834 resultados para DEP


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a característica do queijo de coalho, produzido a partir do leite bovino pasteurizado, mediante a utilização de bactérias láticas mesofílicas do gênero Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris e Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis específicas. As culturas láticas oriundas do Banco de Bactérias Láticas da Universidade Estadual do Ceará foram ativadas junto às instalações do Laboratório de Bactérias Láticas da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia-UFRA, Campus de Belém. As culturas láticas foram ativadas durante três dias consecutivos em Leite Desnatado Reconstituído (LDR) 12% esterilizado e incubadas a 30 °C ± 2 °C, até a coagulação do leite. Após reativação, a cultura industrial foi obtida pela transferência do inoculo de 1% (v/v) para frascos de vidros contendo 500 ml de LDR 12% esterilizado, seguida de incubação a 30 °C ± 2 °C até a coagulação do leite, em seguida a cultura (fermento lático) foi adicionada diretamente no tanque de fabricação contendo o leite pasteurizado, mantendo-se a proporção de 1:1. Para avaliação tecnológica foram utilizados as seguintes culturas láticas isoladas de leite cru: Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (LL); Lactococcus lactis (atípico) (LLA); Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris (atípico) (LLCA); Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris (LLC),. As porções de Amostras foram retiradas, colocadas em processador de alimentos e processadas até formar uma amostra. Em seguida, foram acondicionadas em frascos estéreis, identificadas e mantidas em freezer para posterior análises de determinação do extrato seco, umidade (%), extrato seco total (EST), gordura (G), gordura no extrato seco (GES), acidez, pH, cloretos, nitrogênio total (NT), nitrogênio solúvel em pH 4,6, nitrogênio solúvel em TCA 12%. O índice de proteólise ou extensão da maturação foi avaliado pela divisão do NT. Para o teste de aceitação utilizou-se a escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos, para avaliar o produto quanto ao aroma, aspecto geral, gosto e textura. O teste de fritura de acordo com metodologia descrita por Cavalcante et al., (2007). As análises microbiológicas das amostras de queijos experimentais nos 1º e 30º dia de maturação, encaminhadas ao Laboratório Central – LACEN, Divisão de Análises de Produtos – DEP. E consistiram em Contagem de bactérias Aeróbias Mesófilas, Determinação de Coliformes. Para o teste de fritura não houve análise estatística. O delineamento utilizado foi o Inteiramente Casualisado e foi utilizada a metodologia de modelos mistos para dados longitudinais, com objetivo de modelar a estrutura de (co)variância entre medidas coletadas na mesma unidade experimental em tempos diferentes, por meio do modelo yijk=μ+αi+ δ(i)k+ α βikijk. Utilizando-se o programa estatístico Statistical Analysis Systems - SAS (SAS INSTITUTE INC., 1992). Os tratamentos LL e LLA foram reprovados no teste de fritura. Houve ligação entre a característica derretimento com a umidade, acidez e proteólise. Os queijos que apresentaram maiores valores de proteólise apresentaram maior capacidade de derretimento. As amostras de queijo coalho tiveram boa aceitabilidade no teste de aceitação.


