995 resultados para Domenico Gnoli


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Nel corso degli ultimi decenni la fisica sperimentale ha raggiunto notevoli traguardi nel campo della manipolazione di sistemi di atomi freddi, riaccendendo l'interesse della ricerca su sistemi a lungo studiati teoricamente, ma fino a poco tempo fa impossibili da realizzare sperimentalmente. Questa riaccesa attenzione ha permesso di sfruttare le moderne capacità di calcolo per studiare sistemi quantistici che ancora risultano di difficile realizzazione. In questo contesto si inserisce il rinnovato interesse per i sistemi quantistici monodimensionali caratterizzati dalla presenza di potenziale disordinato. Questi presentano proprietà di trasporto particolari e sotto particolari condizioni sono oggetto di una transizione di localizzazione. La maggior parte degli studi in questo campo rivolgono la loro attenzione a sistemi di particelle fermioniche interagenti. In questo lavoro di tesi analizziamo, invece, sistemi quantistici fermionici non interagenti, mettendo in luce quanto già noto e proponendo strumenti di analisi derivati dallo studio dei sistemi interagenti. In particolare, proponiamo un'analisi statistica dei livelli energetici e poniamo le basi per futuri studi a riguardo.


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La presente ricerca è stata svolta con l’obbiettivo di valutare le caratteristiche prestazionali di pavimentazioni in conglomerato bituminoso con aggiunta di PFU. Il prodotto è un legante bituminoso modificato, al quale il polverino di gomma da PFU è aggiunto manualmente (meccanicamente) al mescolatore tramite tecnologia Dry, nella quale la frazione di gomma è impiegata in sostituzione a una porzione di inerti fini. Ai fini di tale studio sono stati stesi 300 metri di SMA lungo la S.P. 569 nel centro abitato di Zola Predosa (BO) durante la quale sono state effettuate le analisi ambientali. Di questi 300 metri, una parte è costituita da SMA tradizionale, mentre la parte restante è divisa tra SMA contenente 1,20% in peso di PFU e SMA contenente 0,75% in peso di PFU. Sono state predisposte 3 diverse indagini sperimentali: a 2 mesi dalla stesa (31 Luglio 2014), a 6 mesi e la terza ad 1 anno dalla prima sessione di controllo. Nella prima campagna è stato eseguito il prelievo di campioni carotati per la verifica fisico-meccanica delle miscele posate e degli spessori, mentre per tutte le campagne di prova tutte sono state effettuate analisi per la valutazione dell’aderenza, della tessitura e dell’emissione e assorbimento acustico della pavimentazione. L’elaborato è sviluppato nel seguente modo: sarà prima presentata una panoramica sul problema del riciclaggio di PFU. Verranno poi riportate le norme che regolano l’uso delle strumentazioni utilizzate durante le prove e la trattazione dei dati che ne derivano. Verrà poi descritto il campo prove, la stesa sperimentale e tutti i test effettuati sul sito di Zola Predosa. Successivamente verrà effettuata l’analisi dei dati rispettivamente per l’analisi ambientale, il pendolo, l’altezza in sabbia, l’analisi dei livelli acustici, il LaserProf, lo Skiddomter BV11 e il Laser NextEngine HD. Infine verranno tratte le conclusioni, basate sulle analisi condotte, al fine di valutare il rendimento delle pavimentazioni indagate.


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We investigated the feasibility and safety of four-arm robotic lung lobectomy in patients with lung cancer and described the robotic lobectomy technique with mediastinal lymph node dissection.


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Ventricular tachycardia (VT) late after myocardial infarction is an important contributor to morbidity and mortality. This prospective multicenter study assessed the efficacy and safety of electroanatomical mapping in combination with open-saline irrigated ablation technology for ablation of chronic recurrent mappable and unmappable VT in remote myocardial infarction.


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Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the world. Although the origin still remains to be resolved, a prevailing hypothesis implies the involvement of cancer stem cells (CSCs) responsible for tumor initiation, maintenance, and progression. Embryonic stem cell marker, OCT4, encoding the spliced variants OCT4A and OCT4B, has recently been shown to have a dual role; as a potential adult stem cell marker and as a CSC marker in germline and somatic tumors.


