701 resultados para Bruner, Jerome


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Sin nombres, sin rostros ni rastros es un cuento escrito por Jorge Eliécer Pardo Rodríguez, ganador del concurso nacional de cuento sobre desaparición forzada, Sin Rastro, realizado en el 2008. Este texto narrativo que sirve como dispositivo de memoria, permite analizar las formas que adquiere la ausencia y el pasado traumático en la literatura colombiana; reflexionar en torno a la "ampliación del espacio biográfico" y la construcción de memorias sociales de la violencia política en Colombia y, debatir en torno al carácter estético, político y comunicativo que constituyen este tipo de soportes de memoria. Es por esto, que se describen los hechos violentos ocurridos entre 1986 y 1994 en el departamento de Valle del Cauca, noroccidente colombiano, conocidos como la "Masacre ampliada de Trujillo". La referencia a estos hechos violentos, posibilita al lector interrogar el cuento de Pardo Rodríguez y acercarse a la forma en que se comunica una experiencia particular de dolor en medio de la guerra. De otro lado, se presentan algunas reflexiones en torno al relato y a la tensión entre realidad y ficción, para hacer un breve análisis de este cuento a partir de algunas de las categorías que expone Bruner en el texto Los usos del relato


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Sin nombres, sin rostros ni rastros es un cuento escrito por Jorge Eliécer Pardo Rodríguez, ganador del concurso nacional de cuento sobre desaparición forzada, Sin Rastro, realizado en el 2008. Este texto narrativo que sirve como dispositivo de memoria, permite analizar las formas que adquiere la ausencia y el pasado traumático en la literatura colombiana; reflexionar en torno a la "ampliación del espacio biográfico" y la construcción de memorias sociales de la violencia política en Colombia y, debatir en torno al carácter estético, político y comunicativo que constituyen este tipo de soportes de memoria. Es por esto, que se describen los hechos violentos ocurridos entre 1986 y 1994 en el departamento de Valle del Cauca, noroccidente colombiano, conocidos como la "Masacre ampliada de Trujillo". La referencia a estos hechos violentos, posibilita al lector interrogar el cuento de Pardo Rodríguez y acercarse a la forma en que se comunica una experiencia particular de dolor en medio de la guerra. De otro lado, se presentan algunas reflexiones en torno al relato y a la tensión entre realidad y ficción, para hacer un breve análisis de este cuento a partir de algunas de las categorías que expone Bruner en el texto Los usos del relato


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The continent of Europe has a complex geological history of successive tectonic events. Over several thousand million years these have formed the present day configuration of major tectonic provinces. A Continent Revealed unravels this history by presenting and interpreting the results of the European Geotraverse (EGT) a unique study of the continent of Europe and the first comprehensive cross section of continental lithosphere. This illustrated book has been put together by key workers in the EGT project. It uses the wealth of information yielded by the ten years of experiments, study centres and workshops to provide a concise and thought provoking account of the geological processes that created the European continent. It provides a summary of the European Geotraverse, and at the same time a starting point for further work.


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Aboveground tropical tree biomass and carbon storage estimates commonly ignore tree height (H). We estimate the effect of incorporating H on tropics-wide forest biomass estimates in 327 plots across four continents using 42 656 H and diameter measurements and harvested trees from 20 sites to answer the following questions: 1. What is the best H-model form and geographic unit to include in biomass models to minimise site-level uncertainty in estimates of destructive biomass? 2. To what extent does including H estimates derived in (1) reduce uncertainty in biomass estimates across all 327 plots? 3. What effect does accounting for H have on plot- and continental-scale forest biomass estimates? The mean relative error in biomass estimates of destructively harvested trees when including H (mean 0.06), was half that when excluding H (mean 0.13). Power- andWeibull-H models provided the greatest reduction in uncertainty, with regional Weibull-H models preferred because they reduce uncertainty in smaller-diameter classes (?40 cm D) that store about one-third of biomass per hectare in most forests. Propagating the relationships from destructively harvested tree biomass to each of the 327 plots from across the tropics shows that including H reduces errors from 41.8Mgha?1 (range 6.6 to 112.4) to 8.0Mgha?1 (?2.5 to 23.0). For all plots, aboveground live biomass was ?52.2 Mgha?1 (?82.0 to ?20.3 bootstrapped 95%CI), or 13%, lower when including H estimates, with the greatest relative reductions in estimated biomass in forests of the Brazilian Shield, east Africa, and Australia, and relatively little change in the Guiana Shield, central Africa and southeast Asia. Appreciably different stand structure was observed among regions across the tropical continents, with some storing significantly more biomass in small diameter stems, which affects selection of the best height models to reduce uncertainty and biomass reductions due to H. After accounting for variation in H, total biomass per hectare is greatest in Australia, the Guiana Shield, Asia, central and east Africa, and lowest in eastcentral Amazonia, W. Africa, W. Amazonia, and the Brazilian Shield (descending order). Thus, if tropical forests span 1668 million km2 and store 285 Pg C (estimate including H), then applying our regional relationships implies that carbon storage is overestimated by 35 PgC (31?39 bootstrapped 95%CI) if H is ignored, assuming that the sampled plots are an unbiased statistical representation of all tropical forest in terms of biomass and height factors. Our results show that tree H is an important allometric factor that needs to be included in future forest biomass estimates to reduce error in estimates of tropical carbon stocks and emissions due to deforestation.