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Introdução: Crianças infectadas pelo vírus HIV por transmissão vertical comumente apresentam desnutrição energético-protéica (DEP), ou síndrome do emaciamento que precedem outras manifestações da doença, comprometendo seu desenvolvimento normal. Objetivo: investigar o perfil nutricional de crianças soropositivas para o vírus HIV, comparando às saudáveis e ao padrão de referência. Métodos: estudo descritivo do tipo transversal de 90 crianças com idade de 5 a 9 anos, distribuídas em dois grupos, pareados por sexo e idade: um constituído por 30 crianças soropositivas e outro por 60 crianças saudáveis. A avaliação nutricional foi feita por antropometria, segundo os índices de altura para idade (A/I), peso para idade (P/I) e Índice de Massa Corporal para idade (IMCI), analisados segundo as novas curvas propostas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (WHO,2007). Dados adicionais foram obtidos por meio de um formulário de entrevista semi estruturado, respondido pelos pais e ou responsáveis pela criança. Na análise estatística foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A maioria das crianças era do sexo masculino (60%). Todas as soropositivas faziam uso de TARV. As mães, de ambos os grupos, soropositivas (73,4%) e soronegativas (65,0%) tinham escolaridade até 8 anos e viviam com até 3 salários mínimos e somente 3,3% fizeram TARV durante a gestação e parto. A avaliação do estado nutricional apontou percentual elevado de baixo peso para idade (13,3%) nas crianças soropositivas e de baixa estatura para idade ou retardo de crescimento, nos dois grupos, sendo mais acentuado entre as soropositivas (23,3%). Em todas as idades e em ambos os grupos foram observados déficits estaturais em centímetros, em relação aos respectivos valores referenciais, embora os mesmos não se apresentem de forma regular e crescente com o aumento da idade. O IMCI indicou adequação de peso para altura e sobrepeso em ambos os grupos. Conclusão: as crianças soropositivas apesar de ter perdido velocidade de crescimento e alcançado menor estatura, lograram adequar seu peso apresentando condição nutricional favorável.


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Brazil is nowadays the greatest bet of investors for the future due to its stable economy growth. The country has grown side by side with the greatest demand for electrical energy. The international appeal for renewable sources is causing a change in the Brazilian energetic matrix, raising the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric power plants. The construction of new power plants, running on biomass, requires a crescent number of capacitated personnel to run them. The Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá – UNESP – has a steam laboratory; witch is deactivated, which has a thermoelectric plant of small capacity. The laboratory reactivation and the return of its activities can be an important tool in order to graduate engineer able to operate on such units. This paper proposes four new experiments to be simulated on the Collage’s Energy Dep. Steam Lab when it gets back to its educational activities


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This study did evaluate the handgrip strength capacity of bull riding practitioners and recreational practitioners in order to obtain parameters of the muscular fitness of subjects undertaken this sports practice. Twenty right-handed subjects were grouped into bull riding athletes (10 individuals at AMT: 174.5 ± 5.2 cm of height, 78.9 ± 12 kg of body weight, 24.7 ± 6.1 years, and 13,8 ± 2.4% for body fat) and non-athletes (10 subjects n-AMR: 178.5 ± 7.3 cm of height, 81.2 ± 8.8kg of body weight, 21.7 ± 2.3 years, and 13.8 ± 1.9% of body fat). They were underwent to protocols of handgrip strength evaluation by a standard and specific dynamometry (simulating a bull riding posture) of right (DPD e DED) e left (DEP e DEE) hands. The dynamic force values from one repetition to maximum test (1RM) were either obtained in conventional load-based system for upper limbs exercises. The values were compared by the test-t for independent data, assuming ρ ≤ 0.05. The relationship between the values of strength from handgrip and dynamic exercises were drawn by Pearson correlation. The results of the AMT to DPD (43.8 ± 6.8kgf), DPE (39.4 ± 7.7kgf), DED (44.9 ± 5.6kgf), and DEE (39.8 ± 8.3kgf). For the n-AMT in DPD (47.0 ± 3.0kgf), DPE (42.2 ± 6.1kgf), DED (49.2 ± 1.5kgf), and DEE (46.2 ± 4.1kgf). Significant difference was observed between DED and DEE. The strength tests of 1RM at bench press (73.2 ± 12.0kg and 82.0 ± 12.0kg), arm-curl (45.2 ± 8.9kg and 43.8 ± 8.9kg), triceps pulley (67.0 ± 6.3kg and 72.0 ± 6.3kg), and pulley (73.5 ± 8.5kg and 73.7 ± 7.5kg) for groups n-AMT and AMT did not showed differences. Correlations were showed between all handgrip tests and elbow flexor force for AMT, and between DPD and elbow extensor, abductor, adductor and extensor of shoulder for n-AMT. influences to the performance of the force dynamometry. It could be concluded that handgrip force and dynamic strength of upper limbs did not were putative responses for bull riding practice.


