922 resultados para Body image in adolescence - Psychological aspects


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 This thesis has examined the factors which contribute to the growing problem of body dissatisfaction and associated body change strategies among children aged 8 to 10. The findings from this research will provide important direction for the development of intervention and prevention programs to promote body esteem among children.


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Previous school obesity-prevention reviews have included multi-component interventions. Here, we aimed to review the evidence for the effect of isolated food environment interventions on both eating behaviours (including food purchasing) and/or body weight. Five electronic databases were searched (last updated 30 November 2013). Of the 1,002 unique papers identified, 55 reported on school food environment changes, based on a review of titles and abstracts. Thirty-seven further papers were excluded, for not meeting the inclusion criteria. The final selection consisted of 18 papers (14 United States, 4 United Kingdom). Two studies had a body mass index (BMI) outcome, 14 assessed purchasing or eating behaviours and two studies assessed both weight and behaviour. Seventeen of 18 papers reported a positive outcome on either BMI (or change in BMI) or the healthfulness of food sold or consumed. Two studies were rated as strong quality and 11 as weak. Only three studies included a control group. A school environment supportive of healthy eating is essential to combat heavy marketing of unhealthy food. Modification of the school food environment (including high-level policy changes at state or national level) can have a positive impact on eating behaviours. A need exists, however, for further high-quality studies.


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Body image research with young children has typically examined their body satisfaction and overlooked developmental theories pertaining to their emergent body-knowledge. Though existing research suggests that preschoolers do demonstrate anti-fat attitudes and weight-related stigmatisation, body dissatisfaction can be difficult to assess in preschoolers due to developmental differences in their (i) ability to perceive their actual body size accurately and (ii) make comparisons with a hypothetical ideal. We review current findings on the attitudinal component of body image in preschoolers, together with findings on the accuracy of their body size perceptions and their emergent body awareness abilities. Such an integration of the cognitive development literature is key to identifying when and how young children understand their physical size and shape; this in turn is critical for informing methodological design targeted at assessing body dissatisfaction and anti-fat attitudes in early childhood.


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Objective This study capitalizes on developmental data from an Australian population-based birth cohort to identify developmental markers of abnormal eating attitudes and behaviors in adolescence. The aims were twofold: (1) to develop a comprehensive path model identifying infant and childhood developmental correlates of Abnormal Eating Attitudes and Behaviors in adolescence, and (2) to explore potential gender differences.


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Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between components of the psychological contract, organisational justice, and negative affectivity (NA), with key employee outcomes (i.e. organisational commitment, job satisfaction, depression, and psychological distress) among allied health professionals. Design/methodology/approach-In total, 134 (response rate of 46 per cent) Australian allied health professional completed a questionnaire. Findings-Multiple regressions revealed that higher NA was associated with lower organisational commitment, lower job satisfaction, and higher levels of depression. The psychological contract variable, breach, was associated with depression. Informational justice was associated with organisational commitment. Distributive justice was associated with job satisfaction. Research limitations/implications-This research is limited by its cross-sectional design and that the data were self-reported. The results obtained suggest the potential utility of collecting longitudinal data to replicate and extend the results. Practical implications-While NA may be beyond management control, it may be ameliorated by attention to improving communication of management decisions and by sensitivity to the elements implicit in psychological contracts. The negative consequences of contract breach may be offset by informational and distributive justice. Originality/value-This study is one of the first to examine multiple measures of the psychological contract in addition to organisational justice and NA. Further, this study adds to the literature for allied health professionals, where little is known about factors contributing to their turnover.


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We address the question of whether physiological flexibility in relation to climate is a general feature of the metabolic properties of birds. We tested this hypothesis in hand-raised Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin), long-distance migrants, which normally do not experience great temperature differences between summer and winter. We maintained two groups of birds under cold and warm conditions for 5 months, during which their body mass and food intake were monitored. When relatedness (siblings vs. non-siblings) of the experimental birds was taken into account, body mass in cold-acclimated birds was higher than in warm-acclimated birds. BMR, measured at the end of the 5-month temperature treatment, was also higher in the cold- than the warm-acclimated group. Migrant birds thus seem to be capable of the same metabolic cold-acclimation response as has been reported in resident birds. The data support the hypothesis that physiological flexibility is a basic trait of the metabolic properties of birds.


