994 resultados para Crucé, Emeric, 1590?-1648.


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Abrasion by glass fibers during injection molding of fiber reinforced plastics raises new challenges to the wear performance of the molds. In the last few decades, a large number of PVD and CVD coatings have been developed with the aim of minimizing abrasion problems. In this work, two different coatings were tested in order to increase the wear resistance of the surface of a mold used for glass fiber reinforced plastics: TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC. TiAlSiN was deposited as a graded monolayer coating while CrN/CrCN/DLC was a nanostructured coating consisting of three distinct layers. Both coatings were produced by PVD unbalanced magnetron sputtering and were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), micro hardness (MH) and scratch test analysis. Coating morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Wear resistance was characterized through industrial tests with coated samples and an uncoated reference sample inserted in a feed channel of a plastic injection mold working with 30 wt.% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. Results after 45,000 injection cycles indicate that the wear resistance of the mold was increased by a factor of 25 and 58, by the TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC coatings, respectively, over the uncoated mold steel.


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Ball rotating micro-abrasion tribometers are commonly used to carry out wear tests on thin hard coatings. In these tests, different kinds of abrasives were used, as alumina (Al2O3), silicon carbide (SiC) or diamond. In each kind of abrasive, several particle sizes can be used. Some studies were developed in order to evaluate the influence of the abrasive particle shape in the micro-abrasion process. Nevertheless, the particle size was not well correlated with the material removed amount and wear mechanisms. In this work, slurry of SiC abrasive in distilled water was used, with three different particles size. Initial surface topography was accessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Coating hardness measurements were performed with a micro-hardness tester. In order to evaluate the wear behaviour, a TiAlSiN thin hard film was used. The micro-abrasion tests were carried out with some different durations. The abrasive effect of the SiC particles was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) both in the films (hard material) as in the substrate (soft material), after coating perforation. Wear grooves and removed material rate were compared and discussed.


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The injection process of glass fibres reinforced plastics promotes the moulds surface degradation by erosion. In order to improve its wear resistance, several kinds of PVD thin hard coatings were used. It is well-known that nanostructures present a better compromise between hardness and toughness. Indeed, when the coating is constituted by a large number of ultra-thin different layers, cracks and interface troubles tend to decrease. However, it is not clear that these nanostructures present a better wear behaviour in erosion processes. In order to study its wear behaviour, a sputtered PVD nanostructured TiAlCrSiN coating was used. The substrate and film surfaces topography were analyzed by profilometry and atomic force microscopy techniques. Film adhesion to the substrate was evaluated by scratch tests. The surface hardness was measured with a Vickers micro-hardness tester. The wear resistance was evaluated by micro-abrasion with a rotating ball tribometer tests. Slurry of SiC particles in distilled water was used in order to provoke the surface abrasion. Different duration tests were performed in order to analyze the wear evolution. After these tests, the wear mechanisms developed were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Wear craters were measured and the wear rate was calculated and discussed. With the same purpose, coated inserts were mounted in an injection mould working with a 30% glass fibres reinforced polypropylene. After 45 000 cycles no relevant wear was registered.


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A backside protein-surface imprinting process is presented herein as a novel way to generate specific synthetic antibody materials. The template is covalently bonded to a carboxylated-PVC supporting film previously cast on gold, let to interact with charged monomers and surrounded next by another thick polymer. This polymer is then covalently attached to a transducing element and the backside of this structure (supporting film plus template) is removed as a regular “tape”. The new sensing layer is exposed after the full template removal, showing a high density of re-binding positions, as evidenced by SEM. To ensure that the templates have been efficiently removed, this re-binding layer was cleaned further with a proteolytic enzyme and solution washout. The final material was named MAPS, as in the back-side reading of SPAM, because it acts as a back-side imprinting of this recent approach. It was able to generate, for the first time, a specific response to a complex biomolecule from a synthetic material. Non-imprinted materials (NIMs) were also produced as blank and were used as a control of the imprinting process. All chemical modifications were followed by electrochemical techniques. This was done on a supporting film and transducing element of both MAPS and NIM. Only the MAPS-based device responded to oxLDL and the sensing layer was insensitive to other serum proteins, such as myoglobin and haemoglobin. Linear behaviour between log(C, μg mL−1) versus charged tranfer resistance (RCT, Ω) was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Calibrations made in Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) were linear from 2.5 to 12.5 μg mL−1 (RCT = 946.12 × log C + 1590.7) with an R-squared of 0.9966. Overall, these were promising results towards the design of materials acting close to the natural antibodies and applied to practical use of clinical interest.


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Porokeratosis ptychotropica is a rare variant of porokeratosis that is classically located on the gluteal and perianal regions, seldom extending to the genitalia. The authors report an atypical presentation of porokeratosis ptychotropica and discuss the use of dermoscopy in evaluating this dermatosis. Dermoscopic findings, although not specific to this variant of porokeratosis, are helpful in the differential diagnosis of other genital disorders. Histopathology, through the visualization of multiple cornoid lamellae, prevails as the gold standard for the definite diagnosis of porokeratosis ptychotropica.


