897 resultados para David, Gérard, approximately 1460-1523.


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Compte rendu critique de l'ouvrage de Gilbert « Veilleurs de nuit : saison théâtrale 1988-1989 » (Montréal : Les Herbes rouges, 1989, 78 p.).


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David Hume, dans son Traité sur la nature humaine, utilise deux concepts qui semblent se rapporter à l’identité personnelle d’un individu : le moi (self) et le caractère personnel. Cependant, dans le Traité, il ne traite pas à la fois de l’un et de l’autre : dans le premier livre, « De l’entendement », il s’intéresse au moi, alors que dans les second et troisième livres, « Des passions » et « De la morale » il traite plutôt du caractère. On constate alors qu’il y a une nette différence chez Hume entre ce qui constitue le moi d’un individu et son caractère personnel. Ils ne se définissent absolument pas de la même manière et au final, ils ne se rapportent pas, tous deux, à l’identité personnelle. Le caractère qui permet d’aborder la question de la responsabilité morale d’un individu, ce que le moi ne peut pas faire, constitue la véritable identité d’un individu.


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In the last 50 years, we have had approximately 40 events with characteristics related to financial crisis. The most severe crisis was in 1929, when the financial markets plummet and the US gross domestic product decline in more than 30 percent. Recently some years ago, a new crisis developed in the United States, but instantly caused consequences and effects in the rest of the world. This new economic and financial crisis has increased the interest and motivation for the academic community, professors and researchers, to understand the causes and effects of the crisis, to learn from it. This is the one of the main reasons for the compilation of this book, which begins with a meeting of a group of IAFI researchers from the University of Barcelona, where researchers form Mexico and Spain, explain causes and consequences of the crisis of 2007. For that reason, we believed this set of chapters related to methodologies, applications and theories, would conveniently explained the characteristics and events of the past and future financial crisis This book consists in 3 main sections, the first one called "State of the Art and current situation", the second named "Econometric applications to estimate crisis time periods" , and the third one "Solutions to diminish the effects of the crisis". The first section explains the current point of view of many research papers related to financial crisis, it has 2 chapters. In the first one, it describe and analyzes the models that historically have been used to explain financial crisis, furthermore, it proposes to used alternative methodologies such as Fuzzy Cognitive Maps. On the other hand , Chapter 2 , explains the characteristics and details of the 2007 crisis from the US perspective and its comparison to 1929 crisis, presenting some effects in Mexico and Latin America. The second section presents two econometric applications to estimate possible crisis periods. For this matter, Chapter 3, studies 3 Latin-American countries: Argentina, Brazil and Peru in the 1994 crisis and estimates the multifractal characteristics to identify financial and economic distress. Chapter 4 explains the crisis situations in Argentina (2001), Mexico (1994) and the recent one in the United States (2007) and its effects in other countries through a financial series methodology related to the stock market. The last section shows an alternative to prevent the effects of the crisis. The first chapter explains the financial stability effects through the financial system regulation and some globalization standards. Chapter 6, study the benefits of the Investor activism and a way to protect personal and national wealth to face the financial crisis risks.


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This bachelor’s thesis examines the crisis of hegemonic masculinities in David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy. In the course of the thesis, I demonstrate that the male characters in the novels aspire to hegemonic ideals of masculinity, but that ultimately most of them fail in their aspirations. However, I also show that this does not lead to the abandonment of this pursuit, but merely to its reformulation and a continued attempt of male characters to aspire to this reformulated ideal. In order to achieve this, I conduct a close reading of the novels and based on this, first determine the predominant types of hegemonic masculinities in each novel, and then whether certain characters aspire to these hegemonic ideals. Next I analyze whether or not they are successful. This analysis is chiefly based on the sociological concept of hegemonic masculinities developed by Connell. With the help of this concept, this thesis shows that several types of masculinities can be identified in the novels and that these exist in hierarchical relation to each other. Furthermore, it shows that these aspirations and the ideals themselves are always prone to crises that are brought on by societal changes in their environment. However, it is also demonstrated that in most cases these crises do not lead to the collapse of the ideal or the failure of its pursuit, but rather to the reformulation and continuation of both.


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We report the creation of strained silicon on silicon (SSOS) substrate technology. The method uses a relaxed SiGe buffer as a template for inducing tensile strain in a Si layer, which is then bonded to another Si handle wafer. The original Si wafer and the relaxed SiGe buffer are subsequently removed, thereby transferring a strained-Si layer directly to Si substrate without intermediate SiGe or oxide layers. Complete removal of Ge from the structure was confirmed by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy as well as secondary ion mass spectrometry. A plan-view transmission electron microscopy study of the strained-Si/Si interface reveals that the lattice-mismatch between the layers is accommodated by an orthogonal array of edge dislocations. This misfit dislocation array, which forms upon bonding, is geometrically necessary and has an average spacing of approximately 40nm, in excellent agreement with established dislocation theory. To our knowledge, this is the first study of a chemically homogeneous, yet lattice-mismatched, interface.


