983 resultados para Bovine diarrhea virus


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Ross River virus (RRV) is the predominant cause of epidemic polyarthritis in Australia, yet the antigenic determinants are not well defined. We aimed to characterize epitope(s) on RRV-E2 for a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize overlapping conformational epitopes on the E2 envelope protein of RRV and that neutralize virus infection of cells in vitro. Phage-displayed random peptide libraries were probed with the MAbs T1E7, NB3C4, and T10C9 using solution-phase and solid-phase biopanning methods. The peptides VSIFPPA and KTAISPT were selected 15 and 6 times, respectively, by all three of the MAbs using solution-phase biopanning. The peptide LRLPPAP was selected 8 times by NB3C4 using solid-phase biopanning; this peptide shares a trio of amino acids with the peptide VSIFPPA. Phage that expressed the peptides VSIFPPA and LRLPPAP were reactive with T1E7 and/or NB3C4, and phage that expressed the peptides VSIFPPA, LRLPPAP, and KTAISPT partially inhibited the reactivity of T1E7 with RRV. The selected peptides resemble regions of RRV-E2 adjacent to sites mutated in neutralization escape variants of RRV derived by culture in the presence of these MAbs (E2 210-219 and 238-245) and an additional region of E2 172-182. Together these sites represent a conformational epitope of E2 that is informative of cellular contact sites on RRV.


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Serum and synovial antibody reactivities of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) infected goats were assessed by Western blotting against purified CAEV antigen and the greatest intensity of reactivity in the serum of arthritic goats was to the gp45 transmembrane protein (TM). The extracytoplasmic domain of the TM gene was cloned into a pGEX vector and expressed in Escherichia coil as a glutathione S transferase fusion protein (GST-TM). This clone was found to be 90.5 and 89.2% homologous to published sequences of CAEV TM gene. Serum of 16 goats naturally infected with CAEV were examined by Western blotting for reactivity to the fusion protein. Antibody reactivity to the GST-TM correlated with clinically detectable arthritis (R = 0.642, P ≤ 0.007). The hypothesis that the immune response to the envelope proteins of the CAEV contributes to the severity of arthritis in goats naturally infected with CAEV via epitope mimicry was tested. Antibodies from 5 CAEV infected goats were affinity purified against the GST-TM fusion protein and tested for cross-reactivity with a series of goat synovial extracts and proteogylcans. No serum antibody response or cross-reactivity of affinity purified antibodies could be detected. Peptides of the CAEV SU that were predicted to be linear epitopes and a similar heat shock protein 83 (HSP) peptide identified by database searching, were synthesized and tested for reactivity in CAEV goats using ELISA, in vitro lymphocyte proliferation and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) assays. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 10 of 17 goats with long term natural CAEV infections proliferated in vitro in response to CAEV and in vivo 3 of 7 CAEV infected goats had a DTH reaction to CAEV antigen. However, none of the peptides elicited significant cell mediated immune responses from CAEV infected goats. No antibody reactivity to the SU peptides or HSP peptide was found. We observed that the antibody reactivity to the CAEV TM protein associated with severity of arthritis however epitope mimicry by the envelope proteins of CAEV is unlikely to be involved.


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Epitope mimicry is the theory that an infectious agent such as a virus causes pathological effects via mimicry of host proteins and thus elicits a cross-reactive immune response to host tissues. Weise and Carnegie (1988) found a region of sequence similarity between the pol gene of the Maedi Visna virus (MVV), which induces demyelinating encephalitis in sheep, and myelin basic protein (MBP), which is known to induce experimental allergic encephalitis (EAE) in laboratory animals. In this study, cross-reactions between sera raised in sheep against synthetic peptides of MVV (TGKIPWILLPGR) and 21.5 kDa MBP (SGKVPWLKRPGR) were demonstrated using enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) and thin layer chromatography (TLC) immunoprobing. The antibody responses of MVV-infected sheep were investigated using ELISA against the peptides, and MBP protein, immunoprobing of the peptides on TPC plates and Western blotting against MBP. Slight significant reactions to the 21.5 kDa MBP peptide (P < 0.001) and to a lesser extent sheep MBP (P < 0.004) were detected in ELISA. The MBP peptide evoked stronger responses from more sera than the MVV peptide on immunoprobed TLC plates. On the Western blots, eight of the 23 sheep with Visna had serum reactivity to MBP. This slight reaction to MBP in MVV-infected sheep is of interest because of the immune responses to MBP evident in multiple sclerosis and EAE, but its relevance in Visna is limited since no correlation with disease severity was observed. The cell-mediated immune responses of MVV-infected sheep against similar peptides was assessed. The peptides did not stimulate proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of MVV-infected sheep. Since the MVV peptide was not recognised by antibodies or T lymphocytes from MVV-infected and encephalic sheep, it was concluded that epitope mimicry of this 21.5 kDa MBP peptide by the similar MVV pol peptide was not contributing to the immunopathogenesis of Visna. The slight antibody response to MBP and the MBP peptide can be attributed to by-stander effects of the immunopathology of MVV-induced encephalitis.


