859 resultados para Chronic renal insufficiency


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Desordens do sistema renal podem ser as causas da hipertensão arterial, a qual pode, por sua vez, causar doenças renais. A pressão sanguínea elevada é muito comum também nas doenças crônicas dos rins, e é, além disso, um conhecido fator de risco para uma mais rápida progressão da falha renal. A incidência de doenças renais crônicas está aumentando no mundo, e há uma grande necessidade de identificar as terapias capazes de deter ou reduzir a progressão da doença. Há crescente evidência de que as estatinas poderiam desempenhar um papel terapêutico. Além disso, tem sido demonstrado que a atividade física melhora a função renal em pacientes. Estudos ultra-estruturais em humanos e em ratos demonstraram a presença de junções gap dentro de todas as células do glomérulo e os podócitos demonstraram conter principalmente conexina-43 (Cx-43). O presente estudo tem como objetivo observar os efeitos da rosuvastatina e da atividade física de baixa intensidade na estrutura e ultra-estrutura renal e na expressão glomerular de Cx-43 em ratos normotensos (WKY) e em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). Os ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em oito grupos: WKY-C: animais normotensos que não receberam rosuvastatina; WKY-ROS: animais normotensos que receberam rosuvastatina 20mg/kg/dia por gavagem orogástrica; SHR-C: animais hipertensos que não receberam rosuvastatina; SHR-ROS: animais hipertensos que receberam rosuvastatina, como descrito no grupo WKY-ROS; SED-WKY: animais normotensos sedentários; EX-WKY: animais normotensos exercitados; SED-SHR: animais hipertensos sedentários; e, EX-SHR: animais hipertensos exercitados. Os animais dos grupos SHR-C, SHR-ROS e SED-SHR apresentaram níveis de pressão arterial maiores que os animais dos grupos WKY-C, WKY-ROS, SED-WKY, EX-WKY e EX-SHR. A massa corporal dos grupos de animais não diferiram significativamente durante o experimento. Não houve diferença nos níveis sanguíneos de uréia, creatinina, ácido úrico e creatinafosfoquinase entre os animas dos grupos estudados. No entanto, houve um aumento da excreção de proteína de 24 horas nos animais do grupo SHR-C. Houve um aumento na área capsular nos animais do grupo SHR-C. Por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão observou-se que nos animais SHR-C e SED-SHR a barreira de filtração glomerular, o diafragma de fenda e os podócitos estão alterados exibindo os vacúolos nos podócitos e pedicelos mais curtos e mais espessos. Por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, os animais SHR-C e SED-SHR exibiram pedicelos mais afilados, curtos e tortuosos. Um aumento da imunofluorescência para Cx-43 foi observada em células epiteliais viscerais dos glomérulos dos animais do grupo WKY-ROS e nas células parietais e viscerais dos glomérulos dos animais do grupo SHR-ROS, se comparado com os grupos WKY-C e SHR-C. Por outro lado, os animais dos grupos SED-SHR e EX-SHR exibiram diminuição da expressão de Cx-43, comparados aos animais SED-WKY e EX-WKY. Em conclusão, podemos supor que os efeitos renais da rosuvastatina e da atividade física de baixa intensidade podem ser ferramentas terapêuticas para melhorar a estrutura e conseqüentemente a função renal em indivíduos hipertensos


