811 resultados para Child cognition
As an employer, you are always seeking good employees to add to your business. Many youth are eager to work in Iowa, especially during the summer months.To a teenager, a job means money for school and other expenses, work experience and help in deciding on a career.
Role reversal, whereby a child attempts to meet her parent's adult needs for parenting, intimacy, or companionship, has been identified as a risk factor for developmental disturbances. It has been defined from diverse perspectives as a child attachment strategy, a parent - toddler relational disturbance, and a boundary disturbance between parents and child. The recently discovered infant's triangular capacity, namely the sharing of her attention and affects with both parents, allows one to analyse the infant's contribution to early family dynamics. Role reversal was detected in 4 out of 45 father - mother - infant interactions observed in trilogue play from pregnancy to toddlerhood. The developmental trajectories towards role reversal are explored by means of case analyses. Results are compared with cases of problematic triangulation encountered in the same sample. In role reversal, family interactions are rigidly organized around a "two against one" coalition, whereby the normative hierarchy between parents and child is reversed. The child's triangular capacity is overactivated, controlling the tension between her parents by provocation - animation strategies
This paper describes a one-month-old girl presenting with respiratory and growth failure due to diaphragmatic paralysis associated with left brachial plexus palsy after forceps delivery. Despite continuous positive pressure ventilation and nasogastric feeding, the situation did not improve and a laparoscopic diaphragmatic plication had to be performed. When dealing with a child born with brachial plexus palsy, one must think of this possible association and if necessary proceed to the complementary radiological examinations. The treatment must avoid complications like feeding difficulties and failure to thrive, respiratory infections or atelectasis. It includes intensive support and a good evaluation of the prognosis of the lesion to decide the best moment for a surgical therapy.
Lack of MRI neurohypophyseal bright signal in a child with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (CNDI) is a rare disease characterized by the inability of the kidney to respond to arginine vasopressin (AVP). The absence of the neurohypophyseal 'bright signal' on T1 sequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered as an argument in favour of the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus (CDI). This observation is challenged as we hereby present a case of a child diagnosed with CNDI and who did not present MRI pituitary bright signal. A 6-month-old male presented with failure to thrive, polyuria and polydypsia. Family history revealed that the mother, 35 years of age, had been presenting polydypsia and polyuria, and she was investigated at the age of 6 years with no concluding diagnosis. The patient's physical exam showed a weight of 5215 g (−3 DS) and clinical signs of dehydration. The patient's plasma sodium level was 155 mmol/L, osmolality 305 mOsm/kg and urine osmolality 150 mOsm/kg. Brain MRI showed in T1 sequences the absence of the posterior pituitary bright signal suggesting the diagnosis of CDI (Figure 1). The child was treated with synthetic AVP analogue 1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP) without improvement, which led to the consideration of CNDI. The diagnosis was confirmed by an elevated serum level of AVP of 214 pmol/L (reference value ≤4.34 pmol/L) and by genetic analysis demonstrating and T106C mutation in the V2R (X-linked CNDI). The child was treated with thiazide diuretic and increased fluids with restricted sodium intake. This resulted in catch-up growth and improved neurological development. A follow-up MRI was performed 6 months after the start of therapy with the same technique. At that time, the child's weight had improved to 9310 g (−1.5 DS) corresponding to a gain of 22 g per day, and he did not present any clinical signs of dehydration and had a normal plasma level of sodium (140 mmol/L). MRI showed that the bright signal was still absent.
In the past two decades, the iconography of victimhood mobilized by child rights advocates has changed significantly. In particular, the child victim of violence has replaced the street child as the dominant icon on the international agenda. Based on data from more than 300 documents produced between 1989 and 2009 and interviews with leading advocates, this article explores the diverging trajectories of iconic child victims. It follows the traces of the successive translations of the idea of âeuro~stolen childhoodâeuro? and locates them against the backdrop of evolutions in the childrenâeuro?s rights field.
Immigration, intégration, précarité, échec scolaire, ignorance du français, délinquance sont des thèmes qui animent régulièrement les débats publics, médiatiques et politiques. Bien que les migrations ont toujours fait partie de l'histoire humaine, elles sont souvent décrites comme un trouble aux identités nationales, elles-mêmes mises à mal par la mondialisation. Cependant, les mécanismes sous-tendant les difficultés rencontrées par certains enfants de migrants demeurent bien moins débattus et considérés que leurs conséquences bruyantes et visibles. Après une réflexion sur l'impact de la migration elle-même sur le sujet et un bref aperçu de l'ethnopsychiatrie, nous allons décrire les difficultés que peut rencontrer l'enfant de migrants, leurs origines et leurs conséquences. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite à la manière dont notre société, nos institutions en tiennent compte ou pas. Nous terminerons notre propos par la mise en relief des besoins thérapeutiques et éducatifs spéciaux de ces enfants et la manière dont ceux-ci sont comblés (ou non). Immigration, social integration, precariousness, language barrier, delinquency are constantly stimulating public, political and media debate. Migrations always were part of the human history but they are often described like a disorder of the national identities, themselves put at evil by globalization. However, the origin of the difficulties that certain children of migrants encounter is often overlooked. Only their disturbing implications are frequently studied. After a brief comment on the impact of the migration and the ethnopsychiatry, we will outline the difficulties sometimes faced by the children of migrants, their origins and consequences. Then we will describe how the society and the institutions take them in account (or not). We finally will delineate the specific needs of those children and how they are meeting (or not).