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The reactivity to a peptide from the HTLV-I polyprotein (FKLPGLNSR) and a similar sequence from myelin basic protein (MBP) (FKLGGRDSR) was examined in relation to the proposal that mimicry of MBP by HTLV-I could be involved in autoimmune responses in HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM). It was found that rabbit antibodies raised against the HTLV-I peptide recognised both peptides, with a titre of 1/10240 to the HTLV-I peptide and 1/5220 to the MBP peptide. Human sera from HAM patients and a HTLV-I carrier without HAM showed slightly higher responses to the HTLV-I peptide compared to the responses from uninfected human sera. HAM patients had greater responses to the HTLV-I peptide than to the similar MBP peptide and an unrelated bovine MBP peptide. There was no recognition of the peptides by peripheral blood lymphocytes from HAM patients or a HTLV-I carrier without HAM. It was concluded that although cross-reactivity was demonstrated in rabbits and the HTLV-I peptide was recognised by sera from HAM patients, the epitope does not appear to evoke a mimicking response to the similar region in MBP. Hence it is not likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of HAM through molecular mimicry.


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Background In 2011, a variant of West Nile virus Kunjin strain (WNVKUN) caused an unprecedented epidemic of neurological disease in horses in southeast Australia, resulting in almost 1,000 cases and a 9% fatality rate. We investigated whether increased fitness of the virus in the primary vector, Culex annulirostris, and another potential vector, Culex australicus, contributed to the widespread nature of the outbreak. Methods Mosquitoes were exposed to infectious blood meals containing either the virus strain responsible for the outbreak, designated WNVKUN2011, or WNVKUN2009, a strain of low virulence that is typical of historical strains of this virus. WNVKUN infection in mosquito samples was detected using a fixed cell culture enzyme immunoassay and a WNVKUN- specific monoclonal antibody. Probit analysis was used to determine mosquito susceptibility to infection. Infection, dissemination and transmission rates for selected days post-exposure were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Virus titers in bodies and saliva expectorates were compared using t-tests. Results There were few significant differences between the two virus strains in the susceptibility of Cx. annulirostris to infection, the kinetics of virus replication and the ability of this mosquito species to transmit either strain. Both strains were transmitted by Cx. annulirostris for the first time on day 5 post-exposure. The highest transmission rates (proportion of mosquitoes with virus detected in saliva) observed were 68% for WNVKUN2011 on day 12 and 72% for WNVKUN2009 on day 14. On days 12 and 14 post-exposure, significantly more WNVKUN2011 than WNVKUN2009 was expectorated by infected mosquitoes. Infection, dissemination and transmission rates of the two strains were not significantly different in Culex australicus. However, transmission rates and the amount of virus expectorated were significantly lower in Cx. australicus than Cx. annulirostris. Conclusions The higher amount of WNVKUN2011 expectorated by infected mosquitoes may be an indication that this virus strain is transmitted more efficiently by Cx. annulirostris compared to other WNVKUN strains. Combined with other factors, such as a convergence of abundant mosquito and wading bird populations, and mammalian and avian feeding behaviour by Cx. annulirostris, this may have contributed to the scale of the 2011 equine epidemic.


