822 resultados para Compression rates
Motivation: The comparative analysis of gene gain and loss rates is critical for understanding the role of natural selection and adaptation in shaping gene family sizes. Studying complete genome data from closely related species allows accurate estimation of gene family turnover rates. Current methods and software tools, however, are not well designed for dealing with certain kinds of functional elements, such as microRNAs or transcription factor binding sites. Results: Here, we describe BadiRate, a new software tool to estimate family turnover rates, as well as the number of elements in internal phylogenetic nodes, by likelihood-based methods and parsimony. It implements two stochastic population models, which provide the appropriate statistical framework for testing hypothesis, such as lineage-specific gene family expansions or contractions. We have assessed the accuracy of BadiRate by computer simulations, and have also illustrated its functionality by analyzing a representative empirical dataset.
The objective of this work was to evaluate gas exchange rates, plant height, yield components, and productivity of upland rice, as affected by type and application time of plant growth regulators. A randomized block design, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of three growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, trinexapac-ethyl, and paclobutrazol), besides a control treatment applied at two different phenological stages: early tillering or panicle primordial differentiation. The experiment was performed under sprinkler-irrigated field conditions. Net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, plant transpiration, and water-use efficiency were measured four times in Primavera upland rice cultivar, between booting and milky grain phenophases. Gas exchange rates were neither influenced by growth regulators nor by application time. There was, however, interaction between these factors on the other variables. Application of trinexapac-ethyl at both tillering and differentiation stages reduced plant height and negatively affected yield components and rice productivity. However, paclobutrazol and mepiquat chloride applied at tillering, reduced plant height without affecting rice yield. Mepiquat chloride acted as a growth stimulator when applied at the differentiation stage, and significantly increased plant height, panicle number, and grain yield of upland rice.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the meat lipid profile from Devon beef steers finished in pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) pasture and fed at different rates of concentrate supplementary diet. Twelve steers weighing 270 kg, at 12‑month‑average initial age, were randomly distributed into three treatments: pearl millet pasture; and pearl millet pasture plus a concentrate equivalent at 0.5 or 1.0% of body weight, with two replicates. Total contents of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the polyunsaturated:saturated ratio and other relevant fatty acids as the vaccenic acid, conjugated linoleic acid, omega‑3, and omega‑6 were not affected by the consumption of a concentrate supplement at 0.5 or 1.0% live weight. However, the 0.5% supplementation level reduced the concentration of dihomo‑γ‑linolenic fatty acid (C20: 3 n‑6), while the 1.0% supplementation level elevated the content of docosahexaenoic (DHA) (C22: 6 n‑3) fatty acid, and the omega‑6:omega‑3 ratio in meat. Consumption of up to 1.0% energy supplementation increases the omega‑6:omega‑3 ratio in meat from Devon steers grazing on pearl millet pasture.
This paper describes an audio watermarking scheme based on lossy compression. The main idea is taken from an image watermarking approach where the JPEG compression algorithm is used to determine where and how the mark should be placed. Similarly, in the audio scheme suggested in this paper, an MPEG 1 Layer 3 algorithm is chosen for compression to determine the position of the mark bits and, thus, the psychoacoustic masking of the MPEG 1 Layer 3compression is implicitly used. This methodology provides with a high robustness degree against compression attacks. The suggested scheme is also shown to succeed against most of the StirMark benchmark attacks for audio.
