932 resultados para Egg-shell catalysts
Behovet av förnyelsebar energi ökar ständigt eftersom det finns en strävan att minska beroendet av fossila bränslen. Dessutom är tillgångar av fossila bränslen begränsade. Miljövänliga processer för bioraffinaderier erbjuder en stor möjlighet för produktion av energi, bränslen och kemikalier. Den finska och svenska skogsindustrin har en lång tradition i utnyttjandet av skogsbiomassor. Bioraffinaderier som integreras med pappers- och cellulosaindustrin kan frambringa både ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar i framställning av traditionella och biobaserade produkter. I doktorsarbetet studerades omvandling av extraktivämnen till finkemikalier som kan användas t.ex. av läkemedelsindustrin. Extraktivämnen fås ur biomassa. I forskningsarbetet framställdes biobaserade finkemikalier med hjälp av katalysatorer som baserar sig på joniska vätskor. Biomassan består av cellulosa, hemicellulosa, lignin och extraktivämnen, vilka huvudsakligen är terpener, vaxer och fettsyror. Extraktivämen är vedens komponenter, som kan separeras ur vedmaterialet med hjälp av neutrala lösningsmedel. Joniska vätskekatalysatorer som var immobiliserade på fasta bärare utnyttjades för isomerisering av α,β-pinenoxider samt hydrogenering citral. Inverkan av joniska vätskor på katalysatorns aktivitet och reaktionernas produktfördelning undersöktes under varierande reaktionsbetingelser. Kinetiska modeller för pinenoxidens isomeriseringsreaktioner beskrev väl experimentellt upptäckta skillnader mellan olika katalysatorer. --------------------------------------------------- Uusiutuvan energian tarve on kasvussa, koska riippuvuutta fossiilisista polttoaineista pyritään vähentämään. Tämän lisäksi fossiilisten polttoaineiden varannot ovat rajalliset. Ympäristöystävälliset biojalostusprosessit ovat näin ollen suuri mahdollisuus energian, polttoaineiden ja kemikaalien tuotannossa. Suomen ja Ruotsin metsäteollisuudella on pitkät perinteet metsäbiomassojen hyödyntämisessä. Paperi- ja selluteollisuuden yhteyteen integroiduilla biojalostamoilla voidaan luoda taloudellisia ja ympäristöllisiä etuja sekä perinteisten että biopohjaisten tuotteiden valmistuksessa. Väitöstyössä on tutkittu biomassan uuteaineiden kemiallista muuntamista hienokemikaaleiksi, joita voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi lääkeaineteollisuudessa. Biopohjaisia hienokemikaaleja on valmistettu biomassan uuteaineista ionisiin nesteisiin perustuvilla katalyyteillä. Biomassa koostuu selluloosasta, hemiselluloosasta, ligniinistä sekä uuteaineista, jotka ovat pääosin terpeenejä, vahoja tai rasvahappoja. Uuteaineet ovat puun komponentteja, jotka voidaan erottaa puusta neutraalien liuottimien avulla. Kiinteän kantajan päälle immobilisoituja ionisia nestekatalyyttejä (Supported Ionic Liquid Catalyst) hyödynnettiin α,β-pineenioksidien isomerisointireaktioissa sekä sitraalin vedytysreaktioissa. Ionisten nesteiden vaikutusta katalyyttien aktiivisuuteen sekä reaktioiden tuotejakaumaan tutkittiin erilaisissa reaktio-olosuhteissa. Pineenioksidien isomerisointireaktioiden kineettiset mallit kuvasivat hyvin kokeellisesti todettuja katalyyttien eroavaisuuksia.