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The production of aboveground soft tissue represents an important share of total net primary production in tropical rain forests. Here we draw from a large number of published and unpublished datasets (n = 81 sites) to assess the determinants of litterfall variation across South American tropical forests. We show that across old-growth tropical rainforests, litterfall averages 8.61±1.91Mgha?1 yr?1 (mean±standard deviation, in dry mass units). Secondary forests have a lower annual litterfall than old-growth tropical forests with a mean of 8.01±3.41Mgha?1 yr?1. Annual litterfall shows no significant variation with total annual rainfall, either globally or within forest types. It does not vary consistently with soil type, except in the poorest soils (white sand soils), where litterfall is significantly lower than in other soil types (5.42±1.91Mgha?1 yr?1). We also study the determinants of litterfall seasonality, and find that it does not depend on annual rainfall or on soil type. However, litterfall seasonality is significantly positively correlated with rainfall seasonality. Finally, we assess how much carbon is stored in reproductive organs relative to photosynthetic organs. Mean leaf fall is 5.74±1.83Mgha?1 yr?1 (71% of total litterfall). Mean allocation into reproductive organs is 0.69±0.40Mgha?1 yr?1 (9% of total litterfall). The investment into reproductive organs divided by leaf litterfall increases with soil fertility, suggesting that on poor soils, the allocation to photosynthetic organs is prioritized over that to reproduction. Finally, we discuss the ecological and biogeochemical implications of these results.


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In hybrid and electric vehicles, passengers sit very close to an electric system of significant power, which means that they may be subjected to high electromagnetic fields. The hazards of long-term exposure to these fields must be taken into account when designing electric vehicles and their components. Among all the electric devices present in the power train, the electronic converter is the most difficult to analyze, given that it works with different frequencies. In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the magnetic field created by a power electronics converter is proposed. After a brief overview of the recommendations of electromagnetic fields exposure, the magnetic field produced by an inverter is analyzed using finite element techniques. The results obtained are compared to laboratory measurements, taken from a real inverter, in order to validate the model. Finally, results are used to draw some conclusions regarding vehicle design criteria and magnetic shielding efficiency.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado analisará a expressão grega ta. stoicei/a tou/ ko,smou, “os elementos do mundo”, que ocorre na carta de Colossenses nos versículos 8 e 20 do segundo capítulo. Será feito um estudo exegético na perícope bíblica 2.8-3.4 da referida carta, bem como uma análise histórica especificamente do termo stoicei/a. O estudo desta expressão é importante para poder se compreender a filosofia colossense mencionada em Cl 2.8. A igreja cristã na cidade de Colossos estava inserida em um contexto social religioso sincrético. Esse sincretismo é percebido claramente em textos de magia como os Papiros Mágicos Gregos, muito comuns na região da Ásia Menor, a mesma onde a igreja colossense estava situada. O sincretismo religioso, envolvendo crenças judaicas e pagãs, reflete as bases dessa filosofia. O autor da carta aos Colossenses refuta a crença nos “elementos do mundo”, bem como a subserviência aos mesmos. Dentre outras crenças, acreditava-se que esses “elementos” poderiam influenciar os acontecimentos sobre a terra e o destino das pessoas. Questões que envolvem práticas acéticas, adoração a anjos e observância de calendário litúrgico, dão os contornos dessa filosofia. O autor da carta enfatiza o senhorio de Cristo, bem como as obras dele em favor dos cristãos colossenses, que proporcionavam a eles, segurança quanto a terem um bom destino. E, além disso, é assegurada uma liberdade aos cristãos colossenses que não podia lhes ser cerceada por quaisquer outras crenças religiosas. Então, as obras de Cristo, bem como o seu senhorio, são os principais argumentos utilizados pelo autor da carta, a fim de afirmar aos cristãos em Colossos que eles não precisam mais temer o destino e nem se submeter aos “elementos do mundo”.


