453 resultados para Cytosol.


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YPT/rab proteins are ras-like small GTP-binding proteins that serve as key regulators of vesicular transport. The mRNA levels of two YPT/rab genes in pea plants are repressed by light, with the process mediated by phytochrome. Here, we examined the mRNA expression and the location of the two proteins, pra2- and pra3-encoded proteins, using monoclonal antibodies. The pra2 and pra3 mRNA levels were highest in the stems of dark-grown seedlings. The corresponding proteins were found in the cytosol and the membranes of the stems. Most of the pra2 protein was in the growing internodes, especially in the growing region, but the pra3 protein was widespread. These results suggest that the pra2 protein is important for vesicular transport in stems, possibly contributing to stem growth in the dark, and that the pra3 protein is important for general vesicular transport. The amounts of pra2 and pra3 proteins decreased with illumination. The decrease in these proteins may be related to the phytochrome-dependent inhibition of stem growth that occurs in etiolated pea seedlings.


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The human VHL tumor suppressor gene has been implicated in the inherited disorder von Hippel-Lindau disease and in sporadic renal carcinoma. The homologous rat gene encodes a 185-amino acid protein that is 88% sequence identical to the aligned 213-amino acid human VHL gene product. When expressed in COS-7 cells, both the human and the rat VHL proteins showed predominant nuclear, nuclear and cytosolic, or predominant cytosolic VHL staining by immunofluorescence. A complicated pattern of cellular proteins was seen that could be specifically coimmunoprecipitated with the introduced VHL protein. A complex containing VHL and proteins of apparent molecular masses 16 and 9 kDa was the most consistently observed. Certain naturally occurring VHL missense mutations demonstrated either complete or partial loss of the p16-p9 complex. Thus, the VHL tumor suppressor gene product is a nuclear protein, perhaps capable of specifically translocating between the nucleus and the cytosol. It is likely that VHL executes its functions via formation of specific multiprotein complexes. Identification of these VHL-associated proteins will likely clarify the physiology of this tumor suppressor gene.


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Neutrophils in tissue culture spontaneously undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis), a process characterized by well-defined morphological alterations affecting the cell nucleus. We found that these morphological changes were preceded by intracellular acidification and that acidification and the apoptotic changes in nuclear morphology were both delayed by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). Among the agents that defend neutrophils against intracellular acidification is a vacuolar H(+)-ATPase that pumps protons out of the cytosol. When this proton pump was inhibited by bafilomycin A1, G-CSF no longer protected the neutrophils against apoptosis. We conclude that G-CSF delays apoptosis in neutrophils by up-regulating the cells' vacuolar H(+)-ATPase and that intracellular acidification is an early event in the apoptosis program.


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A gene encoding a fusion protein consisting of Escherichia coli iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) with the mitochondrial targeting presequence of yeast manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was cloned and expressed in E. coli and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae DL1Mn- yeast cells deficient in MnSOD. In the yeast cells the fusion protein was imported into the mitochondrial matrix. However, the presequence was not cleaved. In a control set of experiments, the E. coli FeSOD gene without the yeast MnSOD leader sequence was also cloned and expressed in S. cerevisiae DL1Mn- cells. In this case the FeSOD was located in the cytosol and was not imported into the mitochondrial matrix. E. coli FeSOD, with and without the yeast MnSOD presequence, proved to be active in yeast, but, whereas the FeSOD targeted to the mitochondria of yeast cells deficient in MnSOD protected the cells from the toxic effects of oxidative stress, FeSOD without the yeast MnSOD presequence did not protect the yeast cells deficient in MnSOD against oxidative stress.


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Nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized cells that had been preloaded with a model transport substrate in a cytosol-dependent import reaction were subsequently incubated to investigate which conditions would result in export of transport substrate. We found that up to 80% of the imported substrate was exported when recombinant human Ran and GTP were present in the export reaction. Ran-mediated export was inhibited by nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs and also by wheat germ agglutinin but was unaffected by a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. Moreover, a recombinant human Ran mutant that was deficient in its GTPase activity inhibited export. These data indicate that export of proteins from the nucleus requires Ran and GTP hydrolysis but not ATP hydrolysis. We also found that digitonin-permeabilized cells were depleted of their endogenous nuclear Ran, thus allowing detection of Ran as a limiting factor for export. In contrast, most endogenous karyopherin alpha was retained in nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized cells. Unexpectedly, exogenously added, fluorescently labeled Ran, although it accessed the nuclear interior, was found to dock at the nuclear rim in a punctate pattern, suggesting the existence of Ran-binding sites at the nuclear pore complex.


