837 resultados para Coal power plant


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In the case of large burnup, a control rod (CR) guide tube in the pressurized water reactor of a commercial nuclear power plant might bend. As a consequence, a CR drop experiment may indicate an event of a CR partially inserted and whether the CR should be deemed inoperable. Early prevention of such an event can be achieved by measuring two friction coefficients: the hydraulic coefficient and the sliding coefficient. The hydraulic coefficient hardly changes, so that the curvature of the guide tube can only be detected thanks to a variation of the sliding coefficient. A simple model for the CR drop is established and validated with CR drop experiments. If tmx denotes the instant of CR maximum velocity, a linear relationship between (tmx)_2 and the sliding coefficient is found.


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Las cuestiones relacionadas con el transporte de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad (RAA) al previsto almacén temporal centralizado (ATC) en Villar de Cañas (Cuenca) están de actualidad, debido a la movilidad que se espera en un futuro próximo, el compromiso con el medio ambiente, la protección de las personas, así, como la normativa legal reguladora. En esta tesis se ha evaluado el impacto radiológico asociado a este tipo de transportes mediante una nueva herramienta de procesamiento de datos, que puede ser de utilidad y servir como documentación complementaria a la recogida en el marco legal del transporte. Además puede facilitar el análisis desde una perspectiva más científica, para investigadores, responsables públicos y técnicos en general, que pueden utilizar dicha herramienta para simular distintos escenarios de transportes radiactivos basados únicamente en datos de los materiales de entrada y las rutas elegidas. Así, conociendo el nivel de radiación a un metro del transporte y eligiendo una ruta, obtendremos los impactos asociados, tales como las poblaciones afectadas, la dosis recibida por la persona más expuesta, el impacto radiológico global, las dosis a la población en el trayecto y el posible detrimento de su salud. En España se prevé una larga “ruta radiactiva” de más de 2.000 kilómetros, por la que el combustible nuclear gastado se transportará presumiblemente por carretera desde las centrales nucleares hasta el ATC, así como los residuos vitrificados procedentes del reprocesado del combustible de la central nuclear Vandellos I, que en la actualidad están en Francia. Como conclusión más importante, se observa que la emisión de radiaciones ionizantes procedentes del transporte de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad en España, en operación normal, no es significativa a la hora de generar efectos adversos en la salud humana y su impacto radiológico puede considerarse despreciable. En caso de accidente, aunque la posibilidad del suceso es remota, las emisiones, no serán determinantes a la hora de generar efectos adversos en la salud humana. Issues related to the transport of high level radioactive wastes (HLW) to the new centralised temporary storage facility to be built in Villar de Cañas (Cuenca) are attracting renewed attention due to the mobility expected in the near future for these materials, the commitment to the environment, the protection of persons and the legal regulatory standards. This study assesses the radiological impacts associated with this type of transport by means of a new dataprocessing tool, which may be of use and serve as documentation complementary to that included in the legal framework covering transport. Furthermore, it may facilitate analysis from a more scientific perspective for researchers, public servants and technicians in general, who may use the tool to simulate different radioactive transport scenarios based only on input materials data and the routes selected. Thus, by knowing the radiation level at a distance of one metre from the transport and selecting a route, it is possible to obtain the associated impacts, such as the affected populations, the dose received by the most exposed individual, the overall radiological impact and the doses to the public en route and the possible detriment to their health. In Spain a long “radioactive route” of more than 2,000 kilometres is expected, along which spent nuclear fuels will be transported – foreseeably by road – from the nuclear power plants to the CTS facility. The route will also be used for the vitrified wastes from fuel reprocessing of the fuel from Vandellós I nuclear power plant, which are currently in France. In conclusion, it may be observed that the emission of ionising radiations from transport of high level radioactive wastes in Spain is insignificant, in normal operations, as regards the generation of adverse effects for human health, and that the radiological impact may be considered negligible. In the event of an accident, the possibility of which is remote, the emissions will not be also a very determining factor as regards adverse effects for human health.


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In order to complement ISFOC’s characterization capabilities, a Helios 3198 CPV Solar Simulator was installed in summer 2010. This Solar Simulator, based on a parabolic mirror and a high-intensity, small area Xenon flash lamp was developed by the Instituto de Energía Solar in Madrid [1] and is manufactured and distributed by Soldaduras Avanzadas [2]. This simulator is used not only for R&D purposes, but as a quality control tool for incoming modules that are to be installed in ISFOC’s CPV plants. In this paper we will discuss the results of recent measurements of close to 5000 modules, the entire production of modules corresponding to a small CPV power plant (200 kWp). We scrutinize the resultant data for signs of drift in the measurements, and analyze the light quality before and after, to check for changes in spectrum or spatial uniformity.)


