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One of the central dogmas of fluid physics is the no-slip boundary condition, whose validity has come under scrutiny, especially in the fields of micro and nanofluidics. Although various studies show the violation of the no-slip condition its effect on flow of colloidal particles in viscous media has been rarely explored. Here we report unusually large reduction of effective viscosity experienced by polymeric nano colloids moving through a highly viscous and confined polymer, well above its glass transition temperature. The extent of reduction in effective interface viscosity increases with decreasing temperature and polymer film thickness. Concomitant with the reduction in effective viscosity we also observe apparent divergence of the wave vector dependent hydrodynamic interaction function of these colloids with an anomalous power law exponent of similar to 2 at the lowest temperatures and film thickness studied. Such strong hydrodynamic interactions are not expected for polymeric colloidal motion in polymer melts. We suggest hydrodynamics, especially slip present at the colloid-polymer interface which determines the observed reduction in interface viscosity and presence of strong hydrodynamic interactions.


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Polyurethane foams with multimodal cell distribution exhibit superior mechanical and thermal properties. A technique for generating bimodal bubble size distribution exists in the literature, but it uses supercritical conditions. In the present work, an alternative based on milder operating conditions is proposed. It is a modification of reaction injection molding (RIM), using reactants already seeded with bubbles. The number density of the seeds determines if two nucleating events can occur. A bimodal bubble size distribution is obtained when this happens A mathematical model is used to test this hypothesis by simulating water blown free rise polyurethane foams. The effects of initial concentration of bubbles, temperature of the reactants, and the weight fraction of water are studied. The study reveals that for certain concentrations of initial number of bubbles, when initial temperature and weight fraction of water are high, it is possible to obtain a second nucleation event, leading to bimodal bubble size distribution.


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In this paper, using the intrinsically disordered oncoprotein Myc as an example, we present a mathematical model to help explain how protein oscillatory dynamics can influence state switching. Earlier studies have demonstrated that, while Myc overexpression can facilitate state switching and transform a normal cell into a cancer phenotype, its downregulation can reverse state-switching. A fundamental aspect of the model is that a Myc threshold determines cell fate in cells expressing p53. We demonstrate that a non-cooperative positive feedback loop coupled with Myc sequestration at multiple binding sites can generate bistable Myc levels. Normal quiescent cells with Myc levels below the threshold can respond to mitogenic signals to activate the cyclin/cdk oscillator for limited cell divisions but the p53/Mdm2 oscillator remains nonfunctional. In response to stress, the p53/Mdm2 oscillator is activated in pulses that are critical to DNA repair. But if stress causes Myc levels to cross the threshold, Myc inactivates the p53/Mdm2 oscillator, abrogates p53 pulses, and pushes the cyclin/cdk oscillator into overdrive sustaining unchecked proliferation seen in cancer. However, if Myc is downregulated, the cyclin/cdk oscillator is inactivated and the p53/Mdm2 oscillator is reset and the cancer phenotype is reversed. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Specific and coordinated regulation of innate immune receptor-driven signaling networks often determines the net outcome of the immune responses. Here, we investigated the cross-regulation of toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)2 pathways mediated by Ac2PIM, a tetra-acylated form of mycobacterial cell wall component and muramyl dipeptide (MDP), a peptidoglycan derivative respectively. While Ac2PIM treatment of macrophages compromised their ability to induce NOD2-dependent immunomodulators like cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-3, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, no change in the NOD2-responsive NO, TNF-alpha, VEGF-A, and IL-12 levels was observed. Further, genome-wide microRNA expression profiling identified Ac2PIM-responsive miR-150 and miR-143 to target NOD2 signaling adaptors, RIP2 and TAK1, respectively. Interestingly, Ac2PIM was found to activate the SRC-FAK-PYK2-CREB cascade via TLR2 to recruit CBP/P300 at the promoters of miR-150 and miR-143 and epigenetically induce their expression. Loss-of-function studies utilizing specific miRNA inhibitors establish that Ac2PIM, via the miRNAs, abrogate NOD2-induced PI3K-PKC delta-MAPK pathway to suppress beta-catenin-mediated expression of COX-2, SOCS-3, and MMP-9. Our investigation has thus underscored the negative regulatory role of Ac2PIM-TLR2 signaling on NOD2 pathway which could broaden our understanding on vaccine potential or adjuvant utilities of Ac2PIM and/or MDP.