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The mechanisms involved in the integration of proteins into the thylakoid membrane are largely unknown. However, many of the steps of this process for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) have been described and reconstituted in vitro. LHCP is synthesized as a precursor in the cytosol and posttranslationally imported into chloroplasts. Upon translocation across the envelope membranes, the N-terminal transit peptide is cleaved, and the apoprotein is assembled into a soluble "transit complex" and then integrated into the thylakoid membrane via three transmembrane helices. Here we show that 54CP, a chloroplast homologue of the 54-kDa subunit of the mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP54), is essential for transit complex formation, is present in the complex, and is required for LHCP integration into the thylakoid membrane. Our data indicate that 54CP functions posttranslationally as a molecular chaperone and potentially pilots LHCP to the thylakoids. These results demonstrate that one of several pathways for protein routing to the thylakoids is homologous to the SRP pathway and point to a common evolutionary origin for the protein transport systems of the endoplasmic reticulum and the thylakoid membrane.


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Listeria monocytogenes (LM) is a Gram-positive bacterium that is able to enter host cells, escape from the endocytic vesicle, multiply within the cytoplasm, and spread directly from cell to cell without encountering the extracellular milieu. The ability of LM to gain access to the host cell cytosol allows proteins secreted by the bacterium to efficiently enter the pathway for major histocompatibility complex class I antigen processing and presentation. We have established a genetic system for expression and secretion of foreign antigens by recombinant strains, based on stable site-specific integration of expression cassettes into the LM genome. The ability of LM recombinants to induce protective immunity against a heterologous pathogen was demonstrated with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). LM strains expressing the entire LCMV nucleoprotein or an H-2Ld-restricted nucleoprotein epitope (aa 118-126) were constructed. Immunization of mice with LM vaccine strains conferred protection against challenge with virulent strains of LCMV that otherwise establish chronic infection in naive adult mice. In vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells from vaccinated mice abrogated their ability to clear viral infection, showing that protective anti-viral immunity was due to CD8+ T cells.


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The CCC2 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is homologous to the human genes defective in Wilson disease and Menkes disease. A biochemical hallmark of these diseases is a deficiency of copper in ceruloplasmin and other copper proteins found in extracytosolic compartments. Here we demonstrate that disruption of the yeast CCC2 gene results in defects in respiration and iron uptake. These defects could be reversed by supplementing cells with copper, suggesting that CCC2 mutant cells were copper deficient. However, cytosolic copper levels and copper uptake were normal. Instead, CCC2 mutant cells lacked a copper-dependent oxidase activity associated with the extracytosolic domain of the FET3-encoded protein, a ceruloplasmin homologue previously shown to be necessary for high-affinity iron uptake in yeast. Copper restored oxidase activity both in vitro and in vivo, paralleling the ability of copper to restore respiration and iron uptake. These results suggest that the CCC2-encoded protein is required for the export of copper from the cytosol into an extracytosolic compartment, supporting the proposal that intracellular copper transport is impaired in Wilson disease and Menkes disease.


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Toxins have been thoroughly studied for their use as therapeutic agents in search of an improvement in toxic efficiency together with a minimization of their undesired side effects. Different studies have shown how toxins can follow different intracellular pathways which are connected with their cytotoxic action inside the cells. The work herein presented describes the different pathways followed by the ribotoxin a-sarcin and the fungal RNase T1,as toxic domains of immunoconjugates with identical binding domain, the single chain variable fragment of a monoclonal antibody raised against the glycoprotein A33. According to the results obtained both immunoconjugates enter the cells via early endosomes and, while a-sarcin can translocate directly into the cytosol to exert its deathly action, RNase T1 follows a pathway that involves lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. These facts contribute to explaining the different cytotoxicity observed against their targeted cells, and reveal how the innate properties of the toxic domain, apart from its catalytic features, can be a key factor to be considered for immunotoxin optimization.


