976 resultados para Eighteenth-Century Music


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Ce travail est une analyse de la représentation du pathétique masculin dans le roman dit sentimental dans la deuxième moitié du dix-huitième siècle en Europe, ou plutôt dans les littératures anglaise, française, allemande et italienne. La thèse soutenue est celle de la dérivation du pathétique romanesque de l’âge des Lumières des pratiques de prédication religieuse du siècle précédent et donc de la valeur normative du roman sentimental à ses débuts : celui-ci aurait relayé le rôle des manuels de conduite des siècles précédents et se serait posé comme un répertoire d’exempla comportementaux adaptés aux différentes situations de la vie. Nous avons suivi les évolutions historiques du genre à travers l’analyse thématique du motif des larmes masculines. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné la complexe proxémique de représentation de l’émotion et la diégèse qui en résulte, qui peut être nuancée, selon une terminologie récente, en pathétique attendrissant, sentimental et spectaculaire. Cela a entraîne la prise en compte de diverses formes artistiques, de la peinture au théâtre. La méthodologie utilisé conjugue l’histoire des idées et l’étude des formes de l’imaginaire, le pathétique appartenant au domaine de la philosophie autant qu’à celui de la représentation artistique : le concept glisse au dix-huitième siècle du champ rhétorique et stylistique à une dimension esthétique et anthropologique. Le travail a donc été divisé en trois grandes parties qui analysent les trois dimensions anthropologiques fondamentales : l’imaginaire religieux et l’héritage des anciens, c’est–à-dire le rapport que l’époque établit avec la tradition culturelle qui la précède ; l’imaginaire amoureux, qui se concentre sur les rapports entre les deux sexes et sur la « féminisation » du héros romanesque sentimental ; l’imaginaire familial, qui aborde les conséquences de ce changement dans la représentation de la masculinité au sein de la représentation de la famille et des rapports intergénérationnels.


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Joaquín Camaño fu un gesuita della Provincia del Paraguay, vissuto nell' esilio italiano la maggior parte della sua vita dal 1767 al 1820. Il suo lavoro e la sua fama possono essere considerati di minore importanza se paragonati a molti altri gesuiti esiliati per ordine di Carlo III alla fine del XVIII secolo in Emilia-Romagna. Attraverso la mia ricerca approfondisco il ruolo di J. Camaño quale personaggio minore che entra nella vita degli altri espulsi tramite un dinamico network relazionale di cui è stato uno dei principali artefici. Il mio obiettivo è stato quello di studiare l'impatto che ebbero gli esuli gesuiti americani, attraverso la vita di Joaquin Camaño, sul mondo intellettuale italiano, europeo ed americano dopo l'espulsione del 1767. Egli, con i suoi studi, si inserisce nella rinnovata e vivace retorica del “Mondo Nuovo” che in quegli anni assume un grande dinamismo. Nato nella modesta città di La Rioja, in Argentina, si erge come un brillante cartografo, etnografo e linguista nel contesto dell'Illustrazione europea grazie alla sua particolare vita da missionario. Dopo l'espulsione, Joaquin Camaño, insieme ad altri numerosi confratelli americani, arriverà a Faenza, nello Stato Pontificio, dedicandosi allo studio della cartografia, dell'etnografia e delle lingue americane. Le sue ricerche si collocano in un momento nevralgico per la storia del pensiero linguistico-antropologico, quando l'osservazione diretta e la riflessione teorica dei fenomeni si misuravano con la grande varietà umana ormai riscontrata nel mondo.


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Nella tesi si osserva come nella cultura russa cambiava l’immagine di Roma. Se ancora alla fine del settecento l’antichità romana poteva risultare solamente uno strumento retorico-filologico da utilizzare per fare il proprio discorso più convincente, la generazione dei decabristi la stessa antica romanità la accostava alla cultura e storia russe tramite gli elevati ideali civici. La romanità ora risultava uno strumento di analisi della esperienza storica e politica della Russia anche nel contesto europeo. Da qui nasceva una serie di modelli russi legati all’antica Roma: il Catone di Radiscev, il Bruto dei decabristi, ecc. Vi attingeva generosamente anche una corrente di lirica russo-antica con i suoi ricchi riferimenti agli autori classici, Ovidio, Tacito, Orazio. Nasceva così una specie di Roma antica russa che viveva secondo le sue regole etiche ed estetiche. Con il fallimento dell’esperienza decabrista cambia anche l’approccio alle antichità: ci si distacca dalla visione storico-morale dell’antico, Roma non è più una categoria da emulare, ma una storia a sé stante e chiusa in sé stessa come ogni periodo storico. Essa smette di essere un criterio universale di giudizio etico e morale. Allo stesso tempo, una parte integrante della cultura russa all’epoca era il viaggio a Roma. I russi cresciuti con interesse e amore verso la Roma antica, impazienti ed emozionati, desideravano ora di vedere quella patria dei classici. Era come se fosse un appuntamento fra gli amici di vecchia data. Si affrettava a verificare di persona le muse di storia e di poesia. E con tutto questo si imparavano ad amare tutti i defetti della Roma reale, spesso inospitale, la Roma del dolore e della fatica. La voce importante nel racconto romano dei russi era anche la Roma del cristianesimo, dove ritrovare e ricoprire la propria “anima cristiana”.


