990 resultados para Dantas, San Tiago, 1911-1964
An area of about 25 square miles in the western part of the San Gabriel Mountains was mapped on a scale of 1000 feet to the inch. Special attention was given to the structural geology, particularly the relations between the different systems of faults, of which the San Gabriel fault system and the Sierra Madre fault system are the most important ones. The present distribution and relations of the rocks suggests that the southern block has tilted northward against a more stable mass of old rocks which was raised up during a Pliocene or post-Pliocene orogeny. It is suggested that this northward tilting of the block resulted in the group of thrust faults which comprise the Sierra Madre fault system. It is show that this hypothesis fits the present distribution of the rocks and occupies a logical place in the geologic history of the region as well or better than any other hypothesis previously offered to explain the geology of the region.
Megacyclops viridis Jurine, noticed in Lago Maggiore in 1912 by De Marchi from the littoral vegetation of Pallanza, is a normal member of the littoral plankton of the lake. The subgenus Megacyclops, created by Kiefer in his revision of the viridis-vernalis group, contains european and american species some of which are today considered as varieties of the species viridis. This paper examines morphology and of the distribution of the Italian viridis in Lake Maggiore.
Parasitic and infectious diseases of fish, of wide distribution in fish-rearing ponds, retard to a significant extent the development of fish culture in the Ukraine. One of the diseases of fish attracting attention in connection with the general distribution of its causative agent, the fungus Saprolegnia parasitica Coker, in water-bodies of various types, appears to be dermatomycosis. The aim of this investigation is to study the conditions favouring the development of S. parasitica. Among the studied factors were water temperature and oxygen content.
The disposal of sewage is the most important item in public sanitation. It is the most important present day problem in every city whether large or small. The direct cause of the majority of epidemics is the contamination of the water supply of the city by the excreta of man or animal. Public health varies directly as public sanitation, and if the public sanitation be good, the liability of sickness caused by contamination of the water supply is greatly lessened. When a city outgrows its sewerage system the public health becomes endangered. There are two causes for the increased amount of sewerage, increase in population and increase in industrial and manufacturing wastes. The main problem in this connection is the ultimate disposal of the matter which reaches the sewers.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the recent evolution of the city of San Francisco to outline the major features that have made it possible this continuing process of creative innovation in the city. In order to meet this objective, the project is framed around answering two key research questions: (1) what are the main economic and social elements that characterise urban change in the city of San Francisco and (2) which is the role of public strategies in the continuing economic success of San Francisco. The paper concludes that the successful performance of San Francisco is the result of the actions taken by many agents in the city, but the role of public authorities, especially the City and County, must be stressed, both through direct intervention and by coordinating, fostering and supporting the private and non-profit sectors. This is especially relevant in a country like the US where private initiative has been seen in many occasions as the greatest driver of economic and social success. Yet, the performance of San Francisco City cannot be explained without the role played by the public sector, in coordination with the civil society
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967 Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 12, 1968. The Commission held three meetings in 1972: the 26th meeting in Tokyo, Japan, on January 6, 7 and 13; the 27th meeting in Panama, Republic of Panama, on November 7, 8 and 11; and the 28th meeting in San Diego, California, on December 20. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. La Comisión celebró tres reuniones en 1972: la XXVI reunion en Tokio, Japón, el 6, 7 Y 13 de enero; la XXVII reunión en Panamá, República de Panamá, el 7, 8 Y 11 de noviembre; y la XVIII reunión en San Diego, California, el 20 de diciembre. (PDF contains 166 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21,1968. The Commission held two meetings in 1975, its 31st n1eeting in San Diego, California, U.S.A., March 3 and 5, and its 32nd meeting in Paris, France, October 13, 14 and 17, and in Washington D.C., U.S.A., December 18. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. La Comisión celebró dos reuniones en 1975, la XXXI reunión en San Diego, California (E.U.A.) del 3 al 5 de marzo, y la XXXII reunión en París, Francia el 13, 14 Y 17 de octubre (primera parte) y en Washington D.C. (E.U.A.) el 18 de diciembre (segunda parte). (PDF contains 176 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21,1968. The Commission held two meetings in 1977, the 34th from June 27 to 29 in San Diego, California, and the 35th on October 17 and 18 in Mexico City. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. La Comisión celebró dos reuniones en 1977, la XXXIV del 27 al 29 de junio en San Diego (California) y la XXXV del 17 al 18 de octubre en ciudad de México. (PDF contains 156 pages).
