999 resultados para BUSHVELD COMPLEX
Microautophagy involves direct invagination and fission of the vacuolar/lysosomal membrane under nutrient limitation. This occurs by an autophagic tube, a specialized vacuolar membrane invagination that pinches off vesicles into the vacuolar lumen. In this study we have identified the VTC (vacuolar transporter chaperone) complex as required for microautophagy. The VTC complex is present on the ER and vacuoles and at the cell periphery. On induction of autophagy by nutrient limitation the VTC complex is recruited to and concentrated on vacuoles. The VTC complex is inhomogeneously distributed within the vacuolar membranes, showing an enrichment on autophagic tubes. Deletion of the VTC complex blocks microautophagic uptake into vacuoles. The mutants still form autophagic tubes but the production of microautophagic vesicles from their tips is impaired. In line with this, affinity-purified antibodies to the Vtc proteins inhibit microautophagic uptake in a reconstituted system in vitro. Our data suggest that the VTC complex is an important constituent of autophagic tubes and that it is required for scission of microautophagic vesicles from these tubes.
An understanding of the taxonomic status and vector distribution of anophelines is crucial in controlling malaria. Previous phylogenetic analyses have supported the description of six species of the Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae): An. albitarsis, Anopheles deaneorum, Anopheles marajoara, Anopheles oryzalimnetes, Anopheles janconnae and An. albitarsis F. To evaluate the taxonomic status of An. albitarsis s.l. mosquitoes collected in various localities in the Colombian Caribbean region, specimens were analyzed using the complete mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene, the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region and partial nuclear DNA white gene sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of the COI gene sequences detected a new lineage closely related to An. janconnae in the Caribbean region of Colombia and determined its position relative to the other members of the complex. However, the ITS2 and white gene sequences lacked sufficient resolution to support a new lineage closely related to An. janconnae or the An. janconnae clade. The possible involvement of this new lineage in malaria transmission in Colombia remains unknown, but its phylogenetic closeness to An. janconnae, which has been implicated in local malaria transmission in Brazil, is intriguing.
A cross-sectional analysis of stored Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN)-stained sputum smear slides (SSS) obtained from two public tuberculosis referral laboratories located in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, was carried out to distinguish Mycobacterium bovis from other members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). A two-step approach was used to distinguish M. bovis from other members of MTC: (i) oxyR pseudogene amplification to detect MTC and, subsequently, (ii) allele-specific sequencing based on the polymorphism at position 285 of this gene. The oxyR pseudogene was successfully amplified in 100 of 177 (56.5%) SSS available from 99 individuals. No molecular profile of M. bovis was found. Multivariate analysis indicated that acid-fast bacilli (AFB) results and the source laboratory were associated (p < 0.05) with oxyR pseudogene amplification. SSS that were AFB++ SSS showed more oxyR pseudogene amplification than those with AFB0, possibly due to the amount of DNA. One of the two source laboratories presented a greater chance of oxyR pseudogene amplification, suggesting that differences in sputum conservation between laboratories could have influenced the preservation of DNA. This study provides evidence that stored ZN-SSS can be used for the molecular detection of MTC.
Candida parapsilosis, currently divided into three distinct species, proliferates in glucose-rich solutions and has been associated with infections resulting from the use of medical devices made of plastic, an environment common in dialysis centres. The aims of this study were (i) to screen for Candida orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis (100 environmental isolates previously identified as C. parapsilosis), (ii) to test the ability of these isolates to form biofilm and (iii) to investigate the in vitro susceptibility of Candida spp biofilms to the antifungal agents, fluconazole (FLC) and amphotericin B (AMB). Isolates were obtained from a hydraulic circuit collected from a haemodialysis unit. Based on molecular criteria, 47 strains were re-identified as C. orthopsilosis and 53 as C. parapsilosis. Analyses using a formazan salt reduction assay and total viable count, together with microscopy studies, revealed that 72 strains were able to form biofilm that was structurally similar, but with minor differences in morphology. A microtitre-based colorimetric assay used to test the susceptibility of fungal biofilms to AMB and FLC demonstrated that the C. parapsilosis complex displayed an increased resistance to these antifungal agents. The results from these analyses may provide a basis for implementing quality controls and monitoring to ensure the microbiological purity of dialysis water, including the presence of yeast.