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BACKGROUND: Most available studies on the efficacy of topical photodynamic therapy focus on short-to medium-term results. Long-term data are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of photodynamic therapy with topical methylaminolevulinate to treat Bowen's disease and basal cell carcinoma in the clinical practice setting of a dermato-oncology department. METHODS: The study included patients diagnosed with Bowen's disease or basal cell carcinoma, and who received photodynamic therapy from 2004 to 2008. Treatment protocol and clinical follow-up were standardized. The primary endpoint was clinically observed recurrence in a previous photodynamic therapy-treated area. Descriptive and survival analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 31 Bowen's disease lesions and 44 superficial basal cell carcinoma were treated, with a median follow-up of 43.5 months. Recurrence was observed in 14 Bowen's disease lesions (53.8%) and in 11 superficial basal cell carcinoma (33.3%). Significantly higher estimates for recurrence rates were found in patients with Bowen's disease (p=0.0036) or those aged under 58 years (p=0.039). The risk of recurrence was higher in patients with Bowen's disease than in those with superficial basal cell carcinoma and younger patients. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrence should be considered when choosing to treat non-melanoma skin cancer with photodynamic therapy. Younger age and Bowen's disease were independent predictors for long-term recurrence, suggesting the need to establish an extended period of follow-up for this subset of patients.


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Em 1549 os missionários da Companhia de Jesus estabeleciam a missão do Japão, inaugurando um período de evangelização católica que se prolongou até à década de 1640. O sucesso da conversão dos nipónicos levou a que, a partir da década de 1590, as ordens mendicantes fossem no encalço dos jesuítas. O período coincidiu com o momento em que o regime Tokugawa impôs no Japão um processo de centralização política de cariz autoritário. A doutrina católica e as atitudes dos missionários colidiram com a nova ordem estabelecida pelos Tokugawa que, por isso, promoveram uma política sistemática anticristã. O sucesso da evangelização deu lugar a uma missão martirizada que serviu para alimentar uma vasta produção tipográfica na Europa Católica de Seiscentos, tanto mais que ia ao encontro das tendências devocionais da Europa da Contra-Reforma e da espiritualidade do Barroco. Por esta via, a Europa tomou contacto com a longínqua Ásia. Mas os textos missionários impressos não tinham apenas fins informativos. A dinâmica tipográfica gerada servia também para fazer a apologia de cada uma das ordens missionárias e assim influenciar os poderes políticos e religiosos a fim defenderem os seus direitos de evangelização. O martírio no Japão foi assim utilizado como arma de propaganda pelas ordens missionárias na Europa.


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In recent years research explored different acupuncture stimulation techniques but interest has focused primarily on somatic acupuncture and on a limited number of acupoints. As regards ear Acupuncture (EA) there is still some criticism about the clinical specificity of auricular points/areas representing organs or structures of the body. The aim of this study was to verify through (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) fMRI the hypothesis of EA point specificity using two auricular points having different topographical locations and clinical significance. Six healthy volunteers underwent two experimental fMRI sessions: the first was dedicated to the stimulation of Thumb Auricular Acupoint (TAA) and the second to the stimulation of Brain Stem Auricular Acupoint (BSAA). The stimulation of the needle placed in the TAA of the left ear produced an increase in activation bilaterally in the parietal operculum, region of the secondary somatosensory area SII. Stimulation of the needle placed in the BSAA of the left ear showed a pattern that largely overlapped regions belonging to the pain matrix, as shown to be involved in previous somatic acupuncture studies but with local differences in the left amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, and cerebellum. The differences in activation patterns between TAA and BSAA stimulation support the specificity of the two acupoints. Moreover, the peculiarity of the regions involved in BSAA stimulation compared to those involved in the pain matrix, is in accordance with the therapeutic indications of this acupoint that include head pain, dizziness and vertigo. Our results provide preliminary evidence on the specificity of two auricular acupoints; further research is warranted by means of fMRI both in healthy volunteers and in patients carrying neurological/psychiatric syndromes.


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Los resultados del Crucero 9902-03 de Evaluación Hidroacústica de los Recursos Pelágicos: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus) y samasa (Anchoa nasus), a bordo del BIC José Olaya Balandra, entre Zorritos (Tumbes) y Los Palos (Tacna), del 10 de febrero al 1 de abril 1999, muestran que la red de arrastre pelágica 124/1800 tuvo una buena eficiencia y comportamiento en 168 lances de comprobación. Se obtuvo una captura total de 57.032,55 kg; correspondieron a la anchoveta 36.902,6 kg; sardina 302,6 kg; jurel 43,9 kg; caballa 1.256,3 kg; samasa 3.160,8 kg y otros recursos 15.366,35 kg. El índice de captura total (CPUE) fue de 1.035,07 kg/h ejerciendo mayor esfuerzo en la anchoveta con 669,74 kg/h. Se determinó que el mayor porcentaje de mezcla de los 153 lances con recursos pelágicos correspondió a la anchoveta con otros recursos a 5 mn de distancia de la costa. Se determinó el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada en una milla náutica de arrastre. Los datos de comportamiento de la red: abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvieron en forma directa por medio de una net sonda RX 400 SCANMAR interconectada a un sistema de post-procesamiento.


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1888/07/29 (Numéro 1590).


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1888/09/26 (Numéro 1648).