959 resultados para Ehrsam (J. B.) and Sons Manufacturing Company, Enterprise, Kansas.


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Dans l’industrie de l’aluminium, le coke de pétrole calciné est considéré comme étant le composant principal de l’anode. Une diminution dans la qualité du coke de pétrole a été observée suite à une augmentation de sa concentration en impuretés. Cela est très important pour les alumineries car ces impuretés, en plus d’avoir un effet réducteur sur la performance des anodes, contaminent le métal produit. Le coke de pétrole est aussi une source de carbone fossile et, durant sa consommation, lors du processus d’électrolyse, il y a production de CO2. Ce dernier est considéré comme un gaz à effet de serre et il est bien connu pour son rôle dans le réchauffement planétaire et aussi dans les changements climatiques. Le charbon de bois est disponible et est produit mondialement en grande quantité. Il pourrait être une alternative attrayante pour le coke de pétrole dans la fabrication des anodes de carbone utilisées dans les cuves d’électrolyse pour la production de l’aluminium. Toutefois, puisqu’il ne répond pas aux critères de fabrication des anodes, son utilisation représente donc un grand défi. En effet, ses principaux désavantages connus sont sa grande porosité, sa structure désordonnée et son haut taux de minéraux. De plus, sa densité et sa conductivité électrique ont été rapportées comme étant inférieures à celles du coke de pétrole. L’objectif de ce travail est d’explorer l’effet du traitement de chaleur sur les propriétés du charbon de bois et cela, dans le but de trouver celles qui s’approchent le plus des spécifications requises pour la production des anodes. L’évolution de la structure du charbon de bois calciné à haute température a été suivie à l’aide de différentes techniques. La réduction de son contenu en minéraux a été obtenue suite à des traitements avec de l’acide chlorhydrique utilisé à différentes concentrations. Finalement, différentes combinaisons de ces deux traitements, calcination et lixiviation, ont été essayées dans le but de trouver les meilleures conditions de traitement.


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Background and aims: The prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in Portugal has been shown to be elevated in high-risk groups, such as intravenous drug-users and incarcerated individuals. However, in the general population, prevalence remains largely unknown. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in the general Portuguese population and identify associated risk factors. Materials and methods: We carried out a nationwide, population-based cross-sectional study of adults resident in mainland Portugal. Serology for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV was performed. Anti-HCV-positive individuals were tested for HCV RNA by PCR. Results: Of 1685 participants, 50.6% were men, mean age 50.2±18.3 years. In terms of hepatitis C, the prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.54% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2–0.9] and 0.12% (95% CI: 0.0–0.3) were viremic, with peak prevalence among individuals 35–64 years of age (0.8%), men (0.8%), and individuals from Lisbon and Tagus Valley region (1.9%). In terms of hepatitis B, the estimated prevalence of HBsAg was 1.45% (95% CI: 0.9–2.0). A higher prevalence was found in individuals who were 35–64 years old (2.2%), in men (2.5%), and in the Northern region (2.6%). The presence of positive serological markers of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infection did not correlate with elevated aminotransferases, race, place of birth, and alcohol consumption. Conclusion: These results suggest a low endemicity for both hepatitis B and hepatitis C in the general population, in contrast to a very high prevalence in risk groups, thus suggesting that targeted screening to high-risk groups may be more cost-effective than general population screening.


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Tutkittu yritys on suomalainen maaleja ja lakkoja kansainvälisesti valmistava ja myyvä toimija. Yrityksessä otettiin vuonna 2010 käyttöön uudet tuotannon ja toimitusketjun tavoitteet ja suunnitelmat ja tämä tutkimus on osa tuota kokonaisvaltaista kehittämissuuntaa. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään tuotannon ja kunnossapidon tehokkuuden parantamis- ja mittaustyökalu OEE:tä ja tuotevaihtoaikojen pienentämiseen tarkoitettua SMED -työkalua. Työn teoriaosuus perustuu lähinnä akateemisiin julkaisuihin, mutta myös haastatteluihin, kirjoihin, internet sivuihin ja yhteen vuosikertomukseen. Empiriaosuudessa OEE:n käyttöönoton ongelmia ja onnistumista tutkittiin toistettavalla käyttäjkyselyllä. OEE:n potentiaalia ja käyttöönottoa tutkittiin myös tarkastelemalla tuotanto- ja käytettävyysdataa, jota oli kerätty tuotantolinjalta. SMED:iä tutkittiin siihen perustuvan tietokoneohjelman avulla. SMED:iä tutkittiin teoreettisella tasolla, eikä sitä implementoitu vielä käytäntöön. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan OEE ja SMED sopivat hyvin esimerkkiyritykselle ja niissä on paljon potentiaalia. OEE ei ainoastaan paljasta käytettävyyshäviöiden määrää, mutta myös niiden rakenteen. OEE -tulosten avulla yritys voi suunnata rajalliset tuotannon ja kunnossapidon parantamisen resurssit oikeisiin paikkoihin. Työssä käsiteltävä tuotantolinja ei tuottanut mitään 56 % kaikesta suunnitellusta tuotantoajasta huhtikuussa 2016. Linjan pysähdyksistä ajallisesti 44 % johtui vaihto-, aloitus- tai lopetustöistä. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että käytettävyyshäviöt ovat vakava ongelma yrityksen tuotannontehokkuudessa ja vaihtotöiden vähentäminen on tärkeä kehityskohde. Vaihtoaikaa voitaisiin vähentää ~15 % yksinkertaisilla ja halvoilla SMED:illä löydetyillä muutoksilla työjrjestyksessä ja työkaluissa. Parannus olisi vielä suurempi kattavimmilla muutoksilla. SMED:in suurin potentiaali ei välttämättä ole vaihtoaikojen lyhentämisessä vaan niiden standardisoinnissa.