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Predators exert strong selection pressures on their prey. Prey would therefore benefit by adjusting their behaviour to the risk of predation, while predators conversely would benefit from adjusting their behaviour to that of their prey. Extravagant ornamentation has evolved to attract mates and/or successfully compete with conspecifics of the same sex to secure high mating success, even if that occurs at a cost of increased risk of predation. Thus, sexually dichromatic species may be more susceptible to predation than sexually monochromatic species, and the presence of compensation is indicative of such species being more vulnerable. If extravagant ornamentation is costly in terms of predation risk, then we should expect sexually dichromatic species to have longer flight initiation distances (FID) than sexually monochromatic species. If ornamentation is acquired as a handicap with only individuals in prime condition being able to display with the smallest viability cost, we should expect sexually dichromatic individuals to have shorter FID than sexually monochromatic individuals. Such differences among individuals should, on an evolutionary time scale, translate into differences in FID being related to differences in sexual dichromatism among species. We investigated the relationship between FID and sexual dichromatism in phylogenetic analyses, while accounting for effects of continent (Australia, North America, and Europe), body mass, the interaction between sexual dichromatism and body mass and the interaction between sexual dichromatism and continent. In an analysis of 447 species we found shorter FID in sexually dichromatic than in sexually monochromatic species (consistent with the handicap hypothesis because sexually dichromatic species took greater risks), especially so at large body size. FID differed among continents and the relative difference in FID between sexually monochromatic and sexually dichromatic species was larger in Europe than in Australia and North America. These differences among continents may be attributed to latitudinal effects of predation. These findings are important for current ideas about the evolution of secondary sexual characters because they imply covarying continental differences in predation, especially for large bodied sexually dichromatic species.


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Adversity early in life can disrupt the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axes and increase risk for negative health outcomes. The interplay between these axes and the environment is complex, and understanding needs to be advanced by the investigation of the multiple hormonal relationships underlying these processes. The current study examined basal hormonal associations between morning levels of cortisol, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone in a cohort of adolescents (mean age 15.56 years). The moderating influence of childhood adversity was also examined, as indexed by self-reported trauma (at mean age 14.91), and observed maternal aggressive parenting (at mean age 12.41). Between-person regressions revealed significant associations between hormones that were moderated by both measures of adversity. In females, all hormones positively covaried, but also interacted with adversity, such that positive covariation was typically only present when levels of trauma and/or aggressive parenting were low. In males, hormonal associations and interactions were less evident; however, interactions were detected for cortisol-testosterone - positively covarying at high levels of aggressive parenting but negatively covarying at low levels - and DHEA-cortisol - similarly positively covarying at high levels of parental aggression. These results demonstrate associations between adrenal and gonadal hormones and the moderating role of adversity, which is likely driven by feedback mechanisms, or cross-talk, between the axes. These findings suggest that hormonal changes may be the pathway through which early life adversity alters physiology and increases health risks, but does so differentially in the sexes; however further study is necessary to establish causation.