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission operates under the authority and direction of a convention originally entered into by the Republic of Costa Rica and the United States of America. The convention, which came into force in 1950, is open to adherence by other governments whose nationals fish for tropical tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Under this provision the Republic of Panama adhered in 1953, the Republic of Ecuador in 1961, the United Mexican States in 1964, Canada in 1968 and Japan in 1970. In 1967, Ecuador gave notice of her intent to withdraw from the Commission, and her withdrawal became effective on August 21,1968. The Commission held two meetings in 1977, the 34th from June 27 to 29 in San Diego, California, and the 35th on October 17 and 18 in Mexico City. The Commission adjourned its 35th meeting, held in Mexico City on October 17, and 18, 1977, without agreeing to a resolution for the conservation of yellowfin during 1978. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está bajo la autoridad y dirección de una convención la cual fue originalmente formada por la República de Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América. La Convención, vigente desde 1950, está abierta a la afiliación de otros gobiernos cuyos nacionales pesquen atún en el Pacífico oriental tropical. Bajo esta medida la República de Panamá se afilió en 1953, la República del Ecuador en 1961, los Estados Unidos Mexicanos en 1964, Canadá en 1968 y el Japón en 1970. En 1967, el Ecuador anunció su intención de retirarse de la Comisión y la renuncia se hizo efectiva el 21 de agosto de 1968. La Comisión celebró dos reuniones en 1977, la XXXIV del 27 al 29 de junio en San Diego (California) y la XXXV del 17 al 18 de octubre en ciudad de México. La Comisión clausuró su XXXV reunión, celebrada en ciudad de México del 17 al 18 de octubre de 1977, sin acordar una resolución para la conservación del atún aleta amarilla en 1978. (PDF contains 164 pages.)
In four chapters various aspects of earthquake source are studied.
Chapter I
Surface displacements that followed the Parkfield, 1966, earthquakes were measured for two years with six small-scale geodetic networks straddling the fault trace. The logarithmic rate and the periodic nature of the creep displacement recorded on a strain meter made it possible to predict creep episodes on the San Andreas fault. Some individual earthquakes were related directly to surface displacement, while in general, slow creep and aftershock activity were found to occur independently. The Parkfield earthquake is interpreted as a buried dislocation.
Chapter II
The source parameters of earthquakes between magnitude 1 and 6 were studied using field observations, fault plane solutions, and surface wave and S-wave spectral analysis. The seismic moment, MO, was found to be related to local magnitude, ML, by log MO = 1.7 ML + 15.1. The source length vs magnitude relation for the San Andreas system found to be: ML = 1.9 log L - 6.7. The surface wave envelope parameter AR gives the moment according to log MO = log AR300 + 30.1, and the stress drop, τ, was found to be related to the magnitude by τ = 0.54 M - 2.58. The relation between surface wave magnitude MS and ML is proposed to be MS = 1.7 ML - 4.1. It is proposed to estimate the relative stress level (and possibly the strength) of a source-region by the amplitude ratio of high-frequency to low-frequency waves. An apparent stress map for Southern California is presented.