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The design of nuclear power plant has to follow a number of regulations aimed at limiting the risks inherent in this type of installation. The goal is to prevent and to limit the consequences of any possible incident that might threaten the public or the environment. To verify that the safety requirements are met a safety assessment process is followed. Safety analysis is as key component of a safety assessment, which incorporates both probabilistic and deterministic approaches. The deterministic approach attempts to ensure that the various situations, and in particular accidents, that are considered to be plausible, have been taken into account, and that the monitoring systems and engineered safety and safeguard systems will be capable of ensuring the safety goals. On the other hand, probabilistic safety analysis tries to demonstrate that the safety requirements are met for potential accidents both within and beyond the design basis, thus identifying vulnerabilities not necessarily accessible through deterministic safety analysis alone. Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) methodology is widely used in the nuclear industry and is especially effective in comprehensive assessment of the measures needed to prevent accidents with small probability but severe consequences. Still, the trend towards a risk informed regulation (RIR) demanded a more extended use of risk assessment techniques with a significant need to further extend PSA’s scope and quality. Here is where the theory of stimulated dynamics (TSD) intervenes, as it is the mathematical foundation of the integrated safety assessment (ISA) methodology developed by the CSN(Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear) branch of Modelling and Simulation (MOSI). Such methodology attempts to extend classical PSA including accident dynamic analysis, an assessment of the damage associated to the transients and a computation of the damage frequency. The application of this ISA methodology requires a computational framework called SCAIS (Simulation Code System for Integrated Safety Assessment). SCAIS provides accident dynamic analysis support through simulation of nuclear accident sequences and operating procedures. Furthermore, it includes probabilistic quantification of fault trees and sequences; and integration and statistic treatment of risk metrics. SCAIS comprehensively implies an intensive use of code coupling techniques to join typical thermal hydraulic analysis, severe accident and probability calculation codes. The integration of accident simulation in the risk assessment process and thus requiring the use of complex nuclear plant models is what makes it so powerful, yet at the cost of an enormous increase in complexity. As the complexity of the process is primarily focused on such accident simulation codes, the question of whether it is possible to reduce the number of required simulation arises, which will be the focus of the present work. This document presents the work done on the investigation of more efficient techniques applied to the process of risk assessment inside the mentioned ISA methodology. Therefore such techniques will have the primary goal of decreasing the number of simulation needed for an adequate estimation of the damage probability. As the methodology and tools are relatively recent, there is not much work done inside this line of investigation, making it a quite difficult but necessary task, and because of time limitations the scope of the work had to be reduced. Therefore, some assumptions were made to work in simplified scenarios best suited for an initial approximation to the problem. The following section tries to explain in detail the process followed to design and test the developed techniques. Then, the next section introduces the general concepts and formulae of the TSD theory which are at the core of the risk assessment process. Afterwards a description of the simulation framework requirements and design is given. Followed by an introduction to the developed techniques, giving full detail of its mathematical background and its procedures. Later, the test case used is described and result from the application of the techniques is shown. Finally the conclusions are presented and future lines of work are exposed.