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Nos eucariotos, a evolução dos sistemas de transporte molecular foi essencial pois seu alto grau de compartimentalização requer mecanismos com maior especificidade para a localização de proteínas. Com o estabelecimento das mitocôndrias e plastídeos como organelas da célula eucariota, grande parte dos genes específicos para sua atividade e manutenção foram transferidos ao núcleo. Após a transferência gênica, a maioria das proteínas passaram a ser codificadas pelo núcleo, sintetizadas no citosol e direcionadas às organelas por uma maquinaria complexa que envolve receptores nas membranas das organelas, sequências de direcionamento nas proteínas e proteínas citossólicas que auxiliam o transporte. A importação depende em grande parte de uma sequência na região N-terminal das proteínas que contém sinais reconhecidos pelas membranas organelares. No entanto, muito ainda não é compreendido sobre o transporte de proteínas organelares e fatores ainda desconhecidos podem influenciar o direcionamento sub-celular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização da General Regulatory Factor 9 (GRF9), uma proteína da família 14-3-3 de Arabidopsis thaliana potencialmente envolvida no direcionamento de proteínas organelares, e a geração de um genótipo para ser utilizado na obtenção de uma população mutante para genes que afetam o direcionamento da proteína Tiamina Monofosfato Sintetase (TH-1). Após experimentos in vivo e in planta, foi observado que GRF9 interage com as proteínas duplo-direcionadas Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase1 (MST1) e a Thiazole Biosynthetic Enzyme (THI1), e com a proteína direcionada aos cloroplastos TH-1. Experimentos de deleção e interação in vivo mostraram que a região Box1 de GRF9 é essencial para a interação com THI1 e MST1. Com a finalidade de dar continuidade a caracterização da GRF9 e para realização de testes com relação a sua função no direcionamento de proteínas organelares foi gerada uma linhagem homozigota que superexpressa GRF9. Plantas expressando o transgene TH-1 fusionado a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) em genótipo deficiente na TH-1 (CS3469/TH-1-GFP) foram obtidas para a geração de população mutante que possibilitará a descoberta de componentes genéticos ainda desconhecidos e responsáveis pelo direcionamento de proteínas aos cloroplastos.


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Purpose. Transplantation of human central nervous system stem cells (HuCNS-SC) into the subretinal space of Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats preserves photoreceptors and visual function. To explore possible mechanism(s) of action underlying this neuroprotective effect, we performed a detailed morphologic and ultrastructure analysis of HuCNS-SC transplanted retinas. Methods. The HuCNS-SC were transplanted into the subretinal space of RCS rats. Histologic examination of the transplanted retinas was performed by light and electron microscopy. Areas of the retina adjacent to HuCNS-SC graft (treated regions) were analyzed and compared to control sections obtained from the same retina, but distant from the transplant site (untreated regions). Results. The HuCNS-SC were detected as a layer of STEM 121 immunopositive cells in the subretinal space. In treated regions, preserved photoreceptor nuclei, as well as inner and outer segments were identified readily. In contrast, classic signs of degeneration were observed in the untreated regions. Interestingly, detailed ultrastructure analysis revealed a striking preservation of the photoreceptor–bipolar–horizontal cell synaptic contacts in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of treated areas, in stark contrast with untreated areas. Finally, the presence of phagosomes and vesicles exhibiting the lamellar structure of outer segments also was detected within the cytosol of HuCNS-SC, indicating that these cells have phagocytic capacity in vivo. Conclusions. This study reveals the novel finding that preservation of specialized synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and second order neurons, as well as phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments, are potential mechanism(s) of HuCNS-SC transplantation, mediating functional rescue in retinal degeneration.


