912 resultados para Core promoter
[cat] En aquest treball es demostra que en el domini dels jocs d’assignació equilibrats multisectorials (Quint, 1991), el core és l’única solució no buida que satisfà derived consistency i projection consistency. També es caracteritza el core en tota la classe dels jocs d’assignació multisectorials amb els axiomes de singleness best, individual antimonotonicity i derived consistency. Com a casos particulars, s’obtenen dues noves axiomàtiques del core per als jocs d’assignació bilaterals (Shapley and Shubik, 1972).
[spa] En el contexto de los juegos de asignación bilaterales, estudiamos el conjunto de matrices asociadas a mercados de asignación con el mismo nucleo. Se proporcionan condiciones sobre las entradas de la matriz que aseguran que los juegos de asignación asociados tienen el mismo núcleo. Se prueba que este conjunto de matrices que dan lugar al mismo núcleo forman un semirretículo con un número finito de elementos minimales y un único máximo. Se da una caracterización de estos elementos minimales. También se proporciona una condición suficiente para obtener un retículo.
[cat] En aquest treball introduïm la classe de "multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment games", que generalitza la coneguda classe de jocs d’assignació de Böhm-Bawerk bilaterals a situacions amb un nombre arbitrari de sectors. Trobem els extrems del core de qualsevol multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment game a partir d’un joc convex definit en el conjunt de sectors enlloc del conjunt de venedors i compradors. Addicionalment estudiem quan el core d’aquests jocs d’assignació és estable en el sentit de von Neumann-Morgenstern.
[cat] En aquest treball es demostra que en el domini dels jocs d’assignació equilibrats multisectorials (Quint, 1991), el core és l’única solució no buida que satisfà derived consistency i projection consistency. També es caracteritza el core en tota la classe dels jocs d’assignació multisectorials amb els axiomes de singleness best, individual antimonotonicity i derived consistency. Com a casos particulars, s’obtenen dues noves axiomàtiques del core per als jocs d’assignació bilaterals (Shapley and Shubik, 1972).
The thesis presents an overview of third generation of IP telephony. The architecture of 3G IP Telephony and its components are described. The main goal of the thesis is to investigate the interface between the Call Processing Server and Multimedia IP Networks. The interface functionality, proposed protocol stack and a general description are presented in the thesis. To provide useful services, 3G IP Telephony requires a set of control protocols for connection establishment, capabilities exchange and conference control. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the H.323 are two protocols that meet these needs. In the thesis these two protocols are investigated and compared in terms of Complexity, Extensibility, Scalability, Services, Resource Utilization and Management.
6-Phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB)catalyzes the synthesis and degradation of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a key modulator of glycolysis-gluconeogenesis. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism behind hormonal and nutritional regulation of PFKFB expression, we have cloned and characterized the proximal promoter region of the liver isoform of PFKFB (PFKFB1) from gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Transient transfection of HepG2 cells with deleted gene promoter constructs and electrophoretic mobility shift assays allowed us to identify a sterol regulatory element (SRE) to which SRE binding protein-1a (SREBP-1a)binds and transactivates PFKFB1 gene transcription. Mutating the SRE box abolished SREBP-1a binding and transactivation. The in vivo binding of SREBP-1a to the SRE box in the S. aurata PFKFB1 promoter was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. There is a great deal of evidence for a postprandial rise of PFKB1 mRNA levels in fish and rats. Consistently, starved-to-fed transition and treatment with glucose or insulin increased SREBP-1 immunodetectable levels, SREBP-1 association to PFKFB1 promoter, and PFKFB1 mRNA levels in the piscine liver. Our findings demonstrate involvement of SREBP-1a in the transcriptional activation of PFKFB1, and we conclude that SREBP-1a may exert a key role mediating postprandial activation of PFKFB1 transcription.
6-Phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB)catalyzes the synthesis and degradation of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a key modulator of glycolysis-gluconeogenesis. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism behind hormonal and nutritional regulation of PFKFB expression, we have cloned and characterized the proximal promoter region of the liver isoform of PFKFB (PFKFB1) from gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Transient transfection of HepG2 cells with deleted gene promoter constructs and electrophoretic mobility shift assays allowed us to identify a sterol regulatory element (SRE) to which SRE binding protein-1a (SREBP-1a)binds and transactivates PFKFB1 gene transcription. Mutating the SRE box abolished SREBP-1a binding and transactivation. The in vivo binding of SREBP-1a to the SRE box in the S. aurata PFKFB1 promoter was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays. There is a great deal of evidence for a postprandial rise of PFKB1 mRNA levels in fish and rats. Consistently, starved-to-fed transition and treatment with glucose or insulin increased SREBP-1 immunodetectable levels, SREBP-1 association to PFKFB1 promoter, and PFKFB1 mRNA levels in the piscine liver. Our findings demonstrate involvement of SREBP-1a in the transcriptional activation of PFKFB1, and we conclude that SREBP-1a may exert a key role mediating postprandial activation of PFKFB1 transcription.