Terpenes are a valuable natural resource for the production of fine chemicals. Turpentine, obtained from biomass and also as a side product of softwood industry, is rich in monoterpenes such as α-pinene and β-pinene, which are widely used as raw materials in the synthesis of flavors, fragrances and pharmaceutical compounds. The rearrangement of their epoxides has been thoroughly studied in recent years, as a method to obtain compounds which are further used in the fine chemical industry. The industrially most desired products of α-pinene oxide isomerization are campholenic aldehyde and trans-carveol. Campholenic aldehyde is an intermediate for the manufacture of sandalwood-like fragrances such as santalol. Trans-carveol is an expensive constituent of the Valencia orange essence oil used in perfume bases and food flavor composition. Furthermore it has been found to exhibit chemoprevention of mammary carcinogenesis. A wide range of iron and ceria supported catalysts were prepared, characterized and tested for α-pinene oxide isomerization in order to selective synthesis of above mentioned products. The highest catalytic activity in the preparation of campholenic aldehyde over iron modified catalysts using toluene as a solvent at 70 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with a selectivity of 66 % to the desired aldehyde) was achieved in the presence of Fe-MCM-41. Furthermore, Fe-MCM-41 catalyst was successfully regenerated without deterioration of catalytic activity and selectivity. The most active catalysts in the synthesis of trans-carveol from α-pinene oxide over iron and ceria modified catalysts in N,N-dimethylacetamide as a solvent at 140 °C (total conversion of α-pinene oxide with selectivity 43 % to trans-carveol) were Fe-Beta-300 and Ce-Si-MCM-41. These catalysts were further tested for an analogous reaction, namely verbenol oxide isomerization. Verbenone is another natural organic compound which can be found in a variety of plants or synthesized by allylic oxidation of α-pinene. An interesting product which is synthesized from verbenone is (1R,2R,6S)-3-methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-3-ene-1,2-diol. It has been discovered that this diol possesses potent anti-Parkinson activity. The most effective way leading to desired diol starts from verbenone and includes three stages: epoxidation of verbenone to verbenone oxide, reduction of verbenone oxide and subsequent isomerization of obtained verbenol oxide, which is analogous to isomerization of α-pinene oxide. In the research focused on the last step of these synthesis, high selectivity (82 %) to desired diol was achieved in the isomerization of verbenol oxide at a conversion level of 96 % in N,N-dimethylacetamide at 140 °C using iron modified zeolite, Fe-Beta-300. This reaction displayed surprisingly high selectivity, which has not been achieved yet. The possibility of the reuse of heterogeneous catalysts without activity loss was demonstrated.
Adult Ascaris suum body extract (Asc) prepared from male and female worms (with stored eggs) down-regulates the specific immune response of DBA/2 mice to ovalbumin (OA) and preferentially stimulates a Th2 response to its own components, which is responsible for the suppression of the OA-specific Th1 response. Here, we investigated the participation of soluble extracts prepared from male or female worms or from eggs (E-Asc) in these immunological events. Extracts from either sex (1 mg/animal) or E-Asc (0.35 or 1 mg protein/animal) suppressed the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction (60-85%), proliferative response (50-70%), IL-2 and IFN-gamma secretion (below detection threshold) and IgG1 antibody production (70-90%) of DBA/2 mice to OA. A dose of 0.1 mg E-Asc/animal did not change DTH or proliferation, but was as effective as 0.35 mg in suppressing IL-2 and IFN-gamma, and OA-specific IgG1 antibodies. Lymph node cells from DBA/2 mice injected with Asc (1 mg/animal) or a high dose of E-Asc (1 mg protein/animal) secreted IL-4 upon in vitro stimulation with concanavalin A. As previously demonstrated for Asc, the cytokine profile obtained with the E-Asc was dose dependent and changed towards Th1 when a low dose (0.1 mg protein/animal) was used. Taken together, these results suggest that adult worms of either sex and eggs induce the same type of T cell response and share similar immunosuppressive properties.
Auxemma oncocalyx Taub. belongs to the Boraginaceae family and is native to the Brazilian northeast where it is known as "pau-branco". We investigated the ability of the water soluble fraction isolated from the heartwood of A. oncocalyx to inhibit sea urchin egg development. This fraction contains about 80% oncocalyxone A (quinone fraction), a compound known to possess strong cytotoxic and antitumor activities. In fact, the quinone fraction inhibited cleavage in a dose-dependent manner [IC50 of 18.4 (12.4-27.2) µg/ml, N = 6], and destroyed the embryos in the blastula stage [IC50 of 16.2 (13.7-19.2) µg/ml, N = 6]. We suggest that this activity is due to the presence of oncocalyxone A. In fact, these quinones present in A. oncocalyx extract have strong toxicity related to their antimitotic activity.
