910 resultados para Cancer screening for women


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Breast cancer in families with germ line mutations in the TP53 gene has been described in the medical literature. Mutation screening for susceptibility genes should allow effective prophylactic and preventive measures. Using single-strand conformational polymorphism, we screened for mutations in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of gene TP53 in the peripheral blood of 8 young non-affected members (17 to 36 years old) of families with a history of breast cancer. Studies of this type on young patients (mean age, 25 years) are very rare in the literature. The identification of these mutations would contribute to genetic counseling of members of families with predisposition to breast cancer. The results obtained did not show any polymorphism indicating mutation. In our sample, the familial tumorigenesis is probably related to other gene etiologies.


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Polymorphisms of hormone receptor genes have been linked to modifications in reproductive factors and to an increased risk of breast cancer (BC). In the present study, we have determined the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the ERα-397 PvuII C/T, ERα-351 XbaI A/G and PGR PROGINS polymorphisms and investigated their relationship with mammographic density, body mass index (BMI) and other risk factors for BC. A consecutive and unselected sample of 750 Brazilian BC-unaffected women enrolled in a mammography screening program was recruited. The distribution of PGR PROGINS genotypic frequencies was 72.5, 25.5 and 2.0% for A1A1, A1A2 and A2A2, respectively, which was equivalent to that encountered in other studies with healthy women. The distribution of ERα genotypes was: ERα-397 PvuII C/T: 32.3% TT, 47.5% TC, and 20.2% CC; ERα-351 XbaI A/G: 46.3% AA, 41.7% AG and 12.0% GG. ERα haplotypes were 53.5% PX, 14.3% Px, 0.3% pX, and 32.0% px. These were significantly different from most previously published reports worldwide (P < 0.05). Overall, the PGR PROGINS genotypes A2A2 and A1A2 were associated with fatty and moderately fatty breast tissue. The same genotypes were also associated with a high BMI in postmenopausal women. In addition, the ERα-351 XbaI GG genotype was associated with menarche ≥12 years (P = 0.02). ERα and PGR polymorphisms have a phenotypic effect and may play an important role in BC risk determination. Finally, if confirmed in BC patients, these associations could have important implications for mammographic screening and strategies and may be helpful to identify women at higher risk for the disease.


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Breast cancer in families with germ line mutations in the TP53 gene has been described in the medical literature. Mutation screening for susceptibility genes should allow effective prophylactic and preventive measures. Using single-strand conformational polymorphism, we screened for mutations in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 of gene TP53 in the peripheral blood of 8 young non-affected members (17 to 36 years old) of families with a history of breast cancer. Studies of this type on young patients (mean age, 25 years) are very rare in the literature. The identification of these mutations would contribute to genetic counseling of members of families with predisposition to breast cancer. The results obtained did not show any polymorphism indicating mutation. In our sample, the familial tumorigenesis is probably related to other gene etiologies.


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Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) is caused by a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Women with a BRCA1/2 mutation are at increased risks for breast and ovarian cancer and often develop cancer at an earlier age than the general population. However, some women with a BRCA1/2 mutation do not develop breast or ovarian cancer under the age of 50 years. There have been no specific studies on BRCA positive women with no cancer prior to age 50, therefore this study sought to investigate factors within these women with no cancer under age 50 with respect to reproductive risk factors, BMI, tumor pathology, screening history, risk-reducing surgeries, and family history. 241 women were diagnosed with cancer prior to age 50, 92 with cancer at age 50 or older, and 20 women were over age 50 with no cancer. Data were stratified based on BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status. Within the cohorts we investigated differences between women who developed cancer prior to age 50 and those who developed cancer at age 50 or older. We also investigated the differences between women who developed cancer at age 50 or older and those who were age 50 or older with no cancer. Of the 92 women with a BRCA1/2 mutation who developed cancer at age 50 or older, 46 developed ovarian cancer first, 45 developed breast cancer, and one had breast and ovarian cancer diagnosed synchronously. BRCA2 carriers diagnosed age 50 or older were more likely to have ER/PR negative breast tumors when compared to BRCA2 carriers who were diagnosed before age 50. This is consistent with one other study that has been performed. Ashkenazi Jewish women with a BRCA1 mutation were more likely to be diagnosed age 50 or older than other ethnicities. Hispanic women with a BRCA2 mutation were more likely to be diagnosed prior to age 50 when compared to other ethnicities. No differences in reproductive factors or BMI were observed. Further characterization of BRCA positive women with no cancer prior to age 50 may aid in finding factors important in the development of breast or ovarian cancer.