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Background Despite its global recognition as a ruminant pathogen, cases of Chlamydia pecorum infection in Australian livestock are poorly documented. In this report, a C. pecorum specific Multi Locus Sequence Analysis scheme was used to characterise the C. pecorum strains implicated in two cases of sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis confirmed by necropsy, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. This report provides the first molecular evidence for the presence of mixed infections of C. pecorum strains in Australian cattle. Case presentation Affected animals were two markedly depressed, dehydrated and blind calves, 12 and 16 weeks old. The calves were euthanized and necropsied. In one calf, a severe fibrinous polyserositis was noted with excess joint fluid in all joints whereas in the other, no significant lesions were seen. No gross abnormalities were noted in the brain of either calf. Histopathological lesions seen in both calves included: multifocal, severe, subacute meningoencephalitis with vasculitis, fibrinocellular thrombosis and malacia; diffuse, mild, acute interstitial pneumonia; and diffuse, subacute epicarditis, severe in the calf with gross serositis. Immunohistochemical labelling of chlamydial antigen in brain, spleen and lung from the two affected calves and brain from two archived cases, localised the antigen to the cytoplasm of endothelium, mesothelium and macrophages. C. pecorum specific qPCR, showed dissemination of the pathogen to multiple organs. Phylogenetic comparisons with other C. pecorum bovine strains from Australia, Europe and the USA revealed the presence of two genetically distinct sequence types (ST). The predominant ST detected in the brain, heart, lung and liver of both calves was identical to the C. pecorum ST previously described in cases of SBE. A second ST detected in an ileal tissue sample from one of the calves, clustered with previously typed faecal bovine isolates. Conclusion This report provides the first data to suggest that identical C. pecorum STs may be associated with SBE in geographically separated countries and that these may be distinct from those found in the gastrointestinal tract. This report provides a platform for further investigations into SBE and for understanding the genetic relationships that exist between C. pecorum strains detected in association with other infectious diseases in livestock.


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Several late gene expression factors (Lefs) have been implicated in fostering high levels of transcription from the very late gene promoters of polyhedrin and p10 from baculoviruses. We cloned and characterized from Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus a late gene expression factor (Bmlef2) that encodes a 209-amino-acid protein harboring a Cys-rich C-terminal domain. The temporal transcription profiles of lef2 revealed a 1.2-kb transcript in both delayed early and late periods after virus infection. Transcription start site mapping identified the presence of an aphidicolin-sensitive late transcript arising from a TAAG motif located at -352 nucleotides and an aphidicolin-insensitive early transcript originating from a TTGT motif located 35 nucleotides downstream to a TATA box at -312 nucleotides, with respect to the +1 ATG of lef2. BmLef2 trans-activated very late gene expression from both polyhedrin and p10 promoters in transient expression assays. Internal deletion of the Cys-rich domain from the C-terminal region abolished the transcriptional activation. Inactivation of Lef2 synthesis by antisense lef2 transcripts drastically reduced the very late gene transcription but showed little effect on the expression from immediate early promoter. Decrease in viral DNA synthesis and a reduction in virus titer were observed only when antisense lef2 was expressed under the immediate early (ie-1) promoter. Furthermore, the antisense experiments suggested that lef2 plays a direct role in very late gene transcription.


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To compare the efficacy of a low-lactose hy-drolyzed milk formula, a lactose-free corn syrup-based milk formula, and a standard lactose-containing formula during refeeding after rehydration in infants with gastroenteritis, 135 patients older than 2 years were studied by randomized trial. Clearly demonstrated disadvantages in terms of early weight loss and longer duration of diarrhea were observed with the lactose-based formula compared with early weight gains on both the low-lactose formulae, and thus the lactose-containing formula was discontinued after 91 patients. The early weight loss with the lactose-containing formula was statistically significantly related to the degree of relative (rehydrated) underweight. The two low-lactose formulae were further compared in the remaining 44 patients. Early weight gain (48 h) was sig-nificantly greater with the lactose-hydrolyzed formula compared with the corn syrup-based formula, but no statistically significant differences were observed in duration of diarrhea, energy intake, treatment failures, or late weight gain. We conclude that the routine use of a low-lactose formula during refeeding after rehydration in infants with gastroenteritis may have some advantages in underweight infants and toddlers in whom it is important to prevent further weight loss. © 1994 Raven Press Ltd, New York.


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The hemagglutinin (H) protein of Rinderpest virus expressed by a recombinant buculovirus used as a vaccine produced high titres of neutralizing antibody to Rinderpest virus in the vaccinated cattle, comparable to the levels produced by live attenuated vaccine. The immunized cattle were protected against a vaccine-virus challenge, as demonstrated by the failure of development of antibodies to N protein of the vaccine virus. The lack of replication of vaccine virus in the immunized cattle indicated that they are capable of showing a protective response if challenged with a virulent virus.


