894 resultados para Coca-cola cycle
An Apicomplexan Perkinsus species has been found parasitizing the clam Ruditapes philippinarum (= Tapes semidecussatus) collected on the Mediterranean coast in the region of the Ebro Delta (Tarragona, Spain). Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to study different stages of this parasite during zoosporulation induced by incubation in thioglycollate medium and seawater. During incubation the trophozoites began zoosporulation, which originated prezoosporangia and zoosporangia at different developmental stages. Successive cytokinesis and nucleokinesis gave rise to prezoospores, which became elongate and differentiated in biflagellated zoospores. The latter presented large mitochondria and an apical complex formed by a conoid, polar ring, micronemes, rhophtries and subpellicular microtubules. The zoosporangium wall showed some typical lamosomes and a discharge tube developed in early phases of incubation. Ultrastructural data were compared with the only four species of the genus Perkinsus previously described. The morphological data, the host and the geographic proximity suggest that the species located on the Mediterranean coast was Perkinsus atlanticus.
ß-catenin is a multifunctional protein involved in cell-cell adhesion and Wnt signal transduction. ß-Catenin signaling has been proposed to act as inducer of cell proliferation in different tumors. However, in some developmental contexts and cell systems ß-catenin also acts as a positive modulator of apoptosis. To get additional insights into the role of ß-Catenin in the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, we have analyzed the levels and subcellular localization of endogenous ß-catenin and its relation with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) during the cell cycle in S-phase¿synchronized epithelial cells. ß-Catenin levels increase in S phase, reaching maximum accumulation at late G2/M and then abruptly decreasing as the cells enter into a new G1 phase. In parallel, an increased cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of ß-catenin and APC is observed during S and G2 phases. In addition, strong colocalization of APC with centrosomes, but not ß-catenin, is detected in M phase. Interestingly, overexpression of a stable form of ß-catenin, or inhibition of endogenous ß-catenin degradation, in epidermal keratinocyte cells induces a G2 cell cycle arrest and leads to apoptosis. These results support a role for ß-catenin in the control of cell cycle and apoptosis at G2/M in normal and transformed epidermal keratinocytes.
How do cells sense their own size and shape? And how does this information regulate progression of the cell cycle? Our group, in parallel to that of Paul Nurse, have recently demonstrated that fission yeast cells use a novel geometry-sensing mechanism to couple cell length perception with entry into mitosis. These rod-shaped cells measure their own length by using a medially-placed sensor, Cdr2, that reads a protein gradient emanating from cell tips, Pom1, to control entry into mitosis. Budding yeast cells use a similar molecular sensor to delay entry into mitosis in response to defects in bud morphogenesis. Metazoan cells also modulate cell proliferation in response to their own shape by sensing tension. Here I discuss the recent results obtained for the fission yeast system and compare them to the strategies used by these other organisms to perceive their own morphology.
Analysis of genetically engineered mice deficient in cell cycle regulators, including E2F1, cdk4, and pRB, showed that the major phenotypes are metabolic perturbations. These key cell cycle regulators contribute to lipid synthesis, glucose production, insulin secretion, and glycolytic metabolism. It has been shown that deregulation of these pathways can lead to metabolic perturbations and related metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type II diabetes. The cyclin-cdk-Rb-E2F1 pathway regulates adipogenesis in addition to its well-described roles in cell cycle regulation and cancer. It was also shown that E2F1 directly participates in the regulation of pancreatic growth and function. Similarly, cyclin D3, cdk4, and cdk9 are also adipogenic factors with strong effects on whole organism metabolism. These examples support the emerging notion that cell cycle regulatory proteins also modulate metabolic processes. These cell cycle regulators are activated by insulin and glucose, even in non-proliferating cells. Most importantly, these cell cycle regulators trigger the adaptive metabolic switch that normal and cancer cells require in order to proliferate. These changes include increased lipid synthesis, decreased oxidative metabolism, and increased glycolytic metabolism. In summary, these factors are essential regulators of anabolic biosynthetic processes, blocking at the same time oxidative and catabolic pathways, which is reminiscent of cancer cell metabolism.
