794 resultados para Bars


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Due to its high resolution, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has been used to image subsurface sedimentary deposits. Because GPR and Seismic methods share some principles of image construction, the classic seismostratigraphic interpretation method has been also applied as an attempt to interpret GPR data. Nonetheless some advances in few particular contexts, the adaptations from seismic to GPR of seismostratigraphic tools and concepts unsuitable because the meaning given to the termination criteria in seismic stratigraphy do not represent the adequate geologic record in the GPR scale. Essentially, the open question relies in proposing a interpretation method for GPR data which allow not only relating product and sedimentary process in the GPR scale but also identifying or proposing depositional environments and correlating these results with the well known Sequence Stratigraphy cornerstones. The goal of this dissertation is to propose an interpretation methodology of GPR data able to perform this task at least for siliciclastic deposits. In order to do so, the proposed GPR interpretation method is based both on seismostratigraphic concepts and on the bounding surface hierarchy tool from Miall (1988). As consequence of this joint use, the results of GPR interpretation can be associated to the sedimentary facies in a genetic context, so that it is possible to: (i) individualize radar facies and correlate them to the sedimentary facies by using depositional models; (ii) characterize a given depositional system, and (iii) determine its stratigraphic framework highligthing how it evolved through geologic time. To illustrate its use the proposed methodology was applied in a GPR data set from Galos area which is part of the Galinhos spit, located in Rio Grande do Norte state, Northeastern Brazil. This spit presents high lateral sedimentary facies variation, containing in its sedimentary record from 4th to 6th cicles caused by high frequency sea level oscillation. The interpretation process was done throughout the following phases: (i) identification of a vertical facies succession, (ii) characterization of radar facies and its associated sedimentary products, (iii) recognition of the associated sedimentary process in a genetic context, and finally (iv) proposal of an evolutionay model for the Galinhos spit. This model proposes that the Galinhos spit is a barrier island constituted, from base to top, of the following sedimentary facies: tidal channel facies, tidal flat facies, shore facies, and aeolic facies (dunes). The tidal channel facies, in the base, is constituted of lateral accretion bars and filling deposits of the channels. The base facies is laterally truncated by the tidal flat facies. In the foreshore zone, the tidal flat facies is covered by the shore facies which is the register of a sea transgression. Finally, on the top of the stratigraphic column, aeolic dunes are deposited due to areal exposition caused by a sea regression


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of radiation in osseointegrated dental implants installed in tibiae of rats.Material and methods: Screw-shaped implants (2.5 mm diameter by 3.5 mm length) were custom made from commercially pure titanium bars. Titanium implants were blasted and sterilized before implantation. Animals were divided into two groups of 12 animals each and the rats were not paired after the groups' formation. The experimental group (group 1) received external irradiation 4 weeks after surgery while in the control group (group 2) animals were kept free of radiation. The shear strength required to detach the implant from bone was measured by push-out testing and osseointegration was histologically evaluated.Results: Results showed that the compressive strength of irradiated implants (33.49 MPa) was significantly lower than the compressive strength of non-irradiated implants (48.05 MPa).Conclusions: We concluded that the mechanical strength bonding between implants and host tissues decreased after irradiation.


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a concentração de flúor na água engarrafada comercializada, comparando-a aos valores impressos no rótulo da embalagem. Foram coletadas 229 amostras de água das 35 marcas disponíveis em diversos supermercados, mercearias e lanchonetes de grande circulação nas diferentes regiões do município de São Paulo, em 2006. A concentração de flúor foi determinada por análise em duplicata, utilizando o eletrodo íon-específico. A concentração de flúor variou entre 0,01 e 2,04 mg/l, com diferenças significantes entre os valores estipulados nos rótulos e os encontrados com a análise. Esses resultados reforçam a importância do controle dos níveis de flúor na água engarrafada por parte da vigilância sanitária.


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Objectives: This study investigated the effect of relining, water storage and cyclic loading on the ultimate flexural strength (FSU) and on the flexural strength at the proportional limit (FSPl) of a denture base acrylic resin (Lucitone 550-L).Methods: Rectangular bars of L were made (64 mm x 10 mm x 2 mm) and relined (1.3 mm) with four relining resins (Kooliner-K, Ufi Gel Hard-UGH, Tokuso Rebase Fast-TR and New Truliner-NT). In addition, specimens relined with L and intact L specimens were made (64 mm x 10 mm x 3.3 mm). A three-point flexural test was applied on the specimens (n = 10) after (1) polymerization; (2) water storage (30 days); (3) cyclic loading (10,000 cycles at 5 Hz) and (4) water storage (30 days) + cyclic loading. Data (MPa) were analyzed with three-way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests (alpha = 0.05). To test for a possible correlation between FSU and FSPl, a linear regression coefficient 'r' was calculated.Results: After water storage, L-UGH and L-TR demonstrated an increased FSU (41.4950.64 MPa and 49.95-57.36 MPa, respectively) (P < 0.05). Only L-TR demonstrated an increased FSPl (20.58-24.21 MPa) after water storage (P < 0.05). L-L had the highest FSU (between 78.57 and 85.09 MPa) and FSPl (between 31.30 and 34.17 MPa) (P < 0.05). The cyclic loading decreased the FSU and FSPl of all materials (P < 0.05). Regression analysis showed a strong linear correlation between the two variables (r = 0.941).Conclusions: Water storage improved the FSU of L-UGH and L-TR and the FSPl of L-TR. L-L produced the highest FSU and FSPl. The FSU and FSPl of all materials were detrimentally influenced by cyclic loading.


