987 resultados para Bacteriophage T4


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A Neuropatia autonômica cardiovascular (NAC), apesar de ter sido apontada como fator de risco independente para doença cardiovascular (DCV) em pacientes com diabetes tipo 1 (DM1), permanece subdiagnosticada. Os objetivos do trababalho foram determinar a prevalência de NAC e seus indicadores clínicos e laboratoriais em pacientes com DM1 e a associação com outras complicações crônicas do diabetes, além de avaliar a concordância entre os critérios diagnósticos da NAC determinados pelos parâmetros da análise espectral e pelos testes reflexos cardiovasculares. Pacientes com DM1, duração da doença ≥ 5 anos e com idade ≥ 13 anos foram submetidos a um questionário clínico-epidemiológico, a coleta de sangue e de urina para determinação da concentração urinária de albumina, ao mapeamento de retina, e exame clínico para pesquisa de neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora além da realização de testes reflexos cardiovasculares. Cento e cinquenta e um pacientes com DM1, 53.6 % do sexo feminino, 45.7% brancos, com média de idade de 33.4 13 anos, idade ao diagnóstico de 17.2 9.8 anos, duração de DM1 de 16.3 9.5 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 23.4 (13.7-37.9) Kg/m2 e níveis de hemoglobina glicada de 9.1 2% foram avaliados. Após realização dos testes para rastreamento das complicações microvasculares, encontramos neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora, retinopatia diabética, nefropatia diabética e NAC em 44 (29.1%), 54 (38%), 35 (24.1%) e 46 (30.5%) dos pacientes avaliados, respectivamente. A presença de NAC foi associada com idade (p=0.01), duração do DM (p=0.036), HAS (p=0.001), frequência cardíaca em repouso (p=0.000), HbA1c (p=0.048), uréia (p=0.000), creatinina (p=0.008), taxa de filtração glomerular (p=0.000), concentração urinária de albumina (p=0.000), níveis séricos de LDL-colesterol (p=0.048), T4 livre (p=0.023) e hemoglobina (p=0.01) e a presença de retinopatia (p=0.000), nefropatia (p=0.000) e neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora (p=0.000), além dos seguintes sintomas; lipotimia (p=0.000), náuseas pós alimentares (p=0.042), saciedade precoce (p=0.031), disfunção sexual (p=0.049) e sudorese gustatória (p=0.018). No modelo de regressão logística binária, avaliando o diagnóstico de NAC como variável dependente, foi observado que apenas a FC em repouso, presença de neuropatia diabética sensitivo motora e retinopatia diabética foram consideradas variáveis independentes significativamente. A NAC é uma complicação crônica comum do DM1, atingindo cerca de 30% dos pacientes estudados e encontra-se associada à presença de outras complicações da doença. Indicadores da presença de NAC nos pacientes avaliados incluíram a idade, duração do diabetes, presença de HAS, frequência cardíaca de repouso e presença de sintomas sugestivos de neuropatia autonômica. O presente estudo ratifica a importância do rastreamento sistemático e precoce desta complicação.