Sediments can be natural archives to reconstruct the history of pollutant inputs into coastal areas. This is important to improve management strategies and evaluate the success of pollution control measurements. In this work, the vertical distribution of organochlorine pesticides (DDTs, Lindane, HCB, Heptachlor, Aldrin and Mirex) was determined in a sediment core collected from the Gulf of Batabanó, Cuba, which was dated by using the (210)Pb dating method and validated with the (239,240)Pu fallout peak. Results showed significant changes in sediment accumulation during the last 40 years: recent mass accumulation rates (0.321 g cm(-2) yr(-1)) double those estimated before 1970 (0.15 g cm(-2) yr(-1)). This change matches closely land use change in the region (intense deforestation and regulation of the Colon River in the late 1970s). Among pesticides, only DDTs isomers, Lindane and HCB were detected, and ranged from 0.029 to 0.374 ng g(-1) dw for DDTs, from<0.006 to 0.05 ng g(-1) dw for Lindane and from<0.04 to 0.134 ng g(-1) dw for HCB. Heptachlor, Aldrin and Mirex were below the detection limits (∼0.003 ng g(-1)), indicating that these compounds had a limited application in the Coloma watershed. Pesticide contamination was evident since the 1970s. DDTs and HCB records showed that management strategies, namely the banning the use of organochlorine contaminants, led to a concentration decline. However, Lindane, which was restricted in 1990, can still be found in the watershed. According to NOAA guidelines, pesticides concentrations encountered in these sediments are low and probably not having an adverse effect on sediment dwelling organisms.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho das agulhas de calibres 14 e 12 na obtenção de "core biopsies" da mama sob controle estereotáxico, os autores compararam biópsias de lesões mamárias impalpáveis obtidas com agulhas desses calibres quanto ao tamanho dos fragmentos e freqüência dos tipos de lesões diagnosticadas. De um total de 1.009 biópsias, os autores analisaram 900 obtidas por agulhas 14 e 109 obtidas por agulhas 12, para análise da freqüência das lesões. Os tamanhos dos fragmentos foram analisados nos 700 primeiros casos para os espécimes obtidos por agulhas 14. A utilização de agulhas 12 resultou em maior tamanho dos fragmentos (p < 0,001), ausência de material insatisfatório, redução na proporção das lesões benignas não-neoplásicas (p = 0,03) e aumento na freqüência de carcinomas (p < 0,001), tanto in situ como invasivos. Tais achados podem refletir aumento da acurácia do diagnóstico, em virtude da maior quantidade de material e/ou melhor seleção radiológica das biópsias obtidas por agulhas 12, pela utilização coincidente da mamografia digital em campo limitado (estereotaxia digital).
