939 resultados para Crack-bridging
Magnox AL80 has been used for a study of creep crack propagation. A number of variables have been considered such as specimen geometry,notch root radius, material thickness, creep prestrain and stress level.The work has covered the material behaving under two values of the creep exponent, n=3.5 and n=7, according to the stress level. As well as observing initiation times and crack growth rates, scribed grids have been used to examine the near crack tip strain levels and distributions. It was shown that estimations of COD from notch flank opening can give misleading indications of material behaviour and that a more informative method was to monitor displacements in the material surrounding the crack tip. Strong evidence was found for crack advance being displacement controlled, however it was shown that the COD approach should be considered geometry dependant. The summation of ∈xx and ∈yy provided the most successful description of crack advance as it produced a single value that described propagation in all the cases concidered. The strain distributions indicates that σyy was related to distance from a point ahead of the crack tip by the exponent - (l/n+l) and that σxx is proportional to σyy. The constraint stresses arising in the DEN and CN specimens were evaluated. Initiation time was found to be principally affected by the stress level but was modified by the constraints arising from specimen geometry. Crack growth was found not to obey either the empirical K or σpett relationships but was reviewed in context of the observed strain behaviour.
The creep rupture properties of cast ½Cr½Mo¼V and 1Cr1Mo¼V alloy steel used in the manufacture of power station steam generating plant. have been investigated. The effects of constraint and geometry on the creep rupture properties are also considered. The validity of various criteria controlling macroscopic creep crack growth in cast CrMoV alloys has been examined. It is found that neither the stress intensity factor nor reference stress correlate satisfactorily the creep crack growth rates at the test temperature of 550°C. Certain minimum displacements must be achieved for crack initiation and propagation. It is found that this displacement as measured by crack opening displacement or crack aspect ratio, is the same in both compact tension and centre-cracked panel geometries, is invariant with crack length and decreases with increasing constraint. The effect of constraint on creep crack growth rate in the two geometries is less conclusive. A new model describing creep crack growth in cast CrMoV alloy steels has been developed. The model is based on the results from a numerical finite element creep analysis of the relaxation and redistribution of stress ahead of an incubating creep crack . It is found that macroscopic creep crack growth in a material undergoing either plane stress or plane strain deformation can be described by a fracture stress which is based on the Von Mises equivalent stress. It has been shown that this model is capable of rationalising all of the experimental crack velocity data from the cast CrMoV alloys. The resultant degree of data correlation is far superior to that obtained when using the stress intensity factor or reference stress. A cumulative damage creep fracture model based upon the results from the numerical analysis has been developed. It is found that the model is capable of predicting the behaviour of propagating creep cracks in cast CrMoV alloys from smooth bar creep rupture data.
Silicone elastomers are commonly used in the manufacture of single-piece joint replacement implants for the finger joints. However, the survivorship of these implants can be poor, with failure typically occurring from fracture of the stems. The aim of this paper was to investigate the crack growth of medical-grade silicone using pure shear tests. Two medical-grade silicones (C6-180 and Med82-5010-80) were tested. Each sample had a 20 mm crack introduced and was subjected to a sinusoidally varying tensile strain, with a minimum of 0 per cent and a maximum in the range 10 to 77 per cent. Testing was undertaken at a frequency of 10 Hz. At various times during testing, the testing machine was stopped, the number of cycles completed was noted, and the crack length measured. Graphs of crack length against number of cycles were plotted, as well as the crack growth rate against tearing energy. The results show that Med82-5010-80 is more crack resistant than C6-180. Graphs of crack growth rate against tearing energy can be used to predict the failure of these medical-grade elastomers.
We argue that in addition to host corruption per se, as accounted for by the existing literature, an explanation of inter-country variation in FDI needs to account for the distance between the host and home corruption, which we call relative corruption. We use a large matched home-host firm-level panel data-set for 1998-2006 from CEE transition countries. Year-specific selectivity corrected estimates suggest that, ceteris paribus, higher relative ‘grand’ corruption lowers foreign ownership as the returns to investment tends to be lower in more corrupt environment. However, after controlling for the selectivity bias, knowledge-intensive parent firms are found to hold controlling ownership, as the difficulty of successful joint venture looms large in more corrupt environment. Results are robust to alternative specifications.
This special issue draws together a selection of articles built around a theme of bridging difference. We argue that the effective transfer of learning across boundaries is crucial in enabling the dissemination of good, and ethical, HR practice. How that transfer might occur, with respect both to the mechanisms to enable or inhibit transfer and to the nature of learning that underpins that transfer, provides the focus of what is discussed here. This is framed against a concern for the nature and future of HRM, in particular its role in ensuring responsible organisational performance. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
Guest editorial
An approach to transfer a high-quality Si layer for the fabrication of silicon-on-insulator wafers has been proposed based on the investigation of platelet and crack formation in hydrogenated epitaxialSi/Si0.98B0.02/Si structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. H-related defect formation during hydrogenation was found to be very sensitive to the thickness of the buried Si0.98B0.02 layer. For hydrogenated Si containing a 130nm thick Si0.98B0.02 layer, no platelets or cracking were observed in the B-doped region. Upon reducing the thickness of the buried Si0.98B0.02 layer to 3nm, localized continuous cracking was observed along the interface between the Si and the B-doped layers. In the latter case, the strains at the interface are believed to facilitate the (100)-oriented platelet formation and (100)-oriented crack propagation.