Résumé pour le grand public L'île de Fuerteventura (Canaries) offre l'occasion rare d'observer les racines d'un volcan océanique édifié il y a 25 à 30 millions d'années et complètement érodé. On y voit de nombreux petits plutons de forme et composition variées, témoignant d'autant d'épisodes de l'activité magmatique. L'un de ces plutons, appelé PX1, présente une structure inhabituelle formée d'une alternance de bandes verticales d'épaisseur métrique à hectométrique de roches sombres de composition pyroxénilique ou gabbroïque. Les pyroxénites résultent clairement de l'accumulation de cristaux de pyroxènes et non de la simple solidification d'un magma? Se pose dès lors la question de la nature du processus qui a conduit à l'accumulation verticale de niveaux concentrés en pyroxènes. En effet, les litages pyroxénitiques classiques sont subhorizontaux, car ils résultent de l'accumulation gravitaire des cristaux séparés du magma dont ils cristalli¬sent par sédimentation. Cette étude vise à identifier et comprendre les mécanismes qui ont engendré ce Iitage minéralogique vertical et l'im¬portant volume de ces faciès cumulatifs. Nous nous sommes également intéressés aux conditions de pression et de température régnant au moment de la mise en place du pluton, ainsi qu'à sa durée de vie et à sa vitesse de refroidis¬sement. Enfin une approche géochimique nous a permis de préciser la nature de la source mantellique des magmas liés à cette activité magmatique. PX1 est en réalité un complexe filonien formé à des conditions de pression et de température de 1-2 kbar et 1050- 1100°C; sa construction a nécessité au moins 150 km3 de magma. L'alternance d'horizons gabbroïques et pyroxéniti¬ques représente des injections successives de magma sous la forme de filons verticaux, mis en place dans un contexte régional en extension. L'étude des orientations des minéraux dans ces faciès révèle que les horizons gabbroïques enregistrent l'extension régionale, alors que les pyroxénites sont générées par une compaction au sein du pluton. Ceci suggère que le régime des contraintes, qui était extensif lors de l'initiation de la mise en place de PX1, est pério¬diquement devenu compressif au sein même du pluton. Cette compression serait liée à des cycles de mise en place où la vitesse de croissance du pluton dépassait celle de l'extension régionale. La différenciation observée au sein de chaque horizon, depuis des pyroxénites riches en olivine jusqu'à des pyroxé¬nites à plagioclase interstitiel et des gabbros, ainsi que la composition géochimique des minéraux qui les constituent suggèrent que chaque filon vertical s'est mis en place à partir d'un magma de composition identique, puis a évolué indépendamment des autres en fonction du régime thermique et du régime des contraintes local. Lorsque le magma en train de cristalliser s'est trouvé en compression, le liquide résiduel a été séparé des cristaux déjà formés et extrait du système, laissant derrière lui une accumulation de cristaux dont la nature et les proportions dépendaient du stade de cristallisation atteint par le magma au moment de l'extraction. Ainsi, les niveaux de pyroxénites à olivine (premier minéral à cristalliser) ont été formés lorsque le magma correspondant était encore peu cristallisé; à l'inverse, les py¬roxénites riches en plagioclase (minéral plus tardif dans la séquence de cristallisation) et certains gabbros à caractère cumulatif résultent d'une compression tardive dans le processus de cristallisation du filon concerné. Les liquides résiduels extraits des niveaux pyroxénitiques sont rarement observés dans PX1, certaines poches et filonets de com¬position anorthositique pourraient en être les témoins. L'essentiel de ces liquides a probablement gagné des niveaux supérieurs du pluton, voire la surface du volcan. L'origine du régime compressif périodique affectant les filons en voie de cristallisation est attribuée aux injections suivantes de magma au sein du pluton, qui se sont succédées à un rythme plus rapide que la vitesse de consolidation des filons. Des datations U/Pb de haute précision sur des cristaux de zircon et de baddeleyite ainsi que40Ar/39Ar sur des cris¬taux d'amphibole révèlent une initiation de la mise en place de PX1 il y a 22.1 ± 0,7 Ma; celle-ci a duré quelque 0,48 ± 0,22 à 0,52 ± 0,29 Ma. Ce laps de temps est compatible avec celui nécessaire à la cristallisation des filons individuels, qui va de moins d'une année lors de l'initiation du magmatisme à 5 ans lors du maximum d'activité de PX1. La présence de cristaux résorbés enregistrant une cristallisation complexe suggère l'existence d'une chambre