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Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) na fase não dialítica são normalmente orientados a seguir uma dieta hipoproteica e hipossódica. Estudos nacionais e internacionais mostram que a adesão a essa dieta tem sido baixa e difícil de ser mantida, pois requer mudanças importantes no hábito alimentar. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o impacto de um programa de educação nutricional sobre a adesão à dieta hipoproteica em pacientes com DRC em tratamento conservador. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, prospectivo com duração de 5 1,5 meses. Foram acompanhados 85 pacientes com DRC na fase não dialítica, atendidos em dois Ambulatórios de Nutrição e Doenças Renais do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Os pacientes foram divididos de forma aleatória em 2 grupos: Intervenção (n=39) e Controle (n=46). Os pacientes do Grupo Intervenção foram submetidos a um programa de educação nutricional, além da orientação de dieta hipoproteica (0,6 a 0,75 g/kg/dia). Os pacientes do Grupo Controle foram submetidos apenas à orientação de dieta hipoproteica (0,6 a 0,75 g/kg/dia). A avaliação da adesão foi feita a partir da estimativa do consumo de proteína por recordatório alimentar de 24 horas. Adotou-se como critério de adesão apresentar ao final do estudo redução de ao menos 20% da ingestão proteica inicial. A avaliação nutricional e laboratorial foi realizada no início e no término do estudo. Os parâmetros antropométricos avaliados foram peso, estatura, dobras cutâneas do tríceps, bíceps, subescapular e supra-ilíaca e perímetro da cintura e do braço. As laboratoriais foram creatinina, uréia, potássio, fósforo, glicose e albumina no plasma e sódio e uréia na urina de 24 horas. Ao avaliar o amostra total, 51,8% dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 63,4 11,0 anos, IMC indicativo de sobrepeso (28,8 5,4 kg/m2) e filtração glomerular estimada (FGe) de 32,6 12,2 mL/mim/1,73m2. As características iniciais não diferiram entre os Grupos Intervenção e Controle. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhora dos parâmetros laboratoriais e antropometricos, com redução significante da uréia plasmática e da glicemia no Grupo Controle (P < 0,05 vs início do estudo) e do IMC em ambos os grupos (P < 0,05 vs início do estudo). Após o período de acompanhamento, o Grupo Intervenção e o Grupo Controle apresentaram ingestão proteica significantemente diferente (0,62 0,2 vs 0,77 0,26 g/kg/dia, respectivamente). A ingestão de sódio não mudou de forma significante em ambos os grupos no inicio e término do acompanhamento. A Adesão à ingestão proteica foi observada em 74,4% do Grupo Intervenção e em 47,8% do Grupo Controle (P < 0,05). A análise de regressão logística multivariada revelou que pertencer ao Grupo Intervenção e sexo masculino se associaram com a Adesão (P <0,05), mesmo após corrigir para outras variáveis testadas. Com base nos achados desse estudo, pode-se concluir que o programa de educação nutricional foi uma ferramenta eficaz no tratamento dietoterápico do paciente com DRC na pré-diálise, pois promoveu melhora na adesão à dieta hipoproteica, além de ter promovido melhora dos parâmetros antropométricos e laboratoriais.


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Os pacientes idosos em hemodiálise (HD) são altamente suscetíveis ao desenvolvimento de sarcopenia, devido ao processo natural de envelhecimento e ao catabolismo induzido pelo procedimento de HD. O objetivo deste estudo foi primeiro, avaliar a prevalência de sarcopenia, dinapenia e atrofia muscular em um grupo de pacientes idosos em HD; o segundo, avaliar se os critérios aplicados para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, propostos por sociedades internacionais, são capazes de distinguir os pacientes com pior condição clínica, estado nutricional e qualidade de vida. Este estudo multicêntrico e transversal incluiu 94 pacientes idosos em HD (> 60 anos) de cinco centros de diálise. Todos os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, de composição corporal, força de preensão manual (FPM), laboratorial e avaliação da condição nutricional através da avaliação subjetiva global de 7 pontos (AGS-7p). Adicionalmente, os participantes responderam um questionário de qualidade de vida. Para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, foram adotados os critérios propostos por sociedades internacionais, que englobam os parâmetros indicativos de baixa massa muscular e baixa função muscular. Para a massa muscular adotou-se o índice de massa magra (IMM) < percentil 20 para o gênero e faixa etária de uma população de referência, avaliado a partir da massa magra obtida pelo somatório de dobras cutâneas. Para o critério de baixa função muscular, adotou-se a FPM < percentil 10 para o gênero, faixa etária e o braço utilizado de uma população de referência. Os pacientes foram classificados como Sarcopênicos (baixo IMM associado à baixa FPM); Dinapênicos (baixa FPM) e Atrofia muscular (baixo IMM). A sarcopenia estava presente em 13.8% dos pacientes, enquanto a dinapenia foi observada em 37.2% e a atrofia muscular em 35.1%. A sarcopenia foi capaz de distinguir os pacientes que possuíam maior comprometimento do estado nutricional e da composição corporal. O critério de função muscular (isoladamente ou em combinação com a massa muscular) também identificou os pacientes com pior qualidade de vida. Em conclusão, a prevalência de sarcopenia foi observada em 13,8% do grupo. Entretanto, ao usar apenas critérios que indicam redução da força ou massa muscular, esta prevalência aumentou para 30%. A condição de sarcopenia distinguiu pacientes com pior estado nutricional e qualidade de vida.