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We present a case of a Rendu-Osler-Weber disease patient with recurrent life threatening epistaxis demanding multiple blood transfusions despite of repetitive endoscopic laser and electrocoagulations, endovascular embolisation, septodermoplasty, and long-term intranasal dressings. As alternative treatment modalities repeatedly failed and the patient became almost permanently dependent on nasal dressing, we performed a highly conformal intensity-modulated radiotherapy of the nasal cavity; a total dose of 50 Gy in 2 Gy single fractions was applied. The therapy was very well tolerated, no acute toxicities occurred. Two weeks after the last radiation dose had been applied, the nasal dressing could be removed without problems. Endoscopical control revealed an almost avascular white mucosa without any trace of bleeding spots; previously existing hemangiomas and crusts had disappeared. After a 1-year-follow up, the patient had no significant recurrent epistaxis.


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The data of 46 adults with single-sided sensorineural deafness who were candidates for bone-anchored hearing aids (Baha) CROS (contralateral routing of signals) were analyzed. All candidates tested a Baha with a headband in their normal environment. Subsequently, 29 of the candidates chose a permanent Baha CROS fitting, and 17 declined, thus forming the two study groups. No significant difference regarding age, sex or duration of deafness was found between the two groups. Similarly, the transcranial attenuation was not significantly different between those who accepted and declined a Baha. Subjects with some residual hearing in their poorer ear tended to decline a Baha, but the effect was not statistically significant. For a subset of 28 subjects, the Bern Benefit in Single-Sided Deafness questionnaire was administered. The questionnaire consists of 10 visual analogue scales rating the subjectively perceived benefit of the Baha or any other CROS device in different situations. Scores were found to be significantly higher for speech understanding at some distance (p = 0.026), for speech understanding in noise (p = 0.037), for group conversations (p < 0.01), and for the overall benefit (p < 0.01) for those candidates who chose to use a Baha as a CROS device permanently.


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The level of improvement in the audiological results of Baha(®) users mainly depends on the patient's preoperative hearing thresholds and the type of Baha sound processor used. This investigation shows correlations between the preoperative hearing threshold and postoperative aided thresholds and audiological results in speech understanding in quiet of 84 Baha users with unilateral conductive hearing loss, bilateral conductive hearing loss and bilateral mixed hearing loss. Secondly, speech understanding in noise of 26 Baha users with different Baha sound processors (Compact, Divino, and BP100) is investigated. Linear regression between aided sound field thresholds and bone conduction (BC) thresholds of the better ear shows highest correlation coefficients and the steepest slope. Differences between better BC thresholds and aided sound field thresholds are smallest for mid-frequencies (1 and 2 kHz) and become larger at 0.5 and 4 kHz. For Baha users, the gain in speech recognition in quiet can be expected to lie in the order of magnitude of the gain in their hearing threshold. Compared to its predecessor sound processors Baha(®) Compact and Baha(®) Divino, Baha(®) BP100 improves speech understanding in noise significantly by +0.9 to +4.6 dB signal-to-noise ratio, depending on the setting and the use of directional microphone. For Baha users with unilateral and bilateral conductive hearing loss and bilateral mixed hearing loss, audiological results in aided sound field thresholds can be estimated with the better BC hearing threshold. The benefit in speech understanding in quiet can be expected to be similar to the gain in their sound field hearing threshold. The most recent technology of Baha sound processor improves speech understanding in noise by an order of magnitude that is well perceived by users and which can be very useful in everyday life.


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Thoracic endovascular aortic repair is increasingly becoming the standard treatment of many thoracic aortic pathologies. New reliable and accurate stent grafts are emerging to widen the endovascular treatment options. We report the results of RELAY (Bolton Medical, Barcelona, Spain) in the large RELAY Endovascular Registry for Thoracic Disease (RESTORE) European registry.


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Intussusception is an alternative to the sprouting mode of angiogenesis. The advantage of this mechanism of vascular growth is that blood vessels are generated more rapidly and the capillaries thereby formed are less leaky. This review article summarizes our current knowledge concerning the role played by intussusceptive microvascular growth in tumor growth. Interestingly, an angiogenic switch from sprouting to intussusceptive angiogenesis occurs after treatment with angiogenesis inhibitors and may be considered as a tumor-protective adaptative response.