mag¬matique convective sous-jacente à PX1 et périodiquement rechargée. Les compositions isotopiques des roches étu¬diées révèlent une source mantellique profonde de type point chaud avec une contribution du manteau lithosphéri- que métasomatisé présent sous les îles Canaries. Résumé L'intrusion mafique Miocène PX1 fait partie du soubassement superficiel (0.15-0.2 GPa, 1100 °Q d'un volcan d'île océanique. La particularité de ce pluton est l'existence d'alternances d'unités de gabbros et de pyroxénites qui met¬tent en évidence un litage magmatique vertical (NNE-SSW). Les horizons gabbroiques et pyroxénitiques sont constitués d'unités de différenciation métriques qui suggèrent tine mise en place par injections périodiques de filons verticaux de magma formant un complexe filonien. Chaque filon vertical a subi une différenciation parallèle à un front de solidification sub-vertical parallèle aux bords du filon. Les pyroxénites résultent du fractionnement et de l'accumulation d'olivine ± clinopyroxene ± plagioclase à partir d'un magma basaltique faiblement alcalin et sont interprétées comme étant des imités de différenciation tronquées dont le liquide interstitiel a été extrait par compaction. L'orientation préférentielle des clinopyroxènes dans ces pyroxe- nites (obtenues par analyse EBSD et micro-tomographique) révèle une composante de cisaillement simple dans la genèse de ces roches, ce qui confirme cette interprétation. La compaction des pyroxénites est probablement causée par a mise en place de filons de magma suivants. Le liquide interstitiel expulsé est probablement par ces derniers. Les clinopyroxènes des gabbros, montrent une composante de cisaillement pure suggérant qu'ils sont affectés par une déformation syn-magmatique parallèle aux zones de cisaillement NNE-SSW observées autour de PX1 et liées au contexte tectonique Miocène d'extension régionale. Ceci suggère que les gabbros sont liés à des taux de mise en place faibles à la fin de cycles d'activité magmatique et sont peu ou pas affectés par la compaction. L'initiation et la géométrie de PX1 sont donc contrôlées par le contexte tectonique régional d'extension alors que les taux et les volumes de magma dépendent de facteurs liés à la source. Des taux d'injection élevés résultent probable¬ment en une croissance du pluton supérieure à la place crée par cette extension. Dans ce cas de figure, la propagation des nouveaux dykes et l'inaptitude du magma à circuler à travers les anciens dykes cristallisés pourrait causer une augmentation de la pression non-lithostatique sur ces derniers, exprimée par un cisaillement simple et l'expulsion du liquide interstitiel qu'ils contiennent (documenté par les zones de collecte anorthositiques). Les compositions en éléments majeurs et traces des gabbros et pyroxenites de PX1 sont globalement homogènes et dépendent de la nature cumulative des échantillons. Cependant, de petites variations des concentrations en éléments traces ainsi que les teneurs en éléments traces des bordures de clinopyroxenes suggèrent que ces derniers ont subi un processus de rééquilibrage et de cristallisation in situ. L'homogénéité des compositions chimiques des échantillons, ainsi que la présence de grains de clinopyroxene résorbés suggère que le complexe filonien PX1 s'est mis en place au dessus d'une chambre magmatique périodiquement rechargée dans laquelle la convection est efficace. Chaque filon est donc issu d'un même magma, mais a subi une différenciation par cristallisation in situ (jusqu'à 70% de fraction¬nement) indépendamment des autres. Dans ces filons cristallisés, les minéraux cumulatifs subissent un rééquilibrage partiel avec les liquide interstitiel avant que ce dernier ne soit expulsé lors de la compaction (mettant ainsi un terme à la différenciation). Ce modèle de mise en place signifie qu'un minimum de 150Km3 de magma est nécessaire à la genèse de PX1, une partie de ce volume ayant été émis par le 'Central Volcanic Complex' de Fuerteventura. Les rapports isotopiques radiogéniques mesurés révèlent la contribution de trois pôles mantelliques dans la genèse du magma formant PX1. Le mélange de ces pôles HIMU, DMM et EM1 refléterai l'interaction du point chaud Cana¬rien avec un manteau lithosphérique hétérogène métasomatisé. Les petites variations de ces rapports et des teneurs en éléments traces au sein des faciès pourrait refléter des taux de fusion partielle variable de la source, résultant en un échantillonnage variable du manteau lithosphérique métasomatisé lors de son interaction avec le point chaud. Des datations U/Pb de haute précision (TIMS) sur des cristaux de zircon et de