Squamous-cell carcinoma arising in a non-irradiated child with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis.
We describe a patient with recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) associated with human papilloma virus (HPV), who developed a fatal squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. At the age of 1 year he presented with hoarseness, dyspnoea and inspiratory stridor but the diagnosis of RRP was made only 1 year later. At the age of 4 years he was tracheostomized because of upper airway obstruction. In spite of multiple surgical excisions and topic treatment with 5-fluorouracil the papillomata extended to the lung parenchyma. At the age of 16 years he developed a squamous-cell carcinoma of the lung and died 4 months later. Transformation to pulmonary carcinoma is a rare complication in non-irradiated patients with lung papillomatosis. We found only 11 similar cases in the literature.
Congrès de la Société Française de Pédiatrie et de l'Association des Pédiatres de Langue Française (APLF)
D'une certaine manière, la rhétorique est un art cognitif. L'art de discourir en situation concrète dans l'espoir de faire adhérer l'auditoire à une thèse suppose une forte aptitude cognitive: celle de se représenter la façon dont l'auditoire lui-même se représente une situation rhétorique. Or, à partir du moment où agir sur les représentations d'autrui est facilité par des techniques rhétoriques ou sophistiques, la question de la tromperie verbale s'est immiscée dans des affaires de régulation sociale et, avec elle, des enjeux tant de crédibilité que de crédulité. Dans le cadre démocratique rendant encore plus aiguë une forme de dépendance à l'information d'autrui, la nécessité de croire tout comme la possibilité d'être leurré mettent à l'épreuve tant le fonctionnement social de la Cité que l'évaluation des informations et de leurs auteurs. Le but des contributions de cet ouvrage n'est pas de dénoncer les effets de certains schèmes argumentatifs que d'aucuns jugeraient fallacieux ni d'ajouter une couche nouvelle aux critiques des sophismes, mais d'étudier leur fonctionnement et leurs effets cognitifs hic et nunc. Quels sont les mécanismes langagiers et cognitifs qui expliquent la «performance» des arguments réputés fallacieux? Comment fonctionnent les stratégies rhétoriques à l'intersection entre cognition, sciences du langage et société? Cet ouvrage, issu du colloque Communication et Cognition: manipulation, persuasion et biais dans le langage, tenu à Neuchâtel du 26 au 28 janvier 2011, propose plusieurs propositions originales ou hypothèses stimulantes dans l'espoir qu'elles inspireront tant les chercheurs spécialisés en rhétorique et sciences du langage à aller voir du côté de la psychologie cognitive que les spécialistes de ce domaine à mettre en évidence la rhétoricité de leurs recherches. English version: In a way, rhetoric is a cognitive art. The art of speaking in concrete situations in the hope of gaining the audience's consent on a given issue requires the operation of a cognitive ability: that of being able to represent the way an audience represents itself a rhetorical situation. Nonetheless, once we consider that rhetorical or sophistic techniques influence people's representations, verbal deception becomes a matter of social regulation, together with issues of credibility and credulity. In a democratic context fostering a form of dependence towards other people's information, the necessity of believing everything and the possibility of being duped are challenges for both the social management of the City and the evaluation of information and of its sources. The contribution of the chapters of this volume is neither to be found in the condemnation of the fallacious effects of specific argument schemes nor in the addition of yet another layer to fallacy criticism, but in the study of how fallacies work, hic et nunc. What are the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms at play behind the "performance" of fallacious arguments? How do rhetorical strategies work at the interface of cognition, language science and society? This book gathers papers that were presented during the international conference Communication & Cognition: manipulation, persuasion and biases in language, held at the University of Neuchâtel in January 2011. A number of original proposals and stimulating hypotheses emerge from them: we hope that these will inspire researchers in the language sciences who specialise in rhetoric to take on board cognitive scientific insights but also researchers in cognitive science to engage with the rhetoricity of their own research.
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 requires each state to provide an annual report card to inform stakeholders and the public about the progress of students and schools on indicators of student achievement and other information that relates to student success. The State Report Card provides state level data to serve as a comparison for schools and districts as they consider and implement improvement efforts to increase the success for all Iowa students.
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 requires each state to provide an annual report card to inform stakeholders and the public about the progress of students and schools on indicators of student achievement and other information that relates to student success. The State Report Card provides state level data to serve as a comparison for schools and districts as they consider and implement improvement efforts to increase the success for all Iowa students.
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 requires each state to provide an annual report card to inform stakeholders and the public about the progress of students and schools on indicators of student achievement and other information that relates to student success. The State Report Card provides state level data to serve as a comparison for schools and districts as they consider and implement improvement efforts to increase the success for all Iowa students.