992 resultados para BOILING NUCLEATION


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Plasma-based techniques offer many unique possibilities for the synthesis of various nanostructures both on the surface and in the plasma bulk. In contrast to the conventional chemical vapor deposition and some other techniques, plasma-based processes ensure high level of controllability, good quality of the produced nanomaterials, and reduced environmental risk. In this work, the authors briefly review the unique features of the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition approaches, namely, the techniques based on inductively coupled, microwave, and arc discharges. Specifically, the authors consider the plasmas with the ion/electron density ranging from 10^10 to 10^14 cm−3, electron energy in the discharge up to ∼10 eV, and the operating pressure ranging from 1 to 10^4 Pa (up to 105 Pa for the atmospheric-pressure arc discharges). The operating frequencies of the discharges considered range from 460 kHz for the inductively coupled plasmas, and up to 2.45 GHz for the microwave plasmas. The features of the direct-current arc discharges are also examined. The authors also discuss the principles of operation of these systems, as well as the effects of the key plasma parameters on the conditions of nucleation and growth of the carbon nanostructures, mainly carbon nanotubes and graphene. Advantages and disadvantages of these plasma systems are considered. Future trends in the development of these plasma-based systems are also discussed.


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Three case studies are presented to show low-temperature plasma-specific effects in the solution of (i) effective control of nucleation and growth; (ii) environmental friendliness; and (iii) energy efficiency critical issues in semiconducting nanowire growth. The first case (related to (i) and (iii)) shows that in catalytic growth of Si nanowires, plasma-specific effects lead to a substantial increase in growth rates, decrease of the minimum nanowire thickness, and much faster nanowire nucleation at the same growth temperatures. For nucleation and growth of nanowires of the same thickness, much lower temperatures are required. In the second example (related to (ii)), we produce Si nanowire networks with controllable nanowire thickness, length, and area density without any catalyst or external supply of Si building material. This case is an environmentally-friendly alternative to the commonly used Si microfabrication based on a highly-toxic silane precursor gas. The third example is related to (iii) and demonstrates that ZnO nanowires can be synthesized in plasma-enhanced CVD at significantly lower process temperatures than in similar neutral gas-based processes and without compromising structural quality and performance of the nanowires. Our results are relevant to the development of next-generation nanoelectronic, optoelectronic, energy conversion and sensing devices based on semiconducting nanowires.


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Simple, rapid, catalyst-free synthesis of complex patterns of long, vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes, strictly confined within mechanically-written features on a Si(1 0 0) surface is reported. It is shown that dense arrays of the nanotubes can nucleate and fully fill the features when the low-temperature microwave plasma is in a direct contact with the surface. This eliminates additional nanofabrication steps and inevitable contact losses in applications associated with carbon nanotube patterns. Using metal catalyst has long been considered essential for the nucleation and growth of surface-supported carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [1] and [2]. Only very recently, the possibility of CNT growth using non-metallic (e.g., oxide [3] and SiC [4]) catalysts or artificially created carbon-enriched surface layers [5] has been demonstrated. However, successful integration of carbon nanostructures into Si-based nanodevice platforms requires catalyst-free growth, as the catalyst nanoparticles introduce contact losses, and their catalytic activity is very difficult to control during the growth [6]. Furthermore, in many applications in microfluidics, biological and molecular filters, electronic, sensor, and energy conversion nanodevices, the CNTs need to be arranged in specific complex patterns [7] and [8]. These patterns need to contain the basic features (e.g., lines and dots) written using simple procedures and fully filled with dense arrays of high-quality, straight, yet separated nanotubes. In this paper, we report on a completely metal or oxide catalyst-free plasma-based approach for the direct and rapid growth of dense arrays of long vertically-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes arranged into complex patterns made of various combinations of basic features on a Si(1 0 0) surface written using simple mechanical techniques. The process was conducted in a plasma environment [9] and [10] produced by a microwave discharge which typically generates the low-temperature plasmas at the discharge power below 1 kW [11]. Our process starts from mechanical writing (scribing) a pattern of arbitrary features on pre-treated Si(1 0 0) wafers. Before and after the mechanical feature writing, the Si(1 0 0) substrates were cleaned in an aqueous solution of hydrofluoric acid for 2 min to remove any possible contaminations (such as oil traces which could decompose to free carbon at elevated temperatures) from the substrate surface. A piece of another silicon wafer cleaned in the same way as the substrate, or a diamond scriber were used to produce the growth patterns by a simple arbitrary mechanical writing, i.e., by making linear scratches or dot punctures on the Si wafer surface. The results were the same in both cases, i.e., when scratching the surface by Si or a diamond scriber. The procedure for preparation of the substrates did not involve any possibility of external metallic contaminations on the substrate surface. After the preparation, the substrates were loaded into an ASTeX model 5200 chemical vapour deposition (CVD) reactor, which was very carefully conditioned to remove any residue contamination. The samples were heated to at least 800 °C to remove any oxide that could have formed during the sample loading [12]. After loading the substrates into the reactor chamber, N2 gas was supplied into the chamber at the pressure of 7 Torr to ignite and sustain the discharge at the total power of 200 W. Then, a mixture of CH4 and 60% of N2 gases were supplied at 20 Torr, and the discharge power was increased to 700 W (power density of approximately 1.49 W/cm3). During the process, the microwave plasma was in a direct contact with the substrate. During the plasma exposure, no external heating source was used, and the substrate temperature (∼850 °C) was maintained merely due to the plasma heating. The features were exposed to a microwave plasma for 3–5 min. A photograph of the reactor and the plasma discharge is shown in Fig. 1a and b.