L'élément génétique intégratif et conjugatif auto-transférable de 103 kb qui se trouve dans le génome de Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confère la capacité de dégrader le 3-chlorobenzoate et le 2-aminophénol. L'élément ICE c/c peut être transféré par conjugaison de la souche B13 à diverses bêta- et gamma- protéobactéries. Seule une sous-population de 3 à 5% des cellules transfère l'élément, les cellules dites "compétentes pour le transfert". L'acquisition de la compétence pour le transfert est vraisemblablement la conséquence d'une régulation bistable, conduisant une partie des cellules au transfert de l'élément ICE c/c tandis que, dans les autres, l'élément reste quiescent et ne se transfère pas. À ce jour, les mécanismes et les acteurs moléculaires qui régulent l'activation bistable de l'élément sont restés inconnus. Mon travail de doctorat visait à identifier les éléments bistables du régulon de la compétence pour le transfert et d'analyser les fondements moléculaires de la bistabilité de l'élément ICE c/c chez P. knackmussii. Le premier chapitre introduit le thème du transfert génétique horizontal avec un accent particulier sur les éléments intégratifs et conjugatifs (ICE) et ICEcIc. L'état actuel des connaissances sur l'organisation génétique, la régulation, l'intégration et le transfert de différents modèles de ICEs est exposé en détail. En outre, je m'étends sur les phénomènes d'hétérogénéité et de bistabilité phénotyplques, qu'on peut distinguer dans une population isogénique dans des conditions de culture homogènes, et qui sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c, dans la mesure où il ne s'active et n'est transférable que dans une très petite sous-population de cellules. Dans le chapitre 2, je présente une analyse globale des régions promotrices minimales des gènes appartenant au régulon de la compétence pour le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques d'expression des promoteurs et, s'ils s'avéraient bistables, leur activation dans le temps par comparaison avec le mutant lntB13. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des fusions de promoteurs avec des gènes rapporteurs et testé l'expression bistable chez P. knackmussii par microscopie à épifluorescence. Pour six promoteurs présentant une expression bistable, nous avons employé de la microscopie temporelle pour déterminer la chronologie de leur expression par rapport à Pint et PinR. Parmi eux, nous avons identifié deux gènes exprimés précocement et trois gènes exprimés tardivement dans le processus d'acquisition de la compétence de transfert. Dans le chapitre 3, j'expose une analyse d'expression génétique pour l'un des groupes de gènes dont la transcription est la plus élevée dans la région conservée de ICE c/c, les gènes orf81655-orf68241 contenus dans une région de 14 kb. Nous montrons d'abord que cet opéron fait partie du même régulon bistable que intB13 et inrR et analysons les caractéristiques génétiques qui conduisent à une transcription élevée. Nous étudions les fonctions biologiques de ce groupe de gènes par des délétlons ciblées et montrons que certaines d'entre elles empêchent le transfert de l'élément. Nous approfondissons la caractérlsatlon de I'orf8l655 en construisant une fusion transcrlptionnelle avec le gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (egfp) (en utilisant le système minl-Tn5). L'expression de Vorf81655 dans des cellules individuelles est comparée au signal mesuré par hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) sur le ARN messager du gène. En utilisant FISH, des délétlons du promoteur et de l'analyse directe de transcription, nous avons localisé la région promotrice du groupe de gènes. En outre, nous avons utilisé des mutations dirigées pour comprendre la bistabilité de cette région promotrice, caractérisée par une transcription très élevée et une traduction lente de l'ARN messager. Dans le chapitre 4, nous nous efforçons de comprendre comment la bistabilité est générée au sein du régulon te de l'élément ICE c/c. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté de reconstituer une expression bistable, dans un hôte qui ne présente pas de bistabilité naturellement, à partir d'éléments génétiques individuels. L'hôte choisi est Pseudomonas putida dans lequel nous avons introduit une copie unique de Pint, PinR ou PaipA fusionnés à la egfp, construits qui permettent d'observer l'apparition de bistabilité. Nous avons ensuite construit différents assemblages de composants génétiques de l'élément ICE c/c, en nous concentrant sur la région parA-inrR. En effet, nous avons pu démontrer qu'une expression bistable apparaît dans P. putida grâce à ces éléments en l'absence de l'élément ICE c/c complet. À noter que la plupart des construits génétiques activent PaipA ou P|,,R, mais qu'un seul recrée la bistabilité de Pint, ce qui suggère que la région parA-inrR permet à la fois d'engendrer la bistabilité et d'opérer la transition entre les promoteurs précoces et les promoteurs tardifs du régulon de la bistabilité. Dans le chapitre 5, nous concluons sur une discussion de la pertinence de nos résultats et sur de futures perspectives de recherche. -- The 103-kb self-transmissible integrative and conjugative element (ICE) of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confers the capacity to degrade 3- chlorobenzoate and 2-aminophenol. ICEc/c can be conjugated from strain B13 to a variety of Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. Interestingly, ICE c/c transfer is observed in a subpopulatlon of cells (3-5%) only, the so-called 'transfer competent' cells. The formation of transfer competence (tc) is thought to be the consequence of a 'bistable' decision, which forces those cells to follow the developmental path which leads to ICEc/c transfer, whereas