Le juge est un acteur jusqu'ici sous-estimé des politiques publiques. Son interprétation de la loi peut avoir des effets très importants sur le déroulement du cycle des politiques publiques. La présente étude se propose de mettre en lumière ces effets. La partie théorique propose d'abord une grille d'analyse des rapports entre le droit et la politique pour mieux décrire le champ d'activité dans lequel le juge évolue. Ensuite, elle formule une théorie explicative du comportement du juge en le présentant comme un acteur essentiellement libre, mais soumis à des contraintes factuelles qui le canalisent. L'analyse de deux cas concrets (la lutte contre le hooliganisme et les naturalisations aux urnes) permet de tester les modèles élaborés dans la partie théorique.
L'analyse longitudinale et transversale des données du PSM montre que l'augmentation des travaux ménagers consécutive à l'entrée en cohabitation, au mariage et surtout à la parentalité est prise en charge par les femmes, l'investissement masculin restant stable. Le genre semble bien être ici un facteur explicatif central. En outre, l'hétérogénéité des temps ménagers féminins s'expliquerait par le fait que les femmes ne mobilisent leurs ressources personnelles, ni pour entrer en négociation avec leur partenaire et le conduire à s'investir plus, ni pour remettre en question la distribution traditionnelle des tâches. Elles les utilisent plutôt pour exploiter les opportunités contextuelles à disposition afin de diminuer une charge de travail qui, sinon, leur reviendrait.
This paper presents the first quantitative study of the Early Jurassic recovery of ammonoids after the end-Triassic mass extinction based on detailed U-Pb ID-TIMS (isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry) geochronology from ash bed zircons placed within a clear phylogenetical and biochronological framework at the subzonal and species level. This study was triggered by the discovery of a rich Peruvian succession of ammonites, deposited concomitantly with an unusually large number of ash beds. Two major phases of rediversification are observed during the Psiloceras spelae and Angulaticeras zones that correspond to positive peaks in the delta C-13(org) curve, providing a possible link between biodiversity and the global carbon cycle. In the case of the post-extinction recovery, the development of the earliest Hettangian ammonites occurs within the genus Psiloceras, which begins with the occurrence of P. spelae and then explodes into worldwide development of smooth psiloceratids of the Psiloceras planorbis group s.l. This rapid biodiversification likely occurred less than 100 ka after the end-Triassic crisis; the genus Psiloceras occupied all the possible ecological niches worldwide, from the Pacific deep waters to the NW European shallow deposits and also in some rare Tethyan occurrences like at Germig in Tibet. This global dispersion allowed the differentiation of the group in several major phyla, the Schlotheimiidae, Discamphiceratinae, Arietitidae and Lytocerataceae, which were the roots of all other Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Losses of productivity of flooded rice in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, may occur in the Coastal Plains and in the Southern region due to the use of saline water from coastal rivers, ponds and the Laguna dos Patos lagoon, and the sensibility of the plants are variable according to its stage of development. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the production of rice grains and its components, spikelet sterility and the phenological development of rice at different levels of salinity in different periods of its cycle. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in pots filled with 11 dm³ of an Albaqualf. The levels of salinity were 0.3 (control), 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1 kept in the water layer by adding a salt solution of sodium chloride, except for the control, in different periods of rice development: tillering initiation to panicle initiation; tillering initiation to full flowering; tillering initiation to physiological maturity; panicle initiation to full flowering; panicle initiation to physiological maturity and full flowering to physiological maturity. The number of panicles per pot, the number of spikelets per panicle, the 1,000-kernel weight, the spikelet sterility, the grain yield and phenology were evaluated. All characteristics were negatively affected, in a quadratic manner, with increased salinity in all periods of rice development. Among the yield components evaluated, the one most closely related to grain yields of rice was the spikelet sterility.