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The discoveries of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have made it possible for women of families with hereditary breast/ovarian cancer to determine if they carry cancer-predisposing genetic mutations. Women with germline mutations have significantly higher probabilities of developing both cancers than the general population. Since the presence of a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation does not guarantee future cancer development, the appropriate course of action remains uncertain for these women. Prophylactic mastectomy and oophorectomy remain controversial since the underlying premise for surgical intervention is based more upon reduction in the estimated risk of cancer than on actual evidence of clinical benefit. Issues that are incorporated in a woman's decision making process include quality of life without breasts, ovaries, attitudes toward possible surgical morbidity as well as a remaining risk of future development of breast/ovarian cancer despite prophylactic surgery. The incorporation of patient preferences into decision analysis models can determine the quality-adjusted survival of different prophylactic approaches to breast/ovarian cancer prevention. Monte Carlo simulation was conducted on 4 separate decision models representing prophylactic oophorectomy, prophylactic mastectomy, prophylactic oophorectomy/mastectomy and screening. The use of 3 separate preference assessment methods across different populations of women allows researchers to determine how quality adjusted survival varies according to clinical strategy, method of preference assessment and the population from which preferences are assessed. ^


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The objectives of this dissertation were to determine the quality of life in women with ovarian cancer and the association of their physical and emotional well-being with the number of symptoms, duration of symptoms, and the scores of common symptoms of ovarian cancer; to study the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine techniques for symptom relief and its association with the number of symptoms, age, education, insurance, comorbidity, and satisfaction with medical care they received, and their pre-diagnostic experience of symptoms.^ This study was based on a secondary data analysis of a study of early detection of ovarian cancer. A sample of 139 women with ovarian cancer was recruited and was administered a questionnaire comprised of questions on their quality of life, their symptoms and what they did about the symptoms, whether they used any complementary and alternative medicine techniques, and other medical conditions they had. Out of this sample, 53 patients underwent in-depth interviews relating to their symptoms before the diagnosis and their experiences with the health care system leading to the ovarian cancer diagnosis. ^ In article #1, ovarian cancer patients were observed to have significantly poorer quality of life on all subscales and summary scores except pain, compared to that of the general population of US women. Physical well-being scores were negatively associated with the number of symptoms before diagnosis and a significant negative association of comorbidity index was observed with physical well-being. Higher education and increase in time since diagnosis was found to have better physical scores. Emotional well-being scores showed marginally significant associations with number of symptoms and bloating. ^ In article #2, a thematic content analysis of the ovarian cancer patients’ interviews revealed that on recognition of their symptoms women first assumed their symptoms to be a normal transient occurrence due to a pre-existing disease condition, or due to some other disease. A series of misattributions of their symptoms on their and their doctors’ part impacted their health care seeking.In article #3, a significantly greater likelihood of CAM use with an increase in the number of symptoms was observed.^ Based on the foregoing results, it is important to educate women on possible signs of ovarian cancer and also to educate doctors about the results of current research regarding ovarian cancer diagnosis. This will help to avoid a delay in getting a diagnosis and improve women’s quality of life. It emphasizes the diagnosis of ovarian cancer in earlier stages by more sensitive screening techniques. This study emphasizes the importance of consideration of comorbidity in any quality of life research. Additionally, educating women in the safe use of CAM techniques carries immense significance because the efficacy and safety of many of the currently advertized CAM products has not been scientifically validated. Further research is needed to confirm the findings of this study. ^