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Direct Steam Generation (DSG) in Linear Fresnel (LF) solar collectors is being consolidated as a feasible technology for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants. The competitiveness of this technology relies on the following main features: water as heat transfer fluid (HTF) in Solar Field (SF), obtaining high superheated steam temperatures and pressures at turbine inlet (500ºC and 90 bar), no heat tracing required to avoid HTF freezing, no HTF degradation, no environmental impacts, any heat exchanger between SF and Balance Of Plant (BOP), and low cost installation and maintenance. Regarding to LF solar collectors, were recently developed as an alternative to Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) technology. The main advantages of LF are: the reduced collector manufacturing cost and maintenance, linear mirrors shapes versus parabolic mirror, fixed receiver pipes (no ball joints reducing leaking for high pressures), lower susceptibility to wind damages, and light supporting structures allowing reduced driving devices. Companies as Novatec, Areva, Solar Euromed, etc., are investing in LF DSG technology and constructing different pilot plants to demonstrate the benefits and feasibility of this solution for defined locations and conditions (Puerto Errado 1 and 2 in Murcia Spain, Lidellin Newcastle Australia, Kogran Creek in South West Queensland Australia, Kimberlina in Bakersfield California USA, Llo Solar in Pyrénées France,Dhursar in India,etc). There are several critical decisions that must be taken in order to obtain a compromise and optimization between plant performance, cost, and durability. Some of these decisions go through the SF design: proper thermodynamic operational parameters, receiver material selection for high pressures, phase separators and recirculation pumps number and location, pipes distribution to reduce the amount of tubes (reducing possible leaks points and transient time, etc.), etc. Attending to these aspects, the correct design parameters selection and its correct assessment are the main target for designing DSG LF power plants. For this purpose in the recent few years some commercial software tools were developed to simulatesolar thermal power plants, the most focused on LF DSG design are Thermoflex and System Advisor Model (SAM). Once the simulation tool is selected,it is made the study of the proposed SFconfiguration that constitutes the main innovation of this work, and also a comparison with one of the most typical state-of-the-art configuration. The transient analysis must be simulated with high detail level, mainly in the BOP during start up, shut down, stand by, and partial loads are crucial, to obtain the annual plant performance. An innovative SF configurationwas proposed and analyzed to improve plant performance. Finally it was demonstrated thermal inertia and BOP regulation mode are critical points in low sun irradiation day plant behavior, impacting in annual performance depending on power plant location.


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The performance efficiency of electrodynamic bare tethers acting as thrusters in low Earth orbit, as gauged by the ratio of the system mass dedicated to thrust over mission impulse, is analyzed and compared to the performance efficiency of electrical thrusters. Tether systems are much lighter for times beyond six months in space-tug operations, where there is a dedicated solar array, and beyond one month for reboost of the International Space Station, where the solar array is already in place. Bare-tether propulsive efficiency itself, with the tether considered as part of the power plant, is higher for space tugs. Tether optimization shows that thin tapes have greater propulsive efficiency and are less sensitive to plasma density variations in orbit than cylindrical tethers. The efficiency increases with tape length if some segment next to the power supply at the top is insulated to make the tether potential bias vanish at the lower end; multitape tethers must be used to keep the efficiency high at high thrust levels. The efficiency has a maximum for tether-hardware mass equal to the fraction of power-subsystem mass going into ohmic power, though the maximum is very flat. For space tugs, effects of induced-bias changes in orbit might need to be reduced by choosing a moderately large power-subsystem to tether-hardware mass ratio or by tracking the current-voltage characteristic of the solar array.


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Este Proyecto estudia la implantación de una central termoeléctrica para la generación de energía en la provincia de Orense. Se trata de una instalación que hace uso de biomasa forestal con el fin de producir energía eléctrica renovable de una manera responsable. En primer lugar se estudia en profundidad la disponibilidad de la biomasa presente en la región que dará lugar al emplazamiento de la instalación, en pos de una posterior toma de decisión acerca del correcto dimensionamiento de la planta, así como la ubicación óptima de la misma. Se ha logrado dar una alternativa a la dependencia energética a partir de una energía renovable limpia, como la cadena integrada de producción eléctrica. Considerando con rigor tanto las políticas de globalización regionales como internacionales orientadas a lograr un desarrollo sostenible y a la lucha contra el cambio climático, como la cadena integrada de producción eléctrica. Una vez puestos en situación, se analiza las diferentes técnicas utilizadas para el aprovechamiento energético con la biomasa disponible. Se trata de encontrar la mejor alternativa capaz de optimizar los recursos energéticos de la zona para la generación de energía eléctrica. Abstract This project is based on the study of a power plant located in the province of Ourense and its fundamental target is aimed to the generation of electricity. The importance of this plant is its commitment within renewable resources that enhance the use of forest biomass in order to produce electrical power in a responsible way. In the first place, it is necessary to deeply investigate the characteristics of the available biomass present in the place of interest, which will define the size and location of the power plant. This project gives an alternative to the energetic dependence from a renewable point of view, considering rigorously globalized politics intended for a sustainable energetic progress within the introduction of ambitious measures against climate change.


