herausgegeben von Ralf Regener
Bd.1 (1811)
T.1 (1899)
[1868-1870] (1871)
T.2 (1906)
Bd.2 (1811)
As part of a project to use the long-lived (T(1/2)=1200a) (166m)Ho as reference source in its reference ionisation chamber, IRA standardised a commercially acquired solution of this nuclide using the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence and 4pigamma (NaI) methods. The (166m)Ho solution supplied by Isotope Product Laboratories was measured to have about 5% Europium impurities (3% (154)Eu, 0.94% (152)Eu and 0.9% (155)Eu). Holmium had therefore to be separated from europium, and this was carried out by means of ion-exchange chromatography. The holmium fractions were collected without europium contamination: 162h long HPGe gamma measurements indicated no europium impurity (detection limits of 0.01% for (152)Eu and (154)Eu, and 0.03% for (155)Eu). The primary measurement of the purified (166m)Ho solution with the 4pi (PC) beta-gamma coincidence technique was carried out at three gamma energy settings: a window around the 184.4keV peak and gamma thresholds at 121.8 and 637.3keV. The results show very good self-consistency, and the activity concentration of the solution was evaluated to be 45.640+/-0.098kBq/g (0.21% with k=1). The activity concentration of this solution was also measured by integral counting with a well-type 5''x5'' NaI(Tl) detector and efficiencies computed by Monte Carlo simulations using the GEANT code. These measurements were mutually consistent, while the resulting weighted average of the 4pi NaI(Tl) method was found to agree within 0.15% with the result of the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence technique. An ampoule of this solution and the measured value of the concentration were submitted to the BIPM as a contribution to the Système International de Référence.
The aim of this study is to perform a thorough comparison of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) techniques and their dependence on the assumptions made. The compared methodologies were: two iterative single orientation methodologies minimizing the l2, l1TV norm of the prior knowledge of the edges of the object, one over-determined multiple orientation method (COSMOS) and anewly proposed modulated closed-form solution (MCF). The performance of these methods was compared using a numerical phantom and in-vivo high resolution (0.65mm isotropic) brain data acquired at 7T using a new coil combination method. For all QSM methods, the relevant regularization and prior-knowledge parameters were systematically changed in order to evaluate the optimal reconstruction in the presence and absence of a ground truth. Additionally, the QSM contrast was compared to conventional gradient recalled echo (GRE) magnitude and R2* maps obtained from the same dataset. The QSM reconstruction results of the single orientation methods show comparable performance. The MCF method has the highest correlation (corrMCF=0.95, r(2)MCF =0.97) with the state of the art method (COSMOS) with additional advantage of extreme fast computation time. The l-curve method gave the visually most satisfactory balance between reduction of streaking artifacts and over-regularization with the latter being overemphasized when the using the COSMOS susceptibility maps as ground-truth. R2* and susceptibility maps, when calculated from the same datasets, although based on distinct features of the data, have a comparable ability to distinguish deep gray matter structures.
Aquest article tracta el tema del “ne bis in idem” com a garantia processal penal del sistema interamericà de protecció dels drets humans. Tot fent referència als casos portats a la Cort Inteamericana de Drets Humans, s’hi presenten algunes consideracions que s’han tingut en compte a l’hora de flexibilitzar-ne el principi. Aquesta garantia es compara amb el sistema del “double jeopardy” de la common law. Així mateix, es compara també amb altres sistemes de protecció dels drets humans, com l’europeu, el del Tribunal Penal Internacional i el del Pacte de Drets Civils i Polítics de les Nacions Unides. Per concloure, es destaca la importància de l’harmonització de les garanties del procés penal en relació amb la discussió de conflictes jurisdiccionals. Aquest text és fruit de les reflexions debatudes Durand el curs de postgrau de la Facultat de Dret de la Universitat de São Paulo, “As Garantias do Processo Penal no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos”, 2008.
Este artículo trata el tema del ne bis in idem como garantía procesal penal dentro del sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos. Haciendo referencia a los casos llevados ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, se presentan algunas reflexiones que fueron tomadas en consideración para la flexibilización del principio. Esta garantía se compara con el sistema del “double jeopardy” de la common law. Asimismo, se compara también con otros sistemas de protección de los derechos humanos, como el europeo, el del Tribunal Penal Internacional y el del Pacto de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de las Naciones Unidas. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia de la armonización de garantías del proceso penal en la discusión de conflictos jurisdiccionales. Este texto es producto de las reflexiones debatidas en el curso de postgrado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de São Paulo, “As Garantias do Processo Penal no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos”, 2008.