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MLN64 is a protein that is highly expressed in certain breast carcinomas. The C terminus of MLN64 shares significant homology with the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), which plays a key role in steroid hormone biosynthesis by enhancing the intramitochondrial translocation of cholesterol to the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme. We tested the ability of MLN64 to stimulate steroidogenesis by using COS-1 cells cotransfected with plasmids expressing the human cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme system and wild-type and mutant MLN64 proteins. Wild-type MLN64 increased pregnenolone secretion in this system 2-fold. The steroidogenic activity of MLN64 was found to reside in the C terminus of the protein, because constructs from which the C-terminal StAR homology domain was deleted had no steroidogenic activity. In contrast, removal of N-terminal sequences increased MLN64’s steroidogenesis-enhancing activity. MLN64 mRNA was found in many human tissues, including the placenta and brain, which synthesize steroid hormones but do not express StAR. Western blot analysis revealed the presence of lower molecular weight immunoreactive MLN64 species that contain the C-terminal sequences in human tissues. Homologs of both MLN64 and StAR were identified in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating that the two proteins are ancient. Mutations that inactivate StAR were correlated with amino acid residues that are identical or similar among StAR and MLN64, indicating that conserved motifs are important for steroidogenic activity. We conclude that MLN64 stimulates steroidogenesis by virtue of its homology to StAR.


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Although adenovirus can infect a wide range of cell types, lymphocytes are not generally susceptible to adenovirus infection, in part because of the absence of the expression of the cellular receptor for the adenoviral fiber protein. The cellular receptor for adenovirus and coxsackievirus (CAR) recently was cloned and shown to mediate adenoviral entry by interaction with the viral fiber protein. We show that the ectopic expression of CAR in various lymphocyte cell lines, which are almost completely resistant to adenovirus infection, is sufficient to facilitate the efficient transduction of these cells by recombinant adenoviruses. Furthermore, this property of CAR does not require its cytoplasmic domain, consistent with the idea that CAR primarily serves as a high affinity binding site for the adenoviral fiber protein, and that viral entry is mediated by interaction of the viral penton base proteins with cellular integrins. As a demonstration of their functional utility, we used CAR-expressing lymphocytes transduced with an adenovirus expressing Fas ligand to efficiently kill Fas receptor-expressing tumor cells. The ability to efficiently manipulate gene expression in lymphocyte cells by using adenovirus vectors should facilitate the functional characterization of pathways affecting lymphocyte physiology.


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The major subassemblies of virulence-associated P pili, the pilus rod (comprised of PapA) and tip fibrillum (comprised of PapE), were reconstituted from purified chaperone-subunit complexes in vitro. Subunits are held in assembly-competent conformations in chaperone-subunit complexes prior to their assembly into mature pili. The PapD chaperone binds, in part, to a conserved motif present at the C terminus of the subunits via a beta zippering interaction. Amino acid residues in this conserved motif were also found to be essential for subunit–subunit interactions necessary for the formation of pili, thus revealing a molecular mechanism whereby the PapD chaperone may prevent premature subunit–subunit interactions in the periplasm. Uncapping of the chaperone-protected C terminus of PapA and PapE was mimicked in vitro by freeze–thaw techniques and resulted in the formation of pilus rods and tip fibrillae, respectively. A mutation in the leading edge of the beta zipper of PapA produces pilus rods with an altered helical symmetry and azimuthal disorder. This change in the number of subunits per turn of the helix most likely reflects involvement of the leading edge of the beta zipper in forming a right-handed helical cylinder. Organelle development is a fundamental process in all living cells, and these studies shed new light on how immunoglobulin-like chaperones govern the formation of virulence-associated organelles in pathogenic bacteria.


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Our preliminary family studies have suggested that some female first-degree relatives of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have hyperandrogenemia per se. It was our hypothesis that this may be a genetic trait and thus could represent a phenotype suitable for linkage analysis. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined 115 sisters of 80 probands with PCOS from unrelated families. PCOS was diagnosed by the combination of elevated serum androgen levels and ≤6 menses per year with the exclusion of secondary causes. The sisters were compared with 70 healthy age- and weight-comparable control women with regular menses, no clinical evidence of hyperandrogenemia, and normal glucose tolerance. Twenty-two percent of the sisters fulfilled diagnostic criteria for PCOS. In addition, 24% of the sisters had hyperandrogenemia and regular menstrual cycles. Circulating testosterone (T) and nonsex hormone-binding globulin-bound testosterone (uT) levels in both of these groups of sisters were significantly increased compared with unaffected sisters and control women (P < 0.0001 for both T and uT). Probands, sisters with PCOS, and hyperandrogenemic sisters had elevated serum luteinizing hormone levels compared with control women. We conclude that there is familial aggregation of hyperandrogenemia (with or without oligomenorrhea) in PCOS kindreds. In affected sisters, only one-half have oligomenorrhea and hyperandrogenemia characteristic of PCOS, whereas the remaining one-half have hyperandrogenemia per se. This familial aggregation of hyperandrogenemia in PCOS kindreds suggests that it is a genetic trait. We propose that hyperandrogenemia be used to assign affected status in linkage studies designed to identify PCOS genes.