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We consider the equation Delta(2)u = g(x, u) >= 0 in the sense of distribution in Omega' = Omega\textbackslash {0} where u and -Delta u >= 0. Then it is known that u solves Delta(2)u = g(x, u) + alpha delta(0) - beta Delta delta(0), for some nonnegative constants alpha and beta. In this paper, we study the existence of singular solutions to Delta(2)u = a(x) f (u) + alpha delta(0) - beta Delta delta(0) in a domain Omega subset of R-4, a is a nonnegative measurable function in some Lebesgue space. If Delta(2)u = a(x) f (u) in Omega', then we find the growth of the nonlinearity f that determines alpha and beta to be 0. In case when alpha = beta = 0, we will establish regularity results when f (t) <= Ce-gamma t, for some C, gamma > 0. This paper extends the work of Soranzo (1997) where the author finds the barrier function in higher dimensions (N >= 5) with a specific weight function a(x) = |x|(sigma). Later, we discuss its analogous generalization for the polyharmonic operator.


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Network theory has become an excellent method of choice through which biological data are smoothly integrated to gain insights into complex biological problems. Understanding protein structure, folding, and function has been an important problem, which is being extensively investigated by the network approach. Since the sequence uniquely determines the structure, this review focuses on the networks of non-covalently connected amino acid side chains in proteins. Questions in structural biology are addressed within the framework of such a formalism. While general applications are mentioned in this review, challenging problems which have demanded the attention of scientific community for a long time, such as allostery and protein folding, are considered in greater detail. Our aim has been to explore these important problems through the eyes of networks. Various methods of constructing protein structure networks (PSN) are consolidated. They include the methods based on geometry, edges weighted by different schemes, and also bipartite network of protein-nucleic acid complexes. A number of network metrics that elegantly capture the general features as well as specific features related to phenomena, such as allostery and protein model validation, are described. Additionally, an integration of network theory with ensembles of equilibrium structures of a single protein or that of a large number of structures from the data bank has been presented to perceive complex phenomena from network perspective. Finally, we discuss briefly the capabilities, limitations, and the scope for further explorations of protein structure networks.


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The Jansen mechanism is a one degree-of-freedom, planar, 12-link, leg mechanism that can be used in mobile robotic applications and in gait analysis. This paper presents the kinematics and dynamics of the Jansen leg mechanism. The forward kinematics, accomplished using circle intersection method, determines the trajectories of various points on the mechanism in the chassis (stationary link) reference frame. From the foot point trajectory, the step length is shown to vary linearly while step height varies non-linearly with change in crank radius. A dynamic model for the Jansen leg mechanism is proposed using bond graph approach with modulated multiport transformers. For given ground reaction force pattern and crank angular speed, this model helps determine the motor torque profile as well as the link and joint stresses. The model can therefore be used to rate the actuator torque and in design of the hardware and controller for such a system. The kinematics of the mechanism can also be obtained from this dynamic model. The proposed model is thus a useful tool for analysis and design of systems based on the Jansen leg mechanism. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We performed numerical experiments on a one-dimensional elastic solid oscillating in a two-dimensional viscous incompressible fluid with the intent of discerning the interplay of vorticity and elastodynamics in flapping wing propulsion. Perhaps for the first time, we have established the role of foil deflection topology and its influence on vorticity generation, through spatially and temporally evolving foil slope and curvature. Though the frequency of oscillation of the foil has a definite role, it is the phase relation between foil slope and pressure that determines thrust or drag. Similarly, the phase difference between flapping velocity, and pressure and inertial forces, determine the power input to the foil, and in turn drives propulsive efficiency. At low frequencies of oscillation, the sympathetic slope and curvature of deformation of the foil allow generation of leading-edge vortices that do not separate; they cause substantial rise in pressure between the leading edge and mid-chord. The circulatory component of pressure is determined primarily by the leading-edge vortex and therefore thrust too is predominantly circulatory in origin at low frequencies. In the intermediate and high-frequency range, thrust and drag on the foil spatially alternate and non-circulatory forces dominate over circulatory and viscous forces. For the mass ratios we simulated, thrust due to flapping varies quadratically as a function of Strouhal number or trailing-edge flapping velocity; further, the trailing edge flapping velocities peak at the same set of frequencies where the thrust is also a maximum. Propulsive efficiency, on the other hand, is roughly a mirror image of the thrust variation with respect to Strouhal number. Given that most instances of flapping propulsion in nature are primarily through distributed muscular actuation that enables precise control of deformation shape, leading to high thrust and efficiency, the results presented here are pointers towards understanding some of the mechanisms that drive thrust and propulsive efficiency.