The performance of the immunochromatographic assay, SD BIOLINE TB Ag MPT64 RAPID®, was evaluated in Madagascar. Using mouse anti-MPT64 monoclonal antibodies for rapid discrimination between the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and nontuberculous mycobacteria, the kit was tested on mycobacteria and other pathogens using conventional methods as the gold standard. The results presented here indicate that this kit has excellent sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%) compared to standard biochemical detection and can be easily used for the rapid identification of M. tuberculosis complex.
Wake-promoting drugs are widely used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness. The neuronal pathways involved in wake promotion are multiple and often not well characterized. We tested d-amphetamine, modafinil, and YKP10A, a novel wake-promoting compound, in three inbred strains of mice. The wake duration induced by YKP10A and d-amphetamine depended similarly on genotype, whereas opposite strain differences were observed after modafinil. Electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis during drug-induced wakefulness revealed a transient approximately 2 Hz slowing of theta oscillations and an increase in beta-2 (20-35 Hz) activity only after YKP10A. Gamma activity (35-60 Hz) was induced by all drugs in a drug- and genotype-dependent manner. Brain transcriptome and clustering analyses indicated that the three drugs have both common and specific molecular signatures. The correlation between specific EEG and gene-expression signatures suggests that the neuronal pathways activated to stay awake vary among drugs and genetic background.
In this study we prepared an inclusion complex between an iodide analogue of metronidazole (MTZ-I) and cyclodextrin (CD) to develop a safer and more effective method of treating Trypanosoma cruzi infections. According to our results, MTZ-I and MTZ-I:β-CD were 10 times more active than MTZ, demonstrating that the presence of an iodine atom on the side chain increased the trypanocidal activity while maintaining its cytotoxicity. The selective index shows that MTZ-I was 10 times more active against T. cruzi than it was against mammalian cells. The modification of MTZ side chains provides a promising avenue for the development of new drugs.
Anopheles triannulatus s.l. is a malaria vector with a wide geographic distribution, ranging from Argentina-Nicaragua and Trinidad. Here we analysed sequences of two genes, timeless and cpr, to assess the genetic variability and divergence among three sympatric cryptic species of this complex from Salobra, central-western Brazil. The timeless gene sequences did not conclusively differentiate Anopheles halophylus and An. triannulatus species "C". However, a partial separation has been observed between these species and An. triannulatus s.s. Importantly, the analysis of the cpr gene sequences revealed fixed differences, no shared polymorphisms and considerable genetic differentiation among the three species of the An. triannulatus complex. The results confirm that An. triannulatus s.s., An. halophylus and An. triannulatus species C are distinct taxa, with the latter two likely representing a more recent speciation event.
Rio Negro virus (RNV) (Venezuelan equine encephalitis subtype VI) circulates only in Argentina; in northern provinces, isolates have been obtained from mosquitoes and rodents since 1980 and have been associated with acute febrile illness in humans. However, no studies of RNV have been performed in the central area of the country. We carried out molecular and serological detection of RNV in Córdoba, a province of the central part of the country, in mosquitoes and humans, respectively. One mosquito pool tested positive for alphavirus RNA by reverse transcriptase-nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested PCR). Subsequent sequencing determined that this alphavirus grouped with RNV. Serological studies detected antibodies to RNV in one human serum sample, which was obtained during the same period that RNV was detected using the aforementioned molecular methods. This is the first report of RNV circulation in the central area of Argentina, indicating an expansion of its original distribution. These results highlight the importance of strengthening surveillance procedures in endemic areas, as well as in new regions where RNV may emerge.