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O termo vitamina D compreende um grupo de hormônios esteróides com ações biológicas semelhantes. O método mais acurado para determinar o estado de vitamina D é através dos níveis plasmáticos de 25 hidroxivitamina D [25(OH)D]. A deficiência de 25(OH)D é considerada um problema de saúde pública, tendo como principal causa à baixa exposição solar, idade avançada e doenças crônicas. A deficiência de 25(OH)D é frequente em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) na fase não dialítica. Estudos têm evidenciado que os níveis séricos de 25(OH)D apresentam associação inversa com adiposidade corporal e resistência à insulina (RI) na população em geral e na DRC. O excesso de gordura corporal e o risco de Doença Cardiovascular (DVC) vêm sendo estudados em pacientes com DRC e dentre as complicações metabólicas associadas à adiposidade corporal elevada observa-se valores aumentados de HOMA-IR (Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance) um marcador para RI. Estudos avaliando o perfil da 25(OH)D na DRC na fase não dialítica, especialmente relacionados com a adiposidade corporal e RI são escassos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a relação entre os níveis séricos de 25(OH)D, RI, e adiposidade corporal em pacientes com DRC na fase não dialítica. Trata-se de um estudo transversal observacional, incluindo pacientes adultos, clinicamente estáveis e com filtração glomerular estimada (FGe) ≤ 60 ml/min., em acompanhamento regular no Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Tratamento da DRC. Os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação do estado nutricional por antropometria (peso, altura, índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferências e dobras cutâneas) e absorciometria de duplo feixe de raios X (DXA); foram avaliados no sangue: creatinina, uréia, glicose, albumina, colesterol total e frações e triglicérides, além de leptina, insulina e 25(OH)D. Níveis séricos < 20ng/dL de 25(OH)D foram considerados como deficiência. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o software STATA versão 10.0, StataCorp, College Satation, TX, USA. Foram avaliados 244 pacientes (homens n=135; 55,3%) com média de idade de 66,3 13,4 anos e de FGe= 29,4 12,7 ml/min. O IMC médio foi de 26,1 kg/m (23,0-30,1) com elevada prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade (58%). A adiposidade corporal total foi elevada em homens (gordura total-DXA= 30,2 7,6%) e mulheres (gordura total-DXA= 39,9 6,6%). O valor mediano de 25(OH) D foi de 28,55 ng/dL (35,30-50,70) e de HOMA-IR foi 1,6 (1,0-2,7). Os pacientes com deficiência de 25(OH)D (n= 51; 20,5%) apresentaram maior adiposidade corporal total (DXA% e BAI %) e central (DXA%) e valores mais elevados de leptina. A 25(OH)D apresentou correlação significante com adiposidade corporal total e central e com a leptina, mas não se associou com valores de HOMA-IR. Estes resultados permitem concluir que nos pacientes DRC fase não dialítica a deficiência de 25(OH)D e a elevada adiposidade corporal são frequentes. Estas duas condições estão fortemente associadas independente da RI; a alta adiposidade corporal total e central estão positivamente relacionadas com RI; 25(OH)H e RI não estão associados nessa população com sobrepeso/obesidade.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), osteoporosis and mild hyponatremia are all prevalent chronic conditions that may coexist and are often under-recognized. Mineral-Bone Disorder begins early in the natural history of CKD and results in complex abnormalities of bone which ultimately confers a well-established increased risk of fragility fractures in End Stage Kidney Disease. Hyponatremia is a novel, usually renal mediated metabolic perturbation, that most commonly occurs independently of the stage of renal dysfunction but which may also predispose to increased fracture risk. The extent -if any- to which either early stages of renal dysfunction or the presence of hyponatremia contribute to fracture occurrence in the general population, independently of osteoporosis, is unclear. Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for ESKD and although it restores endogenous renal function it typically fails to normalize either the long term cardiovascular or fracture risk. One potential mechanism contributing to these elevated long-term risks and to diminished Health Related Quality of Life is persistent, post-transplant hyperparathyroidism. In this study we retrospectively examine the association of renal function and serum sodium with Bone Mineral Density and fracture occurrence in a retrospective cohort of 1930 female members of the general population who underwent routine DXA scan. We then prospectively recruited a cohort of 90 renal transplant recipients in order to examine the association of post transplant parathyroid hormone (PTH) level with measures of CKD Mineral Bone Disorder, including, DXA Bone Mineral Density, Vascular Calcification (assessed using both abdominal radiography and CT techniques, as well as indirectly by carotid-femoral Pulse Wave Velocity) and Quality of Life (using the Short Form-12 and a PTH specific symptom score). In the retrospective DXA cohort, moderate CKD (eGFR 30-59ml/min/1.73m2) and hyponatremia (<135mmol/L) were associated with fracture occurrence, independently of BMD, with an adjusted Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval), of 1.37 (1.0, 1.89) and 2.25 (1.24, 4.09) respectively. In the renal transplant study, PTH was independently associated with the presence of osteoporosis, adjusted Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval), 1.15 (per 10ng/ml increment), (1.04, 1.26). The presence of osteoporosis but not PTH was independently associated with measures of vascular calcification, adjusted ß (95% Confidence Interval), 12.45, (1.16, 23.75). Of the eight quality-of-life domains examined, post-transplant PTH (per 10ng/ml increment), was only significantly and independently associated with reduced Physical Functioning, (95% Confidence Interval), 1.12 (1.01, 1.23). CKD and hyponatremia are both common health problems that may contribute to fracture occurrence in the general population, a major on-going public health concern. PTH and decreased Bone Mineral Density may signal sub-optimal long-term outcomes post renal transplantation, influencing bone and vascular health and to a limited extent long term Health Related Quality of Life