To synchronize nutrient availability with the requirements of eucalyptus during a cultivation cycle, the nutrient flow of this system must be well understood. Essential, for example, is information about nutrient dynamics in eucalyptus plantations throughout a cultivation cycle, as well as impacts on soil nutrient reserves caused by the accumulation and subsequent export of nutrients via biomass. It is also important to quantify the effect of some management practices, such as tree population density (PD) on these fluxes. Some nutrient relations in an experiment with Eucalyptus grandis, grown at different PDs in Santa Barbara, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were evaluated for one cultivation cycle. At forest ages of 0.25, 2.5, 4.5, and 6.75 years, evaluations were carried out in the stands at seven different PDs (between 500 and 5,000 trees ha-1) which consisted in chemical analyses of plant tissue sampled from components of the aboveground parts of the tree, from the forest floor and the litterfall. Nutrient contents and allocations of the different biomass components were estimated. In general, there were only small and statistically insignificant effects of PD on the nutrient concentration in trees. With increasing forest age, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations were reduced in the aboveground components and the forest floor. The magnitud of biochemical nutrient cycling followed the sequence: P > K > N > Mg. At the end of the cycle, the quantities of N, P, Ca and Mg immobilized in the forest floor were higher than in the other components.
The aim of the present study was to establish and compare the durations of the seminiferous epithelium cycles of the common shrew Sorex araneus, which is characterized by a high metabolic rate and multiple paternity, and the greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula, which is characterized by a low metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system. Twelve S. araneus males and fifteen C. russula males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determinations, we applied the classical method of estimation and linear regression as a new method. With regard to variance, and even with a relatively small sample size, the new method seems to be more precise. In addition, the regression method allows the inference of information for every animal tested, enabling comparisons of different factors with cycle lengths. Our results show that not only increased testis size leads to increased sperm production, but it also reduces the duration of spermatogenesis. The calculated cycle lengths were 8.35 days for S. araneus and 12.12 days for C. russula. The data obtained in the present study provide the basis for future investigations into the effects of metabolic rate and mating systems on the speed of spermatogenesis.
A major determinant of cell fate is regulation of cell cycle. Tight regulation of this process is lost during the course of development and progression of various tumors. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) constitutes a universal protein degradation pathway, essential for the consistent recycling of a plethora of proteins with distinct structural and functional roles within the cell, including cell cycle regulation. High grade tumors, such as glioblastomas have an inherent potential of escaping cell cycle control mechanisms and are often refractory to conventional treatment. Here, we review the association of UPS with several UPS-targeted proteins and pathways involved in regulation of the cell cycle in malignant gliomas, and discuss the potential role of UPS inhibitors in reinstitution of cell cycle control.
The cropping system influences the interception of water by plants, water storage in depressions on the soil surface, water infiltration into the soil and runoff. The aim of this study was to quantify some hydrological processes under no tillage cropping systems at the edge of a slope, in 2009 and 2010, in a Humic Dystrudept soil, with the following treatments: corn, soybeans, and common beans alone; and intercropped corn and common bean. Treatments consisted of four simulated rainfall tests at different times, with a planned intensity of 64 mm h-1 and 90 min duration. The first test was applied 18 days after sowing, and the others at 39, 75 and 120 days after the first test. Different times of the simulated rainfall and stages of the crop cycle affected soil water content prior to the rain, and the time runoff began and its peak flow and, thus, the surface hydrological processes. The depth of the runoff and the depth of the water intercepted by the crop + soil infiltration + soil surface storage were affected by the crop systems and the rainfall applied at different times. The corn crop was the most effective treatment for controlling runoff, with a water loss ratio of 0.38, equivalent to 75 % of the water loss ratio exhibited by common bean (0.51), the least effective treatment in relation to the others. Total water loss by runoff decreased linearly with an increase in the time that runoff began, regardless of the treatment; however, soil water content on the gravimetric basis increased linearly from the beginning to the end of the rainfall.