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Sexual size dimorphism is widespread throughout seabird taxa and several drivers leading to its evolution have been hypothesised. While the Australasian Gannet (Morus serrator) has previously been considered nominally monomorphic, recent studies have documented sexual segregation in diet and foraging areas, traits often associated with size dimorphism. The present study investigated the sex differences in body mass and structural size of this species at two colonies (Pope's Eye, PE; Point Danger, PD) in northern Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia. Females were found to be 3.1% and 7.3% heavier (2.74 ± 0.03, n = 92; 2.67 ± 0.03 kg, n = 43) than males (2.66 ± 0.03, n = 92; 2.48 ± 0.03 kg, n = 43) at PE and PD, respectively. Females were also larger in wing ulna length (0.8% both colonies) but smaller in bill depth (PE: 2.2%; PD: 1.7%) than males. Despite this dimorphism, a discriminant function provided only mild accuracy in determining sex. A similar degree of dimorphism was also found within breeding pairs, however assortative mating was not apparent at either colony (R2 < 0.04). Using hydrogen isotope dilution, a body condition index was developed from morphometrics to estimate total body fat (TBF) stores, where TBF(%) = 24.43+1.94*(body mass/wing ulna length) - 0.58*tarsus length (r2 = 0.84, n = 15). This index was used to estimate body composition in all sampled individuals. There was no significant difference in TBF(%) between the sexes for any stage of breeding or in any year of the study at either colony suggesting that, despite a greater body mass, females were not in a better condition than males. While the driving mechanism for sexual dimorphism in this species is currently unknown, studies of other Sulids indicate segregation in foraging behaviour, habitat and diet may be a contributing factor.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Organisms are constantly subjected to stressful stimuli that affect numerous physiological processes and activate the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, increasing the release of glucocorticoids. Exposure to chronic stress is known to alter basic mechanisms of the stress response. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of two different stress paradigms (chronic restraint or variable stress) on behavioral and corticosterone release to a subsequent exposure to stressors. Considering that the HPA axis might respond differently when it is challenged with a novel or a familiar stressor we investigated the changes in the corticosterone levels following the exposure to two stressors: restraint (familiar stress) or forced novelty (novel stress). The changes in the behavioral response were evaluated by measuring the locomotor response to a novel environment. In addition, we examined changes in body, adrenals, and thymus weights in response to the chronic paradigms. Our results showed that exposure to chronic variable stress increased basal plasma corticosterone levels and that both, chronic restraint and variable stresses, promote higher corticosterone levels in response to a novel environment, but not to a challenge restraint stress, as compared to the control (non-stressed) group. Exposure to chronic restraint leads to increased novelty-induced locomotor activity. Furthermore, only the exposure to variable stress reduced body weights. In conclusion, the present results provide additional evidence on how chronic stress affects the organism physiology and point to the importance of the chronic paradigm and challenge stress on the behavioral and hormonal adaptations induced by chronic stress. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a semi-analytical and numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third-body using a double averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up to the second order. The important reason for this procedure is to eliminate terms due to the short periodic motion of the spacecraft and to show smooth curves for the evolution of the mean orbital elements for a long-time period. The aim of this study is to calculate the effect of lunar perturbations on the orbits of spacecrafts that are traveling around the Earth. An analysis of the stability of near-circular orbits is made, and a study to know under which conditions this orbit remains near circular completes this analysis. A study of the equatorial orbits is also performed. Copyright (C) 2008 R. C. Domingos et al.


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The concern about a good physical condition is heavily present nowadays, in documentary films about health and in the media, and it is also expressed through the outstanding growth of physical academies, beauty institutes and aesthetic medicine and all kind of aesthetic surgeries. In the western world the body wave is a significant trend, characterized by the great investments in body image. However, what is overlooked is the fact that in parallel trend grows the number of teenagers, especially females, with all kind of problems related to their body image. As adolescence is a moment of transformations, teenagers tend to be more aware of their body image and often neglect food ingestion and try to build their bodies following the images they have from top models and movie stars. The low self-esteem accompanying this sort of experience is an additional problem. Therefore the research aim to analyze discourses regarding the body image produced in world wide web diaries (blogs). The blogs selection was made through the site www.blogs.com.br, which is considered the widest guide of electronic diaries in Brazil. We looked after blogs including the keyword body and from adolescents aged 10 to 19, who showed concern about a slim body. Three blogs were chosen, considering the example criteria. Discourse analysis shows that these teenagers feel unsatisfied with their bodies, searching by all means the thinness presented as a aesthetic paradigm in western societies which often implies neglecting their own health, using appetite inhibitor drugs, restricting or totally abstaining food ingestion for long periods of time, or provoking themselves vomits after ingesting food. These behaviors, together with intense fear of gaining weight, can be characterized as alimentary disorders, related to the body image. As they usually hide this sort of behaviors from family and friends who do not share this concern, the blogs seem to be an easy tool for adolescents to find peers with whom to share common values and ideas and reaffirm their identities and virtual sense of community