COSY proton nuclear magnetic resonance was used to measure the exchange rates of amide protons of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) in the pressure-assisted cold-denatured state and in the heat-denatured state. After dissolving lysozyme in deuterium oxide buffer, labile protons exchange for deuterons in such a way that exposed protons are substituted rapidly, whereas "protected" protons within structured parts of the protein are substituted slowly. The exchange rates k obs were determined for HEWL under heat treatment (80ºC) and under high pressure conditions at low temperature (3.75 kbar, -13ºC). Moreover, the influence of co-solvents (sorbitol, urea) on the exchange rate was examined under pressure-assisted cold denaturation conditions, and the corresponding protection factors, P, were determined. The exchange kinetics upon heat treatment was found to be a two-step process with initial slow exchange followed by a fast one, showing residual protection in the slow-exchange state and P-factors in the random-coil-like range for the final temperature-denatured state. Addition of sorbitol (500 mM) led to an increase of P-factors for the pressure-assisted cold denatured state, but not for the heat-denatured state. The presence of 2 M urea resulted in a drastic decrease of the P-factors of the pressure-assisted cold denatured state. For both types of co-solvents, the effect they exert appears to be cooperative, i.e., no particular regions within the protein can be identified with significantly diverse changes of P-factors.
Carbon dioxide is regarded, nowadays, as a primary anthropogenic greenhouse gas leading to global warming. Hence, chemical fixation of CO2 has attracted much attention as a possible way to manufacture useful chemicals. One of the most interesting approaches of CO2 transformations is the synthesis of organic carbonates. Since conventional production technologies of these compounds involve poisonous phosgene and carbon monoxide, there is a need to develop novel synthetic methods that would better match the principles of "Green Chemistry" towards protection of the environment and human health. Over the years, synthesis of dimethyl carbonate was under intensive investigation in the academia and industry. Therefore, this study was entirely directed towards equally important homologue of carbonic esters family namely diethyl carbonate (DEC). Novel synthesis method of DEC starting from ethanol and CO2 over heterogeneous catalysts based on ceria (CeO2) was studied in the batch reactor. However, the plausible drawback of the reaction is thermodynamic limitations. The calculated values revealed that the reaction is exothermic (ΔrHØ298K = ─ 16.6 J/ ) and does not occur spontaneously at rooms temperature (ΔrGØ 298K = 35.85 kJ/mol). Moreover, co-produced water easily shifts the reaction equilibrium towards reactants excluding achievement of high yields of the carbonate. Therefore, in-situ dehydration has been applied using butylene oxide as a chemical water trap. A 9-fold enhancement in the amount of DEC was observed upon introduction of butylene oxide to the reaction media in comparison to the synthetic method without any water removal. This result confirms that reaction equilibrium was shifted in favour of the desired product and thermodynamic boundaries of the reaction were suppressed by using butylene oxide as a water scavenger. In order to obtain insight into the reaction network, the kinetic experiments were performed over commercial cerium oxide. On the basis of the selectivity/conversion profile it could be concluded that the one-pot synthesis of diethyl carbonate from ethanol, CO2 and butylene oxide occurs via a consecutive route involving cyclic carbonate as an intermediate. Since commercial cerium oxide suffers from the deactivation problems already after first reaction cycle, in-house CeO2 was prepared applying room temperature precipitation technique. Variation of the synthesis parameters such as synthesis time, calcination temperature and pH of the reaction solution turned to have considerable influence on the physico-chemical and catalytic properties of CeO2. The increase of the synthesis time resulted in high specific surface area of cerium oxide and catalyst prepared within 50 h exhibited the highest amount of basic sites on its surface. Furthermore, synthesis under pH 11 yielded cerium oxide with the highest specific surface area, 139 m2/g, among all prepared catalysts. Moreover, CeO2─pH11 catalyst demonstrated the best catalytic activity and 2 mmol of DEC was produced at 180 oC and 9 MPa of the final reaction pressure. In addition, ceria-supported onto high specific surface area silicas MCM-41, SBA-15 and silica gel were synthesized and tested for the first time as catalysts in the synthesis of DEC. Deposition of cerium oxide on MCM-41 and SiO2 supports resulted in a substantial increase of the alkalinity of the carrier materials. Hexagonal SBA-15 modified with 20 wt % of ceria exhibited the second highest basicity in the series of supported catalysts. Evaluation of the catalytic activity of ceria-supported catalysts showed that reaction carried out over 20 wt % CeO2-SBA-15 generated the highest amount of DEC.