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Hypogammaglobulinemia (hypo-Ig) and low mannose binding protein (MBP) levels might be involved in the infectious risk in renal transplantation. In 152 kidney transplant recipients treated with calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), during the first year, we prospectively recorded the incidence of hypogammaglobulinemia, and low MBP levels. Their influence on infectious complications was evaluated in 92 patients at 3 and 12 months (T3 and T12). The proportion of deficiency increased significantly: hypo-IgG: 6% (T0), 45% (T3), and 30% (T12) (P < 0.001); hypo-MBP: 5%, 11%, and 12% (P = 0.035). Hypo-IgG at T3 was not associated with an increased incidence of first-year infections. A significantly higher proportion of patients with combined hypogammaglobulinemia [IgG+ (IgA and/or IgM)] at T3 and with isolated hypo-IgG at T0 developed infections until T3 compared with patients free of these deficits (P < 0.05). Low MBP levels at T3 were associated with more sepsis and viral infections. Hypogammaglobulinemia is frequent during the first year after renal transplantation in patients treated with a CNI and MMF. Hypo-IgG at T0 and combined Igs deficts at T3 were associated with more infections. MBP deficiency might emerge as an important determinant of the post-transplant infectious risk.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known regarding the types of information African American and non-African American patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and their families need to inform renal replacement therapy (RRT) decisions. METHODS: In 20 structured group interviews, we elicited views of African American and non-African American patients with CKD and their families about factors that should be addressed in educational materials informing patients' RRT selection decisions. We asked participants to select factors from a list and obtained their open-ended feedback. RESULTS: Ten groups of patients (5 African American, 5 non-African American; total 68 individuals) and ten groups of family members (5 African American, 5 non-African American; total 62 individuals) participated. Patients and families had a range (none to extensive) of experiences with various RRTs. Patients identified morbidity or mortality, autonomy, treatment delivery, and symptoms as important factors to address. Family members identified similar factors but also cited the effects of RRT decisions on patients' psychological well-being and finances. Views of African American and non-African American participants were largely similar. CONCLUSIONS: Educational resources addressing the influence of RRT selection on patients' morbidity and mortality, autonomy, treatment delivery, and symptoms could help patients and their families select RRT options closely aligned with their values. Including information about the influence of RRT selection on patients' personal relationships and finances could enhance resources' cultural relevance for African Americans.