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Nonlinear acoustic wave propagation is considered in an infinite orthotropic thin circular cylindrical waveguide. The modes are non-planar having small but finite amplitude. The fluid is assumed to be ideal and inviscid with no mean flow. The cylindrical waveguide is modeled using the Donnell's nonlinear theory for thin cylindrical shells. The approximate solutions for the acoustic velocity potential are found using the method of multiple scales (MMS) in space and time. The calculations are presented up to the third order of the small parameter. It is found that at some frequencies the amplitude modulation is governed by the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation (NLSE). The first objective is to study the nonlinear term in the NLSE, as the sign of the nonlinear term determines the stability of the amplitude modulation. On the other hand, at other specific frequencies, interactions occur between the primary wave and its higher harmonics. Here, the objective is to identify the frequencies of the higher harmonic interactions. Lastly, the linear terms in the NLSE obtained using the MMS calculations are validated. All three objectives are met using an asymptotic analysis of the dispersion equation. (C) 2015 Acoustical Society of America.


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Globally, buildings consume nearly half of the total energy produced, and consequently responsible for a large share of CO2 emissions. A building's life cycle energy (LCE) comprises its embodied energy (EE) and operational energy (OE). The building design, prevalent climatic conditions and occupant behaviour primarily determines its LCE. Thus, for the identification of appropriate emission-reduction strategies, studies into building LCE are crucial. While OE reflects the energy utilized in operating a, EE comprises the initial capital energy involved in its construction (material and burden associated with material consumption in buildings. Assessment of EE and OE in buildings is crucial towards identifying appropriate design and operational strategies for reduction of the building's life cycle energy. This paper discusses EE and OE assessment of a few residential buildings in different climatic locations in India. The study shows that share of OE and EE in LCE greatly depends upon the types of materials used in construction and extent of space conditioning adopted. In some cases EE can exceed life cycle OE. Buildings with reinforced concrete frame and monolithic reinforced concrete walls have very high EE. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A network cascade model that captures many real-life correlated node failures in large networks via load redistribution is studied. The considered model is well suited for networks where physical quantities are transmitted, e.g., studying large scale outages in electrical power grids, gridlocks in road networks, and connectivity breakdown in communication networks, etc. For this model, a phase transition is established, i.e., existence of critical thresholds above or below which a small number of node failures lead to a global cascade of network failures or not. Theoretical bounds are obtained for the phase transition on the critical capacity parameter that determines the threshold above and below which cascade appears or disappears, respectively, that are shown to closely follow numerical simulation results. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A network cascade model that captures many real-life correlated node failures in large networks via load redistribution is studied. The considered model is well suited for networks where physical quantities are transmitted, e.g., studying large scale outages in electrical power grids, gridlocks in road networks, and connectivity breakdown in communication networks, etc. For this model, a phase transition is established, i.e., existence of critical thresholds above or below which a small number of node failures lead to a global cascade of network failures or not. Theoretical bounds are obtained for the phase transition on the critical capacity parameter that determines the threshold above and below which cascade appears or disappears, respectively, that are shown to closely follow numerical simulation results. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Salient object detection has become an important task in many image processing applications. The existing approaches exploit background prior and contrast prior to attain state of the art results. In this paper, instead of using background cues, we estimate the foreground regions in an image using objectness proposals and utilize it to obtain smooth and accurate saliency maps. We propose a novel saliency measure called `foreground connectivity' which determines how tightly a pixel or a region is connected to the estimated foreground. We use the values assigned by this measure as foreground weights and integrate these in an optimization framework to obtain the final saliency maps. We extensively evaluate the proposed approach on two benchmark databases and demonstrate that the results obtained are better than the existing state of the art approaches.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to study adhesion and peeling of a short fragment of single strand DNA (ssDNA) molecule from a graphite surface. The critical peel-off force is found to depend on both the peeling angle and the elasticity of ssDNA. For the short ssDNA strand under investigation, we show that the simulation results can be explained by a continuum model of an adhesive elastic band on substrate. The analysis suggests that it is often the peak value, rather than the mean value, of adhesion energy which determines the peeling of a nanoscale material.


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A method of determining the micro-cantilever residual stress gradients by studying its deflection and curvature is presented. The stress gradients contribute to both axial load and bending moment, which, in prebuckling regime, cause the structural stiffness change and curving up/down, respectively. As the axial load corresponds to the even polynomial terms of stress gradients and bending moment corresponds to the odd polynomial terms, the deflection itself is not enough to determine the axial load and bending moment. Curvature together with the deflection can uniquely determine these two parameters. Both linear analysis and nonlinear analysis of micro-cantilever deflection under axial load and bending moment are presented. Because of the stiffening effect due to the nonlinearity of (large) deformation, the difference between linear and nonlinear analyses enlarges as the micro-cantilever deflection increases. The model developed in this paper determines the resultant axial load and bending moment due to the stress gradients. Under proper assumptions, the stress gradients profile is obtained through the resultant axial load and bending moment.