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Este proyecto se basa en el sistema JRodos de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real en caso de emergencias nucleares y radiológicas. Tras una breve descripción del mismo, se presentan los modelos de cálculo que utiliza el sistema y la organización modular en la que se estructura el programa. Concretamente este documento se centra en un módulo desarrollado recientemente denominado ICRP y caracterizado por tener en cuenta todas las vías de exposición a la contaminación radiológica, incluida la vía de la ingestión que no se había tenido en cuenta en los módulos previos. Este modelo nuevo utiliza resultados obtenidos a partir de la cadena de escala local LSMC como datos de entrada, por lo que se lleva a cabo una descripción detalla del funcionamiento y de la ejecución tanto del módulo ICRP como de la cadena previa LSMC. Finalmente, se ejecuta un ejercicio ICRP usando los datos meteorológicos y de término fuentes reales que se utilizaron en el simulacro CURIEX 2013 realizado en el mes de noviembre de 2013 en la Central Nuclear de Almaraz. Se presenta paso a paso la ejecución de este ejercicio y posteriormente se analizan y explican los resultados obtenidos acompañados de elementos visuales proporcionados por el programa. This project is based on the real time online decision support system for nuclear emergency management called JRodos. After a brief description of it, the calculation models used by the system and its modular organization are presented. In particular, this paper focuses on a newly developed module named ICRP. This module is characterized by the consideration of the fact that all terrestrial exposure pathways, including ingestion, which has not been considered in previous modules. This new model uses the results obtained in a previous local scale model chain called LSMC as input. In this document a detailed description of the operation and implementation of both the ICRP module and its previous LSMC chain is presented. To conclude, an ICRP exercise is performed with real meteorological and source term data used in the simulation exercise CURIEX 2013 carried out in the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant in November 2013. A stepwise realization of this exercise is presented and subsequently the results are deeply explained and analyzed supplemented with illustrations provided by the program.


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es el despacho económico-ambiental de unidades térmicas de carbón con respecto a la minimización de sus costes horarios o de sus emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno (NOX), según convenga. Se han estudiado tanto las curvas de costes de generación como las de emisión de óxidos de nitrógeno para cinco unidades tipo de carbón para poder llevar a cabo el proyecto. Se modelizaron las curvas de emisión de óxidos de nitrógeno para las cinco unidades estudiadas mediante la simulación de la combustión del carbón en caldera con el software ASPEN PLUS®, y las curvas de costes con datos proporcionados en la publicación “Las centrales termoeléctricas: Consumos marginales, Consumos medios y costes de arranque de grupos de carbón” y otra bibliografía, para su posterior aplicación en el despacho, desarrollado en Excel y con el uso de su lenguaje de programación, VBA, para escribir un código que automatice la elección a tomar entre todas las posibilidades. Analizando tres posibles casos de generación térmica con carbón, se ha llevado a cabo el despacho económico-ambiental de las cinco unidades implicadas, con todas sus posibles combinaciones (apagado-encendido), obteniendo en cada caso lo que parece ser la manera más económica o ambiental, según convenga, de generar la potencia demandada en cada momento. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is the economic-environmental dispatch of thermal coal power plants to minimize the hourly costs of generation or the nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions as appropriate. It have been studied both generation cost curves as nitrogen oxides emissions curves for five examples of coal power plants to carry out the project. Nitrogen oxides emissions curves were modeled for the five coal power plants simulating the coal combustion in the boiler with ASPEN PLUS® software, and generation cost curves with data provided in the publication “Las centrales termoeléctricas: Consumos marginales, Consumos medios y costes de arranque de grupos de carbón” and other publications, to be used later in the dispatch, developed in Excel, using the VBA code, to write a code that automatize the correct election between all the generation possibilities. Analizing three possible cases of thermal generation with coal, economic-environmental dispatch for the five implied power plants has been done, with all the possible combinations (generating or no generating), obtaining, in each case, the most economically or environmentally way, as appropriate, to generate the demanded power in each moment.


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Este proyecto ha tenido por objetivo el estudio de la viabilidad de instalar un sistema de almacenamiento subterráneo de aire comprimido enlazado con una central térmica en España. Dentro de las diversas posibilidades para emplazar el sistema CAES se ha seleccionado el domo salino, por ser la estructura geológica más favorable técnica y económicamente. Con el cometido de encontrar la ubicación más favorable se escogió el domo de Salinas de Añana, y por cercanía geográfica con éste se seleccionó la central térmica de Iberdrola C. T. Pasajes. Una vez elegidos el domo y la central se realizó un estudio de viabilidad técnica y económica de la instalación, empleando estudios geológicos, gravimétricos y económicos. Tras dichos estudios se concluyó que la instalación es posible técnicamente en el domo Salinas de Añana y que se recuperará la inversión a partir del octavo año. ABSTRACT This project has aimed to study the feasibility of installing a system of underground storage of compressed air linked to a thermal plant in Spain. Among the different possibilities to place the CAES system is selected salt dome, as the technically and economically most favorable geological structure. The better dome was Salinas de Añana for its location and Iberdrola C.T. Pasajes was the nearest thermal power plant. Before the dome and thermal power plant were chosen, was performed a technical and economic studies using geological, gravimetric and economic studies. These studies concluded that is possible execute a CAES system in Salinas de Añana dome. The initial investment will pay off the eighth year.