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BACKGROUND: Evidence is lacking to inform providers' and patients' decisions about many common treatment strategies for patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). METHODS/DESIGN: The DEcIDE Patient Outcomes in ESRD Study is funded by the United States (US) Agency for Health Care Research and Quality to study the comparative effectiveness of: 1) antihypertensive therapies, 2) early versus later initiation of dialysis, and 3) intravenous iron therapies on clinical outcomes in patients with ESRD. Ongoing studies utilize four existing, nationally representative cohorts of patients with ESRD, including (1) the Choices for Healthy Outcomes in Caring for ESRD study (1041 incident dialysis patients recruited from October 1995 to June 1999 with complete outcome ascertainment through 2009), (2) the Dialysis Clinic Inc (45,124 incident dialysis patients initiating and receiving their care from 2003-2010 with complete outcome ascertainment through 2010), (3) the United States Renal Data System (333,308 incident dialysis patients from 2006-2009 with complete outcome ascertainment through 2010), and (4) the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Chronic Kidney Disease Registry (53,399 patients with chronic kidney disease with outcome ascertainment from 2005 through 2009). We ascertain patient reported outcomes (i.e., health-related quality of life), morbidity, and mortality using clinical and administrative data, and data obtained from national death indices. We use advanced statistical methods (e.g., propensity scoring and marginal structural modeling) to account for potential biases of our study designs. All data are de-identified for analyses. The conduct of studies and dissemination of findings are guided by input from Stakeholders in the ESRD community. DISCUSSION: The DEcIDE Patient Outcomes in ESRD Study will provide needed evidence regarding the effectiveness of common treatments employed for dialysis patients. Carefully planned dissemination strategies to the ESRD community will enhance studies' impact on clinical care and patients' outcomes.


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Objective: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) benefit from specialist interventions to retard progression of renal failure and prevent cardiovascular events. Certain patient groups have poor access to specialist renal services when dialysis is required. This study used a population-based laboratory database to investigate access to and timeliness of referral to renal specialists relatively early in the course of the disease.

Methods: All tests for serum creatinine and haemoglobin (Hb) A1c in Northern Ireland in a two-year period (2001 and 2002) were retrieved for 345,441 adults. Of these, 16,856 patients had at least one serum creatinine level above 150 µmol/L in 2001 not deemed to be due to acute renal failure (crude prevalence 1.42%). This cohort was followed until the end of 2002 and the differences in the time to referral to a specialist were assessed using Cox's proportional hazards regression.

Results: Diabetic patients, older patients and those living in deprived areas were significantly more likely to have serum creatinine testing, compared with non-diabetic, younger and those living in more affluent areas. Delays in referral to renal specialists for patients with raised serum creatinine levels were significantly shorter among diabetic patients, women, younger individuals, those living in rural areas, those living close to renal centres and those living in deprived areas. Overall, only 19% of diabetic patients and 6% of non-diabetic patients who had CKD had seen a renal specialist within 12 months of their index creatinine test.

Conclusion: Contrary to other diseases, disadvantaged patients do not seem to be under-investigated for renal disease compared with their more affluent neighbours and are generally referred earlier for specialist assessment. However, the absolute rate of timely specialist assessment is low. Recent changes in referral criteria for CKD will result in more referrals and will have serious resource implications. Opportunities for health gain among patients with declining renal function are being missed, particularly among the old and those living furthest from specialist centres.