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Graphene grown on metal catalysts with low carbon solubility is a highly competitive alternative to exfoliated and other forms of graphene, yet a single-layer, single-crystal structure remains a challenge because of the large number of randomly oriented nuclei that form grain boundaries when stitched together. A kinetic model of graphene nucleation and growth is developed to elucidate the effective controls of the graphene island density and surface coverage from the onset of nucleation to the full monolayer formation in low-pressure, low-temperature CVD. The model unprecedentedly involves the complete cycle of the elementary gas-phase and surface processes and shows a precise quantitative agreement with the recent low-energy electron diffraction measurements and also explains numerous parameter trends from a host of experimental reports. These agreements are demonstrated for a broad pressure range as well as different combinations of precursor gases and supporting catalysts. The critical role of hydrogen in controlling the graphene nucleation and monolayer formation is revealed and quantified. The model is generic and can be extended to even broader ranges of catalysts and precursor gases/pressures to enable the as yet elusive effective control of the crystalline structure and number of layers of graphene using the minimum amounts of matter and energy.


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Diverse morphologies of multidimensional hierarchical single-crystalline ZnO nanoarchitectures including nanoflowers, nanobelts, and nanowires are obtained by use of a simple thermal evaporation and vapour-phase transport deposition technique by placing Au-coated silicon substrates in different positions inside a furnace at process temperatures as low as 550 °C. The nucleation and growth of ZnO nanostructures are governed by the vapour–solid mechanism, as opposed to the commonly reported vapour–liquid–solid mechanism, when gold is used in the process. The morphological, structural, compositional and optical properties of the synthesized ZnO nanostructures can be effectively tailored by means of the experimental parameters, and these properties are closely related to the local growth temperature and gas-phase supersaturation at the sample position. In particular, room-temperature photoluminescence measurements reveal an intense near-band-edge ultraviolet emission at about 386 nm for nanobelts and nanoflowers, which suggests that these nanostructures are of sufficient quality for applications in, for example, optoelectronic devices.