baddeleyite extraits de gabbros de PX1 révèlent que l'initiation de la cristallisation du magma a eu lieu il y a 22.10±0.07 Ma et que l'activité magmatique a duré un minimum de 0.48 à 0.52 Ma. Des âges 40Ar/39Ar obtenus sur amphibole sont de 21.9 ± 0.6 à 21.8 ± 0.3 Ma, identiques aux âges U/Pb. La combinaison de ces méthodes de datations, suggère que le temps maximum nécessaire à PX1 pour se refroidir en dessous de la température de fermeture de l'amphibole est de 0.8Ma. Ceci signifie que la durée de vie de PX1 est de 520 000 à 800 000 ans. La coexistence de cristaux de baddeleyite et de zircon dans un gabbro est attribuée à son interaction avec un fluide riche en C02 relâché par les carbonatites encaissantes lors du métamorphisme de contact généré par la mise en place de PX1 environ 160 000 ans après le début de sa mise en place. Les durées de vie obtenue sont en accord avec le modèle de mise en place suggérant une durée de cristallisation poux chaque filon allant de 1 an à 5 ans. Abstract The Miocene PX1 gabbro-pyroxenite intrusion (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands), is interpreted as the shallow-level feeder-zone (0.15-0.2 GPa and 1100-1120°C), to an ocean island volcano. The particularity of PX1 is that it displays a NNE-SSW trending vertical magmatic banding expressed by alternating gabbro and pyroxeriite sequences. The gabbro and pyroxenite sequences consist of metre-thick differentiation units, which suggest emplacement by pe¬riodic injection of magma pulses as vertical dykes that amalgamated, similarly to a sub-volcanic sheeted dyke com¬plex. Individual dykes underwent internal differentiation following a solidification front (favoured by a significant lateral/horizontal thermal gradient) parallel to the dyke edges. Pyroxenitic layers result from the fractionation and accumulation of clinopyroxene ± olivine ± plagioclase crystals from a mildly alkaline basaltic liquid and are interpre¬ted as truncated differentiation sequences, from which residual melts were extracted by compaction. Clinopyroxene mineral orientation in pyroxenites (evidenced by EBSD and micro X-ray tomography analysis) display a marked pure shear component, supporting this interpretation. Compaction and squeezing of the crystal mush is ascribed to the incoming and inflating magma pulses. The resulting expelled interstitial liquid was likely collected and erupted along with the magma flowing through the newly injected dykes. Gabbro sequences represent crystallised coalesced magma batches, emplaced at lower rates at the end of eruptive cycles, and underwent minor melt extraction as evi¬denced by clinopyroxene orientations that record a simple shear component suggesting syn-magmatic deformation parallel to observed NNF.-SSW trending shear-zones induced by the regional tensional Miocene stress-field. The initiation and geometry of PX1 is controlled by the regional extensional tectonic regime whereas rates and vo¬lumes of magma depend on source-related factors. High injection rates are likely to induce intrusion growth rates larger than could be accommodated by the regional extension. In this case, dyke tip geometry and the inability of magma to circulate through previously emplaced and crystallised dykes could result in an increase of non-lithostatic pressure on previously emplaced mushy dyke walls; generating strong pure-shear compaction and interstitial melt expulsion within the feeder-zone as recorded by the cumulitic pyroxenite bands and anorthositic collection zones. The whole-rock major and trace-element chemistry of PX1 gabbros and pyroxenites is globally homogeneous and controlled by the cumulate nature of the samples (i.e. on the modal proportions of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase and oxides). However, small variations of whole-rock trace-element contents as well as trace-element contents of clinopyroxene rims suggest that in-situ re-equilibration and crystallisation has occurred. Additionally, the global homogeneity and presence of complex zoning of rare resorbed clinopyroxene crystals suggest that the PX1 feeder- zone overlies a periodically replenished and efficiently mixed magma chamber. Each individual dyke of magma thus originated from a compositionally constant mildly alkaline magma and differentiated independently from the others reaching up to 70% fractionation. Following dyke arrest these are affected by interaction with the trapped interstitial liquid prior to its compaction-linked expulsion (thus stopping the differentiation process). This emplacement model implies that minimum amount of approximately 150 km3 of magma