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A relation between Cost Of Energy, COE, maximum allowed tip speed, and rated wind speed, is obtained for wind turbines with a given goal rated power. The wind regime is characterised by the corresponding parameters of the probability density function of wind speed. The non-dimensional characteristics of the rotor: number of blades, the blade radial distributions of local solidity, twist angle, and airfoil type, play the role of parameters in the mentioned relation. The COE is estimated using a cost model commonly used by the designers. This cost model requires basic design data such as the rotor radius and the ratio between the hub height and the rotor radius. Certain design options, DO, related to the technology of the power plant, tower and blades are also required as inputs. The function obtained for the COE can be explored to �nd those values of rotor radius that give rise to minimum cost of energy for a given wind regime as the tip speed limitation changes. The analysis reveals that iso-COE lines evolve parallel to iso-radius lines for large values of limit tip speed but that this is not the case for small values of the tip speed limits. It is concluded that, as the tip speed limit decreases, the optimum decision for keeping minimum COE values can be: a) reducing the rotor radius for places with high weibull scale parameter or b) increasing the rotor radius for places with low weibull scale parameter


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The aim of this study was to determine if the soils, waters and plants from the Aliaga dump contained polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their quantification.The results showed that PAHs concentrations in soils are in general higher than the reference levels from the Spanish legislation. Waters and plants contained PAHs but in low concentrations. The possible actions for remediation (photodegradation and bioremediation) seem to be unviable here because of the large volume of materials involved, although its use as an additive for the cement industry and derivatives can be considered. It is proposed that fluorantene in waters, and phenanthrene and benzo[ghi]perilene in soils be considered as pollutants as well as to study the incorporation of PAHs to plants. Key-words: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, soil, plant and water contamination, fly- ash, power plant. RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar y cuantificar los hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs) en los suelos, plantas y aguas de la Escombrera de Aliaga. La concentración de PAHs en las cenizas supera, en general, los valores establecidos en la legislación española.Las aguas y plantas contienen PAHs, aunque en concentraciones bajas. La remoción de los materiales para someterlos a fotodegradación y biorremediación es inviable debido al gran volumen de la escombrera, aunque se plantea su uso como aditivo en la fabricación de productos derivados del cemento. Se propone incluir el fenantreno y benzo[ghi]perileno en la normativa de suelos, así como el naftaleno en la de aguas y la elaboración de una legislación sobre la incorporación de estos compuestos a las plantas.


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Las centrales nucleares necesitan de personal altamente especializado y formado. Es por ello por lo que el sector de la formación especializada en centrales nucleares necesita incorporar los últimos avances en métodos formativos. Existe una gran cantidad de cursos de formación presenciales y es necesario transformar dichos cursos para utilizarlos con las nuevas tecnologías de la información. Para ello se necesitan equipos multidisciplinares, en los que se incluyen ingenieros, que deben identificar los objetivos formativos, competencias, contenidos y el control de calidad del propio curso. En este proyecto se utilizan técnicas de ingeniería del conocimiento como eje metodológico para transformar un curso de formación presencial en formación on-line a través de tecnologías de la información. En la actualidad, las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación están en constante evolución. De esta forma se han sumergido en el mundo transformando la visión que teníamos de éste para dar lugar a nuevas oportunidades. Es por ello que este proyecto busca la unión entre el e-learning y el mundo empresarial. El objetivo es el diseño, en plataforma e-learning, de un curso técnico que instruya a operadores de sala de control de una central nuclear. El trabajo realizado en este proyecto ha sido, además de transformar un curso presencial en on-line, en obtener una metodología para que otros cursos se puedan transformar. Para conseguir este cometido, debemos preocuparnos tanto por el contenido de los cursos como por su gestión. Por este motivo, el proyecto comienza con definiciones básicas de terminología propia de e-learning. Continúa con la generación de una metodología que aplique la gestión de conocimiento para transformar cualquier curso presencial a esta plataforma. Definida la metodología, se aplicará para el diseño del curso específico de Coeficientes Inherentes de Reactividad. Finaliza con un estudio económico que dé viabilidad al proyecto y con la creación de un modelo económico que estime el precio para cualquier curso futuro. Abstract Nuclear power plants need highly specialized and trained personnel. Thus, nuclear power plant Specialized Training Sector requires the incorporation of the latest advances in training methods. A large array of face-to-face training courses exist and it has become necessary to transform said courses in order to apply them with the new information systems available. For this, multidisciplinary equipment is needed where the engineering workforce must identify educational objectives, competences and abilities, contents and quality control of the different courses. In this project, knowledge engineering techniques are employed as the methodological axis in order to transform a face-to-face training course into on-line training through the use of new information technologies. Nowadays, new information and communication technologies are in constant evolution. They have introduced themselves into our world, transforming our previous vision of them, leading to new opportunities. For this reason, the present Project seeks to unite the use of e-learning and the Business and Corporate world. The main objective is the design, in an e-learning platform, of a technical course that will train nuclear power plant control-room operators. The work carried out in this Project has been, in addition to the transformation of a face-to-face course into an online one, the obtainment of a methodology to employ in the future transformation of other courses. In order to achieve this mission, our interest must focus on the content as well as on the management of the various courses. Hence, the Project starts with basic definitions of e-learning terminology. Next, a methodology that applies knowledge management for the transformation of any face-to-face course into e-learning has been generated. Once this methodology is defined, it has been applied for the design process of the Inherent Coefficients of Reactivity course. Finally, an economic study has been developed in order to determine the viability of the Project and an economic model has been created to estimate the price of any given course