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We report the catalyst-free synthesis of the arrays of core–shell, ultrathin, size-uniform SiC/AlSiC nanowires on the top of a periodic anodic aluminum oxide template. The nanowires were grown using an environmentally friendly, silane-free process by exposing the silicon supported porous alumina template to CH4 + H2 plasmas. High-resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopy studies revealed that the nanowires have a single-crystalline core with a diameter of about 10 nm and a thin (1–2 nm) amorphous AlSiC shell. Because of their remarkable length, high aspect ratio, and very high surface area-to-volume ratio, these unique structures are promising for nanoelectronic and nanophotonic applications that require efficient electron emission, light scattering, etc. A mechanism for nanowire growth is proposed based upon the reduction of the alumina template to nanosized metallic aluminum droplets forming between nanopores. The subsequent incorporation of silicon and carbon atoms from the plasma leads to nucleation and growth from the top of the alumina template.


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The possibility of effective control of morphology and electrical properties of self-organized graphene structures on plasma-exposed Si surfaces is demonstrated. The structures are vertically standing nanosheets and can be grown without any catalyst and any external heating upon direct contact with high-density inductively coupled plasmas at surface temperatures not exceeding 673–723 K. Study of nucleation and growth dynamics revealed the possibility to switch-over between the two most common (turnstile- and maze-like) morphologies on the same substrates by a simple change of the plasma parameters. This change leads to the continuous or discontinuous native oxide layer that supports self-organized patterns of small carbon nanoparticles on which the structures nucleate. It is shown that by tailoring the nanoparticle arrangement one can create various three-dimensional architectures and networks of graphene nanosheet structures. We also demonstrate effective control of the degree of graphitization of the graphene nanosheet structures from the initial through the final growth stages. This makes it possible to tune the electrical resistivity properties of the produced three-dimensional patterns/networks from strongly dielectric to semiconducting. Our results contribute to enabling direct integration of graphene structures into presently dominant Si-based nanofabrication platform for next-generation nanoelectronic, sensor, biomedical, and optoelectronic components and nanodevices.


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Multiscale, multiphase numerical modeling is used to explain the mechanisms of effective control of chirality distributions of single-walled carbon nanotubes in direct plasma growth and suggest effective approaches to further improvement. The model includes an unprecedented combination of the plasma sheath, ion/radical transport, species creation/loss, plasma–surface interaction, heat transfer, surface/bulk diffusion, graphene layer nucleation, and bending/lift-off modules. It is shown that the constructive interplay between the plasma and the Gibbs–Thomson effect can lead to the effective nucleation and lift-off of small graphene layers on small metal catalyst nanoparticles. As a result, much thinner nanotubes with narrower chirality distributions can nucleate at much lower process temperatures and pressures compared to thermal CVD. This approach is validated by a host of experimental results, substantially reduces the amounts of energy and atomic matter required for the nanotube growth, and can be extended to other nanoscale structures and materials systems, thereby nearing the ultimate goal of energy- and matter-efficient nanotechnology.


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Multiscale numerical modeling of the species balance and transport in the ionized gas phase and on the nanostructured solid surface complemented by the heat exchange model is used to demonstrate the possibility of minimizing the Gibbs-Thompson effect in low-temperature, low-pressure chemically active plasma-assisted growth of uniform arrays of very thin Si nanowires, impossible otherwise. It is shown that plasma-specific effects drastically shorten and decrease the dispersion of the incubation times for the nucleation of nanowires on non-uniform Au catalyst nanoparticle arrays. The fast nucleation makes it possible to avoid a common problem of small catalyst nanoparticle burying by amorphous silicon. These results explain a multitude of experimental observations on chemically active plasma-assisted Si nanowire growth and can be used for the synthesis of a range of inorganic nanowires for environmental, biomedical, energy conversion, and optoelectronic applications.


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The approach to control the elementary processes of plasma–surface interactions to direct the fluxes of energy and matter at nano- and subnanometer scales is introduced. This ability is related to the solution of the grand challenge of directing energy and matter at nanoscales and is critical for the renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies for a sustainable future development. The examples of deterministic synthesis of self-organized arrays of metastable nanostructures in the size range beyond the reach of the present-day nanofabrication are considered to illustrate this possibility. By using precisely controlled and kinetically fast nanoscale transfer of energy and matter under nonequilibrium conditions and harnessing numerous plasma-specific controls of species creation, delivery to the surface,nucleation, and large-scale self-organization of nuclei and nanostructures, the arrays of metastable nanostructures can be created, arranged, stabilized, and further processed to meet the specific requirements of the envisaged applications.