is needed to generate PX1, part of it having been erupted through the overlying Central Volcanic Complex of Fuerteventura. The radiogenic isotope ratios of PX1 samples reveal the contribution on three end-members during magma genesis. This mixing of the H1MU, EMI and DMM end-members could reflect the interaction of the deep-seated Canarian mantle plume with a heterogeneous metasomatic and sepentininsed lithospheric mantle. Additionally, the observed trace-element and isotopic variations within the same fades groups could reflect varying degrees of partial melting of the source region, thus tapping more or less large areas of the metasomatised lithospheric mantle during interac¬tion with the plume. High precision ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon and baddeleyite ages from the PX1 gabbro samples, indicate initiation of magma crystallisation at 22.10 ± 0.07 Ma. The magmatic activity lasted a minimum of 0.48 to 0.52 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar amphibole ages are of 21.9 ± 0.6 to 21.8 ± 0.3, identical within errors to the U/Pb ages. The combination of the 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb datasets imply that the maximum amount of time PX1 took to cool below amphibole Tc is 0.8 Ma, suggesting PX1 lifetime of 520 000 to 800 000 years. On top of this, the coexistence of baddeleyite and zircon in a single sample is ascribed to the interaction of PX1 with C02-rich carbonatite-derived fluids released from the host-rock carbonatites during contact metamorphism 160 000 years after PX1 initiation. These ages are in agreement with the emplacement model, implying a crystallisation time of less than 1 to 5 years for individual dykes.
Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate whether a canopy sensor is capable of estimating sugarcane response to N, as well as to propose strategies for handling the data generated by this device during the decision-making process for crop N fertilization. Four N rate-response experiments were carried out, with N rates varying from 0 to 240 kg ha-1. Two evaluations with the canopy sensor were performed when the plants reached average stalk height of 0.3 and 0.5 m. Only two experiments showed stalk yield response to N rates. The canopy sensor was able to identify the crop response to different N rates and the relationship of the nutrient with sugarcane yield. The response index values obtained from the canopy sensor readings were useful in assessing sugarcane response to the applied N rate. Canopy reflectance sensors can help to identify areas responsive to N fertilization and, therefore, improve sugarcane fertilizer management.
BACKGROUND: To ensure vaccines safety, given the weaknesses of the national pharmacovigilance system in Cameroon, there is a need to identify effective interventions that can contribute to improving AEFI reporting. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of: (i) sending weekly SMS, or (ii) weekly supervisory visits on AEFI reporting rate during a meningitis immunization campaign conducted in Cameroon in 2012 using the meningitis A conjugate vaccine (MenAfriVac?). METHODS: Health facilities that met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to receive: (i) a weekly standardized SMS, (ii) a weekly standardized supervisory visits or (iii) no intervention. The primary outcome was the reported AEFI incidence rate from week 5 to 8 after the immunization campaign. Poisson regression model was used to estimate the effect of interventions after adjusting for health region, type of health facility, type and position of health workers as well as the cumulative number of AEFI reported from weeks 1 to 4. RESULTS: A total of 348 (77.2%) of 451 health facility were included, and 116 assigned to each of three groups. The incidence rate of reported AEFI per 100 health facility per week was 20.0 (15.9-24.1) in the SMS group, 40.2 (34.4-46.0) in supervision group and 13.6 (10.1-16.9) in the control group. Supervision led to a significant increase of AEFI reporting rate compared to SMS [adjusted RR=2.1 (1.6-2.7); p<0.001] and control [RR=2.8(2.1-3.7); p<0.001)] groups. The effect of SMS led to some increase in AEFI reporting rate compared to the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant [RR=1.4(0.8-1.6); p=0.07)]. CONCLUSION: Supervision was more effective than SMS or routine surveillance in improving AEFI reporting rate. It should be part of any AEFI surveillance system. SMS could be useful in improving AEFI reporting rates but strategies need to be found to improve its effectiveness, and thus maximize its benefits.