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Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration for several types of mineral deposits. When combined with direct studies as geochemistry, a substantial increase in the probability of ore discovery is possible in mineral exploration activities. Electrical geophysical methods are particularly promising in studies related to the search of sulphides due to the contrast of physical properties electric resistivity and chargeability. This paper presents the results obtained from the application of Resistivity (DC) and Induced Polarization methods, through the electrical profiling technique, aiming at evaluating the potential mineral of a gabbro intruded in a metasedimentary sequence, in an area where several occurrences of gold and copper were described. This gabbro is ranked on the Basic-Ultrabasic stratiform bodies, which gather peridotites, gabbros, and layered anortosites. Three radial lines of electrical profiling were performed, spaced of 60° and crossing at the area center, with readings of electric resistivity and chargeability in Wenner-Schlumberger array. The association of low resistivity and high chargeability areas has allowed defining potentially mineralized zones related to structures that condition the drainage net in the gabbro domain. Grains of gold detected through geochemical prospection of alluvial sediments dowstream from the gabbro may have originated from leaching of ores deposited in fractures through the action of river waters within the gabbro domain, possibly consisting of sulphides and gold.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diethylpropion (DEP) is a stimulant drug widely used for weight control in Brazil and other American countries. However, its effects on behavior and addiction potential are not yet well known. Data suggest that sensitization resulting from pre-exposure to psychostimulants could be a possible risk factor in subsequent drug addiction. The purpose of this investigation was to verify whether pre-exposure to DEP would sensitize rats to the motor activating effect and to the rewarding value of DEP. Two experiments were conducted. In both experiments rats were pre-exposed to DEP (20 mg/kg) or vehicle for 7 consecutive days. The acute effect of DEP (0.0, 1.0, 2.5 or 5.0 mg/kg) on motor activity (Experiment 1) and induction of Conditioned Place Preference-CPP (Experiment 2) were then measured. Results from Experiment 1 showed that 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg DEP increased motor activity. Sensitization of this motor effect was observed. In Experiment 2, the doses of 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg DEP induced CPP, indicating their rewarding value. However, no sensitization effect was observed. The results suggest that DEP at low doses has psychostimulant and rewarding properties. It is recommended that more effort should be dedicated to elucidating DEP abuse Potential. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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VIEIRA, R. D. P., A. C. TOLEDO, L. B. SILVA, F. M. ALMEIDA, N. R. DAMACENO-RODRIGUES, E. G. CALDINI, A. B. G. SANTOS, D. H. RIVERO, D. C. HIZUME, F. D. T. Q. S. LOPES, C. R. OLIVO, H. C. CASTRO-FARIA-NETO, M. A. MARTINS, P. H. N. SALDIVA, and M. DOLHNIKOFF. Anti-inflammatory Effects of Aerobic Exercise in Mice Exposed to Air Pollution. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 1227-1234, 2012. Purpose: Exposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP) results in lung inflammation. Regular aerobic exercise improves the inflammatory status in different pulmonary diseases. However, the effects of long-term aerobic exercise on the pulmonary response to DEP have not been investigated. The present study evaluated the effect of aerobic conditioning on the pulmonary inflammatory and oxidative responses of mice exposed to DEP. Methods: BALB/c mice were subjected to aerobic exercise five times per week for 5 wk, concomitantly with exposure to DEP (3 mg.mL (1); 10 mu L per mouse). The levels of exhaled nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, cellularity, interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were analyzed in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and the density of neutrophils and the volume proportion of collagen fibers were measured in the lung parenchyma. The cellular density of leukocytes expressing IL-1 beta, keratinocyte chemoattractant (KC), and TNF-alpha in lung parenchyma was evaluated with immunohistochemistry. The levels of IL-1 beta, KC, and TNF-alpha were also evaluated in the serum. Results: Aerobic exercise inhibited the DEP-induced increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species (P < 0.05); exhaled nitric oxide (P < 0.01); total (P < 0.01) and differential cells (P < 0.01); IL-6 and TNF-alpha levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (P < 0.05); the level of neutrophils (P < 0.001); collagen density in the lung parenchyma (P < 0.05); the levels of IL-6, KC, and TNF-alpha in plasma (P < 0.05); and the expression of IL-1 beta, KC, and TNF-alpha by leukocytes in the lung parenchyma (P < 0.01). Conclusions: We conclude that long-term aerobic exercise presents protective effects in a mouse model of DEP-induced lung inflammation. Our results indicate a need for human studies that evaluate the pulmonary responses to aerobic exercise chronically performed in polluted areas.