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Uma vez que C. pseudotuberculosis é o agente etiológico de processos infecciosos em animais caprinos e ovinos e que também pode ser isolado de processos infecciosos em seres humanos as investigações direcionadas para a espécie em questão são necessárias, visto que a escassez de dados epidemiológicos e de conhecimento relativo ao comportamento do microrganismo em hospedeiros animais e humanos em nosso país dificulta o diagnóstico laboratorial da espécie, à semelhança do observado com outra espécie de transmissão zoonótica, o C. ulcerans. Uma preocupação adicional é o fato da espécie em questão também ser capaz de albergar bacteriófagos codificadores da toxina diftérica, representando uma ameaça à circulação dos bacteriófagos. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as características fenotípicas e genotípicas de amostras de C. pseudotuberculosis. Neste sentido, foram propostos os seguintes objetivos: Avaliar as características bioquímicas das amostras através de testes bioquímicos convencionais; avaliar as características bioquímicas das amostras utilizando o sistema semi-automatizado API Coryne; diferenciar amostras de C. pseudotuberculosis de C. ulcerans utilizando a técnica de PCR multiplex; pesquisar a presença de gene tox. Os resultados demonstraram que amostras de C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans e C. pseudotuberculosis podem ser caracterizadas por métodos bioquímicos convencionais e por taxonomia numérica (API Coryne System). C. ulcerans e C. pseudotuberculosis, com potencial de circulação zoonótica, da mesma forma que C. diphtheriae são capazes de albergar o gene da toxina diftérica. A reação m-PCR foi capaz de discernir as amostras de C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans e C. pseudotuberculosis e ainda definir o potencial das amostras em produzir a toxina diftérica. Os dados enfatizam a necessidade da técnica multiplex PCR para o diagnostico e para o controle de espécies associadas a quadros de difteria em populações humana.


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一. 设计和筛选单链阻遏蛋白的高亲和力DNA结合序列   单链阻遏蛋白RRTRES是噬菌体434阻遏蛋白的衍生物,它是噬菌体434阻 遏蛋白的N端DBD(1-69位氨基酸)组成的共价二聚体。这个单链分子有两个DBD,一个是野生型噬菌体434的DBD-R,另一个是突变了的DBD - RTRES,二者用重组接头以头接尾的方式连接起来。在RTRES的α3-螺旋中.1、1、2、5位氨基酸与DNA识别紧密相关,它们分别为T、R、E、S。为了筛选出突变的RTRES的DNA结合位点,设计了核心序列为CATACAAGAAAGNNNNNNTTTATG随机DNA库,通过RRTRES与随机DNA库的体外结合和循环筛选。将筛选到的群体克隆并测序。通过与单链阻遏蛋白RRTRES的亲和力测定,对每一个筛选到的序列进行特性分析。结果表明,当结合位点(上述划线部分)为TTAC或TTCC时为最适操纵区序列。它们与单链阻遏蛋白RRTRES的亲和力很高,Kd值在1-10pM的范围。其中随机部分为TTTACG的操纵区与RRTRES的亲和力最高,Kd值约为lpM;当结合位点为TTAC时,平均Kd值为3pM:当结合位点为 TTCC时,Kd值在5-lOpM之间。天然噬菌体434阻遏蛋白与其操纵区的亲和力的Kd值在nM数量级,与之相比,所筛选操纵区的亲和力明显提高。此外,亲和力大小还受到结合位点两侧的碱基的影响,特别是5'位碱基的影响。   表达纯化同源双突变的单链阻遏蛋白RTRESRTRE'根据RTRES的以上识别特一点,设计了一系列新的操纵区序列,它们的共有序列为GTAAGAAARNTTACN,或GGAAGAAARNTTCCN,并测定它们与RTRES RTRE之间的结合特异性。结果表明,它们可被RTRES RTRES特异识别,且亲和力也很高,Kd值在5-40pM之间。其中GTAAGAAAGTTTACG与RTRES RTRES之间结合的Kd值约为5pM。同样,表达了异源双突变的单链阻遏蛋白R*RTRES,然而它与 设计的相关操纵区的亲和力并不很高,Kd值约为lOOpM。利用本工作中的随机筛选和合理设计的原则,得到了新的具有特异性识别和高亲和力的蛋白一DNA相互作用。这个方法可望用于其他DBP的新的结合特异性的筛选。 二. 非同位素的方法筛选单链阻遏蛋白的最佳DNA结合序列初探   克隆和表达了带半胱氨酸尾的单链阻遏蛋白,利用已包被了马来酰胺的活性板可以与自由巯基结合的特性,将蛋白固定在活性板表面。体外筛选RTRES RTRES的最佳DNA结合序列,得到了一些与RTRES RTRES结合的序列,但Kd值nM数量级。此方法需进一步优化。