Résumé Les caspases sont des protéases essentielles lors de l'induction de l'apoptose ou pour la maturation de certaines cytokines. Elles peuvent être divisées en deux groupes: les caspases initiatrices, qui sont les premières activées lors d'un signal pro-apoptotique, et les caspases effectrices, qui sont activées par les caspases initiatrices et sont responsables du clivage et de la dégradation des substrats cellulaires. Les caspases initiatrices sont activées dans des complexes de haut poids moléculaire: l'apoptosome pour la caspase-9 et le DISC pour la caspase-8. La caspase-2 est également une caspase initiatrice qui contient un domaine CARD. Cependant son mécanisme d'activation n'est pas encore connu. Lors de cette étude, nous avons découvert et caractérisé le complexe qui permet l'activation de la caspase-2. Ce complexe, appelé le PIDDosome, est composé de PIDD/LRDD, de la protéine adaptatrice RAIDD et de la protéase caspase-2. L'expression forcée de PIDD induit l'activation constitutive de la caspase-2. Cela entraîne la mort ou la sensibilisation à la mort des cellules selon la lignée étudiée. Cet effet est expliqué par une perte du potentiel de membrane de la mitochondrie, certainement dû à un effet direct de la caspase-2. Peu de choses sont connues sur PIDD: c'est une protéine contenant un domaine DD qui peut être induite par p53. Nous avons caractérisé PIDD et montré qu'elle est exprimée de façon ubiquitaire. PIDD est constitutivement auto-clivée environ au milieu de la protéine, ce qui génère deux fragments qui restent liés l'un à l'autre. Le fragment N-terminal a une activité régulatrice et le C-terminal une activité effectrice. De plus, PIDD peut se déplacer entre le cytoplasme et le noyau. Enfin, nous avons découvert que PIDD est également impliquée dans l'induction de NF¬ -κB en réponse à des dommages à l'ADN. PIDD est responsable de la modification par sumo de NEMO, étape nécessaire à l'induction de NF-κB après des dommages à l'ADN. Ainsi PIDD semble être à l'intersection de la décision que prend la cellule entre survivre et réparer les dommages, ou entrer en apoptose. Summary Caspases are a family of proteases that fulfill varied and often critical roles in mammalian apoptosis or proteolytic activation of cytokines. Caspases can be divided into two sub-groups: initiator caspases, which are the first activated after a pro-apoptotic signal, and effector caspases, which are activated by initiator caspases and that are responsible for the cleavage and degradation of cellular components. Initiator caspases are activated in high molecular weight platforms such as the apoptosome for caspase-9 or the DISC for caspase-8. Caspase-2 is a CARD-containing initiator caspase whose mechanism of activation was not yet known. In this study we have identified an activating platform for caspase-2. This high molecular weight complex, called the PIDDosome, is composed of PIDD/LRDD, the adaptor protein RAIDD and caspase-2. Constitutive expression of PIDD led to constitutive activation of caspase-2, which in some cell lines was sufficient to induce cell death while in others it merely sensitizes. Active caspase-2 was found to disturb directly the mitochondria by inducing a partial loss of the transmembrane potential. Very little was known on PIDD. It can be induce by p53 and inhibition of its expression by antisense oligonucleotides diminishes p53-dependent apoptosis. We decided to further characterize PIDD function and expression. PIDD possesses seven LRR, two Zu5 domains and one DD. It is ubiquitously expressed and appears to be constitutively cleaved by auto- processing into two main fragments equal in size. The two fragments remain bound to one another and constitute a regulatory N-terminal fragment and an active C-terminal fragment. In addition, PIDD can shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Finally, investigating the possible relevance of new interaction partners, we found that PIDD is implicated in DNA damage-induced NF- κB. PIDD binds to RIP1 and to NEMO. In response to DNA damage, PIDD translocates to the nucleus and mediates sumo- modification of NEMO, a necessary step in DNA damage-induced NF-κB. All together these results raise the possibility that PIDD acts as a molecular switch between proliferation and repair, and apoptosis following DNA damage.