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This article focuses on the “social side” of pseudonymity—on how writers and readers compete to influence the critical destiny of a pseudonymous work. By analyzing pseudonymity and attribution in both the specific context of Voltaire’s 1760 staging of the play, Le café ou l’écossaise, and in larger debates in the emerging fields of anonymity, pseudonymity, and attribution studies, I hope to show how literary scholars at present can address the individuality of each pseudonymous case while not letting go of trans-historical, general problems of anonymous strategies. Voltaire’s use of multiple pseudonyms before and after releasing L’Ecossaise, a comédie sérieuse in which Voltaire attacks his enemy Elie-Cathérine Fréron, supports his philosophe friends at a crucial moment in history, and exemplifies his emerging taste for serious comedy and British drama calls into question traditional takes on pseudonymity, anonymity, and attribution by refusing to fit into the binary arguments of anonymous vs. attributed and authorial intent vs. the reader’s control.


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Le Siège de Calais, hailed by its author in 1765 as France’s ‘première tragédie nationale’, rolled into Paris like a storm. Pierre-Laurent de Belloy’s play about French bravery during the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) appeared on the heels of France’s defeat in the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763). Le Siège de Calais was performed throughout Europe and published numerous times during the second half of the eighteenth century. De Belloy emerged as a national hero, receiving prizes from Louis XV, accolades from the city of Calais, and membership to the prestigious Académie française. Since the French Revolution, however, the popularity of Le Siège de Calais has eclipsed, owing to its overt glorification of France’s royal machine. Several hundred years later, the play warrants a fresh look from a holistic perspective. De Belloy’s tragedy and the varied responses it provoked – many of which are included in this edition – offer complex representations of French political history and patriotic sentiment. Le Siège de Calais reveals conflicting images of gender roles, political debate and family values during the twilight of the Ancien régime; it also constituted one of the last moments when serious drama asserted its role as a popular force.


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With the humanities increasingly contested, we must adopt pedagogical approaches that promote the integral role of humanistic inquiry in student academic achievement. Whether they explore the eighteenth-century novel, cultural artifacts of the Third Republic, or sociopolitical controversies in contemporary literature, the three models described in this article propose innovative learning strategies for advanced undergraduate French and Francophone Studies seminars that fulfill the humanistic goals of the American university. From directed close reading exercises to analysis of the historical archive to creative exploratory writing, these activities engage students intellectually with complex cultural and narrative materials from diverse traditions and periods.


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This article underscores the complex relationship between national concerns and dramatic criticism by interrogating the role of theatre in the creation of a 'national culture' during the last few decades of the Ancien regime. The author focuses more specifically on the forms of patriotism proposed by Pierre-Laurent De Belloy, author of Le Siege de Calais, France's "first tragedy in which the nation is given the pleasure to take an interest in itself," as well as by his adversaries and his allies. The version of patriotism proffered by De Belloy - a 'fatherland' that he defines as both bourgeois and monarchical - renders problematic several aesthetic and political norms in place in 1765. The author thus responds modestly to one of the most essential questions posed by research on eighteenth-century political and cultural history: how did patriotism operate before the French Revolution?


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Past global climate changes had strong regional expression. To elucidate their spatio-temporal pattern, we reconstructed past temperatures for seven continental-scale regions during the past one to two millennia. The most coherent feature in nearly all of the regional temperature reconstructions is a long-term cooling trend, which ended late in the nineteenth century. At multi-decadal to centennial scales, temperature variability shows distinctly different regional patterns, with more similarity within each hemisphere than between them. There were no globally synchronous multi-decadal warm or cold intervals that define a worldwide Medieval Warm Period or Little Ice Age, but all reconstructions show generally cold conditions between ad 1580 and 1880, punctuated in some regions by warm decades during the eighteenth century. The transition to these colder conditions occurred earlier in the Arctic, Europe and Asia than in North America or the Southern Hemisphere regions. Recent warming reversed the long-term cooling; during the period ad 1971–2000, the area-weighted average reconstructed temperature was higher than any other time in nearly 1,400 years.


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A 700-year, high-resolution, multivariate ice core record from Dome Summit South (DSS) (66degrees46'S, 112degrees48'E; 1370 m), Law Dome, is used to investigate sea level pressure (SLP) variability in the region of East Antarctica. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis reveals that the first EOF (LDEOF1) of the combined glaciochemical, oxygen isotope ratio, and accumulation rate record from DSS represents most of the variability in sea salt seen in the record. LDEOF1 is positively correlated (at least 95% confidence level) to instrumental June mean SLP across most of East Antarctica. Over the last 700 years, LDEOF1 levels at Law Dome were the highest during the nineteenth century, suggesting an increase in intensification of winter circulation during this period. The Law Dome DSS oxygen isotope ratio series also indicates that the nineteenth century had the coldest winters of any century in the record. In contrast, LDEOF1 levels were the lowest at Law Dome during the eighteenth century, suggesting a significant shift in the patterns and/or intensity of East Antarctic atmospheric circulation between the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries. The LDEOF1 sea salt record is characterized by significant decadal-scale variability with a strong 25-year periodic structure.


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Recent research on melodrama has stressed its versatility and ubiquity by approaching it as a mode of expression rather than a theatrical genre. A variety of contexts in which melodrama is at work have been explored, but only little scholarly attention has been paid to the relationship between melodrama and novels, short stories and novellas. This article proposes a typology of melodrama in narrative prose fiction, examining four different categories: Melodrama and Sentimentalism, Depiction of Melodramatic Performances in Narrative Prose Fiction, Theatrical Antics and Aesthetics in Narrative Prose Fiction and Meta-Melodrama. Its aim is to clarify the ways in which melodrama, ever since its early days on the stages of late eighteenth-century Europe, has interacted with fictional prose narratives, thereby shaping the literary imagination in the Anglophone world.