The natural dissipation rates of sidestream smoke (SS) particles dispersed in a chamber were studied from the standpoint of a static atmosphere and were expressed as half-lives of residence in the air. The half-lives for particles less than 0.3 micron, 0.3-0.5 micron and 0.5-1 micron were found to be 25.5, 12.8 and 4.9 h, respectively. Total particulate matter (TPM) decreases by half after 6.2 h. Other data on diluted SS in the indoor air were also reported.
The Potocki-Lupski syndrome (PTLS) is associated with a microduplication of 17p11.2. Clinical features include multiple congenital and neurobehavioral abnormalities and autistic features. We have generated a PTLS mouse model, Dp(11)17/+, that recapitulates some of the physical and neurobehavioral phenotypes present in patients. Here, we investigated the social behavior and gene expression pattern of this mouse model in a pure C57BL/6-Tyr(c-Brd) genetic background. Dp(11)17/+ male mice displayed normal home-cage behavior but increased anxiety and increased dominant behavior in specific tests. A subtle impairment in the preference for a social target versus an inanimate target and abnormal preference for social novelty (the preference to explore an unfamiliar mouse versus a familiar one) was also observed. Our results indicate that these animals could provide a valuable model to identify the specific gene(s) that confer abnormal social behaviors and that map within this delimited genomic deletion interval. In a first attempt to identify candidate genes and for elucidating the mechanisms of regulation of these important phenotypes, we directly assessed the relative transcription of genes within and around this genomic interval. In this mouse model, we found that candidates genes include not only most of the duplicated genes, but also normal-copy genes that flank the engineered interval; both categories of genes showed altered expression levels in the hippocampus of Dp(11)17/+ mice.
PURPOSE: To describe the anatomical characteristics and patterns of neurovascular compression in patients suffering classic trigeminal neuralgia (CTN), using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The analysis of the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve, brain stem and the vascular structures related to this nerve was made in 100 consecutive patients treated with a Gamma Knife radiosurgery for CTN between December 1999 and September 2004. MRI studies (T1, T1 enhanced and T2-SPIR) with axial, coronal and sagital simultaneous visualization were dynamically assessed using the software GammaPlan?. Three-dimensional reconstructions were also developed in some representative cases. RESULTS: In 93 patients (93%), there were one or several vascular structures in contact, either, with the trigeminal nerve, or close to its origin in the pons. The superior cerebellar artery was involved in 71 cases (76%). Other vessels identified were the antero-inferior cerebellar artery, the basilar artery, the vertebral artery, and some venous structures. Vascular compression was found anywhere along the trigeminal nerve. The mean distance between the nerve compression and the origin of the nerve in the brainstem was 3.76±2.9mm (range 0-9.8mm). In 39 patients (42%), the vascular compression was located proximally and in 42 (45%) the compression was located distally. Nerve dislocation or distortion by the vessel was observed in 30 cases (32%). CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study are similar to those reported in surgical and autopsy series. This non-invasive MRI-based approach could be useful for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in CTN, and it could help to understand its pathogenesis.