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Background: With over 440 million cases of infections worldwide, genital HPV is the most frequent sexually transmitted infection. There are several types including high risk types 16, 18, 58 and 70 among others, which are known to cause cervical cell abnormality and if persistent, can lead to cervical cancer which globally, claims 288,000 lives annually. 33.4 million people worldwide are currently living with HIV/AIDS, with 22.4 million in sub-Saharan Africa where 70% of the female population living with HIV/AIDS is also found. Similar risk factors for HPV, cervical cancer and HIV/AIDS include early age at sexual debut, multiple sexual partners, infrequent condom use, history of STI and immune-suppression. ^ Objectives: To describe the role of HPV in cervical cancer development, to describe the influence of HIV/AIDS on HPV and in the development of cervical cancer and to describe the importance of preventive measures such as screening. ^ Methods: This is a literature review where data were analyzed qualitatively and a descriptive narrative style used to evaluate and present the information. The data came from searches using Pub Med, Cochrane Library, EBSCO Medline databases as well as websites such as the CDC and WHO. Articles selected were published in English over the last 10 years. Keywords used included: 'HPV, cervical cancer and HIV', 'HIV and HPV', 'HPV and cervical cancer', 'HPV infection', 'HPV vaccine', 'genital HPV', 'HIV and cervical cancer', 'prevalence of HIV and cervical cancer' and 'prevalence of cervical cancer'. ^ Results: Women with HIV/AIDS have multiple HPV types, persistent infection, are more likely to present with cervical neoplasia and are at higher risk for cervical cancer. Research also shows that HIV could affect the transmissibility of HPV and that HPV itself could also increase the susceptibility to HIV acquisition. ^ Conclusion: HIV, genital HPV and cervical cancer are all preventable. Need to emphasize programs that aim to increase HIV/AIDS, HPV and cervical cancer awareness. Stress importance of behavior modification such as frequent use of condoms, decreased sexual partners and delayed first intercourse. Facilitate programs for screening and treating HPV, male circumcision, effective management of HAART and HPV vaccination.^


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This study describes the incidence and mortality of uterine cervical cancer among Texas Anglo and Hispanic women, compares these data with respective data from the U.S. SEER Program, and determines factors which explain observed differences between the Texas ethnic groups and between Texas and SEER women. A total of 1,052 invasive and 1,852 in situ cervical cancer cases diagnosed during 1976-1985 among Texas residents were identified from the Texas Cancer Registry for study.^ The effect of ethnicity on the incidence of cervical cancer was found to be strongly modified by age. Texas Hispanic women 35 years and older were found to be at significantly greater risk (two- to four-fold) of invasive cervical cancer than Texas Anglos, and the risk was greatest among women 55-69 years. Compared with SEER females, both Texas ethnic groups exhibited excess risks of invasive cancer, but the magnitude varied with age. In contrast, Texas females were diagnosed less frequently with in situ cervical cancer than SEER females, and Hispanics had the largest differentials.^ As an indicator of differences in screening utilization between Texas and SEER ethnic groups, comparisons of in situ with invasive rates revealed both Texas ethnic groups in all age groups to have lower ratios than respective SEER females. Texas Hispanics had the lowest ratios. A larger percentage of squamous cell tumors were diagnosed among SEER females compared with Texas females, also supporting the finding of less screening. Texas invasive cases did not differ by ethnic group in the distribution of cell types. Hispanics 35-54 years had higher rates than Texas Anglos and SEER Hispanics for all four cell types.^ Declines in the incidence of invasive tumors over time were seen among Texas Anglos 35-54 years and Hispanics 55+ years. The mortality of cervical cancer also declined among Texas Anglo and Hispanic females 55+ years, but the rates still remained highest among these groups.^ In summary, these data indicate increased risks of invasive cervical cancer and less screening among subgroups of Texas females. Prevention efforts should be directed toward these Texas women at high risk of invasive cervical tumors. ^


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Objective: The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the needs of male and female oncology patients within a community cancer setting to inform the provision of psychosocial services. Data obtained from 835 single-page measures of oncology patient distress were collected and analyzed to examine the relationship between gender and reported level of distress, the source of this distress, and requests for follow-up from psychosocial service providers.Method: Patients in medical and radiation oncology were given a distress screener tool that included a distress thermometer, a problem checklist, and a list of psychosocial service providers with whom the patient could request to speak.Results: Women reported higher levels of distress than men (p=.003). Women were also more likely than men to endorse practical problems as the cause of their distress (p=.003). A marginally significant relationship between gender and requesting the cancer resource navigator was also found (p=. 059)Conclusion: Gender is a salient factor in reported distress among cancer patients. Although no single variable can entirely explain an individual's response to cancer, male and female patients do appear to have distinctive, gender-specific needs. Psychosocial interventions that account for differences related to gender-role may be particularly beneficial. These results also illustrate the utility of consistent screening practices to better understand and meet the psychosocial needs of oncology