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土壤的盐碱化问题已经严重影响到世界范围内许多重要作物的生产。培育耐盐作物是解决这一问题的最有效途经。利用耐盐相关基因的转化可以在不改变或很少改变植物其它性状的情况下提高植物的耐盐性,因此基因工程方法对于改良植物耐盐性及其机理的研究具有重要的意义。目前植物耐盐基因工程从调控渗透调节物质和盐离子区隔化两个方面开展了较多的研究。已经获得一些耐盐性提高的转基因植物。 本研究拟用耐盐性较强植物山菠菜中的甜菜碱合成关键基因BADH和盐生植物盐角草的液泡膜Na+/H+ anitiporter基因SeNHX1对模式植物烟草进行转化,以确定其各自在耐盐性方面所起的作用。同时,现有的研究表明植物的耐盐性是多基因控制的复杂性状,因此拟把SeNHX1和BADH 这两个涉及不同耐盐机理的基因构建到同一个植物表达载体上,以比较单基因转化和双基因转化在提高植物耐盐性方面的优劣。除此之外,并对已经转入BADH基因番茄的耐盐性和遗传稳定性分析进行了研究。 转BADH基因番茄已经稳定遗传到T4世代。通过对5个转BADH基因番茄株系在T0世代、T3世代和T4世代的分析,表明除了株系T4-3由T0世代的3个拷贝变为1个拷贝外,其余各株系拷贝数均没有发生变化。外源基因编码的酶活性和最终催化产物甜菜碱在盐分胁迫下都能较容易的检测到,说明外源基因在番茄基因组中的遗传是稳定的,没有发生丢失。在连续2个世代的耐盐性鉴定中,各转基因株系的耐盐性较为一致,均比野生型有了较大的提高。其中株系T4-5连续2年表现出了较低的减产率,株系T4-8也在连续的2年中表现出了最高的单株产量。盐分胁迫下转BADH基因各个株系比野生型有较高的K+和Ca2+含量,较低的Na+含量,转基因株系较野生型有较低的脐腐病果率。 通过SeNHX1、BADH单独转化以及构建双价载体共转化的方法获得了3种类型的转基因烟草。Southern和Northern 检测结果表明,外源基因已经整合到烟草基因组中,并得到了正确的表达。转BADH基因烟草在盐分胁迫下能检测到明显的BADH酶活性和甜菜碱含量。转基因烟草T0代对盐分胁迫、氧化胁迫的抗性均较野生型对照有较大的提高。转基因株系在200 mM NaCl胁迫下较野生型有较高的光合速度。百草枯处理过的野生型叶盘比转基因株系积累了更多的丙二醛,表明野生型受到了更大的氧化胁迫。 已经获得3种转不同基因烟草的T1代,且T1代具有较强的耐渗透胁迫能力。转基因烟草的T0种子均能在含100 mg/L 卡钠霉素培养基上发芽和正常生长,其中部分种子能够在含200 mM NaCl 培养基上发芽并能较好的生长,而野生型根本不能发芽。从200 mM甘露醇胁迫1周后,又转移到营养液中的生长1周的情况来看,转基因烟草能较快的恢复正常的生长,有新的叶子和根长出,而野生型却不能,同时转基因株系比野生型具有更大的单株鲜重。 转BADH基因番茄在遗传上是稳定的,并且其耐盐性有了较大的提高。双基因转化烟草的抗盐性要好于单基因转化,但SeNHX1基因转化要好于BADH基因转化。说明SeNHX1基因在提高植物耐盐性方面要比BADH基因有更强的功能,同时,也表明多基因转化在植物的耐盐改良方面可能是一个更为有效的方法。