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DEP domain-containing mTOR-interacting protein (DEPTOR) inhibits the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR), but its in vivo functions are unknown. Previous work indicates that Deptor is part of the Fob3a quantitative trait locus (QTL) linked to obesity/leanness in mice, with Deptor expression being elevated in white adipose tissue (WAT) of obese animals. This relation is unexpected, considering the positive role of mTOR in adipogenesis. Here, we dissected the Fob3a QTL and show that Deptor is the highest-priority candidate promoting WAT expansion in this model. Consistently, transgenic mice overexpressing DEPTOR accumulate more WAT. Furthermore, in humans, DEPTOR expression in WAT correlates with the degree of obesity. We show that DEPTOR is induced by glucocorticoids during adipogenesis and that its overexpression promotes, while its suppression blocks, adipogenesis. DEPTOR activates the proadipogenic Akt/PKB-PPAR-gamma axis by dampening mTORC1-mediated feedback inhibition of insulin signaling. These results establish DEPTOR as a new regulator of adipogenesis.


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Zin WA, Silva AG, Magalhaes CB, Carvalho GM, Riva DR, Lima CC, Leal-Cardoso JH, Takiya CM, Valen a SS, Saldiva PH, Faffe DS. Eugenol attenuates pulmonary damage induced by diesel exhaust particles. J Appl Physiol 112: 911-917, 2012. First published December 22, 2011; doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00764.2011.-Environmentally relevant doses of inhaled diesel particles elicit pulmonary inflammation and impair lung mechanics. Eugenol, a methoxyphenol component of clove oil, presents in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Our aim was to examine a possible protective role of eugenol against lung injuries induced by diesel particles. Male BALB/c mice were divided into four groups. Mice received saline (10 mu l in; CTRL group) or 15 mu g of diesel particles DEP (15 mu g in; DIE and DEUG groups). After 1 h, mice received saline (10 mu l; CTRL and DIE groups) or eugenol (164 mg/kg; EUG and DEUG group) by gavage. Twenty-four hours after gavage, pulmonary resistive (Delta P1), viscoelastic (Delta P2) and total (Delta Ptot) pressures, static elastance (Est), and viscoelastic component of elastance (Delta E) were measured. We also determined the fraction areas of normal and collapsed alveoli, amounts of polymorpho- (PMN) and mononuclear cells in lung parenchyma, apoptosis, and oxidative stress. Est, Delta P2, Delta Ptot, and Delta E were significantly higher in the DIE than in the other groups. DIE also showed significantly more PMN, airspace collapse, and apoptosis than the other groups. However, no beneficial effect on lipid peroxidation was observed in DEUG group. In conclusion, eugenol avoided changes in lung mechanics, pulmonary inflammation, and alveolar collapse elicited by diesel particles. It attenuated the activation signal of caspase-3 by DEP, but apoptosis evaluated by TUNEL was avoided. Finally, it could not avoid oxidative stress as indicated by malondialdehyde.