Quantitative linguistics has provided us with a number of empirical laws that characterise the evolution of languages and competition amongst them. In terms of language usage, one of the most influential results is Zipf’s law of word frequencies. Zipf’s law appears to be universal, and may not even be unique to human language. However, there is ongoing controversy over whether Zipf’s law is a good indicator of complexity. Here we present an alternative approach that puts Zipf’s law in the context of critical phenomena (the cornerstone of complexity in physics) and establishes the presence of a large-scale “attraction” between successive repetitions of words. Moreover, this phenomenon is scale-invariant and universal – the pattern is independent of word frequency and is observed in texts by different authors and written in different languages. There is evidence, however, that the shape of the scaling relation changes for words that play a key role in the text, implying the existence of different “universality classes” in the repetition of words. These behaviours exhibit striking parallels with complex catastrophic phenomena.
Some sites of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and focal complications of brucellosis are very difficult to differentiate clinically, radiologically, and even histopathologically. Conventional microbiological methods for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and complicated brucellosis not only lack adequate sensitivity, they are also time consuming, which could lead to an unfavourable prognosis. The aim of this work was to develop a multiplex real-time PCR assay based on SYBR Green I to simultaneously detect Brucella spp and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and evaluate the efficacy of the technique with different candidate genes. The IS711, bcsp31 and omp2a genes were used for the identification of Brucella spp and the IS6110, senX3-regX3 and cfp31 genes were targeted for the detection of the M. tuberculosis complex. As a result of the different combinations of primers, nine different reactions were evaluated. A test was defined as positive only when the gene combinations were capable of co-amplifying both pathogens in a single reaction tube and showed distinguishable melting temperatures for each microorganism. According to the melting analysis, only three combinations of amplicons (senX3-regX3+bcsp31, senX3-regX3+IS711 and IS6110+IS711) were visible. Detection limits of senX3-regX3+bcsp31 and senX3-regX3+IS711 were of 2 and 3 genome equivalents for M. tuberculosis complex and Brucella while for IS6110+IS711 they were of 200 and 300 genome equivalents, respectively. The three assays correctly identified all the samples, showing negative results for the control patients. The presence of multicopy elements and GC content were the components most influencing the efficiency of the test; this should be taken into account when designing a multiplex-based SYBR Green I assay. In conclusion, multiplex real time PCR assays based on the targets senX3-regX3+bcsp31 and senX3-regX3+IS711 using SYBR Green I are highly sensitive and reproducible. This may therefore be a practical approach for the rapid differential diagnosis between extrapulmonary tuberculosis and complicated brucellosis.
Triatoma brasiliensis macromelasoma is revalidated based on the results of previous multidisciplinary studies on the Triatoma brasiliensis complex, consisting of crossing experiments and morphological, biological, ecological and molecular analyses. These taxonomic tools showed the closest relationship between T. b. macromelasoma and Triatoma brasiliensis brasiliensis. T. b. macromelasoma is redescribed based on specimens collected in the type locality and specimens from a F1 colony. The complex now comprises T. b. brasiliensis, T. b. macromelasoma, Triatoma melanica, Triatoma juazeirensis and Triatoma sherlocki. An identification key for all members of the complex is presented. This detailed comparative study of the morphological features of T. b. macromelasoma and the remaining members of the complex corroborates results from multidisciplinary analyses, suggesting that the subspecific status is applicable. This subspecies can be distinguished by the following combination of features: a pronotum with 1+1 narrow brownish-yellow stripes on the submedian carinae, not attaining its apex, hemelytra with membrane cells darkened on the central portion and legs with an incomplete brownish-yellow ring on the apical half of the femora. Because the T. brasiliensis complex is of distinct epidemiological importance throughout its geographic distribution, a precise identification of its five members is important for monitoring and controlling actions against Chagas disease transmission.