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The Cliff Mine, an archaeological site situated on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, is the location of the first successful attempt to mine native copper in North America. Under the management of the Pittsburgh & Boston Mining Company from 1845-1879, two-third of the Cliff’s mineral output was in the form of mass copper, some pieces of which weighed over 5 tons when removed from the ground. The unique nature of mass copper and the Cliff Mine’s handling of it make it one of the best examples of early mining processes in the Keweenaw District. Mass copper only constituted 2% of the entire product of the Lake Superior copper districts, and the story of early mining on the Peninsula is generally overshadowed by later, longer running mines such as the Calumet & Helca and Quincy Mining Companies. Operating into the mid-twentieth century, the size and duration of these later mines would come to define the region, though they would not have been possible without the Cliff’s early success. Research on the Cliff Mine has previously focused on social and popular history, neglecting the structural remains. However, these remains are physical clues to the technical processes that defined early mining on the Keweenaw. Through archaeological investigations, these processes and their associated networks were documented as part of the 2010 Michigan Technological Archaeology Field School’s curriculum. The project will create a visual representation of these processes utilizing Geographic Information Systems software. This map will be a useful aid in future research, community engagement and possible future interpretive planning.


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This document presents an Enterprise Application Integration based proposal for research outcomes and technological information management. The proposal addresses national and international science and research outcomes information management, and corresponding information systems. Information systems interoperability problems, approaches, technologies and integration tools are presented and applied to the research outcomes information management case. A business and technological perspective is provided, including the conceptual analysis and modelling, an integration solution based in a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) and the integration platform to execute the proposed solution. For illustrative purposes, the role and information system needs of a research unit is assumed as the representative case.


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This work is going to show the activities performed in the frame of my PhD studies at the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini, at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”. The main topic of this dissertation will be the study of organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures and materials for advanced applications in different fields of materials technology and development such as theranostics, organic electronics and additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. This work is therefore divided into three chapters, that recall the fundamentals of each subject and to recap the state-of-the-art of scientific research around each topic. In each chapter, the published works and preliminary results obtained during my PhD career will be discussed in detail.


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In 1873 George Barnes, Andrew Skinner, James Skinner, John Young Reid, Charles Robert Murray, George Magan, Thomas Barnes and Robert Duncan applied for, and received a charter for a commercial winery which would be called The Ontario Grape Growing and Wine Manufacturing Company Limited. It opened in 1894 and became known as Barnes Wines Limited. In 1973 the company completed a merger with Reckitt and Coleman (Canada) Limited. The winery operated until 1988 and was located on the banks of the old Welland Canal in St. Catharines, Ontario. The company produced a complete line of table wines, dessert wines, sherries, ports, and both crackling and sparkling wines. Barnes Wines called itself “Canada’s oldest winery” at the time of the printing of this flyer.


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4 Minute Books dated: 1880, 1892, 1901, 1934, 1948-1950, 1952-1953, 1955, 1958, 1962 – 1975, 1981, 1984, 1986; 3 Common stock books dated: 1934-1935, 1937-1941, 1946, 1948-1950, 1955-1956, 1958, 1961-1974, 1981 and 2 Class A stock books dated:1948 - 1951


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The by-laws are signed by George Barnes and include the first two which state the name of the company is the Ontario Grape Growing and Wine Manufacturing Company and the second by-law states that the place of business is at Barnesdale, St. Catharines, Ontario.


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The meeting notes include an audit for "year ending June 30th, 1880, thence to May, 25th, 1881". There is also an "auditor's report" by Richard Tew and P. Corridi which states: "To the President and shareholders of the Ontario Grape Growing and Wine Manufacturing Company, Barnsdale, Ont. Gentlemen, We the undersigned have much pleasure in informing you that we have completed our audit of the Company's Books for the year ending June 30th, 1880, thence to May 24th, 1881, and can testify to their correctness. In future we would recommend that the Books be made up to May 24th in each year, five weeks previous to the Annual meeting being held, and that the Day Book kept by the manager be submitted to the Secretary monthly, together with all vouchers, so that the transactions can be duly recorded in the Company's Books. We beg to congratulate the shareholders on the satisfactory exhibit of the Company's affairs, as shown by the annexed Balance Sheet. We are Gentlemen, yours respectfully." This is the first audit included in the book.


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A melhoria nos sistemas de manutenção é cada dia mais importante para o aprimoramento das atividades de uma empresa, tanto na área de produção como em outros setores. Pode-se afirmar, então, que uma boa sistemática de manutenção colabora para que a empresa cumpra suas funções em relação à confiabilidade, flexibilidade, rapidez, qualidade, mantendo custos competitivos. O presente trabalho analisa, de acordo com um prisma teórico e prático, um esforço de implantação da Manutenção Produtiva Total (TPM-“Total Productive Maintenance”). Ele tem como principal objetivo descrever e discutir a implantação da TPM em uma empresa fabricante de massas e biscoitos. Em um primeiro momento, a implantação aconteceu em uma linha piloto. O ponto de partida foi a apresentação da TPM com seus passos para implantação e pilares que sustentam esta ferramenta. Na seqüência, descreve-se como aconteceu a implantação desta sistemática na linha piloto da empresa, discutindo as dificuldades, vantagens e desvantagens percebidas. As conclusões do trabalho apontam para resultados percebidos na linha piloto, onde a implantação ocorreu, possibilitando a percepção de melhorias para a empresa e para seus colaboradores. Foram observadas melhorias tanto no que concerne à manutenção dos equipamentos quanto ao envolvimento das pessoas em todo o processo.