BACKGROUND: Regional rates of hospitalization for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) are used to compare the availability and quality of ambulatory care but the risk adjustment for population health status is often minimal. The objectives of the study was to examine the impact of more extensive risk adjustment on regional comparisons and to investigate the relationship between various area-level factors and the properly adjusted rates. METHODS: Our study is an observational study based on routine data of 2 million anonymous insured in 26 Swiss cantons followed over one or two years. A binomial negative regression was modeled with increasingly detailed information on health status (age and gender only, inpatient diagnoses, outpatient conditions inferred from dispensed drugs and frequency of physician visits). Hospitalizations for ACSC were identified from principal diagnoses detecting 19 conditions, with an updated list of ICD-10 diagnostic codes. Co-morbidities and surgical procedures were used as exclusion criteria to improve the specificity of the detection of potentially avoidable hospitalizations. The impact of the adjustment approaches was measured by changes in the standardized ratios calculated with and without other data besides age and gender. RESULTS: 25% of cases identified by inpatient main diagnoses were removed by applying exclusion criteria. Cantonal ACSC hospitalizations rates varied from to 1.4 to 8.9 per 1,000 insured, per year. Morbidity inferred from diagnoses and drugs dramatically increased the predictive performance, the greatest effect found for conditions linked to an ACSC. More visits were associated with fewer PAH although very high users were at greater risk and subjects who had not consulted at negligible risk. By maximizing health status adjustment, two thirds of the cantons changed their adjusted ratio by more than 10 percent. Cantonal variations remained substantial but unexplained by supply or demand. CONCLUSION: Additional adjustment for health status is required when using ACSC to monitor ambulatory care. Drug-inferred morbidities are a promising approach.
The problem of selecting anappropriate wavelet filter is always present in signal compression based on thewavelet transform. In this report, we propose a method to select a wavelet filter from a predefined set of filters for the compression of spectra from a multispectral image. The wavelet filter selection is based on the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). In the training phase for the test images, the best wavelet filter for each spectrum has been found by a careful compression-decompression evaluation. Certain spectral features are used in characterizing the pixel spectra. The LVQ is used to form the best wavelet filter class for different types of spectra from multispectral images. When a new image is to be compressed, a set of spectra from that image is selected, the spectra are classified by the trained LVQand the filter associated to the largest class is selected for the compression of every spectrum from the multispectral image. The results show, that almost inevery case our method finds the most suitable wavelet filter from the pre-defined set for the compression.
Résumé: Output, inflation and interest rates are key macroeconomic variables, in particular for monetary policy. In modern macroeconomic models they are driven by random shocks which feed through the economy in various ways. Models differ in the nature of shocks and their transmission mechanisms. This is the common theme underlying the three essays of this thesis. Each essay takes a different perspective on the subject: First, the thesis shows empirically how different shocks lead to different behavior of interest rates over the business cycle. For commonly analyzed shocks (technology and monetary policy errors), the patterns square with standard models. The big unknown are sources of inflation persistence. Then the thesis presents a theory of monetary policy, when the central bank can better observe structural shocks than the public. The public will then seek to infer the bank's extra knowledge from its policy actions and expectation management becomes a key factor of optimal policy. In a simple New Keynesian model, monetary policy becomes more concerned with inflation persistence than otherwise. Finally, the thesis points to the huge uncertainties involved in estimating the responses to structural shocks with permanent effects.
Multispectral images contain information from several spectral wavelengths and currently multispectral images are widely used in remote sensing and they are becoming more common in the field of computer vision and in industrial applications. Typically, one multispectral image in remote sensing may occupy hundreds of megabytes of disk space and several this kind of images may be received from a single measurement. This study considers the compression of multispectral images. The lossy compression is based on the wavelet transform and we compare the suitability of different waveletfilters for the compression. A method for selecting a wavelet filter for the compression and reconstruction of multispectral images is developed. The performance of the multidimensional wavelet transform based compression is compared to other compression methods like PCA, ICA, SPIHT, and DCT/JPEG. The quality of the compression and reconstruction is measured by quantitative measures like signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, we have developed a qualitative measure, which combines the information from the spatial and spectral dimensions of a multispectral image and which also accounts for the visual quality of the bands from the multispectral images.