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Background Women genetically predisposed to breast cancer often develop the disease at a young age when dense breast tissue reduces the sensitivity of X-ray mammography. Our aim was, therefore, to compare contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE MRI) with mammography for screening. Methods We did a prospective multicentre cohort study in 649 women aged 35-49 years with a strong family history of breast cancer or a high probability of a BRCA1, BRCA2, or TP53 mutation. We recruited participants from 22 centres in the UK, and offered the women annual screening with CE MRI and mammography for 2-7 years. Findings We diagnosed 35 cancers in the 649 women screened with both mammography and CE MRI (1881 screens): 19 by CE MRI only, six by mammography only, and eight by both, with two interval cases. Sensitivity was significantly higher for CE MRI (77%, 95% CI 60-90) than for mammography (40%, 24-58; p=0.01), and was 94% (81-99) when both methods were used. Specificity was 93% (92-95) for mammography, 81% (80-83) for CE MRI (p


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As the number of women surviving breast cancer increases, with implications for the health system, research into the physical and psychosocial sequelae of the cancer and its treatment is a priority. This research estimated self-reported health-related quality of life (HRQoL) associated with two rehabilitation interventions for breast cancer survivors, compared to a non-intervention group. Women were selected if they received an early home-based physiotherapy intervention (DAART, n = 36) or a group-based exercise and psychosocial intervention (STRETCH, n = 31). Questionnaires on HRQoL, using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast Cancer plus Arm Morbidity module, were administered at pre-, post-intervention, 6- and 12-months post-diagnosis. Data on a non-intervention group (n = 208) were available 6- and 12-months post-diagnosis. Comparing pre/post-intervention measures, benefits were evident for functional well-being, including reductions in arm morbidity and upper-body disability for participants completing the DAART service at one-to-two months following diagnosis. In contrast, minimal changes were observed between pre/post-intervention measures for the STRETCH group at approximately 4-months post-diagnosis. Overall, mean HRQoL scores (adjusted for age, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, high blood pressure and occupation type) improved gradually across all groups from 6- to 12-months post-diagnosis, and no prominent differences were found. However, this obscured declining HRQoL scores for 20-40% of women at 12 months post-diagnosis, despite receiving supportive care services. Greater awareness and screening for adjustment problems among breast cancer survivors is required throughout the disease trajectory. Early physiotherapy after surgery has the potential for short-term functional, physical and overall HRQoL benefits.


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INTRODUCTION: EGFR screening requires good quality tissue, sensitivity and turn-around time (TAT). We report our experience of routine screening, describing sample type, TAT, specimen quality (cellularity and DNA yield), histopathological description, mutation result and clinical outcome. METHODS: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) sections were screened for EGFR mutations (M+) in exons 18-21. Clinical, pathological and screening outcome data were collected for year 1 of testing. Screening outcome alone was collected for year 2. RESULTS: In year 1, 152 samples were tested, most (72%) were diagnostic. TAT was 4.9 days (95%confidence interval (CI)=4.5-5.5). EGFR-M+ prevalence was 11% and higher (20%) among never-smoking women with adenocarcinomas (ADCs), but 30% of mutations occurred in current/ex-smoking men. EGFR-M+ tumours were non-mucinous ADCs and 100% thyroid transcription factor (TTF1+). No mutations were detected in poorly differentiated NSCLC-not otherwise specified (NOS). There was a trend for improved overall survival (OS) among EGFR-M+ versus EGFR-M- patients (median OS=78 versus 17 months). In year 1, test failure rate was 19%, and associated with scant cellularity and low DNA concentrations. However 75% of samples with poor cellularity but representative of tumour were informative and mutation prevalence was 9%. In year 2, 755 samples were tested; mutation prevalence was 13% and test failure only 5.4%. Although samples with low DNA concentration (2.2 ng/μL), the mutation rate was 9.2%. CONCLUSION: Routine epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) screening using diagnostic samples is fast and feasible even on samples with poor cellularity and DNA content. Mutations tend to occur in better-differentiated non-mucinous TTF1+ ADCs. Whether these histological criteria may be useful to select patients for EGFR testing merits further investigation.