in others ICE c/c remains silent and does not transfer. So far, the mechanisms and molecular partners generating this bistable transfer activation in cells of P. knackmussii B13 remain mostly unidentified. This thesis aimed at understanding the extent of the tc bistability regulon and to dissect the molecular basis of bistabillty formation of ICEc/c in P. knackmussii. The first chapter is a general Introduction on horizontal gene transfer (HGT) with particular emphasis on ICEs and ICE c/c. The emphasis is made on the current knowledge about the HGT gene organization, regulation and specific integration and transfer aspects of the different ICEs models. Furthermore, I focus on the phenomena of phenotypic heterogeneity and bistability (the property of two distinguishable phenotypes existing within an isogenic population under homogeneous conditions), which may play a particular role in ICEc/c behaviour, since ICE activation and transfer only occurs in a very small subpopulation of cells. In Chapter Two, I focus on a global analysis of the different core promoters that might belong to the ICEc/c tc pathway regulon. We studied both expression patterns of ICEc/c promoters and, once being identified as "bistable", their temporal activation compared to that of intB13. In order to do this, we used promoter reporter fusions and tested blstability expression in P. knackmussii using epifluorescence microscopy. For the 6 promoters that showed bistable expression, we used time-lapse microscopy to study the timing of promoter expression in comparison to that of P,,,t or PlnR. We could establish two "early" and 3 "late" phase promoters in the process of transfer competence. In Chapter Three, I focused my attention on analysis of gene expression of one of the most highly transcribed gene clusters in the conserved core region of ICEc/c, a 14-kb gene cluster formed by the genes orf81655-orf68241. First we showed that this operon is part of the same bistability 'regulon' as intB13 and inrR, and analysed the genetic features that lead to high transcription. We studied the potential biological function of this cluster for ICE c/c by making specific gene deletions, showing that some interrupt ICEc/c transfer. We further analysed the orfdl655 promoter by constructing transcriptional egfp fusion reporter strains using the miniTn5 delivery system. Expression of the orf81655 promoter in single cells was compared to signals measured by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on orfSl655 mRNA. We localized the promoter region of the gene cluster using FISH, promoter deletions, and by direct transcript analysis. We further used site-directed mutagenesis to understand the bistability character of the promoter region and the extremely high transcription but low translation from this mRNA. In Chapter Four, we set out to understand how bistability is generated in the tc pathway of ICEc/c. For this we tried rebuilding bistable expression from ICEc/c individual gene components in a host, which normally does not display bistability. As host we used P. putida without ICEc/c but with a single copy Pint-, PlnR- or PalpA- egfp fusion that enabled us to verify bistability formation. Subsequently, we built different assemblages of ICEc/c gene components, focusing on the parA-inrR region. Indeed, we found that bistable expression can be build from those components in P. putida without ICEc/c. Interestingly, most genetic constructs activated PaipA or PlnR, but only one resulted in bistable activation of PinT. This suggests that the parA-inrR region acts as a bistability "generator", but also as a bistability "relay" from early to late promoters in the tc pathway hierarchy. In the final fifth chapter, we conclude with a discussion of the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies.
OBJETIVO: Mostrar a eficácia do método para evitar biópsias excisionais, verificar suas dificuldades técnicas, definir entre seguimento e biópsia excisional nos nódulos categoria IV do BI-RADS™ e agilizar o procedimento cirúrgico nos casos de nódulos altamente suspeitos de malignidade (categoria V). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As pacientes foram submetidas a exame clínico de rotina, mamografia e ultra-som. A "core" foi feita com pistola automática e agulha número 14, e foram colhidas de quatro a oito amostras. RESULTADOS: Das 100 lesões estudadas, 47 foram submetidas à cirurgia, além da "core", e diagnosticaram-se 34 carcinomas (34,0%). Das 23 lesões classificadas como categoria III, identificou-se apenas um carcinoma (4,34%); das 43 classificadas como categoria IV, sete (16,28%); e das 34 classificadas como categoria V, 26 (76,47%). Evitou-se a biópsia excisional em 53 casos (53,0%). Identificou-se dificuldade no método da "core" em sete casos (7,0%), devido a material insuficiente, risco para malignidade envolvendo lesões esclerosantes complexas e discordância entre imagem e histologia. As 33 lesões com resultados de malignidade à punção biópsia por agulha grossa foram confirmadas após a biópsia cirúrgica. Em um caso o diagnóstico pela "core" foi de hiperplasia ductal atípica e após a biópsia cirúrgica da peça diagnosticou-se carcinoma, correspondendo a um resultado falso-negativo. Não houve nenhum resultado falso-positivo.
Cytosine-and guanine-rich regions of DNA are capable of forming complex structures named i-motifs and G-quadruplexes, respectively. In the present study the solution equilibria at nearly physiological conditions of a 34 -bases long cytosine-rich sequence and its complementary guanin e-rich strand corresponding to the first intron of the n-mycgene were studied. Both sequences , not yet studied, contain a 12 - base tract capable of forming stable hairpins inside the i-motif and G-quadruplex structures, respectively ...