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An experiment was carried out with 1 0 days old Clarias gariepinus fry over a period of 42 days to determine the effects of different feeds on growth and survival of African catfish fry in glass tanks. The experiment was designed into four treatments each having three replications. Thus treatment 1 (T1) was named as Tank Tubifex (TT) and treatment 2 (T2) as Tank Sabinco (TS), treatment 3 as Pond Tubifex (PT), and treatment 4 (T4) as Pond Sabinco (PS). Live Tubifex (protein levels 64.48%) was supplied to treatments 1 and 3 and rest of the treatments were supplied Sabinco starter-1 (protein levels 40.13%). The highest and the lowest growth in total length and weight were 12.90cm, 18.77g and 6.17cm, 4.04g recorded from the treatments 3 and 2, respectively. Growth of catfish fry under treatment 3 in terms of both length and weight were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the other treatments. However treatment 2 showed the significantly lowest (P<0.01) growth performance among the various treatments. The highest survival rate (92%) was also obtained with treatment 3. Tubifex proved to be the best larval feed in respect of growth and survival rate.


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Artemia cysts (of GSL, Utah, USA origin) were produced from the modified traditional solar salt works of Bangladesh during winter months through different feeding/fertilization treatments (T1, T2, T3, T4 ) were analyzed to understand the effects of treatments on their fatty acid profile. Palmitic, Linolenic, Eicosapantaenonic and Docohexaenoic acids (mg/g. DW) were found highest for the cysts in T1 (16.0% ±1 .36), T2 (14.7% ±0.47), T3 (4.7% ±0.40) and T4 (0.7% ±0.06) treatments, respectively. High amount of 18:3(n-3) acids in the cysts of all sources proves to be freshwater type of the cysts. The presence of marine type essential fatty acids in the cysts of all sources were found low for 20:5n-3 (3.7-4.7%) and very low for 22:6n-3 (0.09-0.7%). No significant variation was observed for 16:0 acids within the treatments, but for 18:3(n-3) acid, the variation was found highly significant (P= 0.0052) between T2 and T4 treatments. For 20:5(n-3), only variation between T2 and T4 was found insignificant (P=0.1161), but between other treatments, significant variation was observed between T2 and T4 (P=0.0241), T2 and T4 (P=0.0022) and T1 andT4 (P=0.0161). No significant variation was found in other treatments.


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A ten-month study on mixed culture of mud crab Scylla serrata with tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was performed in brackish water earthen ponds using live tilapia fry as the only feed for crab. The monthly growth rate varied from 9.07-19.llg among four treatments. Treatment T 1, cw: 0.68cm (±0.72) and bw: 19.11 gm (±12.97) showed highest performance which was followed by T 3, cw: 0.62cm (±0.60) and bw: 13.42 gm (±10.51), T4, cw: 0.65cm (±0.64) and bw: 13.20 gm (±9.89) and T2, cw: 0.36cm (± 0.25) and bw: 9.07 gm (±8.05). Highest survivability of crabs was also recorded in T 1 (21.5%) which was followed by T 2 (15.65%), T4 (14.95%) and T 3 (14.15%). In terms of survivability, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed among the treatments whereas these were recorded as insignificant difference (p<0.05) in final weight, weight gain and production of crabs and tilapia. Mixed culture of mud crab with tilapia could make more rewarding than crab monoculture but the study suggests that only tilapia fry can not fulfill the feed requirement of crabs in respects of survivability, final body weight and weight gain. Besides, existed salinity level of 4-12 ppt during experimental period might be the another key factor for low survivability and weight gain.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed made from locally available ingredients on polyculture of shrimp and three brackishwater finfish species. Hatchery produced post-larvae (PL) of shrimp Penaeus monodon (0.005g) were stocked at the rate of 15,000 PLs/ha. Brackishwater finfish species Liza parsia, Mugil cephalus and Rhinomugil corsula of 0.63-1.4lg collected from local rivers were stocked at the rate 8,000, 1,000 and 2,000/ha, respectively in four treatments. Shrimp and finfishes were fed four different experimental diets composed of fish meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, oyster shell power and vitamin premixes at the rate of 3-5% estimated crop/day for 195 days. Among four treatments, P. monodon showed comparative better growth in T4 and T3. Finfish L. parsia showed its better performance in treatment T2. Species M. cephalus and R. corsula showed insignificant production. P. monodon showed better growth with diet of fish meal and mustard oil cake@ 28.84 and 33.65%, respectively in T 3 and 19.22 and 43.27%, respectively in treatment T4.