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An advanced combination of numerical models, including plasma sheath, ion- and radical-induced species creation and plasma heating effects on the surface and within a Au catalyst nanoparticle, is used to describe the catalyzed growth of Si nanowires in the sheath of a low-temperature and low-pressure plasma. These models have been used to explain the higher nanowire growth rates, low-energy barriers, much thinner Si nanowire nucleation and the less effective Gibbs–Thomson effect in reactive plasma processes, compared with those of neutral gas thermal processes. The effects of variation in the plasma sheath parameters and substrate potential on Si nanowire nucleation and growth have also been investigated. It is shown that increasing the plasma-related effects leads to decreases in the nucleation energy barrier and the critical nanoparticle radius, with the Gibbs–Thomson effect diminished, even at low temperatures. The results obtained are consistent with available experimental results and open a path toward the energy- and matter-efficient nucleation and growth of a broad range of one-dimensional quantum structures.


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Tailoring the density of random single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) networks is of paramount importance for various applications, yet it remains a major challenge due to the insufficient catalyst activation in most growth processes. Here we report on a simple and effective method to maximise the number of active catalyst nanoparticles using catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD). By modulating short pulses of acetylene into a methane-based CCVD growth process, the density of SWCNTs is dramatically increased by up to three orders of magnitude without increasing the catalyst density and degrading the nanotube quality. In the framework of a vapor-liquid-solid model, we attribute the enhanced growth to the high dissociation rate of acetylene at high temperatures at the nucleation stage, which can be effective in both supersaturating the larger catalyst nanoparticles and overcoming the nanotube nucleation energy barrier of the smaller catalyst nanoparticles. These results are highly relevant to numerous applications of random SWCNT networks in next-generation energy, sensing and biomedical devices. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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It is shown that the simultaneous saturation of Ni nanoparticles used as catalyst for vertically aligned carbon nanotube and nanocone arrays can be improved in low-temperature plasma- or ion-assisted processes compared with neutral gas-based routes. The results of hybrid multiscale numerical simulations of the catalyst nanoarrays (particle sizes of 2 and 10 nm) saturation with carbon show the possibility of reducing the difference in catalyst incubation times for smallest and largest catalyst particles by up to a factor of 2. This approach is generic and provides process conditions for simultaneous nucleation and growth of uniform arrays of vertically aligned nanostructures. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Deterministic synthesis of self-organized quantum dot arrays for renewable energy, biomedical, and optoelectronic applications requires control over adatom capture zones, which are presently mapped using unphysical geometric tessellation. In contrast, the proposed kinetic mapping is based on simulated two-dimensional adatom fluxes in the array and includes the effects of nucleation, dissolution, coalescence, and process parameters such as surface temperature and deposition rate. This approach is generic and can be used to control the nanoarray development in various practical applications. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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Nanophase nc-Si/a-SiC films that contain Si quantum dots (QDs) embedded in an amorphous SiC matrix were deposited on single-crystal silicon substrates using inductively coupled plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition from the reactive silane and methane precursor gases diluted with hydrogen at a substrate temperature of 200 °C. The effect of the hydrogen dilution ratio X (X is defined as the flow rate ratio of hydrogen-to-silane plus methane gases), ranging from 0 to 10.0, on the morphological, structural, and compositional properties of the deposited films, is extensively and systematically studied by scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Effective nanophase segregation at a low hydrogen dilution ratio of 4.0 leads to the formation of highly uniform Si QDs embedded in the amorphous SiC matrix. It is also shown that with the increase of X, the crystallinity degree and the crystallite size increase while the carbon content and the growth rate decrease. The obtained experimental results are explained in terms of the effect of hydrogen dilution on the nucleation and growth processes of the Si QDs in the high-density plasmas. These results are highly relevant to the development of next-generation photovoltaic solar cells, light-emitting diodes, thin-film transistors, and other applications.