The article focuses on the Trade Marks Regulations 2004, which came into force on May 5, 2004. Regulation 7 repeals s 5(3)(b) and amends s 10(3) of the Trade Marks Act 1994, implementing the decision of the European Court of Justice in Davidoff & Cie SA and Zino Davidoff SA v Gofkid Ltd., which was then confirmed in Adidas-Salomon AG and Adidas Benelux BV v Fitnessworld Trading Ltd. The orthodox definition of the primary and proper function of a trademark is that it is to identify the origin or ownership of the goods to which the mark is affixed. As society has changed so too have the functions of the trademark. Due to increased affluence and the growth of the consumer society, some trademarks may now have achieved the status of being a symbol of desire in their own right.
Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth have been studied for a range of PM steels at relative densities of 0.90 and 1.0, for which strength, fracture toughness, and microstructural information was also available. It is shown that the Paris exponents for steady state crack growth are between 8 and 18 when ρr is approximately 0.9 but when ρr is approximately 1.0 the exponents are between 2.6 and 4.0, i.e in the range typical of wrought steels (2-4). At both densities, threshold stress intensities are between 5.5 and 10.8 MPa m1/2 when R = 0.1. Combinations of these thresholds and yield strengths are comparable with those for wrought steels. When R = 0.8, reductions in threshold to between 2.7 and 5 MPa m1/2 are attributed to crack closure effects. At ρr = 0.90, Fe-0.5C fails by progressive rupture of sinter necks. Astaloy A, with 0.2%C and 0.6%C, and Distaloy AB-0.6C have smaller plastic zone sizes and the cracks follow more difficult paths through particles as well as necks. When ρr is approximately 1.0, fracture is partially by true fatigue modes and partly by cleavage, the bursts of cleavage being more noticeable when Kmax is high.
Fatigue crack growth in high strength aluminium alloy 7150 commercial plate material has been studied in both laboratory air and acidified aqueous salt solution. The aggressive aqueous environment enhanced fatigue crack growth rates by up to an order in magnitude compared to laboratory air. The enhancement in fatigue crack growth rate was accompanied by evidence of embrittlement in the crack path, involving both brittle intergranular and transgranular failure modes. Both the enhancement of fatigue crack growth rates and the extent of intergranular growth modes are dependent on cyclic frequency which, along with the absence of a similar frequency effect in a spray-formed version of the material with a significantly different grain structure, supports a mechanism of grain boundary hydrogen diffusion for intergranular corrosion fatigue crack growth. The convergence of corrosion fatigue crack growth rates at high ΔK in both spray-formed and conventional plate materials coincides with the operation of identical transgranular corrosion fatigue modes dependent on strain-controlled hydrogen diffusion ahead of the crack tip. © 1997 Acta Metallurgica Inc.
The effects of a thermal residual stress field on fatigue crack growth in a silicon carbide particle-reinforced aluminum alloy have been measured. Stress fields were introduced into plates of material by means of a quench from a solution heat-treatment temperature. Measurements using neutron diffraction have shown that this introduces an approximately parabolic stress field into the plates, varying from compressive at the surfaces to tensile in the center. Long fatigue cracks were grown in specimens cut from as-quenched plates and in specimens which were given a stress-relieving overaging heat treatment prior to testing. Crack closure levels for these cracks were determined as a function of the position of the crack tip in the residual stress field, and these are shown to differ between as-quenched and stress-relieved samples. By monitoring the compliance of the specimens during fatigue cycling, the degree to which the residual stresses close the crack has been evaluated. © 1995 The Minerals, Metals & Material Society.
A study has been made of the influence of the reinforcement/matrix interfacial strength on fatigue crack propagation in a powder metallurgy aluminum alloy 8090-SiC particulate composite. The interfacial region has been altered by two separate routes, the first involving aging of the 8090 matrix, with the subsequent formation of precipitate free zones at the boundaries, and the second consisting of oxidizing the surface of the SiC particles before their incorporation into the composite. In the naturally aged condition, oxidation of the SiC leads to a reduction in fatigue crack growth resistance at higher values of stress intensity range ΔK. This is due to a proportion of the crack growth occurring through voids formed in association with many of the weak SiC interfaces which have retained a layer of thick surface oxide after processing. On overaging no difference in crack growth rate is discernible between the oxidized and unoxidized SiC composites. It is proposed that this is due to similar levels of interfacial weakening having occurred in both composites, indicating that this is an important factor in the reduction of the high ΔK crack growth resistance of the unoxidized SiC composite on aging.