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We consider the often-studied problem of sorting, for a parallel computer. Given an input array distributed evenly over p processors, the task is to compute the sorted output array, also distributed over the p processors. Many existing algorithms take the approach of approximately load-balancing the output, leaving each processor with Θ(n/p) elements. However, in many cases, approximate load-balancing leads to inefficiencies in both the sorting itself and in further uses of the data after sorting. We provide a deterministic parallel sorting algorithm that uses parallel selection to produce any output distribution exactly, particularly one that is perfectly load-balanced. Furthermore, when using a comparison sort, this algorithm is 1-optimal in both computation and communication. We provide an empirical study that illustrates the efficiency of exact data splitting, and shows an improvement over two sample sort algorithms.


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La catedràtica de Geologia, Carmina Virgili, nascuda a Barcelona el 1927, és la primera dona distingida amb aquest títol a la UdG, i aquest és alhora, el primer honoris causa que rep


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David Brotherton és professor i catedràtic al Departament de Sociologia del John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. A mitjan anys noranta va començar a estudiar les bandes juvenils de la ciutat, en especial les llatines. Assegura que sobre les bandes circulen tot de rumors i notícies falses i que treballen per mostrar dades que permetin saber-ne la veritat, perquè «no diu enlloc que per entrar als Latin Kings calgui cometre un delicte». Aquest curs participa en el Seminari Permanent de Criminologia de la Universitat de Girona


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This paper describes a navigation system for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in partially structured environments, such as dams, harbors, marinas or marine platforms. A mechanical scanning imaging sonar is used to obtain information about the location of planar structures present in such environments. A modified version of the Hough transform has been developed to extract line features, together with their uncertainty, from the continuous sonar dataflow. The information obtained is incorporated into a feature-based SLAM algorithm running an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Simultaneously, the AUV's position estimate is provided to the feature extraction algorithm to correct the distortions that the vehicle motion produces in the acoustic images. Experiments carried out in a marina located in the Costa Brava (Spain) with the Ictineu AUV show the viability of the proposed approach


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Ressenya del llibre A geography of the lifeworld. A l’obra es proposa explorar la inevitable immersió del ser humà en el seu “món geogràfic” a través de l’estudi del seu comportament i experiències quotidianes en relació als llocs i als espais en els quals viu i es mou


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David Gauntlett's inaugural lecture from November 2008, in which he points to a shift from a 'sit down and be told' culture to a more creative 'making and doing' culture, which may offer one of the necessary keys to tackling climate change and environmental problems.


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Introducción: De todos los casos de cáncer en el mundo el 80% se presentan en países en vía de desarrollo siendo el cáncer de estómago o cáncer gástrico la segunda causa de muerte por cáncer en el mundo con aproximadamente 700.000 muertes cada año. En Colombia, el cáncer gástrico es la primera causa de muerte por tumores malignos en ambos sexos, aún cuando no es la primera neoplasia en frecuencia. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo, de registros de defunción del DANE, Colombia 2000 a 2009. Se analizaron tasas anuales crudas y por grupos de edad, género, procedencia geográfica, estado civil, nivel educativo y área de residencia habitual estableciendo diferencias estadísticas entre las variables y sus categorías. Resultados: En el período estudiado se registraron 43759 defunciones por cáncer gástrico, con mayor frecuencia en hombres 1,5:1. Las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer gástrico ajustadas por grupos etáreos aumentan después de la quinta década de la vida. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todos los años estudiados y el departamento de residencia habitual del fallecido presentando Cauca (18,11- 19) y Boyacá (14,54-1742) las tasas más altas por 100.000 habitantes. Las tasas más altas se concentran en la zona de la Cordillera de los Andes, al estandarizar por grupos etáreos el Cauca tiene una tasa de 114,98 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Conclusión: El cáncer gástrico es la neoplasia que causa más muertes en Colombia por lo cual es necesario diseñar e implementar programas de detección precoz que vayan dirigidos al control de la mortalidad.


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Introducción: La preeclampsia severa es una de las principales patologías que afectan a las mujeres embarazadas, sus complicaciones tienen un alto impacto en la salud del binomio madre-hijo. Materiales y métodos: Se realizo una serie de casos, durante un periodo de 1 año se revisaron las historias clínicas de las pacientes que ingresaron a la unidad de cuidado intensivo obstétrico de la Clínica Orquídeas, con diagnóstico de preeclampsia severa. Se describieron los datos demográficos y las complicaciones. Se realizó análisis univariado con las variables de interés y se calcularon diferencias significativas por medio del test exacto de Fisher. Resultados: Se registraron 196 pacientes con preeclampsia severa en el periodo de estudio. Las complicaciones mas frecuentes fueron síndrome HELLP (30,6%), insuficiencia renal aguda (16,3%) y edema pulmonar (10,2%); el ingreso de las pacientes con preeclampsia severa a la UCIO en embarazo aumenta el riesgo de sufrir complicaciones. El síndrome de HELLP se presento con mayor frecuencia en pacientes que realizaron 6 o mas controles prenatales (p=0.066). Discusión: Los resultados evidencian una prevalencia de preeclampsia severa mayor que la observada por otros autores, probablemente por ser una UCI exclusivamente obstétrica. Las complicaciones mas frecuentes son concordantes con otros estudios publicados. El mayor riesgo de complicaciones asociadas en pacientes que ingresan embarazadas a la UCIO podría estar en relación a la severidad de la patología. Se requieren estudios analíticos para establecer asociaciones entre cada una de las complicaciones y sus factores condicionantes.