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An experiment was conducted to assess the performance of mola (Amblyphmyngodon mola) in rice fish culture system with freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Thai silver barb (Bm·bades ganianotus) and common carp (Cyprinus cmpia) for a period of 4 months at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Four treatments viz., treatment-I (T1) with A. mala and M. rosenbergii; treatmen t-II (T2) with A. mala, M. rosenbergii and B. gonianatus ; treatmentIII (T3) with A. mala, 1Vf. rosenbergii and C. cmpia, and treatment- IV (T4) as control (without fish) were used in triplicate. All treatments were equally fertilized with urea (200 kg/ha), TSP (150 kg/ha) and MP (75 kg/ha). The mean values of water quality parameters viz., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate-nitrogen showed a very small variations among different treatments, but phosphate-phosphorus and chlorophyll-a were relatively higher in T4 without fish (i.e., control). The fish production of 480.5 kg/ha in T3 was significantly higher than that of 355.6 kg/ha T2 and 223.8 kg/ha in T 1• The values of soil organic matter, total-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at harvest were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish than without fish, but pH did not show any significant differences. The yield of rice grain and straw was also obtained significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish. The increase in grain was higher over the control by 11.81%, 9.41% and 14.76% and that in straw was by 9.83%, 4.77% and 13.29% in Tl> T2, and T3 respectively.


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A rice-fish culture experiment with four treatments viz., T 1 with Amblyphmyngadan mala alone, T 2 with A. mala and Barbodes gonionotus, T3 with A. mala and Cyprinis carpio and T4 as control (without fish) was carried out in the rice fields during April through August1999. The recovery rate of A. mala were 42%, 37% and 42% in treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively and the same recorded for B. gonionotus and C. cmpio were 62% and 55% respectively. Among the three species of fish, B. gonionotus showed much higher recovery rate than both of A. mala and C. carpio. The production of A. nwla was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months in monoculture, and 7.92 kglha/3 months and 8.86 kglha/3 months in combination with B. gonionotus and C. carpio, respectively. The production of B. gonionotus in T2 was 169.29 kg/ha/3 months and C. cmpio in T 3 was 252.92 kg/ha/3 months. The total fish production was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months, 175.21 kg/ha/3 months and 261.88 kg/ha/3 months in Tp T2 and T3, respectively. The highest yields of rice grain (5.78 ton/ha) and straw (7.83 ton/ha) were recorded in T3 and the lowest of the same was in T4 (grain 4.96 ton/ha and straw 6.62 ton/ha). Rice yield increased by about 12.10% in T1, 13.30% in T2 and 16.33% in T3 in context to T4, rice-alone culture. The results demonstrated that the culture of fish in rice fields had profound beneficial impact on the production of rice grain and straw.


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Five hormone doses viz. 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 mg of carp PG/kg of body weight of the recipient fish were tested and they were designated as T1 T2, T3, T4, and T5 respectively. Significantly higher fertilization (98%) and hatching rates (38%) were obtained from T3 (75 mg of carp PG extract/kg body weight). While T4 (100 mg of carp PG extract/kg body weight) and T5 (125 mg of carp PG extract/kg body weight) gave the highest (90%) ovulation rate. In June and July the highest fertilization rate of 96 and 96.4% respectively and hatching rate 42.5 and 48.7% respectively were obtained. In over all consideration carp PG extract at a dose of 75 mg/kg body weight appears to be the suitable dose for induced breeding of H. fossilis and June and July are the suitable time for its induced breeding.