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Background: There is consensus in the literature that the end of life care for patients with chronic illness is suboptimal, but research on the specific needs of this population is limited. Aim: This study aimed to use a mixed methodology and case study approach to explore the palliative care needs of patients with a non-cancer diagnosis from the perspectives of the patient, their significant other and the clinical team responsible for their care. Patients (n 18) had a diagnosis of either end-stage heart failure, renal failure or respiratory disease. Methods: The Short Form 36 and Hospital and Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire were completed by all patients. Unstructured interviews were (n 35) were conducted separately with each patient and then their significant other. These were followed by a focus group discussion (n 18) with the multiprofessional clinical team. Quantitative data were analysed using simple descriptive statistics and simple descriptive statistics. All qualitative data were taped, transcribed and analysed using Colaizzi’s approach to qualitative analysis. Findings: Deteriorating health status was the central theme derived from this analysis. It led to decreased independence, social isolation and family burden. These problems were mitigated by the limited resources at the individual’s disposal and the availability of support from hospital and community services. Generally resources and support were perceived as lacking. All participants in this study expressed concerns regarding the patients’ future and some patients described feelings of depression or acceptance of the inevitability of imminent death. Conclusion: Patients dying from chronic illness in this study had many concerns and unmet clinical needs. Care teams were frustrated by the lack of resources available to them and admitted they were ill-equipped to provide for the individual’s holistic needs. Some clinicians described difficulty in talking openly with the patient and family regarding the palliative nature of their treatment. An earlier and more effective implementation of the palliative care approach is necessary if the needs of patients in the final stages of chronic illness are to be adequately addressed. Pa


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BACKGROUND.: High serum phosphate has been identified as an important contributor to the vascular calcification seen in patients with chronic kidney disease (Block et al., Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 31: 607). In patients on hemodialysis, elevated serum phosphate levels are an independent predictor of mortality (Block et al., Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 31: 607; Block, Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2001; 10: 741). The aim of this study was to investigate whether an elevated serum phosphate level was an independent predictor of mortality in patients with a renal transplant.
METHODS.: Three hundred seventy-nine asymptomatic renal transplant recipients were recruited between June 2000 and December 2002. Serum phosphate was measured at baseline and prospective follow-up data were collected at a median of 2441 days after enrolment.
RESULTS.: Serum phosphate was significantly higher in those renal transplant recipients who died at follow-up when compared with those who were still alive at follow-up (P<0.001). In Kaplan-Meier analysis, serum phosphate concentration was a significant predictor of mortality (P=0.0001). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, serum phosphate concentration remained a statistically significant predictor of all-cause mortality after adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk factors, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and high sensitivity C reactive protein (P=0.036) and after adjustment for renal graft failure (P=0.001).
CONCLUSIONS.: The results of this prospective study are the first to show that a higher serum phosphate is a predictor of mortality in patients with a renal transplant and suggest that serum phosphate provides additional, independent, prognostic information to that provided by traditional risk factors in the risk assessment of patients with a renal transplant.


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The molecular pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN), the leading cause of end-stage renal disease worldwide, is complex and not fully understood. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta1) plays a critical role in many fibrotic disorders, including DN. In this study, we report protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) activation as a downstream event contributing to the pathophysiology of DN. We investigated the potential of PKB/Akt to mediate the profibrotic bioactions of TGF-beta1 in kidney. Treatment of normal rat kidney epithelial cells (NRK52E) with TGF-beta1 resulted in activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and PKB/Akt as evidenced by increased Ser473 phosphorylation and GSK-3beta phosphorylation. TGF-beta1 also stimulated increased Smad3 phosphorylation in these cells, a response that was insensitive to inhibition of PI3K or PKB/Akt. NRK52E cells displayed a loss of zona occludins 1 and E-cadherin and a gain in vimentin and alpha-smooth muscle actin expression, consistent with the fibrotic actions of TGF-beta1. These effects were blocked with inhibitors of PI3K and PKB/Akt. Furthermore, overexpression of PTEN, the lipid phosphatase regulator of PKB/Akt activation, inhibited TGF-beta1-induced PKB/Akt activation. Interestingly, in the Goto-Kakizaki rat model of type 2 diabetes, we also detected increased phosphorylation of PKB/Akt and its downstream target, GSK-3beta, in the tubules, relative to that in control Wistar rats. Elevated Smad3 phosphorylation was also detected in kidney extracts from Goto-Kakizaki rats with chronic diabetes. Together, these data suggest that TGF-beta1-mediated PKB/Akt activation may be important in renal fibrosis during diabetic nephropathy.