The hen’s egg is a source of new life. Therefore, it contains many biologically active compounds. In addition to being a very nutritious food and also commonly used in the food industry due to its many techno-functional properties, the egg can serve as a source of compounds used as nutra-, pharmaand cosmeceuticals. One such interesting compound is ovomucin, an egg white protein responsible for the gel-like properties of thick egg white. Previous studies have indicated that ovomucin and ovomucin-derived peptides have several different bioactive properties. The objectives of the present study were to develop isolation methods for ovomucin, to characterize the structure of ovomucin, to compare various egg fractions as sources of ovomucin, to study the effects of various dissolving methods for ovomucin, and to investigate the bioactive properties of ovomucin and ovomucin-derived peptides. A simple and rapid method for crude ovomucin separation was developed. By using this method crude ovomucin was isolated within hours, compared to the 1-2 days (including a dialysis step) needed when using several other methods. Structural characterization revealed that ovomucin is composed of two subunits, α- and β-ovomucin, as egg white protein formerly called α1-ovomucin seemed to be ovostatin. However, it might be possible that ovostatin is associated within β- and α-ovomucin. This interaction could even have some effect on the physical nature of various egg white layers. Although filtration by-product fraction was a very prominent source of both crude and β-ovomucin, process development has reduced its amount so significantly that it has no practical meaning anymore. Thus, the commercial liquid egg white is probably the best option, especially if it generally contains amounts of β-ovomucin as high as were found in these studies. Crude ovomucin was dissolved both by using physical and enzymic methods. Although sonication was the most effective physical method for ovomucin solubilisation, colloid milling seemed to be a very promising alternative. A milk-like, smooth and opaque crude ovomucin suspension was attained by using a colloid mill. The dissolved ovomucin fractions were further tested for bioactive properties, and it was found that three dissolving methods tested produced moderate antiviral activity against Newcastle disease virus, namely colloid milling, enzymatic hydrolysis and a combination of sonicaton and enzymatic hydrolysis. Moreover, trypsin-digested crude ovomucin was found to have moderate antiviral activity against avian influenza virus: both subtype H5 and H7.
Powdered egg is used as an emulsifying agent in emulsion formulations. It is an excellent source of high quality protein, of which the yolk contains 44% and the egg white 56%. Spray drying is a widely applied method for drying aqueous or organic solutions and emulsions in the chemical and food industries. Spray drying can be used to preserve food or simply as a rapid drying method. The objective of this work was to study the viability of obtaining powdered egg yolk powder using a Büchi B-190 Mini Spray Dryer. The egg yolk protein was evaluated by the semi-micro Kjeldahl method. It was concluded that the use of the Büchi B-190 Mini Spray Dryer to produce powdered egg yolk is perfectly feasible.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of diets containing different lipid sources on eggs quality during refrigerated storage, on yolk fatty acid composition, and on cholesterol in the yolk. Four diets were used containing Soy Oil (SO), Sunflower Seed (SS), and Meat and Bone Meal + Soy Oil (MBM + SO) or Meat and Bone Meal + Tallow (MBM + TA). The experiment followed a factorial design 4 × 3 with four dietary treatments and three storage times. The eggs were stored at 4 °C for 0, 30, and 60 days. The collected eggs were analyzed for egg weight loss, Haugh units, yolk moisture, yolk lipid oxidation, and cooked yolk firmness. Refrigerated storage reduced Haugh units, and increased yolk moisture. Sixty days of storage time reduced the firmness of hard-cooked yolk. There was an interaction between dietary treatment and storage time for egg weight loss and lipid oxidation. With regard to yolk fatty acid profile, MBM + TA diet increased the contents of palmitic and palmitoleic acids. The levels of oleic and arachidonic acids were higher in yolks from birds fed with SS diet. Linoleic acid level was higher in the yolk from treatment with SO diet. Diets containing MBM + SO induced higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid. Yolk cholesterol content was reduced with the inclusion of SS in the diet. Therefore, the type of lipid present in the diet and refrigerated storage for 60 days at 4 °C can affect the egg quality.
Yolk color and egg white (albumen) cleanliness and viscosity are important parameters by which consumers judge the quality of eggs. This study aimed to investigate changes in albumen viscosity during storage of eggs for up to 36 days from two different commercial laying hen strains (Carijo Barbada and Isa Brown) fed a diet containing annatto (1.5 and 2.0%) or a synthetic additive without synthetic colorants (control). Analyses of humidity, albumen height, pH, viscosity, foam formation, and stability were carried out on eggs. Carijo Barbada strain had smaller albumen, lower humidity and higher egg white viscosity than Isa Brown strain; however, with storage, viscosity lowered significantly on both strains. Initially, the addition of 2.0% of annatto or a synthetic additive increased viscosity in both strains, but with storage only the control maintained longer viscosity. Lower viscosity did not change foam density and stability.