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Two experiments were conducted to formulate and evaluate test diets using locally available ingredients to find out suitable diets for mono and polyculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds. The first experiment was conducted from 1 July 2003 to 29 September 2003 in 12 experimental ponds each measuring 30 square meters behind the Fisheries Faculty Building, BAU campus, Mymensingh. Three experimental diets containing 30% protein were formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, sesame meal and rice bran and assigned to treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A special shrimp feed (Starter-II) from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. was assigned to treatment 4 (Control). Each treatment had three replications. Juveniles of M. rosenbergii (2.90±0.81g) were stocked at the rate of 4/square meter. Prawns were fed three times daily at the rate of 15% of their body weight at the beginning, which was gradually reduced to 10% and 5% for the last two months. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the weight gains of prawns fed diets 1 and 4 (control), but they were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of diets 2 and 3. The FCR values of diets ranged between 2.61 to 3.36 with diets 1 and 4 showing significantly (P<0.05) lower FCR values. The survival rate of prawns ranged between 68 to 78% with prawns fed diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher survival rate. The production of prawn ranged from 921 to 1,428 kg/ha/90 days and diet 1 gave the highest production. Treatment 1 gave the highest net profit ofTk. 161,980/ha/90 days. The second experiment was conducted from December, 2003 to April, 2004 to see the growth of over wintered M. rosenbergii juveniles in polyculture with indigenous major carps (catla and rohu) in ponds using formulated diets. Three isoenergetic experimental diets formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, wheat bran and molasses, and a shrimp feed 'Golda special feed' from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. were assigned to treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (control), respectively, each treatment had two replications. Eight experimental ponds each measuring 80 square meters in the Field Laboratory Complex of the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU campus, Mymensingh were used. The mean initial weights of M. rosenbergii, catla and rohu were 1.60±0.01, 30.0±0.09 and 25.0±0.08 g, respectively. A total of 160 fish and prawn (20,000/ha) were stocked in each pond at the ratio of 2:1:1 (prawn: catla: rohu). Fish were fed at the rate of 3-5% of their body weight. Prawns fed diet 1, 2 and 4 showed higher weight gains compared to diet 3. The weight gain of catla was significantly higher in T1 while in case of rohu was higher in T1 and T4, respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the survival rate of fish as obtained from different treatments. The overall total fish production ranged from 2196 to 2679 kg/ha/5 months. The highest production and the highest profit (Tk. 56,531/ha/5 months) was obtained from T1 and the lowest (Tk. 24,932/ha/5 months) from T4.


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The ecology of euglenophytes and their role in fish production were studied in 12 small earthen ponds beside the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU from July to November 2001. Four experiments each with three replications were conducted and those were as follows: pond treated with both poultry droppings and cowdung (T1); pond treated with only poultry droppings (T2), and pond treated with only poultry droppings (T3), while the control (T4) where no organic manure was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the same stocking density of (10,621 fish/ha) and species ratio (1:1:1:2:2). The stocked fishes were fed with a common supplemental diet comprising of mustard oil cake and rice polish (1:1) at the rate of 4% of body weight per day. The highest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T2, where poultry droppings were applied and was followed by T1, where both poultry droppings and cow dung were applied. Higher temperature, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorous and acidic pH were found to be conducive for the bloom of noxious euglenophytes. The bloom was found to use up most of the nutrients resulting in reduction in the growth of beneficial plankters and planktivorous fishes. The SGR (%/day) of catla, rohu and mrigal was lower during heavy bloom period while that of silver carp and silver barb were comparatively higher. The mortality of fishes in a pond of T2 during the bloom period was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation (dissolved oxygen level as low as 0.34 mg/1) in the early mornings through bacterial decomposition of the settled dead individuals or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolite secretion by the euglenophytes.


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This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance. KEYWORDS: Fermentation, yellow maize, Clarias gariepinus, Fish, Feed.


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This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance.