996 resultados para Distributed monitoring


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Smart Grids (SGs) have emerged as the new paradigm for power system operation and management, being designed to include large amounts of distributed energy resources. This new paradigm requires new Energy Resource Management (ERM) methodologies considering different operation strategies and the existence of new management players such as several types of aggregators. This paper proposes a methodology to facilitate the coalition between distributed generation units originating Virtual Power Players (VPP) considering a game theory approach. The proposed approach consists in the analysis of the classifications that were attributed by each VPP to the distributed generation units, as well as in the analysis of the previous established contracts by each player. The proposed classification model is based in fourteen parameters including technical, economical and behavioural ones. Depending of the VPP strategies, size and goals, each parameter has different importance. VPP can also manage other type of energy resources, like storage units, electric vehicles, demand response programs or even parts of the MV and LV distribution network. A case study with twelve VPPs with different characteristics and one hundred and fifty real distributed generation units is included in the paper.


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Further improvements in demand response programs implementation are needed in order to take full advantage of this resource, namely for the participation in energy and reserve market products, requiring adequate aggregation and remuneration of small size resources. The present paper focuses on SPIDER, a demand response simulation that has been improved in order to simulate demand response, including realistic power system simulation. For illustration of the simulator’s capabilities, the present paper is proposes a methodology focusing on the aggregation of consumers and generators, providing adequate tolls for the demand response program’s adoption by evolved players. The methodology proposed in the present paper focuses on a Virtual Power Player that manages and aggregates the available demand response and distributed generation resources in order to satisfy the required electrical energy demand and reserve. The aggregation of resources is addressed by the use of clustering algorithms, and operation costs for the VPP are minimized. The presented case study is based on a set of 32 consumers and 66 distributed generation units, running on 180 distinct operation scenarios.


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The high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks and the competitive environment of electricity markets impose the use of new approaches in several domains. The network cost allocation, traditionally used in transmission networks, should be adapted and used in the distribution networks considering the specifications of the connected resources. The main goal is to develop a fairer methodology trying to distribute the distribution network use costs to all players which are using the network in each period. In this paper, a model considering different type of costs (fixed, losses, and congestion costs) is proposed comprising the use of a large set of DER, namely distributed generation (DG), demand response (DR) of direct load control type, energy storage systems (ESS), and electric vehicles with capability of discharging energy to the network, which is known as vehicle-to-grid (V2G). The proposed model includes three distinct phases of operation. The first phase of the model consists in an economic dispatch based on an AC optimal power flow (AC-OPF); in the second phase Kirschen's and Bialek's tracing algorithms are used and compared to evaluate the impact of each resource in the network. Finally, the MW-mile method is used in the third phase of the proposed model. A distribution network of 33 buses with large penetration of DER is used to illustrate the application of the proposed model.


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Dissertation to obtain the Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


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The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) includes large and dense deployment of interconnected smart sensing and monitoring devices. This vast deployment necessitates collection and processing of large volume of measurement data. However, collecting all the measured data from individual devices on such a scale may be impractical and time consuming. Moreover, processing these measurements requires complex algorithms to extract useful information. Thus, it becomes imperative to devise distributed information processing mechanisms that identify application-specific features in a timely manner and with a low overhead. In this article, we present a feature extraction mechanism for dense networks that takes advantage of dominance-based medium access control (MAC) protocols to (i) efficiently obtain global extrema of the sensed quantities, (ii) extract local extrema, and (iii) detect the boundaries of events, by using simple transforms that nodes employ on their local data. We extend our results for a large dense network with multiple broadcast domains (MBD). We discuss and compare two approaches for addressing the challenges with MBD and we show through extensive evaluations that our proposed distributed MBD approach is fast and efficient at retrieving the most valuable measurements, independent of the number sensor nodes in the network.


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The development and application of a polyaniline/carbon nanotube (CNT) cyclodextrin matrix (PANI-β-CD/MWCNT)-based electrochemical sensor for the quantitative determination of the herbicide 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and its main transformation product 4-chloro-2-methylphenol in natural waters are described. A simple cyclic voltammetry-based electrochemical methodology, in phosphate buffer solution at pH 6.0, was used to develop a method to determine both MCPA and 4-chloro-2-methylphenol, without any previous extraction or derivatization steps. A linear concentration range (10 to 50 μmol L−1) and detection limits of 1.1 and 1.9 μmol L−1, respectively, were achieved using optimized cyclic voltammetric parameters. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of MCPA and 4-chloro-2-methylphenol in natural water samples with satisfactory recoveries (94 to 107 %) and in good agreement with the results obtained by an established high-performance liquid chromatography technique, no significant differences being found between the methods. Interferences from ionic species and other herbicides used for broad-leaf weed control were shown to be small. The newly developed methodology was also successfully applied to MCPA photodegradation environmental studies.


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O crescimento dos sistemas de informação e a sua utilização massiva criou uma nova realidade no acesso a experiências remotas que se encontram geograficamente distribuídas. Nestes últimos tempos, a temática dos laboratórios remotos apareceu nos mais diversos campos como o do ensino ou o de sistemas industriais de controlo e monitorização. Como o acesso aos laboratórios é efectuado através de um meio permissivo como é o caso da Internet, a informação pode estar à mercê de qualquer atacante. Assim, é necessário garantir a segurança do acesso, de forma a criar condições para que não se verifique a adulteração dos valores obtidos, bem como a existência de acessos não permitidos. Os mecanismos de segurança adoptados devem ter em consideração a necessidade de autenticação e autorização, sendo estes pontos críticos no que respeita à segurança, pois estes laboratórios podem estar a controlar equipamentos sensíveis e dispendiosos, podendo até eventualmente comprometer em certos casos o controlo e a monotorização de sistemas industriais. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a análise da segurança em redes, tendo sido realizado um estudo sobre os vários conceitos e mecanismos de segurança necessários para garantir a segurança nas comunicações entre laboratórios remotos. Dele resultam as três soluções apresentadas de comunicação segura para laboratórios remotos distribuídos geograficamente, recorrendo às tecnologias IPSec, OpenVPN e PPTP. De forma a minimizar custos, toda a implementação foi assente em software de código aberto e na utilização de um computador de baixo custo. No que respeita à criação das VPNs, estas foram configuradas de modo a permitir obter os resultados pretendidos na criação de uma ligação segura para laboratórios remotos. O pfSense mostrou-se a escolha acertada visto que suporta nativamente quaisquer das tecnologias que foram estudadas e implementadas, sem necessidade de usar recursos físicos muito caros, permitindo o uso de tecnologias de código aberto sem comprometer a segurança no funcionamento das soluções que suportam a segurança nas comunicações dos laboratórios remotos.


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In this paper we present ezGo, an electric powered wheelchair with a speech based interface and biosignal monitoring instrumentation. The user can use the voice, a natural communication method, for controlling the chair movement and obtain information about his health. Additionally a set of semi-autonomous modes with macro recording enable the execution of navigation tasks with little effort and improved precision. The main purpose of the system is to provide severely disabled persons with an assistive device that can improve their confidence and daily independence. The obtained results on usability tests showed that users consider ezGo a valuable help on their daily tasks and a very desirable addition to standard wheelchairs.


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We report a primary response to Toxoplasma gondii following a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with multiple myeloma. The primary response to T. gondii was supported by IgM, IgG and IgA seroconversion. The patient was promptly treated and there were no complications related to toxoplasmosis in the subsequent months.