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Objectives:Microleakage is a pre-stage of debonding between hard chairside relines and denture base acrylic resins. Therefore, it is important to assess them with regard to the longevity of the relined denture. This study investigated the effect of thermal cycling on the microleakage at the interface of three hard chairside reline resins and three denture base resins.Material and methods:Rectangular bars (12 mm x 3 mm x 3 mm) of Lucitone 550, Acron MC and QC 20 were made and relined with Kooliner, Tokuyama Rebase Fast II and Ufi Gel Hard, Lucitone 550, Acron MC and QC 20 resins. Specimens were divided into one control and two test groups (n = 10). In specimens of the control group, the microleakage was performed after the reline procedure. In Test Group 1, the specimens were stored for 24 h in distilled water at room temperature and in Test Group 2; the specimens were thermal cycled from 5 to 55 degrees C for 5000 cycles with a 30-s dwell time. Subsequently, all specimens were immersed in 50% silver nitrate solutions for 24 h. All specimens were sectioned longitudinally into three fractions and the lateral sections were examined (n = 20). Silver nitrate stain penetration was examined under a stereoscopic lens with x30 magnification, and the images were captured. Leica Qwin image analysis software was used to determine microleakage at the interface of the materials. Data were analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis test at a 95% level of significance.Results:For all cycles, there were no statistically significant differences between thermal cycled and non-thermal cycled groups (p > 0.05).Conclusion:It can be concluded that thermal cycling had no effect on the microleakage.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Complete albinism is a rare phenomenon that occurs in all vertebrate groups. In bats, albinism has been recorded in several species but this information has not previously been reviewed in detail nor has there been an analysis of its importance. In this study, cases of albinism from the literature are checked and new cases are presented. Complete albinism in bats is documented in eight families, 38 species, and at least 64 individuals (47.4% female female and 52.6% males; n = 38). of these, 39 individuals were observed and/or captured in sheltered roosts, such as caves (51.3%), mines and galleries (20.5%), buildings (17.9%), and hollow-trees and bird boxes (7.7%). Only one albino bat (2.6%) was captured in an external roost (foliage). This individual is the fruit bat, Artibeus planirostris, which is recorded here for the first time. Information on four additional cases of albino individuals of the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus, is also presented. It is suggested that sheltered roosts favour survival of albino bars, offering protection against sunlight, water loss, and visually hunting predators.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Descreve-se uma espécie nova para o gênero Astyanax Baird & Girard. A. argyrimarginatus procede da bacia do Rio Araguaia, Brasil. Esta espécie pode ser identificada por possuir uma mancha umeral negra horizontalmente ovalada, uma mancha negra no pedúnculo caudal, que se estende à extremidade dos raios caudais medianos, duas barras verticais castanho-escuras na região umeral e uma faixa lateral negra conspícua, bordeada por uma estreita faixa prateada. São discutidos outros caracteres que distinguem a espécie nova das demais espécies do gênero Astyanax portadoras de uma mancha umeral horizontalmente ovalada.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of airborne-particle abrasion and mechanico-thermal cycling on the flexural strength of a ceramic fused to cobalt-chromium alloy or gold alloy.Materials and Methods: Metallic bars (n = 120) were made (25 mm x 3 mm x 0.5 mm): 60 with gold alloy and 60 with Co-Cr. At the central area of the bars (8 mm x 3 mm), a layer of opaque ceramic and then two layers of glass ceramic (Vita VM13, Vita Zahnfabrick) were fired onto it (thickness: 1 mm). Ten specimens from each alloy group were randomly allocated to a surface treatment [(tungsten bur or air-particle abrasion (APA) with Al(2)O(3) at 10 mm or 20 mm away)] and mechanico-thermal cycling (no cycling or mechanically loaded 20,000 cycles; 10 N distilled water at 37 degrees C and then thermocycled 3000 cycles; 5 degrees C to 55 degrees C, dwell time 30 seconds) combination. Those specimens that did not undergo mechanico-thermal cyclingwere stored inwater (37 degrees C) for 24 hours. Bond strength was measured using a three-point bend test, according to ISO 9693. After the flexural strength test, failure types were noted. The data were analyzed using three factor-ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results: There were no significant differences between the flexural bond strength of gold and Co-Cr groups (42.64 +/- 8.25 and 43.39 +/- 10.89 MPa, respectively). APA 10 and 20 mm away surface treatment (45.86 +/- 9.31 and 46.38 +/- 8.89 MPa, respectively) had similar mean flexural strength values, and both had significantly higher bond strength than tungsten bur treatment (36.81 +/- 7.60 MPa). Mechanico-thermal cycling decreased the mean flexural strength values significantly for all six alloy-surface treatment combinations tested when compared to the control groups. The failure type was adhesive in the metal/ceramic interface for specimens surface treated only with the tungsten bur, and mixed for specimens surface treated with APA 10 and 20 mm.Conclusions: Considering the levels adopted in this study, the alloy did not affect the bond strength; APA with Al(2)O(3) at 10 and 20 mm improved the flexural bond strength between ceramics and alloys used, and the mechanico-thermal cycling of metal-ceramic specimens resulted in a decrease of bond strength.