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En este documento se describe brevemente el funcionamiento de los diversos sistemas de una planta nuclear operada con un reactor de tipo PWR. Más concretamente, el proyecto se centra en una descripción exhaustiva de los sistemas de salvaguardia y seguridad que regulan el funcionamiento de un reactor de tipo EPR, así como la central nuclear que contiene a dicho reactor. El proceso ha consistido en clasificar y resumir los distintos sistemas que operan en dicha planta, estudiando sus características y parámetros de funcionamiento. También se han estudiado los accidentes más comunes que pueden tener lugar en este tipo de centrales nucleares. Tras el análisis y estudio realizado acerca del reactor EPR, se puede concluir que las centrales nucleares que operan con este tipo de reactor experimentan una serie de mejoras en cuanto a la prevención de accidentes, así como una serie de mejoras de diseño en una gran variedad de sistemas y elementos del reactor, como pueden ser la vasija, los SG, etc. ABSTRACT This document gives a brief description of the operation of several systems of a nuclear power plant operating with a PWR reactor. More specifically, the project focuses on a thorough description of the safety and security systems that govern the operation of an EPR reactor and its plant. The process consisted on classify and summarize the different operating systems of this nuclear plant, studying its characteristics and operating parameters. We have also studied the most common accidents that can occur in this type of nuclear power plants. After the analysis and study on the EPR reactor, it can be concluded that nuclear power plants operating with this type of reactor undergo a series of improvements in the prevention of accidents, as well as a number of design improvements in several reactor systems and components, such as the vessel, the SG, etc.


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El objetivo de este proyecto se centra en la definición, diseño y cálculo de las principales instalaciones eléctricas de la isla de generación, típicas de una central de ciclo combinado en configuración mono-eje. Se procederá a la definición de la arquitectura del sistema de distribución eléctrica de la planta definiendo los equipos eléctricos necesarios para la alimentación y protección de los servicios auxiliares de la isla de potencia y estableciendo una filosofía basada en la optimización del dimensionamiento de los distintos componentes del sistema. El diseño de los componentes eléctricos de la planta se hará en base a los más estrictos estándares internacionales con los que se garantiza el cumplimiento de las condiciones de seguridad, tanto de las personas como la de los propios equipos, fiabilidad y funcionalidad. El siguiente paso consistirá en adaptar los equipos definidos a los existentes en el mercado y así, evitar los sobrecostes que conlleva la adquisición de equipos no estandarizados en el mercado. Abstract The main objective of the project is the definition, analysis and sizing of the main components of the electrical system of a combined cycle power plant. This includes generation, auxiliary services and emergency systems. The design is intended to meet the International Electrotechnical Commission´s standards. These will ensure the adequate and safe operation, taking into account all operation conditions of the plant and the mechanical calculation of the thermal balance by the sizing of main mechanical equipment. An acceptable level of safety and health of workers and equipment is a mandatory requirement. The final results obtained are equipment that are able to achieve the highest level of protection for workers, assets and environment.