Chapter III
Seismic triggering and seismic shaking are proposed as two closely related mechanisms of strain release which explain observations of the character of the P wave generated by the Alaskan earthquake of 1964, and distant fault slippage observed after the Borrego Mountain, California earthquake of 1968. The Alaska, 1964, earthquake is shown to be adequately described as a series of individual rupture events. The first of these events had a body wave magnitude of 6.6 and is considered to have initiated or triggered the whole sequence. The propagation velocity of the disturbance is estimated to be 3.5 km/sec. On the basis of circumstantial evidence it is proposed that the Borrego Mountain, 1968, earthquake caused release of tectonic strain along three active faults at distances of 45 to 75 km from the epicenter. It is suggested that this mechanism of strain release is best described as "seismic shaking."
Chapter IV
The changes of apparent stress with depth are studied in the South American deep seismic zone. For shallow earthquakes the apparent stress is 20 bars on the average, the same as for earthquakes in the Aleutians and on Oceanic Ridges. At depths between 50 and 150 km the apparent stresses are relatively high, approximately 380 bars, and around 600 km depth they are again near 20 bars. The seismic efficiency is estimated to be 0.1. This suggests that the true stress is obtained by multiplying the apparent stress by ten. The variation of apparent stress with depth is explained in terms of the hypothesis of ocean floor consumption.
En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado, se trabajará sobre la Red Básica Municipal de Donostia/San Sebastián, donde el autor ha sido partícipe en la campaña de reposición de la Red. Nos remontaremos a los orígenes de la Red, explicando cómo nació la Red Básica Municipal de Donostia/San Sebastián y la metodología que se usó para los trabajos previos a su implantación. A lo largo del trabajo, se explicará la metodología de observación y cálculo que se ha empleado en la actual reposición de la Red, el cual ha sido desarrollado por la empresa Geograma S.L. para el Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián entre enero y mayo de 2014. Finalmente, se estudiará como metodología alternativa las observaciones RTK en Red (NRTK), con el fin de validar el método para trabajos de observación de Redes Urbanas de Referencias Topográficas.
These minutes report on colloquium on the methodology of radiation measurement under water. The meeting was held on 3-5 January 1957, at the Biological Station, Lunz, Austria. The participants of the colloquium discussed various methodologies of radiation measurements, basic methods such as Secchi Disc and underwater photometer as well as specialist equipment like the absolute radiation apparatus.
Short identification key and morphological description of the mature larvae of Philopotamidae, Limnophilidae (genus Apatania) and Sericostomatidae
O presente trabalho destina-se a analisar as relações diplomáticas entre o Brasil e Portugal sobre a questão da independência da África lusófona. Até 1961, verifica-se a manutenção de uma relação privilegiada com a pátria lusitana, traduzida no incondicional apoio brasileiro prestado aos assuntos do interesse de Portugal que se colocavam nos foros internacionais, como por exemplo, a questão da descolonização africana, no âmbito da ONU.A Política Externa Independente, projeto formulado em 1961 pelo então Presidente Jânio Quadros e seu Chanceler, Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco, visava a renovação da ação externa do país. O anticolonialismo e a defesa da autodeterminação dos povos faziam parte das formulações da PEI, que, entretanto, acabou encontrando grandes dificuldades para manter a coerência no posicionamento brasileiro na ONU, diante do processo de descolonização dos territórios portugueses na África. Portugal manteve, durante todo o período analisado (1958-1964), uma forte estratégia de defesa da manutenção de seus territórios ultramarinos. O Brasil, por sua vez, encontrou, principalmente no nível interno, os maiores obstáculos para manter uma conduta assertiva na matéria colonial. A leitura das fontes primárias, bem como dos livros escritos pelos Chanceleres da PEI, constituiu importante metodologia para a comprovação de que houve contradições e abstenções por parte do Brasil, sobre a questão colonial portuguesa, entre 1961-1964, na ONU. E que a falta de unidade de posicionamento externada nas Assembléias refletia principalmente os embates internos, que provocaram as grandes oscilações demonstradas pela nossa Delegação nas mais importantes votações sobre a questão.