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Objectives. This study characterized the feldspathic ceramic surfaces after various silanization protocols.Methods. Ceramic bars (2 mm x 4 mm x 10 mm) (N = 18) of feldpathic ceramic (VM7, VITA Zahnfabrik) were manufactured and finished. Before silane application, the specimens were ultrasonically cleaned in distilled water for 10 min. The ceramic specimens were randomly divided into nine groups (N = 2 per group) and were treated with different silane protocols. MPS silane (ESPE-Sil, 3M ESPE) was applied to all specimens and left to react at 20 degrees C for 2 min (G20). After drying, the specimens were subjected to heat treatment in an oven at 38 degrees C (G38), 79 degrees C (G79) or 100 degrees C (G100) for 1 min. Half of the specimens of each group were rinsed with water at 80 degrees C for 15 s (G20B, G38B, G79B, G100B). The control group (GC) received no silane. Attenuated total reflection infrared Fourier transform analysis (ATR FT-IR) was performed using a spectrometer. Thickness of silane layer was measured using a spectroscopic ellip-someter working in the lambda = 632.8 nm (He-Ne laser) at 70 degrees incidence angle. Surface roughness was evaluated using an optical profilometer. Specimens were further analyzed under the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to observe the topographic patterns.Results. ATR FT-IR analysis showed changes in Si-O peaks with enlarged bands around 940 cm(-1). Ellipsometry measurements showed that all post-heat treatment actions reduced the silane film thickness (30.8-33.5 nm) compared to G20 (40 nm). The groups submitted to rinsing in hot water (B groups) showed thinner silane films (9.8-14.4 nm) than those of their corresponding groups (without washing) (30.8-40 nm). Profilometer analysis showed that heat treatments (Ra approximate to 0.10-0.19 mu m; Rq approximate to 0.15-0.26 mu m) provided a smoother surface than the control group (Ra approximate to 0.48 mu m; Rq approximate to 0.65 mu m). Similar patterns were also observed in SEM images.Significance. Heat treatment after MPS silane application improved the silane layer network. Rinsing with boiling water eliminated the outmost unreacted regions of the silane yielding to thinner film thicknesses. (C) 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Characidium xanthopterum é descrita de tributários das bacias do alto Paraná e do alto Tocantins, no Planalto Central do Brasil, Estado de Goiás, Brasil. Entre as congêneres, a nova espécie é diagnosticada pela ausência de barras escuras nas porções laterais do corpo em exemplares adultos, e pela presença de todas as nadadeiras fortemente amareladas, sem marcas ou manchas. Exemplares menores de 32 mm CP apresentam barras escuras no corpo. Estas barras desaparecem com o crescimento entre 32 e 35 mm CP, e estão sempre ausentes em indivíduos maiores do que 35 mm CP.


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A fritura é uma operação importante por ser um processo de preparação rápida de alimentos e por conferir aos produtos fritos características únicas de odor e sabor. Na temperatura de fritura o óleo interage com o ar, água e componentes dos alimentos que estão sendo fritos gerando compostos responsáveis por odores desagradáveis e degradações em óleos utilizados por longos períodos. Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar os níveis de alteração dos óleos e gorduras utilizadas nos processos de fritura de restaurantes, lanchonetes, bares e pastelarias da cidade de São José do Rio Preto-SP. Os métodos analíticos aplicados para a avaliação da alteração em 60 amostras de óleos e gorduras incluíram a determinação de compostos polares totais (%), ácidos graxos livres (%, expressos em ácido oléico) e índice de peróxidos (meq/kg). Foram estabelecidos como limite de alteração 25% para compostos polares, 1% para ácidos graxos livres e 15meq/kg para índice de peróxidos. de acordo com os resultados obtidos, observou-se que das 60 amostras analisadas, 30% apresentaram valores de compostos polares superiores ao limite estabelecido para descartar os óleos e gorduras de fritura. Já, para ácidos graxos livres e índice de peróxidos, 18,3% e 8,3% das amostras, respectivamente, apresentaram valores acima do estabelecido para o descarte. Os elevados níveis de compostos polares totais encontrados (57,4%) em um número significativo de amostras demonstraram a necessidade de melhorar a qualidade dos óleos e gorduras de fritura neste setor de alimentação.