In this work, three freeze-dried (FD) egg products (whole egg (WE), egg yolk (EY) and egg white (EW)) were obtained and the acceptability of confections prepared with each was evaluated. Sensory analyses for confections were performed by hedonic testing with fifty panelists in each evaluation. The studied confections were: Condensed Milk Pudding (P), Quindim (Q) and Meringue (M). The results obtained for confections made with FD egg products were compared with the achieved through other formulations of the same desserts made with fresh (F) or spray-dried (SD) egg products. The sensory analysis results for confections made with FD egg products showed good acceptance by panelists. A principal component analysis of the sensory evaluation data was carried out to identify similarities between the different egg products. The PCA supported the conclusion that FD egg products can substitute their fresh and SD counterparts in dessert formulations with good acceptability while keeping the advantages conferred by the freeze-drying method.
Abstract Pecan nutshell is a residue from food industry that has potential to be used as biopreservative in foods. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of pecan nutshell aqueous extract in vitro and its effectiveness to inhibit spoilage microorganisms on lettuce leaves. The results indicate that the aqueous extract presents inhibitory activity against important foodborne pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrobial activity was not observed against Corynebacterium fimi, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, and the phytopathogenic fungi tested. When applied onto lettuce leaves, pecan nutshell extract reduced the counts of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria in 2 and 4 log CFU/g, respectively, during storage of leafy for 5 days at refrigeration temperature (5 °C). The extract was not effective to inhibit yeast on lettuce leaves. Thus, the aqueous extract of pecan shell showed great potential to be used as a natural preservative in foods, acting mainly in the inhibition of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria.
Members of the Brock University Rowing Club and their new $3000 shell, named Cete, meaning a group of Badgers. Tony Biernacki is pictured here pouring pond water onto the shell in a mock christening.
The Verulam Formation (Middle Ordovician) at the Lakefield Quarry and Gamebridge Quarry, southern Ontario, is comprised of five main lithofacies. These include shoal deposits consisting of Lithofacies 1, winnowed crinoidal grainstones and, shelf deposits consisting of: Lithofacies 2, wackestones, packstones, grainstones, and rudstones; Lithofacies 3, laminated calcisiltites; Lithofacies 4, nodular wackestones and mudstones; and, Lithofacies 5, laminated mudstones and shales. The distribution of the lithofacies was influenced by variations in storm frequency and intensity during a relative sea level fall. Predominant convex-up attitudes of concavo-convex shells within shell beds suggest syndepositional reworking during storm events. The bimodal orientations of shell axes on the upper surfaces of the shell beds indicates deposition under wave-generated currents. The sedimentary features and shell orientations indicate that the shell beds were deposited during storm events and not by the gradual accumulation of shelly material. Cluster and principal component analysis of relative abundance data of the taxa in the shell beds, interbedded nodular wackestones and mudstones, and laminated mudstones and shales, indicates one biofacies comprised of three main assemblages: a strophomenid (Sowerbyelladominated) assemblage, a transitional mixed strophomenid-atrypid assemblage and an atrypid (Zygospira-dominatQd) assemblage. The occurrence of the strophomenid, the strophomenid-atrypid and atrypid assemblages were controlled by storm-driven allogenic taphonomic feedback.
Aluminosilicate catalysts containing supported ZnCl2 and metal fluoride salts have been prepared using a sol-gel based route, tested and characterized. The activities of these ZnCl2 + metal fluoride catalysts, while greater than "Clayzic" (ZnCI2 supported on montmorillonite KIO) are not as good as supported ZnCl2 only supported on aluminosilicate. Alumina supports have also been prepared via a sol-gel route using various chemical additives to generate a mesoporous structure, loaded with ZnCl2 and tested for activity. The activities for these alumina-supported catalysts are also significantly higher than that of "Clayzic", an effective Friedel-Crafts catalyst. Characterizations of these two types of catalysts were done by magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR, diffuse reflectance infrared (DRIFT) spectroscopy and additionally for the alumina nitrogen adsorption studies were done. Supported aluminum trichloride was also investigated as an alternative to the traditional use of aluminum trichloride.