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Malaria is an unusual complication after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in non-endemic countries. However, transplant candidates, recipients and donors living in endemic regions frequently report previous episodes of malaria. This fact could represent an important risk for immunosuppressed recipients that could develop severe malaria cases. We report a case of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) in which the donor had a history of previous malaria, and close monitoring was performed before and after procedure by parasitological and molecular tests. The donor presented Plasmodium vivax in thick blood smears one month after transplant and was treated according to Brazilian Health Ministry guidelines. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was able to detect malaria infection in the donor one week earlier than thick blood film. Even without positive results, the recipient was pre-emptively treated with chloroquine in order to prevent the disease. We highlight the importance of monitoring recipients and donors in transplant procedures with the aim of reducing the risk of malaria transmission.


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A pilot study aimed to introduce intraoperative monitoring of liver surgery using transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is described. A set of TEE measurements was established as a protocol, consisting of left atrial (LA) dimension at the aortic valve plane; mitral velocity flow integral, calculation of stroke volume and cardiac output (CO); mitral annular plane systolic excursion; finally, right atrial area. A total of 165 measurements (on 21 patients) were performed, 31 occurring during hypotension. The conclusions reached were during acute blood loss LA dimension changed earlier than CVP, and, in one patient, a dynamic left ventricular (LV) obstruction was observed; in 3 patients a transient LV systolic dysfunction was documented. The comparison between 39 CO paired measurements obtained by TEE and PiCCO2 revealed a statistically significant correlation (P < 0.001, r = 0.83). In this pilot study TEE successfully answered the questions raised by the anesthesiologists. Larger cohort studies are needed to address this issue.


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Os Sistemas de Gestão Técnica Centralizada (SGTC) assumem-se como essenciais nos grandes edifícios, já que permitem monitorizar, controlar, comandar e gerir, de forma facilitada, integrada e otimizada, as várias instalações existentes no edifício. O estado da arte de um SGTC baseia-se numa arquitetura distribuída, com recurso a Quadros de Gestão Técnica (QGT) que incluem Automation Servers - equipamentos nativos nos protocolos de comunicação mais comummente utilizados neste âmbito, incorporadores de funcionalidades e programações pré-definidas, e que ficarão responsáveis por integrar na sua área de influência, um conjunto de pontos de SGTC, definidos em projeto. Numa nova filosofia de instalação, integração e comunicação facilitada entre dispositivos que nos quadros elétricos geram dados relevantes para o utilizador e desencadeiam ações úteis na gestão de uma instalação, surge o novo conceito no mercado de Smart Panels, da Schneider Electric. Este sistema baseia-se numa ampla e diversa gama de possibilidades de medição e monitorização energética e da própria aparelhagem, com um sistema de comunicação com o sistema de gestão e controlo da instalação integrado no próprio quadro, dispensando assim a necessidade de um sistema externo (QGT), de recolha, comunicação e processamento de informação. Após o estudo descritivo teórico dos vários tópicos, questões e considerações relacionadas com os SGTC, os Smart Panels e a sua integração, o projeto e estudo comparativo do SGTC sem e com a integração de Smart Panels num grande centro comercial, permitiu concluir que a integração de Smart Panels num SGTC pode conferir vantagens no que diz respeito à implificação do projeto, da instalação, do comissionamento, programação, e da própria exploração da instalação elétrica, traduzindo-se numa redução dos custos normalmente elevados inerentes à mão de obra associada a todos estes processos.


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Fasciolosis is a disease of importance for both veterinary and public health. For the first time, georeferenced prevalence data of Fasciola hepatica in bovines were collected and mapped for the Brazilian territory and data availability was discussed. Bovine fasciolosis in Brazil is monitored on a Federal, State and Municipal level, and to improve monitoring it is essential to combine the data collected on these three levels into one dataset. Data were collected for 1032 municipalities where livers were condemned by the Federal Inspection Service (MAPA/SIF) because of the presence of F. hepatica. The information was distributed over 11 states: Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. The highest prevalence of fasciolosis was observed in the southern states, with disease clusters along the coast of Paraná and Santa Catarina and in Rio Grande do Sul. Also, temporal variation of the prevalence was observed. The observed prevalence and the kriged prevalence maps presented in this paper can assist both animal and human health workers in estimating the risk of infection in their state or municipality.