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PAWP, a candidate sperm-borne oocyte activating factor, induces oocyte activation and acts upstream of the calcium signalling pathway, however, PAWP’s downstream signalling pathway in oocyte cytoplasm remains to be uncovered. Data from our lab suggested that the interacting partner of PAWP, at least in the frog (Xenopus laevis) model may be YAP, a highly expressed protein in amphibian and mammalian oocytes. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to confirm that PAWP’s predominant binding partner in Xenopus laevis oocyte is YAP; to determine if mammalian oocyte activation is also dependent on PAWP-YAP interaction; and to verify that the PAWP-YAP interaction during oocyte activation is dependent on the WWI domain module. By immunohistochemistry, YAP was localized predominantly in the cytosol of metaphase II-arrested Xenopus laevis oocytes, where presumably the PAWP-YAP interaction occurs. Utilizing Far Western blotting, YAP was identified as the predominant binding partner of PAWP, in metaphase II-arrested frog (Xenopus laevis), swine (Sus scrofa) and mouse (mus musculus) oocytes. The specificity of this interaction was then tested on Far Western blotting of mouse ovarian and oocyte cytosolic extracts, by competition with both wild-type and point-mutated recombinant WWI domains derived from YAP. The removal of GST from the wild-type WWI-GST fusion protein was a requirement for effective blockage of WWI module interaction between PAWP and YAP. As expected, the mutated WWI domain was ineffective in inhibiting the PAWP-YAP interaction. To conclude, this study identified YAP as the predominant binding partner of PAWP in both amphibian and mammalian oocytes, and showed this interaction is dependent on the WWI modular interaction. The results allow us to test the functional relevance of this WWI modular interaction during oocyte activation in vivo, in the future.


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Senescence-associated coordination in amounts of enzymes localized in different cellular compartments were determined in attached leaves of young wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) plants. Senescence was initiated at the time of full leaf elongation based on declines in total RNA and soluble protein. Removal of N from the growth medium just at the time of full leaf elongation enhanced the rate of senescence. Sustained declines in the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC, and a marked decrease in the rbcS transcripts, just after full leaf elongation indicated that Rubisco synthesis/degradation was very sensitive to the onset of senescence. Rubisco activase amount also declined during senescence but the proportion of rca transcript relative to the total poly A RNA pool increased 3-fold during senescence. Thus, continued synthesis of activase may be required to maintain functional Rubisco throughout senescence. N stress led to declines in the amount of proteins located in the chloroplast, the peroxisome and the cytosol. Transcripts of the Clp protease subunits also declined in response to N stress, indicating that Clp is not a senescence-specific protease. In contrast to the other proteins, mitochondrial NADH-glutamate dehydrogenase (EC was relatively stable during senescence and was not affected by N stress. During natural senescence with adequate plant nitrate supply the amount of nitrite reductase (EC increased, and those of glutamine synthetase (EC and glutamate synthase (EC were stable. These results indicated that N assimilatory capacity can continue or even increase during senescence if the substrate supply is maintained. Differential stabilities of proteins, even within the same cellular compartment, indicate that proteolytic activity during senescence must be highly regulated.


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The adenylate cyclase toxoid (ACT) of Bordetella pertussis is capable of delivering its N-terminal catalytic domain into the cytosol of CD11b-expressing professional antigen-presenting cells such as myeloid dendritic cells. This allows delivery of CD8+ T-cell epitopes to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I presentation pathway. Recombinant detoxified ACT containing an epitope of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite protein (CSP), indeed, induced a specific CD8+ T-cell response in immunized mice after a single application, as detected by MHC multimer staining and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) ELISPOT assay. This CSP-specific response could be significantly enhanced by prime-boost immunization with recombinant ACT in combination with anti-CTLA-4 during the boost immunization. This increased response was accompanied by complete protection in a number of mice after a challenge with P. berghei sporozoites. Transient blockade of CTLA-4 may overcome negative regulation and hence provide a strategy to enhance the efficacy of a vaccine by amplifying the number of responding T cells.


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Sterile immunity against malaria can be achieved by the induction of IFNgamma-producing CD8(+) T cells that target infected hepatocytes presenting epitopes of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP). In the present study we evaluate the protective efficacy of a heterologous prime/boost immunization protocol based on the delivery of the CD8(+) epitope of Plasmodium berghei CSP into the MHC class I presentation pathway, by either a type III secretion system of live recombinant Salmonella and/or by direct translocation of a recombinant Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxoid fusion (ACT-CSP) into the cytosol of professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). A single intraperitoneal application of the recombinant ACT-CSP toxoid, as well as a single oral immunization with the Salmonella vaccine, induced a specific CD8(+) T cell response, which however conferred only a partial protection on mice against a subsequent sporozoite challenge. In contrast, a heterologous prime/boost vaccination with the live Salmonella followed by ACT-CSP led to a significant enhancement of the CSP-specific T cell response and induced complete protection in all vaccinated mice.