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Les tests PAMPA et les tests Caco-2 sont des essais in vitro de l’évaluation de la perméabilité intestinale des médicaments. Ils sont réalisés lors de la phase de découverte du médicament. Les tests PAMPA ne sont pas biologiquement représentatifs de la paroi intestinale, mais ils sont rapides et peu coûteux. Les tests Caco-2 nécessitent plus de 21 jours pour la culture cellulaire et des installations spécifiques sont requises. Ils sont constitués d’une monocouche d’entérocytes à confluence et donc plus biologiquement représentatifs. Il y a un besoin pour le développement d’un essai qui est biologiquement représentatif de la membrane intestinale humaine, rapide et peu coûteux. Le premier but de ce projet était de développer une méthode analytique qui permettrait l’évaluation simultanée de huit médicaments témoins utilisés pour la validation de l’essai de perméabilité. Le deuxième but de ce projet était donc d’améliorer la membrane des tests PAMPA pour proposer un nouveau test : le néoPAMPA. Contrairement au test PAMPA traditionnel, cette membrane est constituée de trois composantes : (1) un filtre poreux qui agit à titre de support, (2) un coussin polydopamine chargé négativement qui sert d’ancrage et qui assure la fluidité de la bicouche et (3) une bicouche lipidique formée par fusion de vésicules. Une méthode analytique HPLC-MS/MS a été validée selon les spécifications de la FDA et de la EMA. Cette méthode a permis de quantifier simultanément les huit médicaments standards utilisés pour le test néoPAMPA. Le test PAMPA traditionnel a été mis en place à titre d’essai control. Les coefficients de perméabilité mesurés pour les huit médicaments au travers de la membrane PAMPA comparaient favorablement aux résultats de la littérature. Les composantes de la membrane néoPAMPA ont été optimisées. Les conditions optimales retenues étaient les filtres de polycarbonate hydrophile ayant des pores de 15 nm, les plaques Costar 12 puits comme dispositif des tests de perméabilité, une bicouche lipidique composée de 70 % DOPC et de 30 % cholestérol cationique ainsi qu’une déposition des liposomes en présence de 150 mM NaCl suivi d’un équilibre d’1 h en présence d’une solution saturée en DOPC. Les stabilités de la cassette de médicaments et des liposomes sont insuffisantes pour le conditionnement commercial des membranes néoPAMPA. Les différentes optimisations réalisées ont permis d’améliorer la membrane néoPAMPA sans toutefois la rendre fonctionnelle. La membrane néoPAMPA n’est toujours pas en mesure de discriminer des molécules en fonction de leur perméabilité attendue.


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La fonction des canaux ioniques est finement régulée par des changements structuraux de sites clés contrôlant l’ouverture du pore. Ces modulations structurales découlent de l’interaction du canal avec l’environnement local, puisque certains domaines peuvent être suffisamment sensibles à des propriétés physico-chimiques spécifiques. Les mouvements engendrés dans la structure sont notamment perceptibles fonctionnellement lorsque le canal ouvre un passage à certains ions, générant ainsi un courant ionique mesurable selon le potentiel électrochimique. Une description détaillée de ces relations structure-fonction est cependant difficile à obtenir à partir de mesures sur des ensembles de canaux identiques, puisque les fluctuations et les distributions de différentes propriétés individuelles demeurent cachées dans une moyenne. Pour distinguer ces propriétés, des mesures à l’échelle de la molécule unique sont nécessaires. Le but principal de la présente thèse est d’étudier la structure et les mécanismes moléculaires de canaux ioniques par mesures de spectroscopie de fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique. Les études sont particulièrement dirigées vers le développement de nouvelles méthodes ou leur amélioration. Une classe de toxine formeuse de pores a servi de premier modèle d’étude. La fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique a aussi été utilisée pour l’étude d’un récepteur glutamate, d’un récepteur à la glycine et d’un canal potassique procaryote. Le premier volet porte sur l’étude de la stœchiométrie par mesures de photoblanchiment en temps résolu. Cette méthode permet de déterminer directement le nombre de monomères fluorescents dans un complexe isolé par le décompte des sauts discrets de fluorescence suivant les événements de photoblanchiment. Nous présentons ici la première description, à notre connaissance, de l’assemblage dynamique d’une protéine membranaire dans un environnement lipidique. La toxine monomérique purifiée Cry1Aa s’assemble à d’autres monomères selon la concentration et sature en conformation tétramérique. Un programme automatique est ensuite développé pour déterminer la stœchiométrie de protéines membranaires fusionnées à GFP et exprimées à la surface de cellules mammifères. Bien que ce système d’expression soit approprié pour l’étude de protéines d’origine mammifère, le bruit de fluorescence y est particulièrement important et augmente significativement le risque d’erreur dans le décompte manuel des monomères fluorescents. La méthode présentée permet une analyse rapide et automatique basée sur des critères fixes. L’algorithme chargé d’effectuer le décompte des monomères fluorescents a été optimisé à partir de simulations et ajuste ses paramètres de détection automatiquement selon la trace de fluorescence. La composition de deux canaux ioniques a été vérifiée avec succès par ce programme. Finalement, la fluorescence à l’échelle de la molécule unique est mesurée conjointement au courant ionique de canaux potassiques KcsA avec un système de fluorométrie en voltage imposé. Ces enregistrements combinés permettent de décrire la fonction de canaux ioniques simultanément à leur position et densité alors qu’ils diffusent dans une membrane lipidique dont la composition est choisie. Nous avons observé le regroupement de canaux KcsA pour différentes compositions lipidiques. Ce regroupement ne paraît pas être causé par des interactions protéine-protéine, mais plutôt par des microdomaines induits par la forme des canaux reconstitués dans la membrane. Il semble que des canaux regroupés puissent ensuite devenir couplés, se traduisant en ouvertures et fermetures simultanées où les niveaux de conductance sont un multiple de la conductance « normale » d’un canal isolé. De plus, contrairement à ce qui est actuellement suggéré, KcsA ne requiert pas de phospholipide chargé négativement pour sa fonction. Plusieurs mesures indiquent plutôt que des lipides de forme conique dans la phase cristalline liquide sont suffisants pour permettre l’ouverture de canaux KcsA isolés. Des canaux regroupés peuvent quant à eux surmonter la barrière d’énergie pour s’ouvrir de manière coopérative dans des lipides non chargés de forme cylindrique.


