515 resultados para CART
Resumen: La generalización cartográfica es el proceso que permite la obtención de cartografía derivada a partir de la generada mediante el registro de información geográfica. Normalmente, la generalización implica una reducción de escala, aunque podría ser una reducción de la cantidad de información sin reducir la escala, debido a un cambio de objetivo de la cartografía. La dificultad de la generalización aumenta cuanto menor es la escala destino y mayor la diferencia entre ésta y la escala origen. Estas dificultades se concentran en aquellas entidades que representan objetos modificados por el hombre, es decir, principalmente en los núcleos urbanos, ya que deben preservar ciertas propiedades en su geometría una vez generalizados. En este artículo, se propone un algoritmo para la generalización lineal de núcleos urbanos, basándose en las características constructivas y relacionales de las edificaciones que los conforman. Abstract: Mapping generalization is the process which derived maps are obtained from others generated by recording geographic information. Usually, generalization involves a reduction of scale, although it could be a reduction in the amount of information without reducing the scale, due to a change in target mapping. The smaller target scale, the more difficult is the generalization. Also, the more difference between origin scale and target scale, the more difficult is the generalization. The difficulties are concentrated in entities that represent objects modified by man, mainly in urban areas, as they must preserve certain geometry properties once generalized. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for linear generalization of urban areas, based on constructive and relational characteristics of the buildings that shape them.
Los sistemas de registro aerotransportados que utilizan láser (LiDAR) se están convirtiendo en el principal instrumental para la recogida de la información cartográfica debido, principalmente, a la gran densidad de puntos, precisión alcanzada y rapidez en la obtención de modelos digitales. Sin embargo, sería importante disponer de algoritmos que permitan filtrar la información, seleccionando aquellos puntos medidos en zonas deseadas. Cuando se miden zonas urbanas, los elementos más importantes son las edificaciones. Por ello, se propone un nuevo algoritmo que permite clasificar y diferenciar aquellos puntos medidos sobre edificios, extrayendo, como resultado, el límite exterior que definen, de tal forma que se podría calcular la zona edificada. Abstarct: Registration systems using airborne laser (LIDAR) are becoming the main device for the collection of cartographic information, mainly due to the high density of points, accuracy and rate achieved in obtaining digital models. However, it would be important to have algorithms that filter the information by selecting those points measured in targeted areas. When measuring urban areas, buildings are the most important objects. Therefore, a new algorithm is proposed to classify those measured points on buildings and to compute their outer boundaries, so the built up area can be computed.
Tras la llegada de la medición mediante LiDAR, la obtención de cartografía se ha visto facilitada, obteniendo modelos digitales con gran rapidez y precisión. No obstante, para poder tratar la gran cantidad de información registrada, se necesita emplear un conjunto de algoritmos que permita extraer los detalles importantes y necesarios de la zona registrada. Por ello, se presenta este trabajo donde se expondrá una metodología de actuación para obtener cartografía a escala 1/1000 de una zona rústica, basada en el cálculo de mapas de curvas de nivel y ortofotografías, generadas a partir de los MDT y MDS de la zona. Todas las pruebas se han realizado mediante el software MDTopX. Abstract: After the arrival of the LiDAR measurement, mapping has been facilitated, obtaining digital models very quickly and accurately. However, in order to manage the great amount of recorded information, a set of algorithms is required which allows the extracting of important and necessary details of the recorded area. Therefore, a methodology is presented for mapping at 1/1000 scale of a rural area, based on contour maps and orthophotos, generated from the DTM and DSM of the area. All tests were performed using MDTopX software.
This paper reports a new family of multimode fiber-optic switching devices based on nematic liquid crystal devices reported by us previously. These devices have a wedged structure as the main characteristic. Several modes of behavior cart arise depending on the internal configuration of the molecules. As we show, fhey have the possibility of total switching of unpolarized light with a very simple structure, low insertion losses, and very low operating voltages These new devices should find a wide range of applications in fiber-optic communication systems.
Recientemente fue publicado un nuevo modelo geopotencial global, el EGM08. Este modelo ha mostrado una notable mejoría en la calidad de sus tres fuentes de datos; las observaciones del movimiento perturbado de los satélites artificiales,la altimetría por satélite y la gravimetría terrestre, por lo que se ha conseguido mejorar su precisión. En Puerto Rico, nuestra área de estudio, encontramos que al comprar las diferencias de los incrementos de la ondulación del geoide geométrico (calculado con medidas de campo) con los valores de los incrementos de la ondulación del geoide obtenidos utilizando estos modelos geopotenciales globales, la precisión del EGM08 fue ± 0,029 metros mientras que la precisión del EGM96 fue ± 0,055 metros. Estos resultados demuestran que en nuestra región, el modelo EGM08 ha presentado una mejoría considerable sobre su predecesor el EGM96 al momento de determinar los valores de los incrementos de la ondulación del geoide. Abstract: Recently, the new global geopotential model, the EGM08 was published. This model has shown a marked improvement in the quality of its three sources of data; the observations of the disturbed motion of artificial satellites, satellite altimetry and terrestrial gravity, so it has improved its precision. In our study area, Puerto Rico, we found that when we compare the differences of the increments of the geometric geoid undulation (computed with field data) with the values of the increments of the geoid undulation obtained using these models, the EGM08 accuracy was ± 0,029 meters, while the EGM96 accuracy was ± 0,055 meters. These results confirm that in our region, the EGM08 model has presented a significant improvement over its predecessor the EGM96 when determining the values of the increments of the geoid undulation.
Según Palau, 146206, el autor es Juan de Madariaga
Sign. : []12, A-Z8, Aa-Kk8
Tit. tomado de Craviotto, I, 3598
Descripción basada en: Tit. tomado de Craviotto I, 3599
In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based variable structure control (VSC) is presented. The main objective is to obtain an improved performance of highly non-linear unstable systems. New functions for chattering reduction and error convergence without sacrificing invariant properties are proposed. The main feature of the proposed method is that the switching function is added as an additional fuzzy variable and will be introduced in the premise part of the fuzzy rules; together with the state variables. In this work, a tuning of the well known weighting parameters approach is proposed to optimize local and global approximation and modelling capability of the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model to improve the choice of the performance index and minimize it. The main problem encountered is that the T-S identification method can not be applied when the membership functions are overlapped by pairs. This in turn restricts the application of the T-S method because this type of membership function has been widely used in control applications. The approach developed here can be considered as a generalized version of the T-S method. An inverted pendulum mounted on a cart is chosen to evaluate the robustness, effectiveness, accuracy and remarkable performance of the proposed estimation approach in comparison with the original T-S model. Simulation results indicate the potential, simplicity and generality of the estimation method and the robustness of the chattering reduction algorithm. In this paper, we prove that the proposed estimation algorithm converge the very fast, thereby making it very practical to use. The application of the proposed FLC-VSC shows that both alleviation of chattering and robust performance are achieved.
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Encabezamiento tomado del Haebler I, 375
Il. xil. con e.
Trad. consta en colofón