debt. I embed the long-term government budget constraint in a VAR, and apply this common trends model to US quarterly data. The results overturn some widely held beliefs on fiscal policy effects. The main finding is that expansionary fiscal policy has contractionary effects on output and inflation. Ricardian effects may dominate when fiscal expansions are expected to be adjusted by future tax rises or spending cuts. The evidence supports RBC models with distortionary taxation. We can discard some alternative interpretations that are based on monetary policy reactions or supply-side effects.
This paper analyses how fiscal adjustment comes about when both central and sub-national governments are involved in consolidation. We test sustainability of public debt with a fiscal rule for both the federal and regional government. Results for the German Länder show that lower tier governments bear a relatively smaller part of the burden of debt consolidation, if they consolidate at all. Most of the fiscal adjustment occurs via central government debt. In contrast, both the US federal and state levels contribute to consolidation of public finances.