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Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The formation of coherently strained three-dimensional (3D) islands on top of the wetting layer in the Stranski-Krastanov mode of growth is considered in a model in 1 + 1 dimensions accounting for the anharmonicity and nonconvexity of the real interatomic forces. It is shown that coherent 3D islands can be expected to form in compressed rather than expanded overlayers beyond a critical lattice misfit. In expanded overlayers the classical Stranski-Krastanov growth is expected to occur because the misfit dislocations can become energetically favored at smaller island sizes. The thermodynamic reason for coherent 3D islanding is incomplete wetting owing to the weaker adhesion of the edge atoms. Monolayer height islands with a critical size appear as necessary precursors of the 3D islands. This explains the experimentally observed narrow size distribution of the 3D islands. The 2D-3D transformation takes place by consecutive rearrangements of mono- to bilayer, bi- to trilayer islands, etc., after the corresponding critical sizes have been exceeded. The rearrangements are initiated by nucleation events, each one needing to overcome a lower energetic barrier than the one before. The model is in good qualitative agreement with available experimental observations.


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This thesis consists of a study of the effect of electrode films and overlayer films on the electrical properties of certain metal films. The films have been prepared on glass substrates by thermal evapouration in a vaccum 10 terr. The properties of Al films on Ag, Al,Au and Cu films on In electrodes ,and Bi/Ag bilayer films have been studied. The influence of annealing electrodes at higher temperature on the electrical properties of metal films has also been investigated. Further the effect of varying layer thickness in the bilayer films ,both annealed at higher temperature and annealed at room temperature have been examined.


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The thesis aims to present the results of experimental investigations on the changes of optical properties of metallic thin films due to heating. The parameters which are measured are reflectivity, refractive indices and the ellipsometric quantities V and A . The materials used in the studies are metals like Silver, Aluminium and Copper. By applying the optical method the interdiffusion taking place in multilayer ‘films of Aluminium and Silver has also been studied. Special interest has been taken to reveal the mechanisms of the hillock growth and surface roughness caused by heating and their relation with the stress in the film


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Micromirror arrays are a very strong candidate for future energy saving applications. Within this work, the fabrication process for these micromirror arrays has been optimized and some steps for the large area fabrication of micromirror modules were performed. At first the surface roughness of the insulation layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) was investigated. This SiO2 thin layer was deposited on three different type of substrates i.e. silicon, glass and Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) substrates. The deposition techniques which has been used are Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and Ion Beam Sputter Deposition (IBSD). The thickness of the SiO2 thin layer was kept constant at 150nm for each deposition process. The surface roughness was measured by Stylus Profilometry and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). It was found that the layer which was deposited by IBSD has got the minimum surface roughness value and the layer which was deposited by PECVD process has the highest surface roughness value. During the same investigation, the substrate temperature of PECVD was varied from 80° C to 300° C with the step size of 40° C and it was found that the surface roughness keeps on increasing as the substrate holder temperature increases in the PECVD process. A new insulation layer system was proposed to minimize the dielectric breakdown effect in insulation layer for micromirror arrays. The conventional bilayer system was replaced by five layer system but the total thickness of insulation layer remains the same. It was found that during the actuation of micromirror arrays structure, the dielectric breakdown effect was reduced considerably as compared to the bilayer system. In the second step the fabrication process of the micromirror arrays was successfully adapted and transferred from glass substrates to the flexible PEN substrates by optimizing the conventional process recipe. In the last section, a large module of micromirror arrays was fabricated by electrically interconnecting four 10cm×10cm micromirror modules on a glass pane having dimensions of 21cm×21cm.