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Haemagglutinin (HA) and fusion (F) proteins of peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV) and rinderpest virus (RPV) were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. The purified proteins were characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Rabbit hyperimmune sera were raised against the purified HA and F proteins and assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), haemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) and virus neutralization (VN) tests. The immunized animals were challenged with a virulent lapinized (rabbit-adapted) strain of RPV: Both HA and F proteins of PPRV protected rabbits against a lethal challenge with lapinized RPV. As expected, RPV HA and F proteins also conferred a similar protection against the homologous challenge. The postchallenge antibody responses were of a true anamnestic type.


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The X-ray structure of recombinant bovine pancreatic phospholipase A(2) (PLA2), which specifically catalyzes the cleavage of the sn-2 acylester bond of phospholipids, has been refined at 1.5 Angstrom resolution. The crystal belongs to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit-cell parameters a = 47.12, b = 64.59 and c = 38.14 Angstrom similar to the native enzyme reported previously by Dijkstra et nl. [J. Mel. Biol. (1981), 147, 97-123]. The refinement converged to an R value of 18.4% (R-free = 22.8%) for 16 374 reflections between 10.0 and 1.5 Angstrom resolution. The surface-loop residues (60-70) art: ordered in the present orthorhombic recombinant enzyme, but disordered in the trigonal recombinant enzyme. The active-site residues, His48, Asp99, and the catalytic water superimpose well with the trigonal form. Besides the catalytic water which is hydrogen bonded to His48, it is often seen that there is a second water attached to the same N atom of His48 and simultaneously hydrogen bonded to the O atom of Asp49. It is thought that the second water facilitates the tautomerism of His48 for enzyme catalysis, The catalytic water is also hydrogen bonded to the equatorial water coordinated to the calcium ion, In addition to the equatorial water, there is also an axial calcium water and the additional structural water. These five common water molecules are hydrogen bonded to the additional 16 water molecules in the present orthorhombic structure which may further enhance the structural integrity of the active site. Besides the protein and one calcium ion, a total of 134 water molecules were located in the present high-resolution refinement.


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Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) envelope (E) protein has been shown to play a critical role in attachment to cells. However, the receptor interacting with envelope protein has not been conclusively identified. Using mouse neuroblastoma (Neuro2a) cells and purified JEV-E protein in `Virus Overlay Protein Binding Assay' followed by MALDI-TOF analysis, we identified `heat shock protein 70' (Hsp70) as a possible receptor for JEV. Indirect immunofluorescence and flow-cytometry analysis demonstrated localization of Hsp70 on Neuro2a cell surface. Co-immunoprecipitation followed by Western blot analysis reconfirmed the interaction between Hsp70 and JEV-E protein. Further, anti-Hsp70 polyclonal-antibodies were able to block JEV entry into Neuro2a cells. Additionally, using the bioinformatic tool - FTDOCK, clocking between the proteins was performed. Amongst six interacting structural poses studied one pose involving RGD motif on JEV-E and leucine(539) on Hsp70 displayed stable interaction. These observations indicate that Hsp70 serves as putative receptor for JEV in Neuro2A cells.


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The cupric and ferric complexes of isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH) inhibit the DNA synthesis catalysed by avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase. The inhibition was to the extent of 95% by 50 μM of cupric-INH complex and 55% by 100 μM of ferric-INH complex. These complexes have been found to bind preferentially to the enzyme than to the template-primer. Kinetic analysis showed that the cupric-INH complex is a non-competitive inhibitor with respect to dTTP. The time course of inhibition has revealed that the complexes are inhibitory even after the initiation of polynucleotide synthesis. In vivo toxicity studies in 1-day-old chicks have shown that the complexes are not toxic up to a concentration of 500 μg per chick. Infection of the 1-day-old chicks with AMV pretreated with 150 μg of either of the complexes prevented symptoms of leukemia due to virus inactivation.


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We describe a child bom to unrelated parents who developed severe protracted secretory type diarrhea associated with subtotal villus atrophy and intestinal inflammation at the age of 19 months. No infectious, metabolic, or anatomical basis for this condition was identified and the child required total parenteral nutrition for a period of 18 months despite trials of special enteral formulas, steroids, and anti-inflammatory agents. This refractory “enteropathy” responded dramatically to the introduction of cyclosporin, with cessation of the secretory diarrhea, recovery from the enteropathy, and cessation of parenteral nutrition. The symptoms relapsed when cyclosporin was briefly discontinued and improved following reintroduction of this drug. This experience suggests a role for immune factors in the pathogenesis of the enteropathy in this case and that a trial of cyclosporin is worthy of consideration in similar cases. © 1990 Raven Press, Ltd., New York.