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Three supramolecular complexes of Co(II) using SCN-/SeCN- in combination with 4,4'-dipyridyl-N,N'-dioxide (dpyo), i.e., {[Co(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(2)].(dpyo)}(n) ( 1), {[Co(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)].(H2O)}(n) ( 2), {[Co(SeCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)]center dot(H2O)}(n) ( 3), have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Complex 1 is a rare example of a dpyo bridged two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymer, and pi-stacked dpyo supramolecular rods are generated by the lattice dpyo, passing through the rhombic grid of stacked layers, resulting in a three-dimensional (3D) superstructure. Complexes 2 and 3 are isomorphous one-dimensional (1D) coordination polymers [-Co-dpyo-Co-] that undergo self-assembly leading to a bilayer architecture derived through an R-2(2)(8) H-bonding synthon between coordinated water and dpyo oxygen. A reinvestigation of coordination polymers [Mn(SCN)(2)(dpyo)( H2O)(MeOH)](n) ( 4) and {[Fe(SCN)(2)(dpyo)(H2O)(2)]center dot(H2O)}(n) ( 5) reported recently by our group [ Manna et al. Indian J. Chem. 2006, 45A, 1813] reveals brick wall topology rather than bilayer architecture is due to the decisive role of S center dot center dot center dot S/Se center dot center dot center dot Se interactions in determining the helical nature in 4 and 5 as compared to zigzag polymeric chains in 2 and 3, although the same R-2(2)(8) synthon is responsible for supramolecular assembly in these complexes.


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Siramesine (SRM) is a sigma-2 receptor agonist which has been recently shown to inhibit growth of cancer cells. Fluorescence spectroscopy experiments revealed two distinct binding sites for this drug in phospholipid membranes. More specifically, acidic phospholipids retain siramesine on the bilayer surface due to a high-affinity interaction, reaching saturation at an apparent 1:1 drug-acidic phospholipid stoichiometry, where after the drug penetrates into the hydrocarbon core of the membrane. This behavior was confirmed using Langmuir films. Of the anionic phospholipids, the highest affinity, comparable to the affinities for the binding of small molecule ligands to proteins, was measured for phosphatidic acid (PA, mole fraction Of X-PA = 0.2 in phosphatidylcholine vesicles), yielding a molecular partition coefficient of 240 +/- 80 x 10(6). An MD simulation on the siramesine:PA interaction was in agreement with the above data. Taking into account the key role of PA as a signaling molecule promoting cell growth our results suggest a new paradigm for the development of anticancer drugs, viz. design of small molecules specifically scavenging phospholipids involved in the signaling cascades controlling cell behavior.


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We have studied 'food grade' sialyloligosaccharides (SOS) as anti-adhesive drugs or receptor analogues, since the terminal sialic acid residue has already been shown to contribute significantly to the adhesion and pathogenesis of the Vibrio cholerae toxin (Ctx). GM1-oligosaccharide (GM1-OS) was immobilized into a supporting POPC lipid bilayer onto a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) chip, and the interaction between uninhibited Ctx and GM1-OS-POPC was measured. SOS inhibited 94.7% of the Ctx binding to GM1-OS-POPC at 10 mg/mL. The SOS EC50 value of 5.521 mg/mL is high compared with 0.2811 mu g/mL (182.5 pM or 1.825 x 10(-10) M) for GM1-OS. The commercially available sialyloligosaccharide (SOS) mixture Sunsial E (R) is impure, containing one monosialylated and two disialylated oligosaccharides in the ratio 9.6%. 6.5% and 17.5%, respectively, and 66.4% protein. However, these inexpensive food-grade molecules are derived from egg yolk and could be used to fortify conventional food additives, by way of emulsifiers, sweeteners and/or preservatives. The work further supports our hypothesis that SOS could be a promising natural anti-adhesive glycomimetic against Ctx and prevent subsequent onset of disease. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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The antioxidant activity of hydroxytyrosol, hydroxytyrosol acetate, oleuropein, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylelenolic acid (3,4-DHPEA-EA) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyielenolic acid dialdehyde (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) towards oxidation initiated by 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) hydrochloride in a soybean phospholipid liposome system was studied. The antioxidant activity of these olive oil phenols was similar and the duration of the lag phase was almost twice that of alpha-tocopherol. Trolox(R), a water-soluble analogue of alpha-tocopherol, showed the worst antioxidant activity. However, oxidation before the end of the lag phase was inhibited less effectively by the olive oil phenols than by alpha-tocopherol and Trolox(R). Synergistic effects (11-20% increase in lag phase) were observed in the antioxidant activity of combinations of alpha-tocopherol with olive oil phenols both with and without ascorbic acid. Fluorescence anisotropy of probes and fluorescence quenching studies showed that the olive oil phenols did not penetrate into the membrane, but their effectiveness as antioxidants showed they were associated with the surface of the phospholipid bilayer. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) genotype is associated with an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD). This is thought to be in part attributable to an impact of apoE genotype on the processing of the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein (APP) thereby contributing to amyloid beta peptide formation in apoE4 carriers, which is a primary patho-physiological feature of AD. As apoE and alphato-copherol (alpha-toc) have been shown to modulate membrane bilayer properties and hippocampal gene expression, we studied the effect of apoE genotype on APP metabolism and cell cycle regulation in response to dietary a-toc. ApoE3 and apoE4 transgenic mice were fed a diet low (VE) or high (+VE) in vitamin E (3 and 235 mg alpha-toe/kg diet, respectively) for 12 weeks. Cholesterol levels and membrane fluidity were not different in synaptosomal plasma membranes isolated from brains of apoE3 and apoE4 mice (-VE and +VE). Non-amyloidogenic alpha-secretase mRNA concentration and activity were significantly higher in brains of apoE3 relative to apoE4 mice irrespective of the dietary a-toe supply, while amyloidogenic beta-secretase and gamma-secretase remained unchanged. Relative mRNA concentration of cell cycle related proteins were modulated differentially by dietary a-toc supplementation in apoE3 and apoE4 mice, suggesting genotype-dependent signalling effects on cell cycle regulation.


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An important step in liposome characterization is to determine the location of a drug within the liposome. This work thus investigated the interaction of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes with drugs of varied water solubility, polar surface area (PSA) and partition coefficient using high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. Lipophilic estradiol (ES) interacted strongest with the acyl chains of the lipid membrane, followed by the somewhat polar 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Strongly hydrophilic mannitol (MAN) showed no evidence of interaction but water soluble polymers inulin (IN) and an antisense oligonucleotide (OLG), which have very high PSAs, interacted with the lipid head groups. Accordingly, the drugs could be classified as: hydrophilic ones situated in the aqueous core and which may interact with the head groups; those located at the water-bilayer interface with some degree of penetration into the lipid bilayer; those lipophilic drugs constrained within the bilayer. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes time-resolved x-ray diffraction data monitoring the transformation of one inverse bicontinuous cubic mesophase into another, in a hydrated lipid system. The first section of the paper describes a mechanism for the transformation that conserves the topology of the bilayer, based on the work of Charvolin and Sadoc, Fogden and Hyde, and Benedicto and O'Brien in this area. We show a pictorial representation of this mechanism, in terms of both the water channels and the lipid bilayer. The second section describes the experimental results obtained. The system under investigation was 2:1 lauric acid: dilauroylphosphatidylcholine at a hydration of 50% water by weight. A pressure-jump was used to induce a phase transition from the gyroid (Q(II)(G)) to the diamond (Q(II)(D)) bicontinuous cubic mesophase, which was monitored by time-resolved x-ray diffraction. The lattice parameter of both mesophases was found to decrease slightly throughout the transformation, but at the stage where the Q(II)(D) phase first appeared, the ratio of lattice parameters of the two phases was found to be approximately constant for all pressure-jump experiments. The value is consistent with a topology-preserving mechanism. However, the polydomain nature of our sample prevents us from confirming that the specific pathway is that described in the first section of the paper. Our data also reveal signals from two different intermediate structures, one of which we have identified as the inverse hexagonal (H-II) mesophase. We suggest that it plays a role in the transfer of water during the transformation. The rate of the phase transition was found to increase with both temperature and pressure-jump amplitude, and its time scale varied from the order of seconds to minutes, depending on the conditions employed.


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Edge structures of thermally treated graphite have been studied by means of atomically resolved high-resolution TEM. The method for the determination of a monolayer or more than one layer graphene sheets is established. A series of tilting experiments proves that the zigzag and armchair edges are mostly closed between adjacent graphene layers, and the number of dangling bonds is therefore minimized. Surprisingly bilayer graphene often exhibits AA stacking and is very hard to distinguish from a single graphene layer. Open edge structures with carbon dangling bonds can be found only in a local area where the closed (folding) edge is partially broken.